• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 4,806 Views, 94 Comments

Pierce the Heavens - The Truth of Chaos

"Later... Bro..." The last words spoken by Kamina before his death. As his eyes closed a final time, he soon learnt that the universe doesn't always make sense. But sometimes, that's a good thing.

  • ...

Episode 1 Part III - Hero of Freedom!


"Come on guys, a little deeper! It can't be far!" Kamina said to his equine cellmates. As he dug away and pierced the rock with his drill, the unicorn of he group removed the loose chunks, while the earth ponies moved the rest. They came across the occasional gem or two, in which they chucked into a pile, but the thing Kamina was digging for was far more priceless.

He turned away with his tiny drill, doing his best to find the softest spots to strike and dig. He was no where near as good as his bro, but he had learnt watching Simon you need to be gentle with a drill for it to become fierce. Another crack spread across the rocky tunnel they had dug, and more rocks continued to fall from the wall. The drill's beacon hum and glow was going faster, the rhythm of the signal now happening every second. But as they continued to dig, he looked towards the pony that was the youngest of the three.

"Uh, Corn Chip? You said you were a unicron or something?" He said, trying to remember what she had been called.

"Unicorn. I'm a pony with magic!" She said happily with a giggle. "Along with two other pony earth ponies and-"

"How do you do magic?"

The question caused the unicorn to look at Kamina, who's eyes were on the wall as he turned his drill into it, but his attention was focused on her. "We can do magic because of our horns." She stated, pointing towards the blunt spiral spike on her head. "It builds up our magic and let's us concentrate it into form from what we want it to do."

"A horn, eh?" He repeated, before looking down at the drill in his hand. Pulling it from the wall, he held it by the slim chain that would form a necklace. Pulling the chain upon the back of his head, he tightened it with his drill sitting upon the forehead, pointing from the place it faced. Holding his hands up high, he lowered them and pointed at the wall with a strong glare.

"MAGIC HORN, DIG OUR TUNNEL!" He bellowed in a commanding voice. All of the ponies stayed silent, but collapsed onto the ground from the sheer stupidity of it*. Kamina stayed silent, his eyes on the wall, before his smiled sadly and took the drill from his head after releasing the tight chain. "Damn, magic would have been useful. Guess only natural horns work."

"Ugh... You must be more stupid than I though." Harvest Moon groaned as she climbed back on her hooves. "Come on, let's get back to digging."

The other ponies nodded as Kamina sighed and resumed his drilling. The wall continued to fall apart, and the signal began to get a little faster. It wasn't long before the signal had become so intense that it pulsed twice every second, and piece of rock came away from the wall, revealing a crimson colour metal. Kamina grin grew wide as he pressed his hand against the revealed material. With a large inhale, he turned to the ponies.

"Yup, I can feel it in my blood. This is a Gunmen!" He exclaimed proudly, and pressed his ear against the metal, frantic with excitement. "We dig up this baby and we can get the hell outta here, no hassle!"

But before anyone could start removing the rock and stone, the sound of footsteps came by the bars. The large diamond dog warden walked in front of their cell, and glared at the group. Kamina immediately jumped in the way of the revealed metal, keeping it away from the diamond dogs eyes, and hid the glowing drill behind his back. The brute frowned, looking at the family and human, before his eyes moved to a pile of gems they had dug up and smiled. Licking his lips, he turned to the group and snickered.

"You get food for good work." He stated, and turned away. Kamina frowned at the odd statement, but the ponies looked hopeful and hungry, their stomachs rumbling with the wish to be filled. Kamina's own tummy couldn't help but join them, causing the tenacious demon to snicker and shrug. The warden returned with a small cart, placing it just by the iron bars, and glanced at the group.

"Fill cart, get food." He stated and walked off. The ponies, and Kamina (reluctantly) began picking up the gems and placing them into the cart. Kamina glanced at the Earth ponies and squinted.

"Hey, Autumn and Harvest?" He asked for their attention, which they gave to him out of kindness. "How are you picking up the gems with your hooves. Aren't they flat?"

Autumn snickered, looking down at his hoof. "Well, first you place your hoof over the gem, and..." With a flick of the hoof, the old pony held the gem upwards in his hoof. "There you go!"

"But how does it lift like that? Does it connect to your hoof?" He asked. Autumn grinned and raised his hoof to answer, only to fall short and glance at the gem in his hoof.

"Uh... You hold it with...Hmmm..." He began to examine his hoof, looking at it like he had seen it the first time in his life. Harvest sighed and shook her head, going back to putting the gems in the cart, with Kamina going to join her. Autumn however chuckled the gem into the cart and moved onto a rock, and picked it up with his hoof, only to drop it and pick it up again and repeat the process again and again.

The gems filled the cart to the brim. The large diamond dog came back to the cart and held out a key in his right paw. "Good ponies, and... Thing. Now put on chains." He stated, chucking a set of four balls and chains into the cell with his left paw through the iron bars. The ponies glanced at them and sighed as they began to adorn the ball and chain of their own while Kamina groaned in annoyance as he dropped to his knees. The clasp however didn't fit around his right ankle, but he would not notify the dog of such a thing. He hid the slaps under his long dirty pants, and stood tall once again.

The warden examined the other ponies, and grunted as the key slipped into the lock, and opened a set of the iron bars. The ponies dragged their own ball of metal, though Kamina found his ball of metal didn't weigh more than a heavy rock. He dragged it along the rocked ground and found it was easier to move than he anticipated. However, he wouldn't take any risk in revealing himself due to the fact that these canines held his pony friend's family member hostage. Playing the part, Kamina dragged his feet along with the iron ball, along with the other ponies as the warden began leading them away from their cell.

The cavern before the group was larger than ones seen by them as they made their way through the winding tunnels and long walkways. The inside was packed with a crowd of diamond dogs, each one with a pile of gems that they feasted on. Kamina's eyes widened in shock, as he watched the beasts devour what he thought were unbreakable gems. Shuddering to think of the power of their jaws, Kamina followed the ponies in suite, until they stopped and stood, as the warden had knelt before his slim, cunning leader. Which Kamina thought looked awfully familiar. Beside him stood a large brute, who glared right back at Kamina as he stared, licking his lips.

"Alpha," the warden began, before taking a breath, "ponies work hard to give us gems, thought such good diggers can't die yet. Should feed them, yes?" The leader brought his paw to his chin, scratching it, and grinned in delight as his eyes set upon to human.

"Ah, the prize catch from yesterday. Already you seem to impress." He stated, bearing his canine teeth in a grin. Sighing in satisfaction, he stood. "Tell me, ponies and... Ugly ape. What do you want? Other than food." He asked, smiling sinisterly. Kamina frowned and grit his teeth, wanting to punch the mutt in the face.

"I.. We would like to see my husband." Harvest Moon stated, the other two nodding in agreement. The leader thought for a moment, then crossed his arms.

"I can grant you this, but it means one of you will not eat for tonight. And you know how long it takes before you can earn the right to feast."

The others looked to each other in worry, before Harvest looked down and sighed. "I will sacrifice my hung-"

"No my dear," interrupted her father, and smiled sadly at her, "I shall be the one to stay hungry to-"

"I'll do it."

The three ponies looked towards Kamina, surprised at his words of generosity. He in return gave them a manly grin. "What kind of man watches a family starve while he himself eats?"

"Very well." The leader said, before turning to his own personal servant. "Tigs, get the unicorn from the deep cells and tell him his family have requested his temporary release."

The large brute nodded, and walked from the Alpha's side and passed the group to enter the long maze of tunnels. He stood a foot taller than the warden, and looked twice as strong.

"You are very selfless, ape. That will kill you one day." The alpha snickered. However, he looked at Kamina strangely, as did the three ponies and warden, when he stated laughing.

"Well, it already did." He said with intimidating smile, before looking down at his scars. "I thought it did, anyway."

"Trying to be funny, ape?" The dog said, rolling his eyes. "You aren't funny."

"Stupid ape is funny." He warden butt in, making the Alpha frown and growl. The warden only snickered. "He is joke all by himself."

The alpha's frown turned into laughter which was joined by the warden. "Pata, you always know how to make me snicker." He commented, before looking up. "Ah, here comes Tigs now."

The group turned to glance at the large brute, as Harvest let out a groan of agony and Chip a whimper as they saw the stallion they wished for being dragged along, barely conscious from the several showing bruises and cuts by Tigs. Kamina twitched at the sight, his fist clenching as the bodyguard dropped the moaning body before them.

"Stardust!" Harvester cried out as she rushed to her husband, only to trip over her heavy iron ball, her face inches away from her husband. She shuffled forward and wrapped her hooves around hee husband. Chip began to cry freely as Autumn pulled her into her chest to comfort her as she sobbed. During the whole event, the alpha was laughing.

"Nothing better than a family reunion right Tigs?" He asked, the bodyguard grinning and cracking his knuckles.

"... Ha... Harvest?" Asked the beaten unicorn, his eyes opening slightly to gaze upon his wife. "You look better than I feel." He joked, his wife smiling sadly.

"You idiot..." She said before resuming her sobbing. "How could they... How..."

The alpha and his brute laughed, to be followed by the warden. Soon all the dogs in the room glanced at the prisoners and laughed away.

"... You're all bastards..." The dogs cut their own laughter to gaze at Kamina, who was now looking at the ground, a rage burning in his heart.

"What did you say, ugly?" The alpha growled.

"I SAID YOU'RE ALL BASTARDS, YOU UGLY PIECE OF CRAP!" He yelled, running up and bringing up his right leg into the face of Tigs, the iron ball following after to smack the large brute right off his feet and into the cavern wall.

Everyone was left speechless before the raging man, who furrowed his brow in fury towards the alpha. The room was silent as the dogs that were feasting on piles of gems grit their teeth ready to pounce.

Kamina then smirked a snarky way, before leaping to the warden and kicking him in the face with his other foot. The brute fell backwards, and Kamina used his other leg to kick him square in the jaw, knocking him out cold. He bent down and shifted through the dog's odorous armour, before pulling out a set of keys. After glancing at them for two seconds, he choose one and slot it into his ball and chain, unlocking it. He then turned to the group of ponies, who were all looking at him stunned.

"Corn Chip, here!" He said, tossing the chain of keys to the teenaged mare. She quickly grabbed with her magic, holding it in midair, before already sending it into her own ball and chain, and the other three in mere moments.

"Go back to the cell and dig the rest of the Gunmen up."

"But how will we find out way back? It's a maze out there!" She cried, before she found a small drill collide with her face.

"Use that. It will glow whenever you get closer. When you finish digging it up, I need to use it!"

"But how will we know where you are?!"

"I dunno, yell my name or something!" He said, before pointing to the exit. "Now go. I have to have a little chat with Alpha here."

The pony nodded, and she ran out the cavern, also with Autumn and Harvest, who had picked up and holster stardust on heir backs during Kamina's little chat. Kamina grinned, and turned to the diamond dogs in the room.

"Tell me, ape." The alpha started. "What is a Gunmen?" Kamina simply chuckled.

"A better question is, why didn't you attack?" He asked, avoiding the topic.

"I like it better when my dinner is running." He said with a dark and sinister smile. The alpha took a few steps towards Kamina, before glaring at his legion of dogs behind the man. "You will not interfere with this. I want the pleasure of ripping this man limb from limb." The dogs bowed down and backed away, reaching the wall before they began making bets among themselves.

"What is you name, ugly?"

"Heheheheh, I am the man with unbreakable fighting spirit, my strength rivalled by none. A warrior of all with good in their heart, I am the mighty Kamina of Dai-Gu-" He stopped and thought of the title, before shaking his head. "No, not of Dai-Gurren. I am Kamina, hero of freedom!" He stated proudly, before glaring at the alpha diamond dog. "What about you, ugly?"

"I am called Chomp. Now, are we done chatting?"

"Well, you know what they say!" Kamina grinned, loosening his hands before raising his fists and readying himself in an offensive stance. "Real men talk with their fists."

It was straight after that they began to clash.


Author's Note:

* like in anime.

Tell me if you see any mistakes, and don't forget to like!