• Published 26th May 2014
  • 74,881 Views, 2,904 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Do you even care what I title this?

“I’m so tired,” Luna says as she sways in her seat some.

Both Anon and Celestia didn't show up for breakfast this morning. Luna was looking forward to seeing her human friend just before she took a nap. That’s why she is currently sitting in the dining hall right now. If he didn't eat breakfast, he would definitely be here by lunch. Luna will admit that Anon is a great friend to her. Though he can over exaggerate a great many things.

Luna giggles some to herself. She remembers when Anon showed her his list of enemies once in a dream. Luna knew deep down that Anon would do nothing of it. If anything, that list is more of a reminder as to why he doesn't interact with ponies. A way of justifying his want of being alone. She cannot blame him either. Anon seems to always end up on the wrong side of things.

He tries to be nice and compliment a mare, and it turns out that he did something he never intended. He tries to meet a local teacher, and things get out of hoof. When Luna thinks of Anon, she sees herself. Someone who is very awkward around ponies, never knowing how to react to a situation. Anon even more so, seeing as he is not from this world and his attitude is one not seen by many ponies these days. Griffins, sure, but rarely ponies.

This is why Luna desperately wants to see Anon face to face. To let him know that she is real and also his friend. She can understand why her sister cares for Anon so much. To have a subject like him is a once in a lifetime experience. He is so jaded to others, always trying to push them away. Yet, if they survive the storm, Anon becomes far more open and loyal. She dares to say that his loyalty far exceeds the Element itself. Anon’s unfiltered attitude is something she is familiar with. It reminds her of a time before her banishment.


Luna breaks from her thoughts and looks over to see Anon looking to her with a raised brow. She lets out a silent thanks to the stars. She wasn't sure how long she would’ve been able to keep herself awake.

“Anon, It’s good to see you.”

“Sister, are you feeling well?” Celestia asks with concern.

Luna looks over to her sister with a tired smile.

“I’m fine, sister. A filly got lost last night and I stayed up to find her.” She looks to Anon. “I wish to see Anon face to face before I take a nap.”

Anon rolls his eyes. “You didn't need to stay up on my account, Luna. You know I don't sleep well at night anyways. I could’ve seen you at night court or something.”

She shakes her head. “I felt it only right to make an effort.” Luna shakily gets up from her seat. “I think I-”

Luna stumbles a bit, but Anon comes to her side and gets a steady grip on her. She looks up and notices that he is frowning at her. Not because he needs to help her, but because she put herself in this situation on his account.

“Come on you big baby,” Anon grunts a bit, surprising both Celestia and Luna as he lifts Luna up, cradling her to his chest. “Let's get you to bed. I don't need you falling asleep halfway to your bedroom.”

Luna can't help the redness growing on her muzzle. This is the side she was thinking of earlier. Under all that negativity and pushing away, there’s a person that does truly care for his friends. Not to mention that Luna has not been carried in such a way since she was a filly. She feels a little giddy at the thought of being taken care of like this.

“Perhaps I should call you Sir Anonymous from now on. The act of carrying a Princess to her chambers is rather chivalrous.” Luna giggles a bit at that thought.

Anon rolls his eyes again. “Don't expect me to do this every night.” He looks over to Celestia and Blueblood. “I won't take long…”

Celestia gives him a slow nod as he walks out of the dining hall. Was Anon always that strong, or is this a new development? Luna is by no means a light pony. Yet Anon didn't even look strained as he held her. Celestia shakes that thought away.

“Waiter!” To her call, a single waiter pony comes to greet her.

“What do you order, Princess?” he asks.

“Salad for myself, waffles for Blueblood and bacon with eggs for Anon,” she says without a stutter.

The waiter gives a hesitant nod. He’s had to serve carnivores before. Didn't mean he liked it much.

“Very well.”

With that, he takes his leave. Celestia takes her seat at the table as well and waits for Anon’s return.

“Will you stop that?!” Anon shouts in irritation.

Luna’s currently giggling like a little girl as she wiggles her hooves around.

“But this is so much fun!” She says with another titter.

“If you keep moving then I’m going to drop you!” he warns.

Luna lets out a huff of annoyance. “Very well.” She then snuggles her head into Anons chest. “This spot will do till we are returned to our bed.”

“Language, Luna, language,” Anon points out.

“Forgive me. I sometimes slip into the old ways.”

He lets out a sigh. “Don't worry. I personally think it’s kinda..” He cringes some. “Cute.”

Luna's eyes light up at that.

“Do you truly think that?” She asks him.

Anon groans a bit inside. He knew he shouldn't have said anything. Now she’s going to say something and then he’s putting her on the list.

“That is very kind of you, Anon,” Luna says with a sigh as she snuggles into his chest more. “Many ponies have told me that my way of talking is weird.”

Hmm.. Wasn't what Anon was expecting to hear, but the princesses have been the most normal-seeming ponies to him.

“Don't worry about others, Luna.” His face shifts to his normal mask of jadedness. “People seem to just be problems in the long run anyways.”

Luna looks up to him. “Will we become a problem to you one day?”

Anon looks down and can see the small glimmer of tears building at the edges of Luna’s eyes. He will admit that he really likes Luna, almost as much as he likes Celestia. They both seem to be calm individuals. Though they can get easily emotional at times, but he mostly thinks that’s because they are ponies. Can he say that she won't be a problem later? He cannot see into the future, and he hasn't been here long enough to find a pattern. Luna reminds him a lot of himself. The insecure side that he buries.

“I hope not,” he answers.

Anon looks up and finds that he is at Luna's room. Two weird looking ponies are standing guard. He doesn't need to say anything as they open the doors for him. He walks through and towards Luna’s bed. He sets her down on top of the blankets, seeing as it’s a rather warm day, today, and gets ready to leave.

“May we ask one favor of you?” Luna asks.

“Sure,” Anon answers.

“Would you join us in bed till we fall asleep?”

Anon cringed inside at that. He’s not really one to be touched. The fact Celestia does it so much is just proof of how much he thinks of her as a friend. But, to cuddle with her? Now that seems like a line too far. As he looks down to Luna, she’s looking up to him with such longing that he can almost feel the pain she's in. With a short sigh, he accepts his fate.


Luna brightens up at that as she scoots away some to give Anon a bit of room. He lays down on his back next to her as she snuggles up to him. Resting her head onto his chest. She can hear how fast his heart is pounding.

“Do you wish to be the big spoon?” Luna asks.

Anon groans. “Please try to sleep, Luna.”

“Very well.” She smiles as she snuggles a bit closer to him.

Anon reluctantly wraps his left arm around Luna and helps pull her closer. That seems to satisfy her as she tries to sleep. As he looks to the ceiling of Luna’s room, he tries to figure out how he got into this situation. Perhaps he is getting too soft? As he looks down and sees the peaceful look Luna is giving, he feels that thought die out. This is his friend and making them happy feels rather natural.

Celestia is wondering what is taking Anon so long to return. She knows that Luna’s room isn't that far from the dining hall. Her questioning doesn't continue as Anon walks through the door and over to the only seat left that has a plate in front of it. That seat being at Celestia’s right hoof.

“What kept you?” Celestia asks.

Anon takes his seat and slouches some.

“Luna.” He rubs his face some. “She wanted to cuddle a little.”

Now that is a surprise for Celestia. She wasn't aware that those two were so close.

“I-uh.. I see.” She looks back down to her meal.

Anon feels his eyebrow raise some at Celestia's mood shift. It then slowly dawns on him what she might be thinking.

“No! No way! Luna and I aren't, you know.. together,” he says. “Just a friend thing.”

For some reason or another. Celestia feels a large weight lift off her. Why would she instantly think Anon was dating Luna? That’s just silly. Ponies commonly have snuggling partners. She knows that, yet she forgot too. Anon looks to his covered plate and takes off the lid. If he wasn't positive that a big white horse was sitting next to him, he would've assumed he was back on earth.

“Did you buy this meat for my visit?” he asks, feeling uncomfortable at the thought of someone going out of their way for him.

“No.” That is a lie. “We have some ambassadors that eat meat.” True, but still not the entire truth. She made sure to stock up specifically for Anon. “I just thought you would like something you seldom get.”

Anon looks to his plate, then back to Celestia. He can feel a small battle going on inside of him. He doesn't want her to do things for him, yet, this was for an ambassador.

“Uhmm. Thanks?” he says hesitantly before he eats his breakfast.

He will admit that last night he didn't care about whom the meat was bought for, seeing as that was the first piece of meat he’s seen in a year. Though now that his mind is far more level, he feels that urge to turn it down. Not because he doesn't want it, but because someone else gave it to him. Even if it is a close friend, it always felt wrong to have others do something for him. Like he would owe them, then they would take advantage of him one day.

He didn't need to worry about this with Celestia, though. He knows she is very kind and wouldn't take advantage of him. At least, he hopes she wouldn't. Celestia on the other hoof is happy to see Anon happy. She’s unaware of his current thoughts, but if she knew about them then she would try to prove to him that she would never do such a thing. She just wants to make his life easier, as she knows that he does have it a bit rough in some places.

That is why she lets him get away with so many things. She knows that he would never harm her ponies and just likes to talk about doing something. She knows it’s just his way of letting off some steam. While she does feel like she should defend the elements when he talks down about them. Celestia can't say for certain if what Anon says about them is wrong.

Celestia doesn’t know everything that happens in this world. If she did, then she wouldn't need guards to protect the citizens. She is a normal pony and many forget that about her. She can tell, when Anon thinks about the Elements, that something has happened that he isn't telling her. He just brushes over them. Never giving a full explanation. She hopes that he will tell her in time.

Anon is currently enjoying his brunch. He can practically feel Celestia thinking about him. It’s almost like a superpower he has. She’s eating her meal, but he knows that her mind is wandering to him. Perhaps he shouldn't have shown her that list today. Maybe she is thinking that he’s a threat and how she should send him to the dungeon.

“Celestia,” Anon catches her attention. “You don't have a dungeon, do you?”

Celestia nods. “One was built many centuries ago. Though it’s never been used.”

So there is a possibility he could be locked away.

“Why do you ask?” She looks to him curiously.

He shrugs. “Just making conversation.”

Celestia could see that he is lying as clear as her day. Something is happening inside of him right now. That question wasn't out of the blue, it was made for a reason.

“You know I wouldn't put you there, right?” Celestia tries to comfort Anon.

He nods his head slowly. “Yeah, of course.”

Those words from Celestia didn't help calm him. If anything, it confirms his suspicion. He was just asking about dungeons. She’s the one saying she wouldn't put him there. Which means the thought of putting him there crossed her mind. These ponies think they’re smart, but Anon is onto their games.

“Stop that,” Celestia says.

Anon looks to her confused. “Stop what?”

She reaches her wing over and lays it onto his shoulders.

“You don't have to worry yourself, Anon. I’ll always be here for you.”

While on the outside Anon looks blank. On the inside, he is in total turmoil. He wasn't really sure how to take a statement like that. His time on Earth conditioned him to pick out lies and avoid people. Even when he showed up here in Equestria, he still didn't have any luck on a new start. While the ponies look friendly on the outside, as soon as you tried to make friends something bad would happen.

So why is it that he has Celestia as a friend? Why is Luna his friend? What does he consider Bonbon? It’s all so hard for him to understand something he is not familiar with. Celestia has never asked him for anything. Never showing any signs of ill content towards him. The same can be said for Luna and Bonbon. They seem genuine and that is why Anon finds this confusing.

“I-um..” He doesn't know what to say.

“Come.” Celestia stands from her seat and beckons Anon to follow her.

He gets up and stands by her as she wraps a wing around him. Anon hates to admit that he does feel really safe with Celestia. A feeling he hasn't felt in many years. Celestia can feel Anon’s body loosen up some as she holds him.

“I’m about to go to day court. Do you wish to join me?” she asks.

Anon nods hesitantly. “Sure.”

Author's Note:

[General edits made to this chapter on 1/4/15]

I noticed we don't really see into how Anon views things. So this is a more in depth chapter on how he views the world around him. The act of balancing comedy and slice of life is going to be a true undertaking for this story.

The following chapter was sponsored in part by this image.