• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 4,806 Views, 94 Comments

Pierce the Heavens - The Truth of Chaos

"Later... Bro..." The last words spoken by Kamina before his death. As his eyes closed a final time, he soon learnt that the universe doesn't always make sense. But sometimes, that's a good thing.

  • ...

Episode 1 Part II - Awake in Hell



Several hours had passed through time before the man of blue hair finally began to wake. The floor he had slept upon was hard and rough, small jagged edges spiking and pressing against his body. The loud noises ringing in his ears were not helping him easy back into his slumber, as the constant annoyances continued to wake him. The muttering of many filled his eyes as his eyes opened to a blurry dark, dirty and enclosed area. Rocks were being shuffled from the other side of the small place he resided in. The blur began to fade into focus. The walls of stone and rock surrounding him, other than the iron bars upon his left which provided a sight into a hallway of entrances into more barred up spaces. Staring upwards, a completely familiar sight filled him with dread.

He groaned in agony as he discovered he was underground.

The one place he hated most, and he was a prisoner here. He saw a lumbering creature, familiar of those who had been the first he met when he awoke before, patrol the hall of underground cages. The canine beast turned to Kamina's own little prison, and growled at him.

"Dig." He stated in such a deep voice it sounded more like fat toad than a fat dog. Before the human shouted back, the large oaf pointed towards the other sound of the barred up cavern, where rocks came rolling from. His eyes widened as he saw three dirty equine like creatures digging into the wall with nothing but their bare hooves. He turned to yell at the beast for every reason he could think of, but the idiot had already left his captivity and was nearing the end of the hall where he arrived.

"What the hell is going on here...?" He asked himself, bringing his hand up to his forehead, pulling back his hair and crossing his eyesas he wrapped his mind around the million thoughts that crossed his mind. Opening his eyes once more, they drifted to the equine, continuing to did. The creatures were pastel of colour, two bright hued. One was pink with a mane of blue, another green with a crimson man. The final one was older looking, with a grey brown coat and a mane as white as an old man's beard.

"I'm in prison with a bunch of horses." He muttered to himself, snickering at the madness of it. "Perhaps this is the paradise of the afterlife. Life's a joke and death's the punch line! With heaven being the laughter."

"Be quiet back there! You'll only draw attention to yourself." Something said from within the walls of the prison in a low gruff voice. His eyes opened wide as he looked around for the bearer of the voice, but only saw the equines.

"Who said that?" Kamina replied said with hesitation. The old looking small horse turned to face him, his eyes large and human like, which indeed caused the previous leader of Dai-Gurren to look on with a puzzled expression.

"I did, you... Hairless ape." The equine answered, frowning at the human. His eyebrow arched as Kamina's eyes only grew wider and more confused than before. "What's the matter, never seen a pony before?" Kamina began to open his mouth, but shut it again just as quickly. Ten seconds later he took a breath, before opening it again.

"No." He answered plainly, relaxing a bit. "But I think I have now." The aged pony glared at Kamina, and the other two stopped in their own digging and turned to face him as well. One seemed frightened, the younger girl of the group, with a horn adorned on her head, while the other was older and more stern and protective. Kamina saw a familiarity in the eyes of each one. "Are you... A family?" He asked, curious. The male nodded, and looked back at the two other ponies.

"I'm Autumn Dawn. That's my daughter, Harvest Moon, and my granddaughter, Corn Chip." He stated, before returned his sights on the human, his eyes now carrying a sadder tone. "We were vegetable farmers."


"I think we're diggers now. And there's not much we can do about it."

"Diggers?" Kamina asked, before turning back to the iron bars. "What are those... Things out there?"

"Diamond dogs. A bunch of greedy canines that care only for the jewels beneath the rock and stone." The pony known as Harvest Moon replied in place of her father. "What about you creature? What do you call yourself?"

"I'm a human, of course." Kamina answered immediately, frowning at the thought of them not knowing. But quickly he grinned and stood tall, placing a fist over his beating scarred chest, towering over the ponies being twice their height. "And as for me? I'm the tenacious demon, paragon of masculinity, Kamina, leader of the Dai-Gurren Brigade!" He exclaimed proudly before them. His smirked turned into a distracted grit of his teeth as his looked down upon his chest. While the large scar spread from shoulder to waist and across his chest, it was no longer swore. "SWEET! I feel so alive!" He shouted with a wide grin, clenching his fists in a personal victory.

Blinking, his eyes returned to very confused ponies. "Ah, sorry. You see, I had a near death experience recently, and first time I woke up my chest was sore as hell."

"How'd you have a near death experience? Did you get into a fight?" The youngest pony piped up, the two older ones looking at her with a tad of scorn. Kamina, however, was all too happy to answer.

"Why yes, Corn Ship-"

"Corn Chip." The grandfather pony corrected.

"Why yes, Corn Chip. In fact, it wasn't just a fight, it was a battle of epic proportions. We were out numbered three to one, but still we-" Before he continued, he glanced at the mother, who was looking at him in much displeasure. He sighed and smiled sweetly at the young pony. "I was a big fight. We won, but I was very, very hurt. Next thing I know I wake up in a patch of grass, and then here. Speaking of which..." Kamina glanced back at the iron bars. "Why are we digging for them?" He asked, rather pissed now that he realised the 'diamond dogs' were making the prisoners slave away and work.

"Because if we don't they'll kill my husband..." Harvest Moon answered in a sorrow tone. Kamina's fighting spirit rose, but his will to keep it at bay increased. "They have him captive and said they'd release us and him if we collected fifty gems for the dogs."

Kamina growled and looked back at the wall they had been digging at. They had made progress, but they were so dirty it looked like they'd been doing this for a day or two. He was about to shout in protest when yelling was heard at the other end of the hall.

"And what's this?" The warden dog asked to another prisoner. This one looked like a mix between a feline and a bird. The creature looked weak and days without food.

"Please sir... It's the only thing I've managed to dig up!"

"Then dig deeper! I can't eat this can I?" He said, before starting to walk off. He chucked the object behind him, and it bounced along the floor, resounding clinging and clanging as if a coin had been dropped. The object shimmered and bounced towards the end of the prison hall and stopped right in front of Kamina's cell. And his eyes widened in surprise as he dropped to his knees and reached out for it. His arms did not come to length of it sadly, but yet he continued to try, and the other ponies walked up to the iron bars to see was he was grasping for.

"What is it?" Corn Chip asked looking at the object with puzzled interest.

"Our way out. Now if only I could just.... Reach....." Kamina replied, doing his best to stretch his arm to the object. Moments later however the object was adorned in a pink aura and lifted from the floor and into the cage. It hovered right in front of Kamina, which was bewildered by the sight of the floating object. Corn Chip smiled as the object continued to hover, the same pink aura surrounding her horn.

"Are you doing that?" Kamina asked baffled, as he slowly took the object from the air, at the pink aura around it disappeared.

"Yeah. Unicorn magic, like my dad. I'm not that good at it, but I can still lift a few things." She said, before looking towards her mum, who smiled at her daughter. "He says I'm more earth pony like mum though."

The Autumn Dawn smiled at the filly, before turning to the human. "So what is that thing?" He asked, examining the thing in his hands. "It looks like a horn."

"It's better than that." Kamina said, his attention immediately focusing back on the object, forgetting about the magic ideal. "It's a drill." The small, silver spiral drill rested in his hands attached to a small necklace chain. "But not just any drill, if I'm right." He said, before standing up and walking around the cell. When he stopped towards the wall they were digging towards, the drill started to glow and fade slowly, like a dying beacon. Kamina grinned towards his fellow cellmates with such a look of victory it actually seemed to inspire them.

"This drill is a drill of the soul. A core drill."


Author's Note:

Just so everyone knows, I wrote this chapter in a single night in a bid to get it down before I slept. So if it feels rushed I'm sorry, and tell me how I can improve on that in the comments below.

Also tell me if I'm portraying Kamina's character right. Do you think he would say what he's said in my fic? Do you think he would do as I wrote him to do?

And finally, please tell me if you see any spelling mistakes! Thanks!