• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 1,080 Views, 66 Comments

A Dashing Legend - dashybrony2012

Twilight and Dash go on a little itty bitty adventure

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Chapter 1:

Everyone thought that the ancient legend of Calypso was just that. A legend. Nothing more, nothing less. It would have even stayed that way, but as faith would have it…..

“Ugh come on Twilight! This is taking forever and I don’t care about those boring old legends or whatever!”

“Rainbow Dash! They aren’t just ‘boring old legends’! These are an opportunity for a learning adventure! Ohhh think of all the new things you could lea-‘’Twilight Sparkle was rudely interrupted by an obnoxious snore coming from the cyan Pegasus mare that stood across the library from her. Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her athletic friend. Said Pegasus opened one eye and asked with mix of hopefulness and annoyance that Twilight could plainly see where centered on her.
“Are you done yet?”
“Fine, but don’t you come to me when you decide to stop being such a filly and would want to delve into some legends or whatever.” Dash raised an eyebrow knowing full well that her velvet unicorn friend would want exactly the opposite. Twilight disappeared into the library’s storage room. While Twilight rummaged for a certain book she talked to nopony in particular. “We had these books shipped all the way from Baltimare, they’re a bunch of really great books that have so much information about all kinds of different things!” Twilight paused as if to consider something. “Maybe even stuff I never heard about!” She let out a happy gasp. “Think of all the research! Ooh this will be so much fun!” Twilight clapped her hooves complete with an overjoyed squeal. The sound of someone clearing their throat unceremoniously rained on her parade. “Ok, ok I get it Rainbow! Ahh here we go!” Twilight pulled out the newest edition of the Daring Do series in her magical grip. She trotted back towards her impatient partner whose eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and smile stretched from ear to ear.

Finally! Thanks Twi! I can’t wait to find out which awesome adventure Daring is gonna go on next!” In a flash Rainbow dashed out the library’s closed door causing it to shatter on impact. When the dust had settled it was Twilights turn to have eyes the size of dinner plates. Her left eye twitched as she surveyed the damage. Twilight stood gaping another few seconds until she snapped back to reality. She decided not to strangle Dash…..yet. Twilight sighed and called out for her number one assistant.
“SPIKE!” the purple and green baby dragon came rushing downstairs.
“What’s wrong Twilight? I thought I heard a cra-‘’ Spike stopped mid-sentence and mid-step as well as his green eyes laid themselves on the library’s door, well what was left of it anyway. “Let me guess; Rainbow Dash?” he unfroze himself as he continued down the steps although no longer in a rush. Twilight confirmed his hypothesis with a nod. Spike gave a small smirk, he knew firsthand how the purple unicorn so much as littering her library, who knows what she’ll do now about a broken door. Oddly though the said pony was quite calm. Too calm. Spike shook his head worry seeping onto his young dragon face. This will not end well.
Twilight knew that the only way to calm herself down was with a nice long book. She stormed up to her room and grabbed a random tome off the many shelves in the library. Twilight let out a long weary breath through her nose. She sat herself down and made herself comfortable and opened the book that she had blindly chose. As faith would have it, the book was about the ancient legends of Equestria, hence the title “Legends of Equestria’’. Through her internal rage Twilight let a small smile crack through as she opened the book to a random page. Her incredibly short crusade brought Twilight to a page that was telling the infamous tale of the legend of Calypso. Shockingly, she had read and heard very little on that particular legend and was more than happy to find out some sweet information to soothe her angered nerves. She gritted her teeth as she prepared to dive into the book all the while drilling a message into her head, it’ll be okay, it’ll be okay just read this book and calm down read the book and calm down. Twilight’s violet eyes began devouring the page.

Long ago, a group of Pegasi resided in what is now called Ponyville - Twilight’s eyes widened at this, why hadn’t she known any of this? A million questions raced through here mind activating the gears that began churning in her head. With a raised eyebrow and an enthusiastic soul she continued.
These Pegasi were refugees from the ruler of the city of Cloudsdale. During that time Cloudsdale was ruled by a believed to be a Pegasus with an iron hoof. The dictatorship took place even before the peaceful rule of Equestria. This pony’s name was fittingly Iron Wings. This pony was apparently a ruthless ruler who believed in slavery and was thought to be hostile and unwelcoming toward the other pony races, which was currently shrugged off by the rest of the Pegasi of Cloudsdale. Twilight’s curiosity and eagerness to learn more was growing by the second. Her property damage was instantly forgotten (which later would be much to Rainbow Dash’s relief) and was replaced by a giddiness that only books seemed to be able to bring to the young unicorn. She kept on sucking up the words in the tome like they were delicacies. During this age, a young Pegasus by the name of Calypso was rebelling the king and the way he had ruled. A lot of other Pegasi joined her and soon they created a group called Ravens. After many rallies and protests the king had ordered them to be captured and put to death without trial. Calypso had then led the Ravens on an escape from the city and ended up in what is now called Ponyville. After many hardships they finally managed to settle in a small area near the Everfree Forest and that’s when Calypso had cast a spell on the city of Cloudsdale using old Pegasus magic that only a few could master. No one knows for sure what the spell actually was but it is said to be a spell that will affect a Pegasus who chose to move to Ponyville willingly. Twilight stopped there and took a couple moments to process this, did Princess Celestia know any of this? Did she and Princess Luna take care of this Iron Wing with the Elements of Harmony, or was that not necessary since he was a Pegasus? An intriguing question wormed its way into Twilight’s mind, did Rainbow Dash know any of this? With that question floating around she got up and quickly grabbed her saddlebag with her purple magic and out it on. She stuffed the book hastily managing to not cause it any major or minor damage. Twilight trotted back down the stairs and landed on the library’s main floor. With a glance around Twilight spotted Spike sweeping and cleaning up the mess from earlier. She allowed a small warm smile at this grateful for her number one assistant and vowed to get him a treat later.
“Spike! I’m heading out for a while I’ll be back soon!” Twilight notified the young purple dragon.
“Alright Twi, but I’m gonna call somopony to getcha a new door, is that-“
“It’s fine Spike, go ahead.”
“Ok, uh Twilight, where are ya headed anyway?” Spike had a hunch but still wanted a confirmation from Twilight.
“Oh I’m just going to pay Rainbow Dash a little visit!” she replied with a sly smile. Spike raised an eyebrow at this and hoped Rainbow wasn’t at home. Twilight can be scary when she wants to be, and he knew that firsthand.
“Ooookay, uh have fun then.” Twilight nodded at this and galloped out the door, well what was left of it anyway, Spike let out a sigh and grabbed his trusty broom that he had come to hold often courtesy of these little ‘mishaps’. He didn’t really mind being left behind on adventures most of the time, though he would have been lying if he said he didn’t feel…..left out from time to time. On the plus side though, he would be able to kick back and relax. Maybe even steal- er borrow some gems from Twilight’s stash ‘hidden’ behind a cupboard that read “Do Not Open!” in Twilight’s crispy hoofwriting. Spike smiled at this, this should be a fun day. Hopefully.