• Published 26th May 2014
  • 74,881 Views, 2,904 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Fool me once, fool me twice

Celestia walks into the dining hall without hesitation. As she enters, she spots both Anon and Luna sitting in wait for her arrival. Anon waves her to her usual seat.

“Please, sit.” His voice is as calm as ever.

She gives him a nod and walks over to her seat. Once she is comfortable, she returns her sight to Anon. He looks over to Luna, then to the table itself. Celestia can see him trying to gather his thoughts right now.

“Do you mind if I call for a few drinks?” Celestia asks Anon.

He gives a nod. “Go ahead.”

Celestia lights up her horn and sends a message to a servant. Not even a few moments pass by before a mare comes walking into the room with a tray on her back. Celestia uses her magic to pull it off her.

“You may leave us,” she says.

The mare gives a quick bow and quickly takes her leave. She can feel how tense the room is. Celestia sets a glass of water in front of everyone at the table. Anon gives a thankful nod as he takes a small sip. He sets his cup down and rests his hands onto his lap. How is he going to start this? He then notices something in his pocket. Perhaps that will do nicely.

He reaches in his left pocket and pulls out his list. He sets it gently in front of him as both princesses look at it, then back to him.

“This would probably be the best place to start,” he says with a sigh.

“Your list?” Celestia asks.

He nods. “Yeah.”

He takes in a deep breath as he flips it open. The small pencil he keeps with it rolls out onto the table. He picks it up and looks to the three names in mind.

“Twilight,” he crosses her name off, “Rarity,” as well as hers, “Applejack.” He looks back up toward the Princesses “You know the story about these three.” He lays his list down as he lets out a sigh. “Maybe it’ll make more sense if I start from the top.”

Anon shifts in his seat as both the princess’ lean in. They don't want to miss a single thing.

“My arrival could’ve been better.”

Anon feels his head sway about as his vision blurs in and out. Why does his head hurt so much? He slowly starts to stand, his body barely able to hold his weight. Yet, he still continues on. He shakes his head a few times to try and regain focus. Still, it doesn't help much.

“What.. Twi-” He hears muffled voices.

“Get.. dangerous!” What are these voices?

Anon is just standing there trying to get his bearing while the Elements look at him. They know he is some last trick from Discord!

“We need to use the Elements before it can recover!” Twilight shouts to her friends.

“Are you sure, Twilight? It doesn't look so tough.” Rainbow Dash adds.

“You think it’s just coincidence that thing came out of nowhere just before we turned Discord into stone!?”

“Maybe she’s right,” Applejack adds.

“Alright girls, let's get it now, before it’s too late!”

Anon’s head is still fuzzy, but he can already make shapes out. His eyes focus on something that leaves him numb. Six small horses are floating in the sky. Not only that but they are glowing brightly. Where is he? It doesn't matter, he notices a beam of light fire from the horses directly at him. As the rainbow hits, he has to clench his teeth tight.

In a fraction of a second, the beam passed him. He falls to his knees, taking strong breaths in. His entire body is in agony, everything hurts so bad. He wants to cry, but he holds it in. What the hell was that?! He staggers back to his feet as he looks around in rage. In front of him he notices those six horses again. They aren't glowing and are looking at him in very human-like shock.

“Who… the hell… did that?” Anon asks in labored breaths.

Celestia and Luna are hanging onto every word he speaks. They’ve read the report from Twilight. Yet it seems so different from another point of view. They will admit that they too are unaware of what effects the elements had on him. All they know is that if it didn't destroy him, then it meant he was good. It’s one of the leading reasons why Celestia wanted to try and befriend him.

“After I said that, I guess they came to the conclusion that if the Elements didn't work on me, then I was good. They quickly apologized, but I was still mad about the pain that thing caused me. So I ignored them and let them talk. Eventually, I suppressed the rage and just went about as if it never happened.”

“Why, why didn't you do something?” Luna asks.

He looks her in the eyes. “What would’ve happened to me if I did do something, Luna? I was considered more foe than friend back then. A single negative thing would’ve had a lasting impact.” He looks to Celestia. “Am I wrong?”

She looks away in shame. He’s correct in that assumption. If he did act out at such a fragile time, the chances are that even Celestia herself would’ve brought a hoof into the mix.

He looks back to Luna. “I was playing it safe. It’s better to go along with the crowd when your freedom is at stake. So that’s what I did. I followed Twilight back to her library and they all talked to me for awhile. I kept most of my answers short and clean.”

He lifts up his list and points to Twilight's name.

“She offered me a room at her place. I accepted. How could I not? It was either that or the streets. I doubt they would’ve even given me a choice. They still didn't know if I was a threat or not.” He set the list down. “She was very shy at first. Only asking me a few questions here and there. I took the time to answer, as well as ask a few of my own.”

Celestia looks at Anons hand as it clenches some.

“Then that day happened.” He lets out a shaky breath. “It started out like any other day. She asked me a few questions and I tried to answer. The more and more I couldn't answer, the more she started to push. Before I knew it. I was being lifted from my seat in her magic as she took me into her basement. I told her to put me down, but she didn't respond.”

Celestia scoots over to Anon and places a wing on his back to comfort him. He gives her a quick nod.

“She, uh.. She strapped me to a table. Mumbling to herself about getting results. I told her to let me go, but again, she didn't respond. She hooked me up to a bunch of different things. That’s when I kinda accepted my fate. If she wasn't going to let me go before, asking was pointless. So I just lay there. She took blood, tissue. God only knows how many scans. I kinda just blanked out after awhile.”

Celestia feels as if she needs to vomit. How could she have not known of this? Luna on the other hoof is calm, dangerously so. She’s not showing any emotion right now. Her princess mask having no outward flaws. On the inside, though, she is thrashing about. Thinking of all the things she wishes to inflict onto her sister's student.

“After she was done, she let me go. With a smile and a wave, she told me she got everything she was looking for. As if she did nothing wrong.” He chuckles. “I think that’s the worst of it all. It makes me wonder what other creatures had to put up with such a thing.”

That makes Celestia pause. What if Anon wasn't the first? She would need to look into this. Not only will Twilight be punished, she will also be monitored.

“That’s when I decided to get the hell out of there,” he says.

He lifts up his list and flips to the second page. He looks at the newly added Pinkie Pie. He lets out a sigh as he erases her name. Both Celestia and Luna look to him surprised. He points to the empty spot.

“Pinkie was the pony that took me in after the Twilight thing.” He rubs his face some. “She is a very annoying pony to be around. Always in my space, trying to throw me parties. Funny, all it took to make her stop was sitting her down and telling her that I didn't like that stuff. She, oddly enough, understood. She let me stay in her room. Roommates, I guess you could call us. We never became friends, seeing as our personalities never worked well together. We just kinda accepted the other.”

He lets out a sigh. “I wouldn't be surprised if she had a good reason for hitting me with that rock. She doesn't do things out of malice or spite.” He then flips to the first page. “Applejack. You know the story to that one as well. Yet I didn't tell you about what happened after, as it turns out, word spreads quickly around Ponyville. Well, more like gossip.

“So it got around town that I tried to steal apples from Applejack and she kicked me. Let’s just say that the town's ponies believed it and I was quickly ostracized. Many of the ponies downright ignored me or even went out of their way to insult me. Even when Applejack tried to tell them the gossip was wrong, it didn't matter by then. It became fact to everyone in town.”

Luna’s mask is starting to wear thin. She knows how Anon must have felt during that time. To have the hate and the fear of ponies. Celestia isn't faring much better. She can't believe that Anon has never told her this. Yet, she also understands why he never did. He was just trying to go with the flow and act normal around those ponies. To be accepted, even if it never worked.

“So it backfired,” Anon admits. “I wasn't accepted into their little town. In fact, I slowly was becoming infamous.” He then flips points to another name. This one being Mr.Cake. “That one compliment started the gossip of me being a ‘mareizer,’ which I assume means ‘womanizer’ for my people.” He chuckles. “Didn't get any better, nope.” He points to another name. This one being Rainbow Dash.

Celestia’s attention is far more acute. She can't punish all of Ponyville. However, punishing the Elements should be enough to teach them and even the world that Celestia plays favorites with no pony. Not only that, but that the Elements are not above the laws of her land and they will be held responsible for their actions.

“She, made life a living hell.” He set the list down. “I’m all for pranks. No harm no foul in my book. She, however, never got that memo. Harm was the least of my problems with her around. Her pranks could’ve killed me.”

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asks in a deadly tone.

“Let me ask you a question first, Luna.” Luna gives a nod. “How resilient are ponies to lightning?”

Luna raises an eyebrow at him. “Most ponies can take a direct strike from lightning without much discomfort. Our magic allows us to redirect it efficiently in our own body. Any more than that can wear their magic down to a dangerous level, if they were to take strikes in succession. Why do you ask?”

Anon shakes his head. “Humans are very different, Luna. A single strike can kill most of us. Only a few lucky people will ever live after being hit.”

That makes both Princess’ eyes shoot open. Is that correct? Is Anon not as resilient to such things? Sure, ponies are considered the most resilient when it comes to natural events like weather, while other races vary, but they always thought that Anon was, well, stronger than that. On par, if not above a pony's resilience to things. Then again, they’ve never done studies on him to know. All they had to go on were his stories about his race.

“I guess she mistook my fear of dying as a fear of lightning,” Anon says bitterly. “She never gave me the time of day. So she never knew that her pranks had a chance of killing me.” He looks at the shocked looks of both the princesses. “I was lucky; I never got hit and she eventually moved on to other things.”

Celestia doesn't even know how to react right now. Anon could’ve been killed on two separate occasions because of a pony's negligence! She isn't sure if she wants to cry from the pain or scream from the anger. Luna, however, is constructing a good argument for her sister to reinstate beheadings. Anon can tell that these two are having a hard time accepting what he is telling them.

They wanted the truth, so that is what they are going to get. He takes a sip of his water as to give them a moment to process what he told them. He looks at his list again. His eyes falling to the next name.

“Fluttershy.” He says softly.

Celestia notices a look of pain on his face. How could this get any worse?

“This one is more complicated than I lead you to believe.” He lets out a long sigh. “It was after the Rarity thing. The entire town hated me and I managed to fix up the rundown house outside of Ponyville. Mayor Mare practically tossed the deed at me so I would get out of her office.” He chuckles some. “What a stupid name.” He shakes his head a bit to center his thoughts. “Fluttershy was my last chance at getting the ponies on my side. Also, I was having another problem as well.”

He looks at the princesses. “You know I eat meat. While it’s true that I can last a good amount of time without it, I can die if I don't get even a small intake of it. I heard around town that Fluttershy takes care of all types of animals. If I got her to like me, then everypony would like me. Didn't matter about the gossip or anything. She was just that type of pony. Plus, I hoped she would help me with my meat problem as well.”

He slowly closes his list as he thinks over that day.

This is Anon’s last chance. If he can get Fluttershy to like him, then he is set. Plus, she might even understand his need for meat. He approaches her house and quickly knocks on the door. It doesn't take long for Fluttershy to answer the door. She’s surprised to see Anon here. She knows he wasn't really having a very good time interacting with ponies in town. Why is he here though?

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Anon starts. “I would like to talk to you about something.”

She hesitates to let him in. She isn't afraid of him or even believed those awful rumors about him. She’s always been a very shy pony, so most would just say she is acting normal. She gives a slow nod and lets Anon enter. She closes the door behind him. He looks around and takes in the sites. Definitely looks more like an animal hoarder than a caretaker. He doesn't say that, but it’s on his mind.

“Please, take a seat.” Fluttershy point to a couch.

He gives a nod as he takes a seat. They both fall into awkward silence. Anon trying to think of what to say.

“So, you like to take care of animals?”

Fluttershy feels her nervousness gradually disappear..

“Yes. I’ve been taking care of animals since I was just a filly,” she says with pride.

Anon gives a nod and a silent thanks. There is no way she hasn't ran into a meat eater before.

“Can I ask some questions about your animals?”

Fluttershy nods in excitement. “Sure!”

“What do you feed them?”

Fluttershy rubs a hoof to her chin.

“Well, they all eat different things.”

Anon nods. “So like fruits and stuff?” Fluttershy nods. “Meat?” He says the last thing under his breath.

Fluttershy freezes some. She isn't too sure if Anon will understand. Most ponies don't. It’s why she never tells them.

She gives a slow nod. “Some of them,” she whispers.

Anon can feel an internal sigh of relief. She does understand.

“I’m going to level with you, Fluttershy.” Anon is now sitting on the edge of the couch. “I never told any of the ponies about this. Mostly out of concern. I,” he pauses some, “I eat meat as well as fruits and vegetables.”

Fluttershy is genuinely shocked. Most carnivores she knew have very large teeth. Then again, Anon does have all the signs of a predator. His front facing eyes being the most prominent feature.

“Really?” she asks.

Anon nods. “Really. I was wondering if you could help me?”

It slowly dawns onto Fluttershy what he is asking. “Oh! Yes, of course! It must simply be horrible to starve yourself!”

Anon actually gives a genuine chuckle. Other than Pinkie, no other ponies have ever shown even the slightest bit of concern for him.

“I’m not starving, Fluttershy. It’s mostly for a balanced diet,” Anon adds.

She gives a few nods. “Of course. I have some fish in the freezer if you want them.”

Anon nods. “Would you? That would be great.”

Fluttershy quickly gets up and flies towards the kitchen. Anon can't believe how his luck is turning out to be! Not only did this pony understand, but she is even giving him something to eat. He’s going to have to repay her somehow. He feels something tap his hand. He looks down and notices a small rabbit standing in front of him.

“Hey there,” Anon says as he pats the bunny on the head. That’s until the thing clamps down onto his hand. “Dammit!”

Anon throws his hand back. The bunny goes flying through the air and smashes into a wall. He then hears something falling to the right of him. He looks over and spots Fluttershy. Her eyes are wide and her pupils are like pinpricks as she looks at the bunny that is laying on the floor. He isn't dead, but he isn't alright either.

“How dare you,” she whispers.

“Fluttershy, I didn't mean fo-”

“How dare you!” she screams as she flies right into Anons face.

Anon can only sit in shock as this pony looks directly into his eyes. That’s when he felt it. Something is starting to bubble up inside of him. Before he can look away or try and stop it, his vision turns red. Fluttershy is staring into the eyes of Anon. Most of the time, her “Stare” happens on its own, this being one of the cases. Not only that, but it usually unlocks the most buried thing inside a creature. Most of the time, that is fear.

She didn't even realize how much she messed up when she did this to Anon. She didn't unlock his fear. No, she unlocked his rage. Unfiltered, untainted rage. Anon's face turns to a more animalistic one as he plows his fist into the side of Fluttershy’s face. The hit being enough to toss her across the room. Anon quickly rises to his feet ready to jump on top of her and continue the beatdown.

That’s until he feels something tackle him down. Well, more like many small things tackling him. In his blind rage, he tosses about trying to get whatever is holding him down. Something far larger pins him next. A loud roar is screamed into his ear. Anon throws his head back without thinking and smashes into something with great force. He rolls over and notices a small bear lying on its back holding its muzzle.

He stand up and walks over to the bear, ready to teach it a lesson.

“Wait!” he hears a scream pierce through his subconscious.

He looks over as the red starts to fade. Fluttershy is panting heavily as she leans against the wall. It’s then that he realizes what just happened. How, why? He can't even process this as he quickly runs out of Fluttershy’s house. He doesn't stop even as she tries to call out to him.

Anons gaze is stuck on his glass.

“I avoided Fluttershy at all costs after that day. I still don't know what came over me. One moment I’m happy, then I just snapped.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I added her to the list so I wouldn't forget. Not like I would’ve anyways.”

He lets out a long sigh as he looks up to the princesses. The both of them are still in a state of shock. Celestia has heard from Twilight about this ‘stare’ that Fluttershy can do. She wasn't aware of how powerful it actually was. To think it could turn Anon, a passive individual, into a mindless animal. Anon picks up his list and tosses it into the center of the table.

“Word spread again. Rumors about me beating Fluttershy this time. Hate isn't even the right word to describe how the town felt for me.” Anon looks up to see the slight glimmer in both of the princess’ eyes. “It wasn't all bad,” they look to him in hopes that it does get better, “after I was almost raped by Lyra,”

Luna slams her hooves on top of the table with such force that she manages to leave large dents into the twelve-inch thick mahogany. Celestia drops the glass of water she had in her magic. The entire room falls silent for only a fraction of a second.

“What was it that thou hath just sayeth, Anon!?” Luna screams in her Canterlot voice.

“Luna, calm down!” Anon yells over the impressive wind force Luna is creating.

“Nay! We will not sit idly by as such filth walk amongst our ponies!” Luna then looks to her sister. “Sister, we request that this pony be made an example of! A beheading is all that will teach these ponies right from wrong!”

Celestia actually wants to agree. She can't stomach the thought that something like this could happen. There needs to be action.

“Hey!” Anon shouts.

Luna quickly calms herself as she notices the scowl Anon is giving her.

“No beheadings!” he shouts. “Just let me finish. Alright?”

They both calm themselves as they give reluctant nods.

“Rape might have been too strong a word.” Anon tries to approach this cautiously. “More like she was very very forward in her attempts to have sex with me.”

“Pick your next words carefully, Anonymous.” Luna warns. “You may accept and ignore easily, but my wrath is a thousand fold. I will not rest if I think these ponies deserve punishment.”

Anon gulps a little at that. Alright. He’s not going to lie, but he isn't going to get Bonbons girlfriend beheaded.

“She was in heat,” Anon says. “I-I didn't know what that was. She invited me into her house, talked to me. She was very nice. Then she offered to show me her room. I accepted. I didn’t see anything wrong with it.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Next thing I know, she locks the door and has my entire hand in her mouth.” His cheeks get slightly red. “She’s moaning and stuff. I had no idea what was happening.”

He clears his throat some. “That’s when Bonbon found us. She quickly pulled me out of her room and locked Lyra inside. She took me into the front room and, of course, was angry as can be. She thought I was trying to steal her girlfriend. I explained to her that Lyra invited me in. Eventually, I convinced her that I had no idea what was going on. She told me Lyra was in heat, even took the time to explain what heat was.”

Both of the princesses calm themselves a bit more. Heat can be a very strong thing for ponies. It can turn even the most civilized mares into animals. However, most stallions can smell a mare in heat from a mile away, so they can avoid them easily.

“Bonbon and I got to talking. She ran a candy shop. One thing leads to another and she offered me a job. That’s how I got that candy making job.” He chuckles nervously. “So, it wasn't all bad.” He then lets out a sigh. “That’s pretty much the gist of it.” He picks up his glass and downs the entire thing.

He sets his glass down. “So there you go. You know everything.”

“That, was quite a story, Anon.” Celestia speaks.

“Yup.” Anon nods.

“But, I have one more thing I want to know.”

Anon looks to her with a raised brow.

“Will you let me help you?” she asks.

Anon feels his heartbeat catch. He will admit that he felt a great deal better after telling Celestia and Luna everything.

“Celestia, Luna.” They both look to him. “I’m afraid of the thought of you helping me.”

“Why?” Celestia asks.

“It’s just, what if I become someone else? It’s scary, but, ” he lets out a sigh, “I think I do want your help, Celestia.” He then looks to Luna. “Like I said to your sister. Friendship is about trust. It’s about give and take. If I can't trust you two, or allow you to give to me, then we aren't really friends.” He feels his fist clench some. “I’m going to trust you two. My entire being is yelling at me not to, but, I think it’s time to grow.”

Celestia and Luna rise from their seats and approach Anon. They don't hesitate as they wrap their wings around him in an embrace.

“Thank you,” they both whisper to him.

Anon chuckles a little to himself. If you told him that he would be in a situation like this sometime in the future, he would’ve called you crazy. Yet, life always seems to be filled with surprises. Maybe coming to Equestria was not as random as everyone thinks. Perhaps it was his last chance to grow, as well as help the Princesses to grow as well.

“Anon.” Celestia pulls away from Anon with a determined look. “What most of the elements did to you is criminal. I only tell you this out of respect, but I cannot allow them to continue on without punishment.”

Anon didn't really want things to get complicated. He can, however, see that Celestia will not let this slide. If this is how she wants to help, that is her choice. Luna rests her head onto Anons shoulders as she covers him with her wings.

“Alright.” Anon gives a nod. “So what’s the plan?”

Celestia looks to her sister. “Seeing as we have a good foundation to start from, I think we shall put our heads together to gain the most appropriate forms of punishment.”

Luna gives her sister a strong nod. She would assure these ponies rue the day they thought they could harm her friend.

“Till that time comes,” Celestia breaks the silence, “how would you like to continue your stay here, Anon?”

Anon chuckles on the inside. Despite all this serious stuff, he feels oddly good about this entire thing.

“Sure. How about some lunch?” he offers.

“That sounds like a great idea!” Celestia says. “Shall I call a servant?”

Anon shakes his head. “I actually have a different idea.”

Both sisters look at each other, just before they look to Anon. He stands up, breaking away from Luna’s hold. He walks to the dining hall door and turns back briefly to wave the two to follow him. The princesses give each other one unsure glance as they rise from their seats and follow after Anon.

Author's Note:

1,500 thumb up chapter special. Yup! I love you guys so much for the insane amount of support this fic gets, that I chose to stay up and write this next chapter specially for this groundbreaking achievement!

I have to say that when I first started this fic, I had no idea it would’ve gotten this popular. Let alone be continued from its one shot status! Thank you all for the support. And as always, I'll see you in the next chapter!