• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 1,080 Views, 66 Comments

A Dashing Legend - dashybrony2012

Twilight and Dash go on a little itty bitty adventure

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Chapter 4:

Rainbow stared at the spot where her friend had just been, her mind having a bit of trouble comprehending what had just happened merely moments before. Mixed emotions battled across her face, confusion, guilt and nervousness. She'd never seen Twilight so upset before, well save for that one time she went crazy over a late letter or something like that. Surely though it couldn't have been Rainbow's fault for unsettling Twilight like that, right? And why did she feel guilty? And most important one of all, why was Twilight upset in the first place? Dash had crashed through the window a hundred times, and Twilight had never seemed to mind. Sure she got a few lectures, but those were all lost on deaf ears. Suddenely the realization hit her, literally, a book toppled off a nearby shelf and hit her on the side to add to the irony. Dash turned around and examined her living room. It wasn't that messy, really. Rainbow let out a frustrated sigh, should she go and talk to Twilight? Maybe buy her an apology gift? Dash didn't know what to do. This sort of thing wasn't one of her strong suits, it was what Fluttershy did, heck even Applejack. Maybe....she could say sorry? Without the pointless humor like she had said it with before. Rainbow started pacing the room, pushing stuff out of the way with her hoof. This was definitely not her thing at all. She had barely had to deal with these sort of situations. Rainbow stopped dead in her tracks as a thought occured to her. Was she scared of.....of apologizing. She laughed like a maniac at the stupidity and irony of it. Her scared? The Awesome Rainbow Dash scared of such a little thing? Her laughter ceased as she finally unfurled her wings and made up her mind she would go over to Twilight and make herself say sorry. She dashed out of her beautiful cloud home and headed in the direction of the hollow tree known as a library and her friend's home.

As she got closer her anxiety began to kick in with some adrenalineto boot. What if Twilight didn't forgive her and decided that she didn't want to be friends with Rainbow? What if Twilight banned her from her house because she had broken so many windows? Come to think of it what had she damaged at the library? Well she would soon find out....not that she was afraid or anything of course. Rainbow continued to ponder all this as she came closer to her destination. In less than a couple minutes Rainbow had landed a few meters away from the library and decided that she would walk from there which was unusual for herbecause normally she would just fly in through an open window or something. She winced as she remembered the broken glass and the half-hearted apology she would always give. Dash stopped yet again in shock as she stared at the front of the library. The door looked like it had been blasted by Pinkie's party canon, twice. This could not be good she gulped as she stopped in front of the door, eh or what was left of it. She fluttered over the peices of wood that littered the enteryway.

"Twilight! You in here?" no answer. Okay....okay no reason to worry just yet. "Spike!" again she was met with nothing. Her ear twitched as she caught the faint sound of....sniffling? Oh sweet Luna, now she can worry. Concern played across her features as she floated to the bottom of the stairs, where the sound of muted sobbing got somewhat louder. She glided up to the top in no time and approached a door at the end of the short hallway. She hesitated, wondering whether it would be a good idea to enter without permission when she heard voices on the other side which she could make out as Twilight and Spike.

"I just can't believe her Spike!"

"Sh, sh Twilight it's ok."

"No it's not! She didn't even care that she wrecked my library, my home for Celestia's sake!" Spike stayed quiet at this not sure what to make of it. "And then- then she goes and says it's 'cool' or 'awesome' or whatever! How could she say that? I have forgiven her so many times in the past for breaking my windows, I let her off the hook one too many times!! I try to be a good friend and then what does she do? Laughs and brushes it off like it's no big deal! I have nothing to say to her anymore!" Rainbow stiffened at this the only thought running in her head was what have I done? Dash bit her lip and listened once more, adding to her giult and feeling of dread taking over her stomach. This time a new voice spoke up.

"Twilight sugar, ah know it ain't easy, shoot ah've had my barn get wrecked too at mah family reuinion 'member hun?" More sniffling. Applejack?


"Oh oh oh remember when there was a buncha me's and then they were bouncing all ove the place! And then I was all mopey and stuff because my friends didn't know which was the real me and-"

"Pinkie Pie!" a bunch of ponies seemed to shout. woah, woah, woah what? The rest of the girls are here? What? How in Luna's name did they get here so fast? This is bad, very, very, bad. Rainbow didn't want to hear any more and made to leave when Applejack spoke up again this time though it seemed to be directed at Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie? Wha's the matter with ya girl?"

"Oh I don't know! But it sure is a doozy! Somepony is feeling bad and they're here!" Rainbow's breath caught in her throat. How did Pinkie- oh right, Pinkie Sense. Thankfully she was saved by a certain generous fashionista.

"Pinkie darling! We already know the poor dear's upset! There, there Twilight sweetie." Rainbow released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. That was close, way too close if you asked her. Pinkie spoke up next.

"Oh yeah...I guess, but -but my Pinkie Sense is telling me it's somepony else! I know it is!" Rainbow could almost imagine everyone turning to look at Fluttershy. A shy voice speaking up confirmed that.

"Oh dear..." The rest went back to comforting Twilight, their coos and assuring words not lost on the rainbow Pegasus. Without uttering a word nor any sound Rainbow turned tail and rocketed home. And for the first time in a long time she felt tears threaten to steal her eyes.

Author's Note:

Wow I must be in a good mood today. Another chapter this early? I tell you guys I sure didn't see it comin'....ok that's a lie I sorta did. I guess I felt bad that the last chapter took so long, like really long. Buuuuut anyways, I made this whole chapter specifically focused on Dashy's feeling and all that stuff, I guess it's just that some people say she's so self-centered for whatever reason and doesn't show that much emotion and all that jazz soooo I just hoped to tell it from her point of view so people would stop saying that. I do not believe she is that way at all, she just has a harder time expressing her "sappy'' side. A lot of people are like that but enough about me on about what I think and turn this into an essay. So as always I hope you pony folk enjoy this chapter and tell me if there's anything I can improve on the pacing, the characters, grammar etc. that way I could hopefully make it more enjoyable in whatever way you suggest. Constructive criticism is appreciated aaaand yeah I do believe that's it, oh and this chapter is for Atlantean, you have been an awesome friend so thank you for that and if any of my followers wish I highly recommend you guys go and read his stories they are great and just like me he's improving greatly so yeah anyways enjoy yourselves now!
