• Member Since 31st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2017



Equestria has fallen on the darkest hour it has ever faced. The Elements of Harmony have expended their power from constant and frequent use, and only one hero who was summoned across time and space can save them. The fate of the world rests on the shoulders of the strongest man and his disciple.

Characters based off MLP FiM and also from Onepunch Man by ONE. (I heavily recommend giving the manga a look, though you will most likely want to check out the issues that were redrawn by Murata Yuusuke.)

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 27 )

I have high hopes for this fic. One Punch Man is one of my favorite mangas to read on the web. Looking forward to seeing how this story continues and seeing Saitama blow away each and every villain he comes across in a single blow. Keep up the good work!!

I'm loving it so far. Keep up the good work.

This is going to be awesome. I hope the ponies see that Saitama is the one they really summoned.

Onepunch Man Crossover = All the :pinkiehappy: in the endless-verse.
(Plz don't let this one die like the last writer did :applecry:)

Glorious. Needs polish, but it's definitely good.

Awsome crossover idea! I am a HUGE fan of OPM manga, and throwing him and his loyal pupil into Equestria will be nothing but hillarious!

Oh man this looks awesome...
Ever since I saw this I put this in my read later folder, but looking at the cove image I was curious so I did some research on this mysterious hero...
I read the entire manga in a day and even skimmed all of the "Un-Edited" version and it was awesome, thank you for being the cause for finding it. :)
Now, there is a MLP crossover and I am pumped! It's looking great already! :D
I can't wait to see their reactions about his true strength, boy did they judge the cover of THAT book wrong. XD

I haven't even read this yet.. but thank you... truly thank you. I've always fantasized of what wonders my beloved Saitama-sama could bring to equestria. Now I truly experience the main event of my life.

Poor Saitama. Can't get something for nothing. Unbeatable strength=loss of all hair. Keycards eh. Equestria has the weirdest gaps in technology I have ever seen. No high definition televisions (or any at all I believe), no high tech weaponry (best I've ever seen from the show is spears and crossbows I believe), and no high speed international transportation (only ever saw a train, balloon, etc) but keycards and automatic bars? As with Harry Potter, my theory is that basing a society on magic makes everything screwy and nonsensical. Keep up the good work!

I wanna see him punch through a meteor, like what happened in the manga.
So fucking cool...
Anyway, love the part where at time's he acts serious and others where he accidentally shows his true strength.
Can't wait to read the next chapter! :D

Superb. Needs more.


A One-Punch Man crossover? I don't even know what to say, other than... thank you.

Mother of god....ONE PUNCH MAN!?!?!?!?


Another chapter please

5462003 you know it's been a while but can you continue this or have you dropped this story.

I love it when someone witnesses his power and realizes he's no mere B-rank.

Even in a World filled to the brim with love, respect and understanding our valiant hero don't get the respect he so rightly deserves, seems like some things are universal.

4320054 Captain Science has been an indispensable asset to the heroes association

Why Did you stop!!!!!

good start, maybe add an extra hundred word count to each chapter as you go

With their society, it actually makes sense.
A lot of technological development is driven by war, or by tensions between countries causing them to race, pushing tech farther and faster than it would have been otherwise. For example, the Space Race. Russia got first object to orbit and first man in space, the US got a man on the moon. That wouldn't have happened nearly as fast otherwise.

Equestria never developed anything more than the steam train because they're not a hugely populous nation that needs to move large amounts of goods quickly, and they don't need anything superior to that for military logistics because they have none. Their weaponry seems outdated to us, but might be state of the art to them, because they've had no need to develop weapons technology beyond that. Equestria develops slow and wonky because civilizations typically focus on developing tech that they need. In war, you need a complex system working in tandem, so you develop a lot of technologies that bridge and branch and work well together. You develop better weapons and armour to be superior to your enemy. You build logistical networks to handle these things, and you constantly push for ways to make your logistics more efficient and effective. There are very good reasons military tech is always a step beyond civilian stuff.

However, Equestria would only develop tech that would benefit users at the time. Much of research would be privately funded, given that there would be no DARPA equivalent and the state would have no need to develop tech.

The way this is written is SO GOOD.
It's a damn shame this gem was forgotten.

Love this,
as a fan of One-punch man I truly appreciate this gem
because you captured not only the scene and way the One-punch man world runs but its spirit and core really well.
Only like in the newer parts of it he should finally get the aknowledgement he deserves only to not really care about it...
You sir have done a great replication of how it could come to pass to see one version of this truly heroic spirit succeed in his primary mission.
please do go on,

Definitivamente un gran inicio.

El tiempo dejara de existir antes de que mi paciencia ceda a la espera de otro capítulo.

Time will cease to exist before my patience gives in waiting for another chapter.

Translated by Google.

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