• Member Since 31st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2017



Three friends who have fought together countless times have decided to retire from their lives as adventurers. They return to their home city and take up local jobs, they have lived this way for half a decade now. But their retirement from their youthful ways of adventuring is put to an end when they are tasked with a new goal from their leader, to find a cure for their people.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 96 )

Hm... Interesting. Let's have a look.

EDIT: Alright, read both chapters. Admittedly, I was a bit skeptical when I read the first chapter but chapter 2 really caught my attention. Tracked/liked.

There are an increasing number of Warcraft crossovers in the last time. All of them are good and this one is no exception.
What kind of stuff are the B11 wearing?

1904094 The Belfs are all wearing what they are currently transmogged to in game. My Paladin is wearing Tier 6, Nethelli's warlock Weaver is wearing Tier 8. and Dbl Helix's warlock Helix is wearing the heroic version of Tier 10 with the tier 6 helmet.

It seems that you are going with the first artwork of the warlock T8 set and not the final ingame model.
Also nice progression of the story and everyone of the three found someone who could help them with their problem :pinkiehappy:.

Knight that not stood on its upturned paw. Now?

Am I going to have to get one of Elli's shovels?:twilightsmile:

1976927 I'm I going to have to get one of Elli's shovels?

Huzzah Helix! :rainbowkiss:

The Sunwell's restored, so why are they seeking another source of magic?

1979609 Not another source of magic, a cure for the addiction. Sure they have the Sunwell once more to get magic but they have still been tainted by receiving fel energies. Before the Sunwell fell and when they were still known as Highborne they had blue eyes, as Blood Elves they have green ones from the taint. If they desired another source of magic they would have probably all just stormed Canterlot and taken the princesses by force. The inconvenience of physically needing to feed off magic or risk becoming one of the Wretched, (withered elves who were driven mad by the thirst) is why they seek a cure.

I'm amazed at this story. its not often i find a decent wow crossover.

I really have to stifle laughter when a blood elf complains that the Alliance was mean to them, considering the elves flipped the Alliance the finger at the end of the Second War.

1988467 Yeah, but if you listen to anything the Belfs have to say in game or in any of the novels, what Garithos did to them still rustles jimmies. They also have a deep hatred for the Kirin Tor in particular for other various reasons. Some of the Blood Elves forgive past transgressions, but in the novels the big three, Lor'themar, Halduron, and Rommath all hate the Kirin Tor and did not want to be involved in Northerend. Only Sylvanas blackmailing them got the blood elves to send forces there to help the Kirin Tor with Malygos.

Not bad. Not bad at all. Though I would have thought Luna would react a little more hostile to something draining her power.

By the way,

but I'm so happy your back


I have felt time magic before, and your reek of it."

Don't know if you were going to use something like "and your essence reeks of it" or "and you are reeking of it", but there you go.

1988784 Ahh, typos... My arch nemesis... The first one was on me, the second was intentional. I personally imagine someone with an acute sense of magic being able to perceive it with both a touch and scent, giving a better ability to differentiate. That is why the use of two sensory words was used.

1989944 Oh, okay. I learned something new today. :twilightsheepish:

Very good story. Neatly written. Each character is different and tells its own story. Some of them even remind me of my old guildmembers since the classic WoW.

Ha! Great update, your doing a great job of diversifying your characters personalities as well as giving them each adequate "show time" to display there roll in the story. Something which, sadly, not many authors with multiple protagonists can pull off. :twilightsmile:

2004009 Yeah, I'm trying my best to get a good chunk for each character at a time since all of them are different people's characters. I would hate to piss someone off by not involving them as much, or turning them into a supportive character. More Weaver in next chapter on that note.

Blasted engineering boots always failing you when you need them :flutterrage:

2005789 Yeah, those boots are a 'running' (pinkie pun :pinkiehappy:) joke about Helix's boots always getting him killed.

Ah, another amazing update. I can't wait to see how the ponies react to how the elves treat each other. :pinkiehappy: And I especilly like how you make wow terms, like guild speak, undersandable and ..... believable.

Officers chat? Yay! Trying to stole crystal heart? Double YAY!


The Elves have always maintained a persecution complex, as well as a tremendous superiority complex. I'm not going to defend Garithos, but Lor'themar's statement that the Horde was formed by the Alliance's racism is complete bullshit. The Horde has never given the Alliance reason to trust them, from Thrall's hypocrisy to Sylvanas's manifest destiny.

The Blood Elves like to ignore their part in the entire debacle. Yes, Garithos was a racist pig, but Kael'thas was a power-hungry magic addict, and the elves Gary tried to execute wound up dead at the hands of the Alliance and the Horde anyway.

2037174 Indeed, but you said the million dollar term, the Belfs have a massive superiority complex. That is why they act the way they do, and why when they are bullied into things by the other races they cannot find any fault in their own actions. They refuse to willingly have anything to do with the alliance, and now that Thrall is no longer being the understanding warchief and Garrosh is being a demanding asshole, Lor'themar has even said "We may reconsider old alliances". While not much is said past that to my knowledge it clearly is not the alliance.

2038272 Too bad the Proudmoore witch screwed up any future negotiations Varian and Lor'themar may have had, so now the blood elves stay in the Horde.

Anyway, speaking of blood elves: I actually expected Weaver to be a little more manipulative considering she's a warlock (not to mention blood elf warlocks are particularly deceitful and sneaky - at least mine, who I may or may not write a story about, is...).

2039074 The characters personalities are based upon their players. Weaver's player tends to be a bit more sarcastic and snarky to friends, but puts on a friendly face to new people. In a way it is a subtle manipulation, lying to be perceived as a nicer person than a warlock actually is, gaining an ally where a foe could have been.

2039622 That's true - the character can be considered one of the player's personalities. Which kind of has me on edge considering my warlock is a hateful, manipulative, power hungry, deceitful sadist who brutally incinerates those that inevitably fails her (she's the leader of a warlock sect - go figure...). But that's the lore version (and an RP life long abandoned) anyhow. On WoW I make a living selling enchants and herbs on AH. :rainbowlaugh:

I think I kinda lean more towards my warrior when it comes to personality though (at times careless, snarky, sometimes relatively serious, but mostly just pretty laid-back), except I don't drink heavily to celebrate small victories.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about? Kinda got lost in nerd mode for a minte there...

2039744 Ahh warriors, I played my warrior for the longest time. But time and time again I get pulled back into playing my paladin. Dragged that poor fool through many a realm and guild through my years of wow... Though his name is no longer Dizastrous in game, that was the name I ended up going with, because it is the one I used originally and for the longest amount of time on him.

2039853 I know the feeling. These days I play my paladin the most though (and the one I'm currently "writing" a stor about). I'm actually still surprised to this day that "Rachel" was available (I started a new account in Wrath, so imagine how many opportunities there were for people).

"I would happily open the portal, but teaching you two to help me open it will take time."
What Elli can't just /Y Click the damn portal! ? :twilightsheepish:

'Come on Helix, I thought you knew me better than that. Why go in unnoticed when I can make life more difficult for you?'

i really like this story man keep up the good work and i cant wait to read the rest:twilightsmile:

:flutterrage:Dammit Helix you (almost) killed Fluttershy, you bastard! Oh wait......:fluttershyouch:

2051138 That's what you get for showin up to raid 45 mins late! :flutterrage:

Had, pony's can be so racist. I mean seriously, couldn't they just ask the new creature if it was going to eat them before they start a lynch mob? I can't wait to see how you start to integrate them into the populace.

2051878 There is a reason behind this, and the next chapter will tell what Helix did during the time lapse between his section and Dizastrous's section. Chapter 9 starts off with Helix recalling the events of what happened after Fluttershy stumbled upon him in the library, and before Dizastrous ever made it to Ponyville.

Diz forgot to pop his wings, that would've really impressed everypony.:rainbowwild:

One of these days I really hope Rainbow Dash gets herself killed...

...so why is a Blood Knight so gleefully telling others about his race's subjugation of the Naaru? THRALL didn't know about it (although to be fair, Thrall is spectacularly ignorant), and airing his race's dirty laundry isn't exactly something I see a Blood Elf doing given their racial propensity for whitewashing their own deeds.

2073127 Dizastrous is still angry at Helix for dropping him several hundred feet when they arrived and leaving him to walk alone in a strange land. He is telling his story in hopes of causing the warlock trouble, much like he intended by marching straight into Ponyville and scaring the ponies. By letting the ponies know what kind of people his race consists of, he is getting back at Helix who wanted to befriend the ponies.

Edit: Also just noticed you managed to stumble across my Paladin's current name, made me laugh a little bit... Subjugation it is now, instead of Dizastrous.

Helix takes a sonic rainboom to the chest and walks it off, holy crap, like a boss :rainbowdetermined2:
You kinda had me scared when you told me that the town was going to see me metamorphosis, I've been racking my brain on how you were going to implement it, but you ended up with a very nice way of doing it. Nice Work.
Also you've earned yourself a new nickname Meany-Pants:scootangel:

Obligatory Shoveling
Five mars, three of which Helix had met Were in spaaaaaaaaace.:pinkiehappy:

2074612 Fixed that one, and I stand by my accusation that Elli somehow caused my 'E' key not to work there.
Also, being called Meanie-Pants instead of the usual list would be great! It would mean I would instantly win the insult contest we always seem to be having in mumble! :yay:

Twilight writes to Celestia that I caused a riot, what about saving her ass? Thanks Twi I see how it is...:rainbowhuh:
Also Diz If I don't talk to you tonight I'll see ya in seven days when I get back from Unicon. :twilightsmile:
I didn't see any necessary shoveling. :pinkiehappy:

Also here you go Diz

Well, this certainly took a darker turn. Anyway, when did Chrysalis and Dizastrous even leave Ponyville?

2153016 There was a bit of a time lapse between chapters here, mainly because I was having writers block set on by me not wanting to include needlessly long and boring introductions, so it picked up with Dizastrous and Chrysalis after having left not long after visiting Ponyville.

2153414 Ah, I see. I know the feeling. Will you make an attempt at a flashback or a conversation about the matter later in the story? If you don't, no skin off my back - I'm fine with whatever, really.

Now that's more like blood elven tactic! I love it!

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