• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 2,234 Views, 109 Comments

Doctor Whooves: You Are Not Alone - LightOfTriumph

The Doctor goes to the coordinates Twilight gave him and finds himself in a place he shouldn't be, meeting an old enemy who should be long dead.

  • ...

A Matter of Black and White

The Master awoke to a field of blackness.

He wasn't sure what had just happened. The Doctor's idiot companion had nailed him squarely in the chest, and some huge wave of energy had sent him flying. He was flying sixty stories over Canterlot, when all of a sudden, he was standing here.

"Four words, Master," a voice dripping with evil came from seemingly nowhere.

"What?" asked the Master.

"Four words," the voice continued. "That is how long your responses can be. I'm a busy man, and I haven't the time for anything longer."

The Master understood immediately who was talking. The Doctor was right. "I understand, Black Guardian," he smiled.

"Oh good," the voice said smugly. "You know who I am, that will save time."

"I'm sorry I failed," the Master said tenuously.

"You haven't," said the Black Guardian. "In fact, your work is just beginning."

"Can I see you?" the Master asked.

The Black Guardian inhaled sharply. "I'm a cosmic being of pure evil, there isn't much to see... Oh hang on, I'm sure I can whip something up..."

From the shadows stepped a tall imposing figure. Lime green eyes, a black body, fangs and bright red wings. The shape of an alicorn in black and red.

"A bit cliche, perhaps..." the Black Guardian said smugly. "But it suits me."

The Master couldn't help but laugh. "A bit unsubtle though..."

"I am the cosmic being that protects all evil in the whole of reality," the Black Guardian explained. "Subtlety is not an extravagance I partake in. Anyway, I am glad we can finally talk. I have a proposition for you. You collect something for me, and in return you get your freedom through Time and Space back. And something else. Something that we both want..."

"What would that be?" asked the Master.

"Revenge on the Doctor," the Black Guardian smiled.

The Master didn't have to consider the offer very long, but he felt like making the Guardian sweat a bit. After all, the Black Guardian had been manipulating him ever since he came to Equestria. He was going to have to pay for that eventually...

"Four words, Master," the Black Guardian said sternly. "What is your answer?"

The Master looked up and grinned.

"Where do I sign?"

"White who what now?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"The White Guardian," the Doctor said. "The being you see before you is the entity charged with keeping peace and justice throughout the multiverse. He... She? It? The White Guardian is the manifestation of all that is good and right in the whole of reality. She's also bloody irritating!"

"That's rich, coming from you," the White Guardian laughed. "How many times has your counterpart nearly ended his universe? Five, maybe six times? At least two more times that you don't even know about yet. And I'm irritating?"

"Why didn't you just come to me?" the Doctor said sternly. "I would've said yes! I said yes the last time, didn't I?"

"You were reborn in this universe," the White Guardian answered. "You were new. You were excited. You were also terrified. You didn't need me to add to your stress."

"Oh yes," the Doctor said sarcastically. "Someone walking up to me and giving me a clear goal is simply too much pressure. I need some sort of clandestine being to sneak behind my back opening doors and giving me hints. That won't make me paranoid."

"I'm here now," the White Guardian smiled. "Let's talk."

"Let's! Lynchpins," the Doctor said, as he sat down across from the White Guardian. "Tosh."

"I'm afraid not Doctor-"

"Hold it!" Applejack said suddenly. "What the hoof is a lynchpin? You've mentioned them a couple times now. They seem to be pretty important, so why?"

The Doctor hung his head. "The Lynchpin Theory of the Multiverse," he began. "Is a belief which sates that the Multiverse is not as infinite as we think it is. Due to the fact that it is impossible for certain things not to exist. These things, Lynchpins, must exist in every universe in some capacity. Whether they be as potent a force as they are here, or just a program on telly, in some sense of the word, a lynchpin must exist."

"Correct," the White Guardian said calmly. "As a matter of fact, there are five things that must be in each and every universe."

The Doctor looked up. "Daleks, Cybermen, the Master," the Doctor counted off. "That's three I've dealt with so far. Why do I need to find them?"

"Because," the White Guardian looked into the Doctor's eyes. "If the Black Guardian manages to get his hands on even one of them, the terror he could reap from it would be catastrophic. I think he may already have one, Doctor. I don't think we have seen the last of the Master."

"Neither do I," the Doctor said sadly.

"Wait, wait, wait," Scootaloo jumped in. "Who's the Black Guardian?"

"You know how the White Guardian is the one that's all sweetness and light?" the Doctor asked.

"Yeah?" Scootaloo answered.

"The Black Guardian is the other one."

"I'm going to have to send you somewhere Doctor," the White Guardian explained. "Someone has come through to my universe who doesn't belong. They appear to be looking for you. Unfortunately, now that we have spoken, I can't help you as actively as I have been. I am however, sending in some reinforcements."

"Who exactly?" the Doctor asked.


"... That's quite up to you," the White Guardian finished. "It would give the Equestrian Doctor a chance to catch up. You haven't seen each other in quite a while."

"Longer for me than for him!" He took off his jacket and sat across from the White Guardian. "Why do you think he needs my help?"

"There is a new priest in Dodge Junction," the White Guardian explained. "No one can remember confession."

His eyes widened as he leaped into action, pressing buttons and pulling levers on the console. "Well then! Yes I so quite understand now why it is you sent for me. Nothing beats experience, after all. Though I am quite miffed, actually. I was expecting to be done with all of that nonsense. Oh well, never mind!"

"Be careful," the White Guardian said cautiously. "This could be a trap."

"If what you're saying is right, then that can't be it!" he smiled. "Not if they no what they're doing! Because there is one thing you-"

"Never ever put in a trap," the White Guardian finished, exasperated. "Just... Get there and help him out, alright Raggedy Man?"

"You don't get to call me that," the Doctor said frankly.

The White Guardian nodded. "Yes I do."

The Doctor flipped another switch, and the TARDIS was hurtling back through the void.

The Kid. The Raggedy Man.

The Eleventh.


He didn't like to time travel. It was too risky.

It was in his nature to be chaotic, and he could jump back if he wanted to with just a snap of his fingers, but he didn't like it. It could cause... problems.

This was a special circumstance, though. If his contact was right, all of his friends were in danger.

He caught sight of his contact. He was astounded by what he saw. He was tempted to avert his eyes.

"Don't" said the thing in the priests collar. "This conversation will take forever if you do. You've received our message?"

"Yes," he replied. "If what you're saying is true, you have utterly confused me. That's usually my job. Congratulations."

"You understand what must be done?" the thing responded.

"Yes," he said calmly. "I'm not going to hurt anypony, but I swear, the Doctor will not leave Dodge Junction."

"This is imperative," the thing hissed. "It is vital that the Doctor not reach Trenzalore! Otherwise he may answer the question, and when he does the whole of reality could cave in on itself! I want your word, Draconequus! As shaky as it might be.

"You have my word. The Doctor will not reach Trenzalore. When the question is asked...

"Silence will fall," said Discord.

Author's Note:

Stay tuned for Doctor Whooves: Silence Will Fall, coming to FiMFiction on September 9th!

Please rate and comment, and as always, thanks for reading!:raritywink:

Comments ( 37 )

it has only been one episode so far and i already miss eleven... and he was even in that episode!
why must you remind me...

4927277 I miss him too. But i'm liking twelve so far!:twilightsmile:

*puts shades on* *Doctor Who Theme*

So discord is the priest so your gonna make the new doctor become 11 here? Or is he gonna stay the same? Well either way trenzalore regeneration number 14 were breacking some series sience here boys heheh 11 humaniod is gonna regen who I joined the fandom of dw in but 12 will be the first doctor I see on tv yay... :yay:


Well then.... There's only one thing to do now...

*begins fangirling*


4928121 Heh, that's who I got on a personality quiz.


4929823 :rainbowderp: Yes... Yes the next fic will involve the Silence... I'm glad you're exited scary fan.


4930221 My sentiments exactly.

4932053 I'm so exited I will do my loudest cheer. yay:yay:

4932062 This is going to be awesome. Btw what is your favourite Wierd Al song? Mine is either white and nerdy, or Amish paradise

4932076 Hmm... Virus Alert. Without a doubt.

4932117 A follow for a follow. A :pinkiecrazy: for a :pinkiecrazy:.

Comment posted by Swordslash2899 deleted Aug 31st, 2014

4933177 No! No random video time! No random conversations on the Light's story!:flutterrage:

4933439 I don't mean to snap, it's just that I get pinged everytime you comment. I'm trying to write here...:fluttershysad:

4934693 Well then Slending Angel, shall we continue this chat on your user page or mine?

4933495 No need to use a :fluttershysad:, it's cool.

4960629 Let's try P.M. BT-Dubs, where were you?

4960697 I had school, and on a side note, what's P.M.?

4960755 Private Messaging. Basically in-site e-mail.

Well that happened. Also, I noticed that this is still marked incomplete. Next story!

5111386 Well, I think if the White Guardian is taking Celestia's form that the Black Guardian should take the form of Nightmare Moon.

So... the 4th Lynchpin is either Discord or the GI? I'm guessing GI, since the first 3 were DW related.


I got Martha, and I am male.


Once again, Discord is fighting on the wrong side:facehoof:

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