• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,210 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

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Chapter VI: A New Threat

Just a quick note...this chapter will be done without my editor. He's behind on some of stuff so I'm going to help him out by posting this chapter and giving him a week to catch up on stuff at the Uni work. That's all I really had to say so enjoy the story.


A day after the battle with the timberwolf, Xaniel had recovered slightly. His wound was feeling better but it still nagged at him from time to time if he did something wrong.

Fluttershy showed up and went to see how he was doing. She blamed herself for getting Xaniel into this predicament. Not to mention getting him hurt in the process. But he and Twilight talked to her about it, saying that it was an honest mistake and that she shouldn't feel so bad about it.

Besides, Xaniel took the blame for it too. Twilight knew that Fluttershy would take this badly but having the support of her and Xaniel, she got over it quickly.

Xaniel woke up that morning. Feeling great after resting up. He was reminded of his annoying wound but it didn't bug him too much now. He got up and headed upstairs. As he entered the room, Twilight was reading a letter. Her eyes full of concern.

"Hey Twilight. What yah reading?" He said pointing to the note.

"Oh its just news. Princess Celestia asked if I could come straighten a few things out." She looked back at the letter. "Apparently some of the Griffon officials are getting a little too tense with ponies coming too close to their border."

Xaniel remembered what Griffons were but never would he imagine that there was actual live ones. Twilight continued on without giving him a chance to ask. "So Celestia has asked me to come help her with a national convention here so we can straighten things out with them."

He was about to ask if he could come along, but Twilight must've read his mind. "And no, your not coming along. We don't need to risk exposing you to the griffons. Otherwise they'll think were up to something."

Xaniel thought about the question more carefully before he asked. With a sly grin he reformulated it. "Oh okay, but how about I just walk with you guys till we reach the end of the Everfree Forest?"

Twilight thought about it carefully, then Xaniel continued. "I know it's important to keep me a secret and believe me, I don't like being out in public either. But it gets so boring in this library. Plus I can't read your language that you write in so that defeats the purpose of reading any books."

"Alright Xaniel. You can come along. But just until we reach that point." She said, giving him a playful glare. He smiled in return.

A couple hours passed and Twilight gathered up the other six. They would help keep a lookout in case of any trouble that might occur.

"Oh this is gonna be great. We get to see some Griffons, help Twilight out and even see Phillydelphia. But most importantly and the exact reason it's important for such a super top secret mission, is that we get to have free deserts!" Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up and down while walking along with the others.

A letter had promised them all that there would be a dining area full of food that was prepared for the meetings. Plus free deserts were prepared as well.

"Yes Pinkie, its good that everyone here gets to help Twilight out. That bit with the deserts part doesn't really seem too important, but nevertheless, it will be wonderful to see Phillydelphia." Rarity said, walking alongside Twilight.

Yes it was important that this meeting went well, but Xaniel wasn't so sure how he should be traveling. Twilight found a spell that would allow him to go out in public, but it wasn't the most pleasant of ways. "Okay...I can agree with this whole hiding idea, but seriously turning me into a cat. Why couldn't I be a dog or even a bird?"

"Well Xaniel, you did want to travel with us so this is the only way I could think of. Besides no one will notice or suspect a cat, so long as he keeps quiet then everything should be fine."

He face palmed, wishing he stayed back at the Library. It wasn't long before they reached the train station and got a ride to Canterlot. On the way Twilight remembered that Princess Cadence and her brother Shining Armor were coming along as well. The only problem was how to tell them about Xaniel.

They were the only ones who weren't told about his appearance in Equestria, so their reactions may not be full of surprise or glee. But hopefully they would warm up to him. Xaniel's personality was friendly, in many way's he was kind, easy to talk to, but the only downside would be trying to introduce him, knowing that he was shy.

They got to Canterlot and with a few more minutes that passed by, they made it to the castle. The guards opened the door and the first ponies that see them were exactly the two she was thinking about. They saw the group and walked towards them. Twilight walked up to Cadence and did their little greeting. "Sunshine, Sunshine, Lady Bugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake." Both said in unison, giggling afterwards.

Shining Armor came over after waiting for Cadence and Twilight. "Hey there Twily, good to see that your helping us with this meeting. I like knowing that your helping us make everything better." She blushed at his praise answering back. "Oh it's nothing. Besides this wouldn't be even possible if it weren't for Princess Celestia. "She said smiling back.

Then Cadence and Shining looked at the cat that was hiding in her bag. "Oh hey, I didn't know you got a cat." Cadence said,

Xaniel froze and looked back. Gulping in some air. "Oh him, he's new. I saw him and thought I should help him out. You see I-"

She didn't get another word in before Xaniel jumped out of the bag. A light illuminating around him. Before long the light died around him and he had turned back into his original self. The spell that Twilight had casted upon him seemed to have wore out quicker than expected.

He sat on the floor, staring around wildly. Then he noticed Cadence and Shining staring at him. He sighed. "Aww, nuts."

Twilight was in panic mode right now. Xaniel had transformed back into a human. Plus now seeing her brother and Cadence's faces filled with shock. "Um Twilight. What is this thing?" Cadence said with a tone of alarm coming from her voice.

Twilight looked to her. "Well, you see, uhh, he's a...oh how should I say this. He's a new creature that I found."

Shining then spoke up. "Twilight when were you gonna tell us that you have a alien creature roaming around Equestria? This thing could be dangerous for all we know."

She replied back. Annoyed with his reaction. "Well excuse me for trying to keep him a secret. Oh and he's not dangerous, he practically saved Fluttershy's life when they came face to face with timberwolves. Sure he has a weapon that's really advanced but it's nothing more than a simple staff."

"Wait what weapon? Does he have it on him right now?" Shining asked.

Xaniel then stood up. "Well not exactly. You see it's not in my possession right now, but if you want I could get it?"

With out another word. Xaniel held out his hand and the weapon appeared. He grabbed it and put it to his side. Both Shining and Cadence were amazed at what they saw.

"You just...summoned that without even needing a horn?" Cadence said. Shocked by Xaniel's abilities. As far as everyone knew, Xaniel had a form of magic that no one else knew about. Those who didn't witness the fight and seeing Xaniel summon the weapon for the first time was quite a shock to everyone.

Shining asked. "How did you do that? I mean without any type of place where you can expel magic. It's almost impossible to do."

Xaniel then looked back down to his weapon. "I actually have no idea. I just learned how to materialize this weapon yesterday."

Everyone stared in surprise. How and when could a being like this be able to do something that a regular unicorn would have such a hard time with.

"Well that's half of it. Would you like to see how we Humans fight?" He said. Smiling at the same time.

Everyone looked to each other. No one was so sure they wanted to witness his fighting ability, but their curiosity got the better of them so they all nodded.

Cadence escorted him to the courtyard, where many of the guards watched as this new creature walked into the middle of the square opening. Even Princesses Luna and Celestia stood out their balcony. Taking interest into what was unfolding down below.

Xaniel wasn't so comfortable with everyone watching him all at once, but since he had his weapon out and promised everyone here a show. He might as well show them what he could do.

"I do have to ask that everyone here get back or out of the courtyard. What I'm about to do is highly dangerous." He announced loud enough for everyone to hear.

No one mistook his warning and got out of the courtyard. Everyone positioned themselves up along the walkway's of the walls.

With everyone out of harms way, he began his little dance. His first few moves were swinging the staff around, in a slow but beautiful way. They were some basic moves but enough to get the crowd of guards and his friends interested. Then as if on a silent command, he swung the staff around faster. The whooshing noise became louder, filling the whole courtyard.

He pressed the first button and the staff came apart, showing the two swords that he and Twilight saw the first time. They were launched into the air and he jumped after them. Catching the two blades in mid air. They were surprised to see him jump so high considering his size. Then when he landed, Xaniel swung the swords around. Creating that whirring noise that became louder than before.

His style changed and new tricks started to show. But what was even more stunning was that there was a icy blue like light that moved with the blade. It bended and showed where the blade used to be.

All of this skill was all but too familiar to the three that saw him fight the timberwolf. His skill with this weapon was just astounding. No pony they knew could match the skill that Xaniel was showing off and even some of the guards were scared by the skill that Xaniel had. "Twilight, are you sure he's safe to be around? Seeing all this is amazing, but what if he were to turn that against us?" Shining Armor asked.

Twilight looked at him with a annoyed glance. "Oh sure he's just going to turn evil like that. You don't have to worry Shining Armor, he's fine."

Xaniel heard what was going on up there but didn't mind. He knew that being a new creature had it's downsides. But he still kept going. Princess Celestia was completely shocked by the power and skill Xaniel had, but his power felt like it was growing. Not too fast but he was gaining energy from performing with his alienish weapon.

Then Xaniel jumped up into the air, only to show off his next trick that he learned yesterday. He pushed a button near the blade on each sword and then threw them down, having a chain attached to both swords that hit the ground. Creating holes in each impact zone that the swords hit.

Xaniel pulled himself forward using the chains from the swords, yanking out the blades from the ground. He landed it and continued his whirlwind of swings, but being careful this time for he doesn't want to hit himself with these weapons. Everyone was amazed. From the staff to the two swords and now these chain like weapons.

Xaniel retracted the chains back into the two swords. He pressed two more buttons that turned it into the plus sign weapon. The whirring noise was louder than ever, attracting even a few guards away from the courtyard. "Sister? I knew he was an alien to us before and that we didn't understand his abilities. But this is just amazing. No pony has ever seen something fight like this before." Luna said. Her eyes wide with astonishment.

That's what Celestia was worried about. Over the centuries, pony kind had barely fought any wars with another country. She had seen quite a few different styles of fighting in her time and even some unicorn magic had impressed her. But Xaniel was on a whole new level that defied everything they knew.

Xaniel then did his last trick, spinning around in the air. He jumped and twirled his body, but his wound didn't like what he was doing and the nerves inside acted up. Hurting him in the process. He gasped in pain, dispelling the two weapons and falling back to the ground on his back.

Everyone gasped in horror, seeing Xaniel go from being happy to moaning in pain. The Mane Six were there first before anyone else, helping Xaniel back up. "Ahh, that hurts so much."

"Wait, did we miss anything important?" Shining Armor said. Very confused why Xaniel was on the ground in pain.

Twilight forgot to mention the whole thing with the rest of the group, or even report about the incident with Princess Celestia. 'I've been forgetting a lot of things lately. Hope it doesn't become a habit.'

"Well...I forgot to tell you all that a couple of nights ago, Xaniel had gone up against some timberwolves and got himself hurt in the process of trying to protect Fluttershy, ah heh heh." She said. Nervously glancing around at the others.

She then told the rest of the story of how they brought him back to the Library and patched him up. The weapon as they saw worried some of them, knowing now how deadly it was in the hands of Xaniel.

"So Xaniel's a human who just fell out of the sky, but he helped you out?" Shining Armor asked.

"Basically in a nut shell." Twilight concluded. Everyone had a more sensible idea of how Xaniel came to this world. But even knowing now of how he came here. It didn't answer anything. Just raise more questions.

"Wait? So let me git this straight. You came down from the sky, yet yah don't have any memory of how yah got here in the first place?" Applejack asked.

Xaniel nodded his head. "I don't have any memory of my past, nor it seems to be a memory of anything for that matter."

"Then how do you suddenly start getting memories that aren't your own?" Celestia asked.

"I don't know. All of this is just as confusing for me as it is for everyone else. I don't even know why all of this is happening either and for what reason. But I assure you that none of it is that dangerous. So far I've only remembered people that I feel like were my friends once."

"What do you mean by 'once'?" Rainbow asked.

"That's just what I mean. I don't know if I was somewhere else before I came here and I don't know what happened to me that got me sent here. It's just all so...concerning."

Twilight then walked over to him. Don't worry Xaniel, well help you with all of this."

Celestia then walked to the middle of the group. "Now I do believe it is time we headed out here everypony. We are all needed at the meeting." Celestia said. With that they walked from the courtyard and headed on out to the place where the national meeting would start.


The three members were heading off, looking for the new member and hoping to end this quickly. "Uhh this world is just so boring and it's just way too peaceful. It really makes me want to barf." The first figure said.

"Don't worry about this world. Just find the nobody and exterminate him." The third figure said.

With that they continued on walking through the Everfree...looking for Xaniel. Ready to end him and his existence.

It had gotten dark by the time everyone reached Ponyville. They still had a long way to go before they reached the national meeting, but instead of just simply teleporting over there, they walked together. Getting to know Xaniel better before they reached the end of the Everfree.

"So Xaniel...are you really the only of your kind here?" Celestia asked.

"As far as I know...yeah. But I don't really like talking about it." He said. Looking at the ground.

Everyone turned to him, seeing that was a very bad question to be asking him. He looked back up and saw the worry in their expressions. "No...don't worry about it. I don't mind some of these questions." Xaniel said.

"So what's the human race like?" Shining asked.

"Well I'd say about the same as you, but were not so peaceful like you guys."

"What do you mean by that?" Luna asked. Everyone wondered what made the human race so different from them.

"It's just that...we humans don't tend to get along very well with each other sometimes. We just argue over the simplest things."

"Oh don't worry about that darling, the same goes for us as well. You see? We don't seem so different from your race at all actually." Rarity said.

Xaniel smiled at her suggestion, he knew saw a few examples of the human race from time to time here. Maybe things weren't really so different after all. Or maybe he was just kidding himself by thinking that.

They continued on in silence before reaching the end. "Well Xaniel, we should hopefully see you by tomorrow night. Just please try to be careful?" Twilight said.

He nodded and watched them go. They finally reached the other side of the hill before he turned around and walked away. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw something move. It was too quick so he couldn't really make out what moved. He walked towards where it was last and followed a trail he found.

He walked deeper into the Everfree Forest, hoping to discover what he saw. He accidentally tripped on a stump, falling over and rolling into a open field. Then he heard a voice. "Woopsie daisy, it seems like someone had a little trip."

He quickly got up to see another being. It was human. He had a patch over his eye had two gun like weapons, one in each hand. The voice he heard sounded very sarcastic. "It took a while to find you but here we are. Hope you don't mind our hospitality. We really are surprised to find another being like yourself wandering around in a pathetic world like this."

Xaniel just kept staring, his thoughts were filled with questions. 'Who is he? I know this is the first human I've really met, but this guy is a big jerk.' "Who are you?!"

The man stared back. A sly grin forming on his face. "I'd be incline to tell you. But first how about you tell me who you are?"

Xaniel gathered up his thoughts quickly. "Xaniel. The names Xaniel."

The figure laughed. "So it's true then. You really are a Organization Thirteen Member. Well the names Xigbar, nice to meet yah. Too bad it won't be for long." Xigbar readied his weapons. Twirling the gun in his left hand and pointing it to the ground and putting the other on his shoulder.

Xaniel doing the same by twirling the staff around and putting it on his right side. "Too bad were doing this. The old coot did have plans for you, but it seems your just not that strong enough for the job."

Whatever Xaniel was feeling, it wasn't good. Xaniel ran at Xigbar and tried to hit him but he teleported away. Xaniel then tried to run at him again, but Xigbar did the same thing. Only this time he fired upon Xaniel after reappearing.

He kept his distance and relentlessly kept firing upon Xaniel before having to reload. Xaniel didn't know how to keep up with him. Every time he got even within a foot from him. Xigbar just teleported away.

But then he remembered his chains. He clicked the buttons and they extended out the two chains that came out of both swords.

He swung them around and around before swinging one of the blades at Xigbar while he was reloading.

The blade scored hits across his chest sending him stumbling backwards. Xaniel then swung the other one. Wrapping the other chain around him. Bringing Xigbar flying towards him.

He twirled his right chain and struck at him but he teleported away before the blade made impact on him. Sending it flying into a tree. "Whoa. Almost had me there Xaniel, but I'm not gonna make it that easy."

He charged up his two weapons. A blue glow emanating from them. "Take This!" He fired his weapons and a giant blue arrow with black markings shot straight out. Heading right towards Xaniel.

He pulled his chain out from the tree and rolled to to the side but it reflected like it hit something and bounced towards Xaniel, hitting his right side.

It came around again and hit Xaniel on his bad side. It really hurt which angered him. Turning his chains back to the two swords, he struck it away from him. Sending it back at Xigbar who wasn't expecting it.

It hit him square in the chest making Xigbar stumble backwards. He looked back at Xaniel with a sly grin on his face. "Clever little Sneak."

Xaniel pushed the button that went back to his chains again but was hit from the side by something else. He turned around and saw another being wearing the same cloak as Xigbar. This one had blue hair and a scar above his nose and in between his eyes.

The weapon he carried looked sinister and he couldn't tell what it was. "That's enough fooling around Xigbar. We came here to finish him off, not toy with him."

Xigbar looked over with a sarcastic hurt smile. "Ahh. Come on Saix? Can't I just have fun with the little guy? Besides he's not really all that tough."

Saix then looked over to Xaniel. "You may be a Nobody, but you still don't deserve to walk amongst the living." He swung around his claymore and held it in position. Having it face away from Xaniel.

He then looked to his right and noticed that Xigbar was getting ready to fight again. He now had two people to fight, but couldn't decide which was the more dangerous. Saix then charged him and swung his claymore at him. Xaniel thought it might be easier to handle him.

So he took his weapon and pulled back the chains, forming the swords. He blocked Saix's attack, but realized the power he had with this weapon was just too much.

Saix pushed Xaniel back with great force sending him tumbling across the ground. Before he could get up, Xigbar fired a rapid burst at him. Hitting his chest and knocking him on his butt.

Saix ran at him again, only this time slamming the ground with his weapon that created a wave of energy.

Xaniel jumped out of the way in time and gave Saix a quick whirlwind of slashes that knocked him forward. But not far enough before Saix threw his weapon at him, yelling. "Move aside!" It struck Xaniel square in the chest and again got sent far back.

Then he was hit from behind and sent face first into the ground. He slowly got up and saw a third person standing there. He couldn't see his face for it was hidden behind his hood. "Xaniel. How do you hope to accomplish anything, when you can barely fight back? Just surrender and we will promise you an eternal and peaceful sleep."

Xaniel, then had a memory flash before him. A new memory that showed him some sort of new trick. Xaniel got up and a power resonated from within himself.

Showing a forest green aura, he held his weapon out and it began to resonate the same glow. His forest green eyes also glowing from the sudden burst of power.

Xaniel then charged the figure. The mysterious person was ready, but Xaniel disappeared and reappeared above him only a few inches away from the figure and delivered a very fast combo of strikes, instantly switching from his swords to his cross weapons that hit the figure everywhere on the chest and sent him flying back.

The figure got up and summoned laser like weapons from his hands. Xaniel then teleported again, but the figure caught him with a defensive block as Xaniel reappeared and swung his other hand around. Connecting with Xaniel's leg and flipping him around.

Then the figure said. "Guard!" and a blue wall appeared that sent Xaniel flying back, tumbling over the ground again.

Xaniel felt like he'd been through a train wreck. All his energy exhausted away. The figure held his hand out, and a blue ball of energy appeared.

Xaniel didn't realize what he was about to do...before it was too late. The ball left the hand and blew up right in front of Xaniel before he could get out of the way. Sending him flying away for a couple hundred feet.

Everyone had stopped to take a small break. Just resting before they continued on. Twilight saw Celestia, Luna and Cadence staring back in the direction they came. She felt it too. There was energy that was very strong coming from the direction they came from.

She felt Xaniel's energy but it was weak compared to these other three and it felt weird. She walked up to them, staring out in that direction. "What do you thinks going over there? It feels like Xaniel's power is fading." Twilight asked as she came alongside Celestia.

Celestia looked to her former student. "I don't know. But from the feeling of that energy. It's bad over there."

Then without warning, they see a bright light that shines over them. It was very bright, seeming to extend out into the sky a couple hundred feet. As soon as everyone turned towards it. It faded away.

"Um...what was that?" Fluttershy said. Shaking in fear.

The energy that the four Princesses felt was unimaginable, but they all felt that Xaniel was in that mess somewhere and his strength was fading quickly. "Come everypony. Whatever caused that light has something to do with Xaniel." Celestia said.

The group ran back to the Everfree Forest. While they ran, everyone was talking about what that was and if Xaniel was okay. "I hope Xaniel's okay over there." Fluttershy said.

"Whoever's hurting him will have to deal with me personally." Rarity said.

"I knew Xaniel wasn't good, I just knew it." Rainbow Dash said.

"That's not Xaniel Rainbow Dash. That light was caused by something much stronger then him and don't accuse him just because he's over there. He could be hurt for all we know." Twilight said. Glaring at Rainbow Dash.

"Calm down everypony. Let's just find out what's going on and see what's happened to Xaniel first before we start throwing accusations around." Celestia said, hoping to calm the others.

They were nearing the Everfree Forest. Hoping to find Xaniel safe and sound.

Xaniel was nearing the brink of unconsciousness. He was laying flat on the ground. His head laying down sideways. Everything hurt, but not as much as his side. It had reopened when the mysterious figure hit him from the side.

How he knew? He could feel a very warm liquid coming slowly down his side. His bandage was still there but it was wrecked and torn. Not stopping all the blood from escaping this time.

The three Organization members walked up to the still body. Seeing whether or not Xaniel was still alive. Xaniel tried to get up, but his muscles resisted him. Forcing him back down.

Xigbar was laughing at Xaniel. "Wow Xaniel, I didn't realize how much of a fighter you were. But you almost made the cut...heck if you were stronger than this, we actually would've let you live." He smiled in a sly grin. "I have to say. That little burst of energy you had there. Quite strong and very impressive, but you just couldn't keep it could yah?"

Saix interrupted. "Enough. Let's just finish him now. He's already done for." Saix said.

Xaniel kept trying to get up. But each time he fell back down. Xigbar came up and pointed the Arrowgun into his face.

"Well Xaniel. Sorry it has to end like this. But look on the bright side? You won't have to deal with any kind of pain anymore. Plus you'll only feel this for a second." The weapon glowed a pale blue light. Charging up it's power.

Xigbar was just about to release the trigger, but a bolt of magic that had a violet glow came out of nowhere and hit him square in the chest, knocking him back. Shooting the charged shot into the air. A few more bolts of magic came from within the trees and hit Saix and the other figure, sending them back to where Xigbar was standing.

The group appeared out of the trees. Surrounding Xaniel in a defensive formation. "Alright whoever you three are. You put one more finger on him and your going to regret ever coming here!" Twilight yelled.

The three just stood there staring at these ponies. Then Xigbar broke out laughing. "Oh my, you all are really scary, please don't hurt us. As if." He said mockingly. "I can believe that the Calvary came but I didn't expect it to be actual ponies." He started laughing even more.

Celestia then yelled. "What business do you have in Equestria?"

Luna then added. "Why are you hurting Xaniel?"

The three look at each other then one in the center answered. "We have reason to believe that he is a Nobody. A being that is just an empty shell of it's former self. But the time of their arrivals is over. So he is of no use to us."

"Then why did yah assault him like that? He done no harm to you." Applejack said.

Then Xigbar answered. "It's simple. A Nobody like him doesn't need to exist. True he isn't very strong, but our boss thought that Xaniel is better left dead than alive."

The group of Ponies gasped in horror. They all glared at the three. Xigbar then fired his weapons at them. Only to have Shining Armor put a shield around them. Once Xigbar began to reload, the ponies charged, leaving only Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Cadence behind. They tended to Xaniel, hoping to at least keep him awake.

A memory surged through him again and this was a memory of a spell. He put his hand out and a shield appeared around everypony who ran to fight the three. "What did you just do?" Cadence asked.

"I put a protection spell around them. That way they won't get hurt."

Xaniel looked on at the rest fighting against the three Organization members. Rainbow Dash came in with her leg sticking out as she rammed Saix. Sending him flying across the ground.

Before he could attack RD, he was shot from behind by Luna. He turned around and charged at her. Throwing his weapon towards her. She flew out of the way and fired more beams of energy from her horn. After her assault, Saix looked up to the moon. "Moon shine down." Saix gained a pinkish red aura around him.

"You may gather power from the moon, but I am the one that lowers and raises the moon each day. "As Luna said that, a dark blue aura appeared around her. Xaniel never realized how immense Luna's power was.

Luna charged a beam of energy that grew a bright blue and immediately fired it upon Saix. Who dashed out of the and threw his weapon at her again. She disappeared out of the way once more and that battle continued on.

While that struggle was going on, Xigbar was busy teleporting around. Firing away at Celestia and Applejack. They couldn't get anywhere near him to land a strike before he disappeared. The shields were working but that didn't stop any pain they received.

Celestia then fired off a strong magic beam that caught Xigbar as he reloaded his weapons, hitting him in the arm. "I have to say, for a bunch of ponies, you put up quite a fight." He brought both weapons back to his stance. "Too bad this struggle of yours won't last forever." He said with a sly grin.

"You underestimate our strength." Celestia said. With that a golden yellow aura rose from her body, she fired a bright yellow beam of energy that sent Xigbar flying back. He teleported himself from crashing into the ground.

"Ooooh. This just got a little more interesting." Xigbar said. Xaniel was stunned by the way these princesses fought. Their power rose up farther then before.

As they continued, Twilight and Shining Armor were having a hard time against the mysterious one. They never saw a being like this use weapons that came out of it's hands.

He teleported behind Shining Armor and struck him at the legs with his right laser, making him fly off the ground. Then he kicked Shining in the stomach sending him skidding across the ground.

Enraged by seeing her brother taken to the ground, Twilight flew up and fired continuous beams of magic that hit the figure everywhere. "How dare you hurt my brother like that!" Twilight yelled, a violet aura rising from her body.

Never before had she ever experienced power like this before. She then teleported behind the figure and shot a high powered beam of energy that sent him flying towards a tree. Which the figure teleported himself out of danger. He then looked towards her. "The power you all hold is strong, but it won't do you much good for longer.

Xaniel just watched in awe as he realized that they were fighting for him. But feeling the power they had after fighting them, he knew that something bad would happen.

The fighting rage on for a while longer. But it wasn't long before the group of ponies were tired out. They all gathered in a group, staring at the three Organization Members. "Gee, they look all worn out." He said to his fellow members. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I may have actually broken a sweat...what should we do with them?"

The one in the middle answered. "They aren't important. Xaniel is our only objective that deserves our full attention." The figure then raised his hand towards Xaniel. A ball of energy formed growing ever so in size.

The ponies tried to intervene but were pushed back by Saix who struck the ground beneath them sending a wave of energy that knocked everyone into the air and back into the forest.

The other four were knocked back by Xigbar who fired four rapid bursts from the arrowguns.

Xaniel laid in the open now, giving the figure a clear shot. He then released the ball of energy, heading straight towards Xaniel. He raised his hand to try and block it, only knowing that this wouldn't work.

The energy ball exploded a few feet away from him. Confused, he looked up and saw a new person standing there. Only then did he realize who this is.

When he saw the new figure, he remembered the same exact image he saw in his head. It was the girl. Her sheathed sword blocking the ball of energy. Only now could he see the design of it.

It had a heart shaped marking that was below the guard. It was dark red in the middle, with some light pale pink around the outside. It was a dark blue sheathe with violet glowing markings that were visible rotating around it. All spaced apart a few inches each. She still wore her azure blue coat, even outside his dream world.

She stood up straight, then yelled towards the one in the center. "I'm surprised that you even pick on your own kind. I thought you cared about other Nobodies?" She said. Her voice sounding of hate and anger.

The figure replied. "This one is special in a way that our leader has declared him a target that will only get in the way of our true plans. He must be destroyed."

No matter what happened. That figure always sounded so calm, even in the heat of battle. The girl readied herself. Putting her sheathe to her left side and her right hand falling down to her right side. The other three readied in their response to her.

She then disappeared instantly. Leaving everyone guessing where she would appear next. Saix and Xigbar got sent flying through the woods unexpectedly. Leaving the lone figure to look behind him.

There was no one there. He looked around, trying to find out where she went. Suddenly he got knocked into the ground. Leaving a impact zone where he was hit. He got back up, looking around again. She appeared from above. Only the was the figure ready for her this time.

He ducked after she tried to hit him with the sheathe, releasing his laser blades and hitting her repeatedly in the stomach before sending her crashing into a tree. She got back up quickly and brought out her blade from it's sheath. Only now did Xaniel get to see what the blade truly looked like.

Her blade was dark purple, having a sky blue glowing line in the middle running from the tip of the blade and back down to the guard. The guards shape was round making it look like a katana. The guard was silver in color, the handle ebony black. But what made it look weird were the three points at the end of the blade that extended downwards for a few inches.

The figure stares at the weapon, he then spoke to her. "Is that a...Keyblade?"

She replied. "Yes. It was given to me by my father. He was a good man...but was torn down by Heartless." Pausing only for a brief moment before going on.

"Now. I hunt down any being that fights for the darkness." She then charged the figure.

He responded by shooting lasers at her, only to have her teleport around them. She got in close and hit him with a downward slash and then upwards. Hitting his chest, then delivering a flurry of strikes that hit everywhere on his chest and stomach.

He staggered back, leaving himself open again. She then sheathed her weapon. The steel that still showed began glowing a bright blue color. She pulled it out and sent a energy slash right at him, knocking him back twenty feet.

She ran at him again but was quickly cut off by Saix. Who hit her hard with his claymore. Striking her stomach and knocking her far away.

She tried to get up but Xigbar then shot her in the back multiple times. "That was pretty impressive there girlie. But don't think you've won just yet."

Xaniel then realized that he'd have to help her...but with so little energy left, he didn't know if he could even manage any of it. But a reserve of energy awakened from within. He glowed again with a forest green aura and a memory appeared before him. Revealing a hidden power he never knew he could use.

Xaniel teleported above Xigbar. Slashing him at his sides with the two swords. He then made a X with them and again disappeared, only under Xigbar this time and sent him flying away into the sky. Disappearing from sight.

Saix tried for a frontal assault on Xaniel, but got intercepted by the mysterious girl who had an aura forming around her now.

She glowed a dark purple aura with streaks of sky blue, silver and ebony black.

She then brought out her katana like weapon and slashed him across the chest and she quickly pulled her keyblade back into it's sheathe. Teleporting behind him, she rushed past him. She twirled her weapon around before putting it back into it's sheathe. A streak of blue energy followed the path and sent him through the woods.

Then the other mysterious person appeared right behind Xaniel and knocked him to the ground with a energy ball. The girl tried to counter but got knocked away with a swift kick to the chest.

Twilight and the rest finally got back up. But to their dismay, they saw that Xaniel was on the ground again. While the girl got back up on her feet and charged towards the other figure.

She watched as Xaniel got back up slowly but fell down to the ground. She checked his energy but was horrified by what source of energy he was using.

She ran towards him, but was stopped by a shield that had suddenly appeared. Blocking their way back to help the other two. "Oh no, this is bad. Really really bad!" Twilight said.

"What do yah mean Twi? Why's this wall thing here?" asked Applejack.

"I don't know. But that's not the worst of our problems. Xaniel is hurt really bad."

"What do you mean by that Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"I went to sense how he's doing with a magic spell that checks energy feelings, but it's not good." She pointed to him. "He's using up a part of himself that's wasting him away from the inside."

"Wait, your not saying that he's using-"

"Yes Celestia. Xaniel has reached for his life force. If he continues any longer he'll...he'll." She stopped. Everyone had taken a guess for what would happen to him.

He would not survive and he would fade away into nothing if he kept this up. But to see the determination of these humans was astounding.

Xaniel got back up. His legs felt very unsteady under his weight. A memory kicked in and he saw that same guy from before use some sort of energy. Then he looked towards the other two. The figure had the girl in his hand and was holding her by the neck. He raised his laser sword, ready to strike her.

Xaniel raised his hand towards the figure. A green ball of energy appeared from his hand and it charged up. The green aura came back and he realized that this was all he had left in him.

He charged it more and didn't know how strong this was until he released it. Xaniel flew back into the shield and it bounced him back to the ground.

It came at the figure. He sensed it but was to late to react. As he turned, it hit him in the chest and sent him flying. He disappeared into a black portal, vanishing from sight. The girl released made her way to Xaniel. He was on the ground, gasping for breath and clutching the wound that bled from his side.

She lowered her right hand to his. In which he raised his hand to hers and grabbed hold of it. "Are you alright?" The girl asked.

Xaniel looked up at her. "What do you think?"

She giggled at his response only for a brief moment. "My name's Xaniel." He said to her.

"Name's Vera. It's good to meet you."

Twilight saw the girl lift Xaniel up. Supporting him with her shoulder. The shield finally came down. Letting everyone in finally to check up on him. Twilight ran to the girls side. She then walked over to Xaniel's other side and put her body against his. Helping to support him. "Are you two okay?" Twilight asked.

The girl replied. "Yes, were fine." She looked over to the others. "We need to get him somewhere safe. He's losing a lot of blood."

"Don't worry, we'll bring him to Canterlot. He'll be treated by our medical staff there." Luna said.

"But what about the meeting? Shouldn't we go see to that?" Shining Armor asked.

"Right now, it's more important to help Xaniel here. If we don't he surely won't make it without our help." Celestia said. Looking over to the almost unconscious Xaniel.

He couldn't move anything and he felt like nothing was there. Just simply his breathing chest.

With that, the group headed towards Canterlot. Quickly trying to get the help they so desperately needed.

Author's Note:

Well guys, it seems Xaniel's head has a price. Can they protect him from three of the deadliest Organization members? Will Xaniel get through this? Will I ever stop doing these author notes? I think NOT!

P.S. If your wondering about that whole little scene with Xaniel prancing about with his staff and showing off...I just felt like putting that part in there.