• Published 21st Mar 2014
  • 2,210 Views, 82 Comments

Sombra's Revenge - Golden Skies

When the former king returns, a shadow of his former self, he knows and desires one thing only. The death and suffering of he who inflicted this upon him. Spike.

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Dark Ending

The lavender mare could only watch in shock as her friend, the one whom she would die for, leapt forward and sank his claws into her neck. The pain only lasted for a few brief seconds. Moments later a brilliant cerulean light sent the creature flying back, where it landed with a hollow thud. The wounds burned like hot coals, and the mare could already feel the blood pooling itself around the wounds and making its way down her long neck. The bright red color of her blood rapidly stained her lavender coat a deep shade of purple, before it began to pool at her hooves. More concerned for her friend though, she began to make her way over to the fallen dragon. But before she could take two steps forward, she saw the small form twitch and then struggle to its feet. The mare then watched in horror once more as her friend struggled to his feet and charged at her forcing her to roll out of his way as he barreled past her.

From the corner of her eye, the lavender mare could see that the Princess of the Night was preparing yet another spell, but she called for her to stop. She would not allow her friend to be hurt anymore than he already had been. Before the drake could attempt to assail her once more, she used her own magic to take hold of his limbs and prevent him from moving forward. She stumbled forward feeling the blood loss begin to take its toll and forcing her to hold up one hoof in an attempt to stop the flow of flood. As the lavender mare approached him, the drake looked back at the unicorn with a look of pure loathing, and though she searched, she saw no trace of her friend within the eyes of the crazed animal.

“What!? Afraid I might hurt you more? You tyrant! Go on! Torture me again and strip me once more of my freedom!”

The lavender mare averted her gaze. She had done this to him. She was responsible for turning him into this creature, she knew it. The distraught mare looked over to the alicorn who looked terrified of what she saw, as though she were reliving a nightmare for a second time. Her normally regal posture and proud stance had been overshadowed with the cowering stance like that of a young filly. The mare returned her gaze to her friend who had seen her look at the princess and now shouted once more:

“Just kill me already! I beg of you! I can’t continue like this! Please! Why can’t you just give me my freedom?”

The unicorn felt the tears form in her eyes once more as they had so many times these past few days. She tried speaking words but they died before they even reached her lips. How could she have done this to him? From far away she could hear the faint voice of the Princess of the Night as she urged the mare to be careful. Asking her if she was alright. How could she be alright? The pony spoke these words to her friend. Begging him to come back to her. Saying his name again and again…

The world around her began to become foggy as the young mare’s vision began to blur. Once more she could hear the voice of the elder one call out to her, more forcefully this time. Begging her to be careful. But the mare was oblivious to her words as she continued to cry, for her friend was lost to her forever. She embraced her former friend one final time as she felt the world around her begin to close in and her strength slowly withered away.

The princess had run to the mare and tried to help her the moment she fell into the arms of the creature, but it was too late. As the lavender mare spoke her quiet final words, the magic restraining the horrible creature evaporated. Before the lunar princess could act, the drake had taken his sharp claws, and with all his force, thrust his claws into the young mare’s heart, freezing the last words on her lips. In stunned silence, the younger sister watched as the pony sank to the ground.

The drake removed his claws from the body of the horrible monster and felt a great weight lift itself up from upon his chest. At last! He was free! Free from that sadistic creature! The drake cried out in joy and looked down upon his former oppressor. But what greeted him was not the sight of the corpse of his oppressor, but rather the empty eyes of his only true friend in the world. No. The dragon looked from the lifeless body of the crimson stained pony before him, to his blood soaked fingertips, and the blood running down all over his body. No! The deafening silence pervaded throughout the poor drake as the cold reality of his actions began to dawn on him. NO!

The silence that hung in the air weighed heavily upon the two figures. The lunar princess watched without moving as the poor creature realized the result of its actions and then collapsed upon the ground, hugging the lifeless body of his dead friend. Nothing moved anywhere in that world for those few minutes. Until a hollow laughter that froze the blood of the mare rang out across the landscape. High above her, the mare saw a terrifying, dark ominous cloud that was all too her familiar to her. The great cloud tore across the sky, opening a deep gaping wound across the land as it bared down upon her. She dared not move as the leviathan smoke rose higher and taller, filling every last spot of the gray sky.

Then, came the eyes. The orbs which had haunted her for months after she and her sister had banished them beneath the ice. They bathed the land in their sickly green glow as they leered down upon her. The purple mist which rose up from the eyes recalled the mare’s memories of finding her beloved sister trapped beneath the spell of a similar gaze. The mare recalled the endless nights without sleep out of pure terror of the horrors which awaited her and her sister. Far above her head, the towering red horn carved its way across the sky as it’s sharp pointed tip glared menacingly at her. Finally, the wicked gray face of her nightmares emerged from the clouds as the dark lord’s pointed grin opened up and let out another hollow laugh.

“Oh, Princess Luna. It has been a long time. Hasn’t it? Have you enjoyed stealing my magic? Taking my home from me? Or are you still that same frightened filly that cowered behind her sister all those centuries ago?”

The mare’s resolve melted beneath his menacing gaze. How was it possible? How could he of returned after all this time? The more it sank in though, the more she was filled with an ever growing fury. He was responsible for the torturing of the young dragon. He was the one responsible for the death of the mare. He would pay for what he had done. With a mighty yell, the royal princess lifted herself into the air and used her magic to send a powerful blast of energy at the despicable monstrosity. Yet, the brilliant azure beam simply passed through the king’s shadowy figure.

The dark lord laughed at her pathetic attempt, and with a flick of his horn, shot a dark bolt of lightning down upon the alicorn. The Princess of the Night barely managed to dodge the attack as she dove out of the ray of the heated energy. The princess made several final attempts to attack the dark unicorn, but they were all to no avail. Every time she did so, the monster would remain unphased, and then send forth another beam of energy which she would barely manage to dodge. Suppressing her rage, the alicorn knew that she stood know hope of victory without the help of her sister. Thus, she begrudgingly flew away from the horrible beast and escaped from the valley of death and back into the world of the living.


The drake sat there next to his dead friend, oblivious to the struggle above his head. The thick cloud of silence which surrounded him felt like lead brick strapped to the young child’s shoulders. Those sweet, sweet, eyes of his friend stared up at them, their lavender irises a dull violet of what they had once been. The face the child had known since childhood… Now stared back at him… all of its emotions forever taken from it… its memories forever lost… forever enveloped by the silence. Free. Part of the drake envied what the mare had obtained, but the other half was revolted by what he saw. For a life to end like this… how could any fate be so cruel? The drake slowly ran his claws through her lifeless hair, straightening her bangs. The blood which had dried on his scales slowly chipped away with each movement of his body. Clearing away the outer wounds, but leaving the inner scars forever engraved upon his soul.

And he sat with her, exchanging woes as the Princess of the Night traded blows. They both retreated; one to his soul, the other from the nightmarish hole. The king looked down upon them and saw his work had come to an end. He saw the pair stretched out, stretched out underground. A drake, and a mare. Saying nothing. Never knowing. Giving silence for silence.

Author's Note:

The Dark Epilogue immediately follows this chapter.