• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,210 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

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Chapter V: Relearning

Twilight was just arriving at her house, she knew that Spike and Nyx would still be awhile, but she was glad to at least have Xaniel there for company. "Hello, Xaniel, are you there?...hello?" She said, opening the door. No response. She went downstairs to check up on him, but he wasn't there either. Something wasn't right, she checked upstairs and still no Xaniel.

Twilight was ready to flip out, there was no sign of Xaniel. Plus worst of all, she realized that he could've gone outside.

"Hey Twilight, are you in there? I'm back and done with Xaniel's ensemble."

She quickly ran to Rarity. "Rarity have you seen Xaniel? He's not in the library and I've search this whole place but I haven't seen no trace that he left... oh what am I going to do?"

Rarity put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder saying. "Now dear, lets not get too frightened here. Although it is bad that he has left the premise, we can't just panic and run around screaming to the top of our lungs here." Rarity said, hoping to sound calm.

"I know but what should we do? I mean if any other pony finds him there gonna freak and contact the guard, then they'll take him away and I won't get to learn anymore from him and-" Rarity put a hoof to Twilight's mouth.

"Yes dear I know, but right now the best thing to do is to start searching, but quietly so we don't call any attention to ourselves." Rarity added with a whisper.

Twilight nodded and ran out the door, leaving Rarity to put down Xaniel's newly refurbished cloak on a hanger and ran out the door. They searched around the Library and a few blocks into town. Twilight flew up above the library and looked farther from the tree when she heard a scream, coming from the EverFree Forest. It was faint but she knew who's scream that was.

"Rarity I heard Fluttershy, come on! It sounds like she's in trouble!" They both hurried towards the origin of Fluttershy's scream. Hoping that she was all right.


Xaniel had Fluttershy behind him, shivering in fear, with him trying to figure out what to do. "Hey Fluttershy, I got a plan, when I give the signal I'm gonna throw some rocks at those wolves there and have them follow me. Then once you see me gone with the wolves chasing me, take off."

"But what about you?" She said, worryingly.

"Don't worry I'll be fine, its not like I can't handle a few dogs." He wasn't so sure about that himself. Seeing that these weren't any ordinary wolves. But he had to do something.

They got ever so closer, but before they got within ten feet, Xaniel ran for some rocks and threw them at the timberwolves. "Hey, you why don't you come get me you stupid wolves?!" He ran off after the rocks made contact.

The three wolves, being hit by the rocks turned their attention to the alienish creature that they saw running away. It stood taller then them but they weren't deterred and soon took chase after the fleeing creature. Giving Fluttershy the chance to run the other way.

Xaniel had to admit to himself that this wasn't such a good plan, after seeing the ground that these wolves were gaining. He had to think fast. He then saw a branch looming in front of him. He reached for it and held it in place before letting it go and slamming into one of the timberwolves, disintegrating it to pieces. But the other two kept coming, closer and closer.

Xaniel tripped on a root and fell down a hill, quickly regaining his balance and taking off again before the two Timberwolves had time to catch up. But one disintegrated as it tripped on a rock and smashed into the ground below it.

The only one remaining growled in anger as it saw each one of its brothers go down, running faster to catch this nuisance of a meal. Xaniel couldn't see any other object to use so he kept running. 'I hope this thing gives up here soon, or else I'm done for'.


Twilight and Rarity had reached only a few feet into the forest before they came upon Fluttershy running towards them, crying in fear.

"Fluttershy what's wrong? Are you alright? Did you see Xaniel while you were out?" Twilight asked, reaching down and putting her hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.

Fluttershy lifted her head, but when she spoke it was very panicky and tired. "X-Xaniel's in there s-somewhere still, being c-chased by timberwolves."

Twilight and Rarity casted nervous glances to each other. Then Twilight asked the other question. " What do you mean he was with you? Why isn't he here anymore?"

" Xaniel thought i-it was alright if he c-could help me, s-since you were gone. Then t-the timberwolves showed up. It was h-his plan to split up, he lured t-them away, but I-I don't know if he's okay or n-not." Fluttershy said, putting her head to the ground, crying.

"Okay Rarity, let's split up, you head that way I'll-"She paused as she saw Xaniel at the edge of a rock wall below them, backing up to the wall, with the timberwolf a few feet away from him. "Xaniel, hold up we'll help you, just hold on for a moment."

He looked back up and said. "Don't worry, I'm alright, I can handle this."

"But that timberwolf is right there don't be dumb just hold on for a second."

She tried levitating him, but nothing came. "What's going on? I can't use my magic, oh this is bad really bad." Whatever was causing this made everything worse.

All three ponies looked over the edge in terror, about to see Xaniel get torn to pieces.


Xaniel was trying to think of a way out but there was nowhere to go. 'Huh, figures, you get one idea in your head Xaniel and boom, here you are trapped by a timberwolf.' He may have been no fighter, but he sure wasn't gonna go down quiet.

The timber Wolf leaped at him, trying to bite at anything it could. Xaniel was prepared and ducked just in time, before it got him. He grabbed it by the foreleg and threw the timberwolf only a few feet back, but not without a scratch. Just before he threw it, one of its claws scored a hit to his left side. He gasped in pain as he reached for his left side.

The timberwolf grinned, happy it was able to wound its prey. Xaniel suddenly felt something in his right hand.

A weapon of some sorts materialized, not knowing what it was, he grabbed hold of it to inspect it closely. It was a staff like weapon, that had two blades sticking out at the end. It's color mainly held a dark purple for the entirety of the weapon, but had four small glowing silver lines coming out from the middle and onto the sides of the staff. The blades edges had a icy blue color showing off the sheen and reflective surface.

Twilight and the other two gasped on in awe as this weapon just appeared from thin air, and into the waiting hands of Xaniel. The timberwolf was nervous about this new weapon that just came out of nowhere, but was undeterred from its main goal. It launched itself at Xaniel again, hoping to end this fight quickly.

Xaniel wasn't prepared for it's leap and put his hand out in front of him. Light flashed before his eyes and all was darkness. A memory appeared along with the images of this weapon being used by another person. Then a voice entered his mind.

"Organization Member Number XV, Xaniel, The Forgotten Being"

Then everything came back to him. His hand as if it had a mind of it's own caught the timberwolf at the throat and held it there. Quick flashes entered his mind, showing a new person he saw using this weapon. Then something in his mind clicked and he felt something come together. He threw the wolf away again, only this time farther than before. He went into a stance having his hand out forward and his newly founded weapon behind him.

Something felt different, he knew what he was doing with this weapon but how so? None of that mattered now as the timberwolf came back for more. This time Xaniel was truly prepared. The beast tried the leap one more time, but hit the rock wall as Xaniel rolled out of the way. He came up and hit the wolf with a flurry of strikes, hitting it's sides mostly with the blades of his weapon.

The wolf faltered only for a brief second, as it tried to swipe him with its claws. Xaniel leaped back and hit it upside the head with one of the ends, following up with a quick slash to the forelegs and to its chest.

The wolf was all cut up now, marks showing everywhere along its wooden structure. Before it could get away, Xaniel took it by the throat and threw it up in the air. He then jumped up after it and landed a number of strikes before it burst into fragments. He fell back to the Earth with the weapon sticking out to one side, his left arm staying close to his side.

He stood up and cast his weapon away. But didn't get far before falling to the ground and passing out.


"Twilight, did you just see that?" Rarity said, pointing with her hoof to over where Xaniel stood. Shocked by the performance he had just shown. All three ponies were staring in awe at Xaniel's fight with the timberwolf. They had never seen anything fight like that before and it scared them.

"I don't know Rarity, from what we all saw, Xaniel seems more than helpless." They watch him walk away but, he grabbed a hold of his side and then collapsed onto the ground.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy said as she flew down to tend to him. Twilight was finally able to cast a teleport spell that sent her and Rarity down to help. They got to the unconscious body of Xaniel and flipped him over only to see that his right hand was covering his left side. They moved it and saw the problem. A scratch that hit deep, his hand covered in blood and the wound still leaking with the horrible red liquid.

"Oh, this is bad, quick Fluttershy, find something to bind that wound, Rarity you go help her." Twilight said, pointing into the tree's around them. Both ponies hastily ran to the trees, trying to find something that would work. Twilight meanwhile stayed behind, putting her hooves against the wound, hoping the pressure would at least stop the flow of blood coming out.

Twilight has seen blood before, she had been hurt in the process of Nyx's creation, she knew it came out of all creatures, but seeing it now and feeling it against her hooves didn't make her feel any better. In fact it frightened her, seeing this stuff come out of Xaniel, she didn't know that even a new creature like him had blood as well.

Fluttershy and Rarity came back with some vines wrapped around them. "Okay good. Fluttershy I want you to start wrapping those around the wound." Fluttershy obeyed quickly and began tying the vines around the cut.

"Rarity, I need you to go back and get some medical supplies, this cut is very bad so we need to make sure infection doesn't get in." Rarity then took off into the direction of the town, leaving the other two to help Xaniel. "Okay Fluttershy, I need your help with carrying him, if you can get to his front and carry him on your back, I'll get the other half on mine."

They wasted no time in securing him safely onto their backs and began to walk towards the Library. Twilight knew that she could levitate him, but considering his size to the rest of her friends, he was quite heavy and it drained her of energy quickly. It took them some time but they reached the door and closed it. Rarity had a bag with the medical supplies and set it down alongside Xaniel on the floor as they began their work.

"Okay girls, we need to do this quick but gently, who knows how much blood he's lost." Both nodded and they began their delicate work on Xaniel. Fluttershy gently untied the vines wrapped around the wound, as doing so the slow trickle of blood came back, but not as fiercely as before. Twilight took out a liquid container, seeming to contain something that resembled alcohol.

"This should hopefully stop any infection that's trying to get inside him." She poured it on the cut, only getting minor flinching from Xaniel.

Rarity then weaved the bandage around the cut softly, soon after three rotations the cut has been hidden under the bandage. Everything was fine now, Xaniel was returned, no one saw him and they mended his wound.

"Phew, that was just too close, thank you two for helping me out."

"It was our pleasure darling, but I must say, we should be going, it's been a rough night and we all need to rest, plus a bath would do nice in getting rid of all this...stuff." Rarity said, pointing to the red stains that she and the others had on there coats. She took off, with Fluttershy following behind saying her goodbyes to Twilight.

Twilight then levitated Xaniel into the air and took him to his bed downstairs. She laid him down and checked on the wound again. The bandage has a dark red color to it, but it wasn't bad, for it only soaked through two of the layers.

She then saw that his body type was very different theirs. His stomach and chest were a sort of light tan in color. Same thing was there's no hair anywhere on the side she looked at. Twilight double checked the wound and left the room, very exhausted from the night of panic. She would have a few questions for him when he woke up. But in the meantime, she would have to rinse off all of this blood.


The figure, walked into a room, it was completely white, with thirteen chairs, each having an emblem that decorated the top of each one, all forming a circle around him. There were three others, sitting on some of the chairs in the room. The figure on the highest chair greeted the figure walking into the room.

"Ah, so you have returned, what did you find on your little expedition?" He was a old man, his clothing had colors of red, black and white. He was bald but had a goatee on his chin.

"The presence that we felt is weak, but it seems that he has retained his weapon. Other than that, he is of no concern to us." Replied the figure down below.

"Still, so long as he stay's the course, we won't have to worry about him." Said one of the three. He had light blue hair that ran down to the top of his back, a scar that showed above his nose and in between his eyes. "So long as we get Kingdom Hearts' power, there's nothing else to worry about."

"As if, we lost Sora after Axel came in ruining everything,now we have a new Nobody on the loose. So old Coot, what should we do about this new Nobody?" Asked the other, his hair black with a few gray streaks that went into a ponytail. His Right eye covered from an injury long ago, with a scar that showed up under his left eye. "I mean, it's not like he's a cut above of the usual Dusks."

"All in good time, but we don't need to worry about the others let them play their game, it doesn't matter so long as they continue towards the right path." Then he looked towards the one at the bottom.

"However, this new Nobody is quite interesting, he could make a perfect new vessel for me, but I wouldn't rather do it to someone like him, he's not worth the effort with the power he has. I say that since he is of no use to us, we shall dispose of him." He announces to the three. "Make sure the job gets done, it should be easy enough."

Then all three except for the one at the top were enveloped into darkness, disappearing from the room. Leaving the old man who contemplated about his real goal. "Soon everything will fall into place, leaving the power of that world to fade away into the darkness."


Xaniel found himself in his room again, a feeling of confusion swept over him. 'How did I get back?' A sudden pain to his left side told him everything else. It hurt, he admitted that, but wondering how it got there, really stumped him.

"So your awake I see." A voice made him turn to his right side. Twilight was standing only a few feet away from him. She walked towards him then saying another thing. He tried to say something but she raised her hoof to stop him. "Don't say a word, I got a few questions in mind for you, first of all why did you just run off like that, you know you could've been spotted by somepony else, imagine the disaster that would've ensued."

She didn't let him respond before asking another question. "Also why did you go with Fluttershy, she could handle her work, I don't want to be mean about this but you were seriously hurt yesterday, what if that Timberwolf did more than just scratch you huh?" Her barrage still continued. "But another thing? What was that weapon that you summoned, and then all those little tricks that you pulled off, where did all of that come from?"

Xaniel finally got a word in edgwise. "Okay, didn't expect that but first off, I thought it would have been better to help Fluttershy out, considering that she looked like she needed help. I couldn't just say no."

"Well what if somepony saw you, what would you do then?"

"I don't know but I would at least try to do something and second of all. I don't know where that weapon came from, a memory just appeared giving me the know how of what I would need to do with this weapon that appeared."

As if on command, the Staff like Katar weapon appeared in his hands, he looked at it again seeing something he didn't notice before. There were markings, that resembled his arrow like symbols that he wore. What could this possibly mean. He looked over to Twilight. She was eyeing the weapon very closely. "You know, if you wanted to see my weapon, all you have to do is ask." Xaniel said, extending it out to her.

She looked at him and blushed. "Oh, yeah your right."

She levitated the staff out of his possession and took it to the table. She set it down and took a few instruments, first she experimented with a with a tool that resembled a hook like object. Twilight then began scraping away at the metal of the staff. Whatever it was, it didn't resemble any metal that she knew of and there were no scratch marks, indicating that it was a very strong metal.

"Wow, this thing is really resilient, nothing seems to scratch it." She took a look at the blades of each side, grabbing the nearest thing to her, a piece of cloth, she put it against the blade and it ripped with ease. "That's really sharp, no wonder you beat that timberwolf so easily."

Then the four glowing silver lines attracted her attention, she grazed her hoof along the lines until she got to the center. She pushed a button down by accident and the staff separated, leaving two swords before her. "Ahh, what did I do?"

Another memory burst into Xaniel's mind, he saw the same person again from before, but he pressed the button where the four silver lines met at the center and the same thing happened that he saw just now. He rose out of the bed and walked over to Twilight, but slowly, still hurting from the pain. "I'm sorry Xaniel I didn't mean to-"

"No, its alright, it's supposed to do that." He said pointing to the buttons now located at the hilt of both weapons. "This weapon, from my memories was built to form different kinds of tools or forms."

"Wow, that's really complex for a simple looking weapon like this." Twilight said, amazed at the technological advancement of the humans.

Xaniel grabbed the weapon again and clicked the buttons on the bottom of each hilt. They both extended another blade out where the button used to be. He gave them a few experimental swings and notices two more buttons on the top and bottom of the handles. He pressed them and two more blades came out, forming a plus sign weapon, he swung them around, noticing that they moved faster.

"How many times can your weapon change to something else?"

He looked at her and then the weapon. "I don't really know." This was the first time he was ever able to summon a weapon let alone figure out how to use it. He didn't see any other buttons appear so he fused the two separate parts back together and dispelled the weapon.

"Well this is another report that should be good for the princesses, a weapon that can be changed into any shape, although I don't know how we'll be able to recreate this type of technology, but that point and time will come sooner or later."

She looked at him and said. "Sorry about getting mad like that, its just trying to keep you a secret is really tough without some minor problems creating bad situations like this."

He smiled and said. "I know, being a new creature in such a strange world is not easy either, plus I'm sorry about running off like that, if it makes you feel any better, I'll wait for you to get back before I do something like that again."

She smiled back, then headed upstairs, leaving Xaniel to his thoughts. 'You know, everything that's happened so far may not be quite what I imagined for being in a alien world but I wouldn't have it any other way.'


Three dark portals formed in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Then the three Organization members came out, looking at there surroundings. Everything was peaceful feeling, which didn't bode well for them. But soon this world would fall to the darkness like the rest of them. All three of them had the same goal in mind, finding the new nobody and destroying him, permanently.

Author's Note:

So there you have it, Chapter V has been completed, although it's a little shorter than IV, the others hopefully should be longer. Anyway, what will happen to Xaniel, shall he be destroyed, or can he defeat these three. I'm Epsilon and I'll be seeing yah around.

Edited by Mekapix

P.S. I know there's some blood in this part, but if any of you have ever read the Warrior Cats Series, you would know that for there docile nature, blood can be spilled. So there will be a few parts with blood, but that's all. I'm not making it graphic either, so don't worry.