• Published 21st Mar 2014
  • 2,210 Views, 82 Comments

Sombra's Revenge - Golden Skies

When the former king returns, a shadow of his former self, he knows and desires one thing only. The death and suffering of he who inflicted this upon him. Spike.

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Dark Epilogue

The Princess of the Day paced back and forth within her chambers. It had been almost two full days since her sister had departed to check upon the status of her protégé, and she still had yet to receive any word from her regarding her status. The younger sister had even failed to fulfill her obligations in the raising and lowering of the moon, which had only ever happened once before. Staring out upon the setting sun she searched the skies, hoping at any moment to see the familiar outline of the mare appear against the crimson sky, but she never appeared.

Of greater concern was how the pearl alicorn had been unable to enter the dreamscape since her last encounter with her sister there. No matter what she may try, it was as though there were some force which had created a barrier which she simply could not break through. The diarch shuddered at the thought of the untold horrors which could be befalling her citizens if some form of malevolent force meant them harm. She had sent word to her most faithful student in order to determine her opinion on the matter. Granted, it would be understood if she were too preoccupied with the current tragedy befalling her friend in order to respond, but it had never stopped her before…

The mare sighed as she realized that she was most likely reading far too much into the matter. The diarch took a small sip of tea and allowed for the soothing liquid to warm her from the inside. Using a hoof to rub her sore shoulders, she returned her gaze to the window. The last hint of the sun was disappearing behind the distant hills, giving one final golden ray of light which reflected off of the bright walls of the brilliant capital city. Then, as she finished setting the sun she waited for a moment hoping her sister might take over. When no such moment arrived, she gave a small sigh and allowed for the moon to begin its slow journey through the night sky. Looking at the path it would take, she noted the lack of stars in the sky as a cold breeze crept in from the doors to the balcony. A silence had befallen the kingdom, returning an old fear to her mind: what if this time she didn’t have the strength to defend her kingdom? What if-

The feeling of a presence in the room made the diarch stop and turn to see if perhaps her assistant or a guardpony had entered her room, perhaps delivering news of her sister or assistant? Yet the door to the royal chambers remained closed and the room was entirely silent. Returning her attention back to her tea, the princess finished off the last of it and decided that the worry and stress of her present situation was surely playing tricks on her mind. Slowly sliding into her bed, the Princess of the Day closed her eyes and allowed for the world of dreams to wash away her worries.


The elder sister stood alone in the center of an empty field, surrounded by rolling hills of yellowed grass. No other object blocked her vision for miles around her in every direction as the pale gray sky offered its light to the land. The mare trotted through the tall grass as she made her way to an unknown destination. The air was silent, without the sound of birds, insects, or small animals running through the tall blades. The entire world around the one alicorn was frozen in time. Yet, she felt something. A familiar presence that she had not known for hundreds of years.

Sombra…’ the ruler hissed.

Whipping herself around she barely dodged the hideous black mist as it flew past her alighting itself in on a nearby mound. From the dark smoke, a figure emerged. The scarred body of a gray stallion with the remains of a shattered crown upon his head. Slowly, the monster turned towards the princess, and its cold red eyes met with her own. The lips of the thing slowly curled up into a sinister smile at the sight of the fear in the ruler’s face.

‘Oh, Celestia,’ the king laughed, ‘it really has been far too long…’

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed the story!

If you haven't already read the The Light Ending , you can read it here.

Or, if you've already read it or don't wish to do so, click here to proceed to my blog post containing my post-story author's notes.

Comments ( 6 )

This was a great story. I personally liked the dark ending more.


Thank you! :twilightsmile: I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and I really loved hearing your feedback throughout the process. I will have to agree with you, the dark ending was more enjoyable for me to write as a whole. Even now the Light Ending's epilogue still irks me.

7049331 I think that the light ending felt a little incomplete.


Agreed. :duck: I'll probably rewrite how it ends in the coming days once I have the time and then make a small blog post letting people know. I doubt I will change the actual ending itself, but I'll try to give it more of a sense of being final. Do you feel the Light Ending or Epilogue should be added to some?

Salut Goldan Skies, j'ai lue toute l'histoire il y a pas si longtemps. Pour ce que je peux dire de l'histoire le prémisse est bien intéressent mais je ne voie pas pourquoi que Sombra voudrait perdre son temps a juste envahir les rêves d'un petit dragon sans autre but que de juste le rendre fou ou quelque chose autre que je n'est pas capté. J'imagine qu'il aurai bien mieux à faire que cela comme trouvé un moyen de se ressuscité soi-même et reprendre contrôle de son ancien empire. je peu comprendre qu'il ne pouvais pas s'immiscé dans l'empire mais j'aurai imaginé qui aurais chercher possédé le corps quelqu'un et contrôle ses faits et gestes pour éventuellement retrouvé sa gloire ancienne. Je croix que Spike était une bonne proie pour le Roi mais mais ses objectifs étaient pas très claires avec lui qui ne semblais pas dépassé que faire subir des supplices au lézard. Pourrais-tu m'élucidé sur se qui se passai au juste?


Oui, j'essaierai de la faire. Tu as raison que Sombra ne veut perdre son temps à envahir les rêves de Spike, mais il n'y a pas beaucoup qu'il peut faire. Bien sûr il voudrait reprendre contrôle de son empire ancièn, mais il n'a pas un corps comme tu as dit. Et j'ai pensé comment il pourrait le faire. Après de temps je me suis souviens de comment Sombra peut mettre quelqu'un leur peurs (comme Twilight dans le Crystal Empire). Donc, si il le connaît, peut-être il avait eu la contrôle des rêves avant de Princess Luna. Si il peut reprendre ses pouvoirs en tourmentant Spike, il aurai le pouvoir d'envahir les rêves des autres. Son pouvoir est la peur. C'est comment il diregais son empire. S'il y a beaucoup de la peur, il deviendra plus fort. Mais les poneys sont naturellement contentes, alors il est nécessaire qu'il commence à Spike. Quelqu'un qui n'est pas content parce qu'il se sens exclu et oublié par les autres poneys. L'intention de Sombra était continuer à faire la torture avec des autres après Spike est mort. J'espère que ça clarifie l'histoire. Sinon, je peux essayer de la faire plus. J'ai bien hâte de recevoir ta réponse, et j'apprécie tes réactions. Aussi, désolé que ce nést pas ma meilleure française ce histoire est très difficile à expliquer dans une langue étrangère.

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