• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 2,234 Views, 109 Comments

Doctor Whooves: You Are Not Alone - LightOfTriumph

The Doctor goes to the coordinates Twilight gave him and finds himself in a place he shouldn't be, meeting an old enemy who should be long dead.

  • ...

Rassilon and Omega

The Doctor had clammed up tight during the night.

He didn't explain to AJ what he was talking about. He just sat there, the both of them unable to sleep. The only things that brought them any comfort were the snores of the crusaders.

Eventually the sun rose. They still needed to wait six hours before the false wedding was to take place.

They heard rumors of the groom's sister losing it at rehearsal outside their door. Applejack looked down at the ground. She was ashamed of herself in not believing Twilight. She could have stopped so much destruction if she had just trusted Twilight as Twilight had always trusted her. It made her sick that she would have to let it happen again.

What puzzled her most however was the Doctor. He had been staring out the window since they got back to the room. Straight up at the sky, not saying a word.

And then he got up.

"Time to go!" he said cheerfully. "Applejack, put on your perception filter. We have a wedding to get to!"

"Mmph!" Sweetie Belle mumbled as she sat bolt upright in bed.

"I'm up!" Apple Bloom said defensively.

"Save Equestria Time?" Scootaloo mumbled.

"Ah good! You're awake!" the Doctor smiled. "I need you three to get to the TARDIS and stay inside."

"What?" Apple Bloom seemed hurt.

"If the master fails he may look for a quick route of escape," the Doctor explained. "He may try to get his hands on my TARDIS again. I don't want that to happen again. If he comes down to that wine cellar, take off and don't look where you may land. Just keep it away from the Master."

The three fillies saluted. "You got it, boss!" said Scootaloo.

"As for us," the Doctor turned to Applejack. "I could think of worse mares to be on my arm at a wedding reception!"

Applejack turned on her perception filter. "Don't push your luck."

The five ponies ran out the door toward their destination.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders made it to the TARDIS stepped in, and locked the door behind them.

There was an awkward pause.

"This is gonna get real boring real fast, ain't it?" Apple Bloom asked.

The other crusaders deflated. "Great!" said Scootaloo. "Just hoofing great! Now we have to sit here, with nothing to do, waiting in a box for the world to come to an end! We can't even see what's going on out there!"

All of the sudden a monitor in the TARDIS flicked on to show the outside of Canterlot Castle. A constant live feed.

The three fillies were spooked by the sudden granting of the favor.

"Uh..." Sweetie Belle started cautiously. "That's a good thing, right? Last night the Doctor said that whoever was doing this wanted his help for something..."

"He also said that somepony else was helpin' the Master," Apple Bloom said. "And that whoever that was wanted the Doctor and all of his friends dead."

"That's us," groaned Scootaloo. "But still, how would turning on that monitor kill us? Seems like a pretty weak way to do somepony in..."

"He may want us to see somethin' that would get us to do somethin' stupid," Apple Bloom reasoned.

"Or," Sweetie Belle chimed in as she ran toward the back room. "It could be the guy on our side showing us what we need to see in order to save the day. Still, until we see it, there's only one thing to do." She emerged with a vinyl record entitled "Ray Charles: Greatest Hits." "We listen to some music!"

The Doctor and Applejack ran into the Master, waiting alone, in the room outside the wedding hall. He was still taking the form of decorum. "I'm afraid we can't go in!" he frowned. "The Ceremony is already in progress and we wouldn't want to interrupt it ahead of schedule."

The Doctor glared at the Master. "Applejack," he said. "How long until-"

"Twi arrives with the real Cadence?" Applejack asked. "'Bout ten minutes. What do we do?"

"Simple," said the Doctor, taking a seat on the floor. "We wait."

"Agreed." the Master smiled. "Neither of us can do anything until the true party starts so..."

There was a good minute long silence.

"Well," the Master said finally. "This is boring. Who's up for twenty questions?"

"I got one," Applejack said sternly. "What the hay is this 'Hand of Omega' thing."

"Oh! You've figured it out, have you?" the Master beamed at the Doctor. "Well, that will save me time explaining it to you later. I think we should talk to her, though. How long has this mare been traveling with you without you chattering her ear off about Time Lord history? The shame!"

The Doctor smiled and turned to Applejack. "It starts a few millennia ago, with two scientists..."

"Two Gallifreyan scientists," the Master interrupted. "The name 'Time Lord' wasn't given, it was earned. Earned by these two. Rassilon and Omega."

"Rassilon was a Temporal Engineer who had a theory about a technology that could travel to any point in time and space," the Doctor continued. "The trouble was that he didn't have the energy to power it. He also had no idea where to get it. that's where Omega comes in."

"He thought you could take a sun and loop it in a state of perpetual Nova," the Master smiled. "A point just before its death where it releases a tremendous amount of energy. He created a device to pluck the stars out of the sky, Rassilon, for political reasons, called it the 'Hand of Omega.'"

"Wait..." Applejack said cautiously. "If you have this thing... That means you're gonna take a star out of the sky? Where are you gonna get-"

She looked at the Doctor's face, and then looked out on the bright sunny day.

"No..." Applejack was horrified. "You can't mean... You'll kill everypony!"

"That is the general idea, yes!" the Master smiled pleasantly at Applejack. "Well, that and getting me the hell off of this planet."

"You won't get past Celestia," Applejack said through gritted teeth.

"Celestia," the Master said coolly. "Is going to be incapacitated a few seconds from... now. Hello, Twilight Sparkle! Hello, Princess Cadence!"

Twilight and Cadence galloped past them. Giving them odd looks before running into the wedding hall with more important things to do.

They heard the commotion from inside as Chrysalis was revealed to the crowd.

"So exciting, isn't it Doctor?" the Master said, dropping his disguise in a wave of blood red flame. "The crowd is on the edge of their seats, the suspense is palpable. The contestants are getting ready now, all set for the first ever Time Lord horse race."

He tapped his hoof on the ground four times. Tap tap tap tap.

They heard the clash of horns from inside as Celestia stepped up to defend her people.

The Doctor snapped to the ready. "Applejack!" the Doctor called. "When I start running, so do you! Understand?"

"You got it!" AJ stood ready as well.

Tap tap tap tap.

They heard the pulsing magical energy spark between Chrysalis and Celestia.

"Not long until the starting pistol is fired," the Master grinned.

They heard a thud as Celestia fell to the tile floor.

"NOW!!" said the Doctor.

"And they're off!" screamed the Master!

Author's Note:

No, I did not just pull that Time Lord history out of my ass. Look it up, New Who fans!

And I'm sure that this is the Doctor Who related thing that all of you guys are looking forward to today!:rainbowlaugh:

Publishing today may have been a mistake. Please rate and comment!