• Published 28th Apr 2012
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I Found Love: A Princess Cadence and Shining Armour story - kuromi

An origin story of Princess Cadence, how she came to meet Twilight and Shining Armour and find love.

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Chapter 9: The Twilight Days

Being angry at another pony was not very becoming of me. Not only did it inspire more anger from the other party, it made my emotion sensitivity go haywire, and it was all I could do to drag myself to my room after confronting my Aunt Celestia.

She had seemed shocked after my harsh words, but I could feel more from her. I had hurt her. There was real grief and sorrow resonating from her, and one other unexpected emotion; regret. It was like the type of remorse I felt from the moon but much stronger. She didn’t show it at all in her calm, regal demeanor, and I don’t even know if she knew how much I could sense it. But it was there, and it made me feel guilty, along with everything else, and I bent my head down.

“Just go to your room, Cadance.” The princess I was bound to succeed muttered, turning away from me, and walking back to her quarters, her head held high, with no indication of the emotions I felt from her.

Suffering from my own incapacitating feelings, I tried to walk as dignified as I could, but I stumbled and a royal guard helped me. He was one of the white pegasi with the uniform blue mane, and somewhat reminded me of Shining Armor as he let me lean on his shoulder and helped me back to my room. It just made me feel worse to think of him and the fear of not being able to see him again, along with the embarrassment of needing a guard to help me walk.

“You gave the princess quite a scare tonight, my Lady. I haven’t ever seen her that upset before.” The pegasus guard said, gently, not realizing that he was just making me more upset as well, but I held my tongue, just wanting to get to my bed. “But Her Majesty was looking for you for a long time, and must have been tired this late at night. We offered to help search, but she said she didn’t want to have the guard out looking yet because it would embarrass you. You shouldn’t be so angry at her, if I may say so.” My lingering anger was swallowed up by guilt as I heard his words, but I couldn’t deal with my mixed up feelings, and thanked him for his help as we reached my room, where I collapsed on my bed, falling into a fitful sleep, with dreams of being a normal unicorn, or even a pegasus; free to fly in the sky.

I hid in my room for the rest of that weekend. I took advantage of having maids around and got them to get me breakfast and lunch, although with the guilt of my cruel words, and fear of what my aunt and parents were going to do with me tearing a hole in my stomach I didn’t feel much like eating.

I didn’t see Aunt Celestia until later that day. I wondered if she were avoiding me too. It wouldn’t surprise me after what I had said to her. I was such a terrible pony. I hated myself. If my aunt weren’t angry enough at me to send me home before, she must be now. I was going to lose everything because I fell asleep at the beach and couldn’t control my unstable emotions so I had said things I regretted. I truly did regret them. I didn’t hate her, I could never hate her. I was just so frustrated with all the burdens that had befallen me just because I was related to her, and somehow become an alicorn. I just needed somepony to blame.

As I sulked in my room, I was contacted by my parents who scolded me for staying out all night. Just as I had feared, my father demanded I come home, bringing back all my anger at my aunt for telling them, and I told him he could take it up with her, but there was no way I was coming home yet. I figured if I had the princess of Equestria mad at me, I my’s well have my parents too.

My mother seemed a little more understanding, but she said I couldn’t talk to my father that way, and I had to apologize to Aunt Celestia for disobeying her and making her worry. I said I would, but my resentment and hurt had been rekindled, and I didn’t want to face her. Unfortunately, with more than one thousand years on me she was mature enough to confront me first.

“We need to talk.” Princess Celestia said, sternly as she entered the small but luxurious guestroom where I had been staying that summer.

I glared at her. “Mom and dad want me to come home, so you don’t have to worry about me anymore.” I muttered, bitterly.

The princess sighed and sat next to me on my bed. “Cadance, listen to me.” she started, but I stubbornly looked away. “I’m sorry I was so hard on you. You didn’t deserve that, not with your sensitivity. I know you had difficulty last night, and I’m sorry I left you like that.” she seemed to be genuinely apologetic and I looked over at her, my expression softening and feeling some of the bitterness dissolve.

“I know you didn’t mean to be so late, and that you just want your freedom to be with your friends. But you’re still very young, and my responsibility this summer. Any filly’s mother would be upset with her, and in fact, I’ve heard from my advisors that Shining Armor has been grounded for being out all night too.” She smiled a little, but I could still sense her hurt from what I had said the night before. I wished I couldn’t.

Trying to dismiss the guilty thoughts, I gulped, thinking about Shining Armor being in trouble too. “He is?”

“Yes. So you see, its true you have been protected more than other ponies during your life, which has led to many restrictions because of your duty to the Crown, but in this case I am treating you like any other filly who needs to learn that mistakes like this have consequences on yourself and the ponies that care about you.”

I looked down. “So, um… does that mean I’m grounded too?”

My aunt smirked. “For a week.”

I groaned, burying my head in my hooves.

“That means after class you don’t leave the palace, and you can’t see your friends until Sunday.” She added with authority, but her voice was still soft and gentle. Hearing her familiar kind tone again I remembered that I still needed to apologize to her too.

“I’m sorry for what I said, auntie. I didn’t mean it…” I bent my ears low, looking down. “I don’t hate you.”

The fellow alicorn smiled, but for some reason I could still feel her pain. “I know. We all say things we don’t mean when we’re upset.” She said, wrapping her wing around me, and I looked into her eyes sadly, not knowing why she was still suffering, but having no way to ask her.

“Oh, and don’t worry about your parents. I’ll tell them I believe you made an honest mistake that you won’t do again, and you shouldn’t have to come home yet. There’s still a lot I have to teach you.” She paused, her eyes twinkling, before adding, “And a lot for you to learn with your new friends.”

She seemed so normal, my always kind and gentle aunt, and yet my sensitive emotions told me she was lost inside. Inexplicably sad and remorseful. I didn’t know what to do, or what to say, so I just lay down amongst her wing’s embrace so I was close to her.

“I won’t disappoint you again. Don’t be sad, auntie.” I found myself saying, nuzzling her neck.

“Oh, I had forgotten I can’t keep anything from you.” She chuckled, demurely. “Do not worry, child, I am fine.” She assured me, but she was right. She couldn’t keep anything from me, and I could still feel her pain from somewhere deep inside her. But there was nothing I could say to comfort or have her tell me what was bothering her, so I relented.

“And Cadance, you won’t get bored during your punishment because I’ve arranged for you to foalsit for Twilight for extra days this week. Just be sure to come home right after.” She grinned, slyly, if only to hide her sorrowful emotions.

Great. I sure wouldn’t be lonely that week.

Foalsitting for Twilight had become less of a chore and more of an enjoyment now, so I was happy to have the chance to at least see her while I was grounded at the palace that week. It also helped that she actually seemed to like me now and I didn’t have to worry about her being jealous. I wondered if she would pass on a note to Shining Armor for me too.

When I came into the little unicorn’s large and pristinely organized room that Monday afternoon, she was leaning over her toy chest picking up her Smarty Pants doll in her magic and placing it on the floor beside her when she noticed me, and ran over to give me a hug. I caught her and cuddled her, beaming at her sweet show of affection and love.

We sure had come far from the introverted filly and reluctant foalsitter we had been only a month ago. Had it really only been that long? I felt as if a life time had passed by that summer, and maybe it had, because I had found the happiness and companionship I had always wished for in that short time in Canterlot. I felt like the luckiest pony ever, even if I was grounded. And I was lucky to be Twilight Sparkle’s foalsitter.

“Mommy said you’re coming every day this week.” Twilight said, happily when she ended the embrace.

“Yup, you’re stuck with me.” I sighed, but smiled at the joyful filly.

“Yay!” she exclaimed. “Shiny was home this weekend too because he got in trouble, but don’t worry, mommy and daddy didn’t fight again. He helped me practice my magic and I finally got this trick I’ve been working on right. Wanna see? Wanna see?” she excitedly hopped up and down in her anticipation.

“Sure.” I smiled, as I watched her float over her crazy looking Smarty Pants doll to her side. I felt a little proud to see her so expertly using her telekinesis now, when I had first met her she had barely been able to pick up a notebook. She sure had developed her powers fast. I hoped I had helped with that in some way.

“Cadance, watch!” the little unicorn whined when she saw me lost in my thoughts, so I quickly turned to her again.

“I’m watching.”

Twilight stared down at the little doll intently, her horn lighting up with her rose coloured light as the strength of her glare seemed to set it ablaze. But instead, in a sudden flash of pink light the shabby stuffed animal vanished, the force of the powerful magic throwing the small filly back into me. I caught her, but she shook herself off, quickly scrambled back to her hooves, and concentrated on a spot by her bed, sticking her tongue out in heed as her horn glowed again. There was another flash of light, and then the little doll reappeared in front of her, and she sat on her haunches, somewhat drained, but smiled at me proudly.

I was shocked. I didn’t think a filly her age could do a complex spell like that, and I clapped my hooves for her. “That was amazing, Twilight!” I cheered, receiving a blushing grin from the lavender unicorn. “You actually teleported something! Great job!”

She was a little weakened by the powerful magic, and couldn’t properly celebrate with her joyous hopping, but I could feel her pride along with my own, and I couldn’t be more proud of her.

“You’ll definitely be able to get into Princess Celestia’s school now.” I added.

“You think so?” The filly found her voice to excitedly ask.

“I know so.”


“I am so lucky to have you as my foalsitter.” Twilight exclaimed later that day, as I pushed her on her favourite swing on a clear, sky blue afternoon.

I’m the one who’s lucky, Twilight.” I told her seriously, but she frowned as she mulled that over.

“Hmph, you’re a princess,” She scoffed. “I’m just a regular old unicorn.”

I rolled my eyes at that and smiled. “You are anything but a regular old unicorn.” I assured her, picking her up off the swing set and setting her gently on the ground.

“I am?” she asked.

“A regular old unicorn couldn’t teleport something with only a level 2 in magic,” I started. “You’re curious and dedicated to learning like I have never seen in a unicorn your age. You have a thirst for knowledge, aannndd… you have me as a teacher!” I giggled and so did she.

“And you’ll always be my teacher right?” the filly asked in that innocent and trusting way all children seemed to have when they spoke about the future.

“Sure, Twilight. I’ll try to teach you all I know until you eventually surpass me in magic.” I told her jokingly, but a part of me believed she probably could if it weren’t for me being an alicorn.

“And maybe when I’m big and really good at magic like you, you can teach me your special spell too!”

“Oh Twilight, I told you, that’s my special talent.” I groaned, playfully.

“So? I don’t have a cutie mark yet, so maybe it can be my special talent too!” she argued with her crazy filly logic. “We could both have the same talent and cutie marks. Wouldn’t that be cool?”

I blinked, knowing she couldn’t possibly understand the type of suffering that came with my talent, and I would never wish its constant pain on her. I wouldn’t wish it on anypony.

“I’m sure you’ll find your own special talent soon and it will be just as special as mine.” I smiled, encouragingly, instead of voicing my somewhat somber thoughts. It was better for ponies to think my spell was a blessing instead of the curse it could be to me, especially an innocent little unicorn like Twilight.

“You can help me, right?” she asked, doubtfully, looking down at the ground.

“I’ll help you any way I can.” I replied.

“Can you come see me every day again like you are this week? It’s boring at home when you’re not here, and I wanna practice magic with you.” her sudden change in subject caught me off guard, but feeling touched, I reached over and lifted her chin up with my hoof so she was looking in my eyes.

“You want me to come every day again?” I asked.

The filly nodded, eagerly.

“Well, I guess I could…” I started, thoughtfully. “….But not until after next week. I kinda want to hang out with my friends after I’m done being grounded, OK?” I said a little guiltily.

“So um… the week after next week you’ll come every day?” Twilight seemed confused by the wording, and I smiled.

“I promise.”

But it was a promise I didn’t get to keep.


The week I was grounded passed by too slowly. I was especially restless at night, since in all seriousness, I was a night owl like Twilight. I liked to sit outside and watch the stars, or wander in the gardens and chase fireflies, or even go for a moonlit flight since I barely got to do that in the day anymore. But I was stuck inside the palace with nothing to do but read by candlelight. I had spent hours in the royal library that week, which had given me an idea, but I was sick of reading and began to wander around the castle looking for something else to do.

I passed by the enigmatic palace guards standing perfectly still outside the doors to the various rooms. I wondered if Shining Armor would ever do that. Just stand there all day. Did he take classes on how to stand still like that? If he did I bet it would be an easy, but really boring class to take.

Because I was bored out of my mind, I sidled up to one of the guards and stood stock still beside him, stretching to my full height, but still only reaching his shoulder. One day I’ll be taller then you, I thought to myself, glancing every so often to see if he had noticed me yet. He didn’t even blink.

Determined, I flew up to be level with his face and stared hard at the stallion before suddenly sticking my tongue out, squishing my face in with my hooves, and then bopping him on the nose and giggling. With that last act I had succeeded in getting the gray unicorn guard to wriggle his snout, but then he resumed his stoic expression. I landed in front of him and glared again, then rolled my eyes at the lack of response.

“As your princess I order you to… do something.” I said dryly. He immediately spoke up, to my chagrin.

“I apologize, your Highness. Will this suffice?” the large, once statuesque unicorn stood up on his hind legs, and somehow looked even more like a statue in his efforts, and I fell over laughing. I was so bored it seemed the smallest amusements were enough to make me laugh.

He seemed confused by my laughter, and resumed his position, huffily, which just made me laugh more, but he was done entertaining me. Glumly realizing I wouldn’t get much more out of the unicorn guard, I continued walking through the corridors deeper into the castle. The halls were dark and eerie at this time of night. They were only lit by dim torchlight, and the clouds covered the moon so that its light didn’t shine through the stained glass windows. I shivered when I came across the depiction of the two alicorns flying around the strange dragon-like beast I now knew was the statue that had attacked my mind in the sculpture garden. All the stained glass murals seemed to showcase two alicorns together. One white, with a pink mane, who I knew was my Aunt Celestia, and one midnight blue. I knew she must have had family once, she and I couldn’t have always been the only two, but she never spoke about them. Could that blue alicorn have been her mother? Her daughter? Her…sister?

Suddenly, I heard something. It was a small whimper coming from behind one of the doors. I perked up my ears and listened closer. It was quiet and muffled, but it sounded like somepony was crying. I nudged open the door where I heard the sounds coming from, and entered a darkened room, where only the dim light of the cloud covered moon shone through a small window in the back of the chambers. The faint light lit up the silhouettes of large, sheet covered objects placed haphazardly around the room. Some were shaped like boxes, others seemed like pieces of furniture and other personal items long ago stored away. And curled up by the window, her body pale and somehow fragile looking in the moonlight was my Aunt Celestia.

She was the one who had been crying. I was shocked. I had never seen her cry. She was without any of her royal regalia and looked so different, almost like the regular ponies I so longed to be a part of. She was so small huddled in that corner, and I could feel every bit of her pain, making me want to join her in her tears.

I slowly moved closer, not wanting to startle her as I heard her soft but anguish filled sobs, but being the clumsy pony I was, I hit one of the sheet covered objects, knocking a box on the floor, and the lonely figure of my aunt looked up at me.

I was standing in the shadows with my mane loose around my shoulders, my wings spread and the indigo glow from my horn while trying to pick up the box I had dropped the only light besides the dimness of the moon’s rays.

“No…” the shaky voice of the sorrowful alicorn stammered out as she turned her head to me. “...It can’t be…Lu---“

“---Auntie?” I stepped into the moonlight, cutting her off, and her eyes dulled somewhat at my approach, her sadness cutting into my breast like a knife, and I lowered my head.

“Oh Cadance, it’s you…” Princess Celestia murmured, her voice still shaky and thick with tears. She regarded me for only a second, and then lay her head back on her hooves, as if she couldn’t even hold it up anymore.

I swallowed hard, trying to resist the dizzying emotions threatening to strike me down, as I pushed myself to come closer to her. She only raised her head a little when I reached her side, and wordlessly sat down beside her.

“I don’t understand why, but I know you’re hurting.” I said, softly, closing my eyes and opening my heart to take her sadness into my own, my horn glowing as I unconsciously cast a variant of my special spell. “Just know I’m here for you.” I breathed, feeling the weight of her grief become too much for me, and I was forced to lie down too, where I found just enough strength to nuzzle at her neck, before darkness overtook me, and my awareness faded into nothing.

It was the first time for me to cast the heart healing spell. One where I took the emotions I felt from other ponies into myself, healing their pain. There was no memory to replace their feelings with, I just took it all away, filling my own heart with their sadness. My Aunt Celestia’s millennium of sorrow was too much for me, as I still was learning to overcome the strong emotions associated with the strange magic inside of me. But that one spell would set in motion a series of events which would explain that magic, and show me what it really meant to feel the pain of another pony and to have the ability to heal as well as spread love.


I woke up in my own bed where Aunt Celestia had carried me later, and saw the solemn princess sitting at my side, looking exhausted and still so sad. I had never really found out what was wrong with her. Just that I had made her even more upset by passing out at her side after I somehow tried to take away her sadness.

“I’m glad to see you’re awake again, my little pony.” The princess said, softly, brushing a hoof through my mane.

“I-I---“ I stammered, but she quieted me with a sigh.

“I am grateful for your comfort. You did help me.” she said, smiling liltingly, and I smiled in return. “But don’t take on more than you can handle, Cadance. You don’t have to heal my pain, just having you there was enough.” Her voice was still tinged with such sadness, and it seemed to be from when she spoke about me now. I didn’t understand. How could I have made everything even worse? I had just wanted to help.

“I didn’t mean to, it just sort of… happened.” I murmured, glumly.

“I know. Your magic is growing every day. Maybe you’ll even be more powerful than me one day.”

I sat up straight and gawked at her. “I don’t think so!” I cried, only to have her shush me with her hoof to her lips.

“Just get some rest, honey. We still have your lessons in the morning.” Princess Celestia said, standing up from my bed, and walking wearily to the door, as I mumbled a goodnight to her. I was still sleepy, despite my little unexpected nap, and I curled up under the blankets as I watched her open the door to leave. But she paused, and turned back to me.

“Oh, and Cadance,” she called, her tired expression softening into a smile. “Thank you.”


I had always been clumsy. It didn’t help that I would get random dizzy spells making it impossible to walk a straight line anyway, but sports and galloping fast were not really my thing. My clumsiness had led to my discovery the night before by my aunt, and the next day as Twilight and I sat atop a hill with her little blue scooter, I hoped the once reserved filly knew how to operate it, because I had never touched one.

“Are you sure you don’t need a helmet?” I asked her, cautiously. She had randomly decided to play with her scooter that day, which didn’t seem like it had seen a lot of use in awhile, and I was pretty sure by the scruffy hoofwriting at the bottom it was a hand-me-down from Shining Armor.

“Nooo I’m a pro.” She protested.

“OK, OK, just be careful.”

The lavender unicorn nodded before getting up on the toy and holding her front hooves out to grip the handles. Unfortunately she was too small to reach her hind hoof to the ground and had no way of pushing off. I sighed as I watched her struggle to reach her leg onto the stony path.

“Am I going to have to push you?” I asked, reluctantly. This whole thing was starting to look a little dangerous.

Twilight looked over at me, and squeaked out an adorable and manipulative grin, so I was forced to do her bidding by giving her a light push. No sooner had I touched the scooter did it go hurtling down the suddenly much too steep hill, with its filly passenger squealing all the way. I watched helplessly as she careened down the path without any way of controlling the bike, and then hid my eyes under my hooves as she crashed at the bottom of the hill, toppling off the scooter and landing on her belly in the thankfully soft grass.

“Twilight!” I cried, anxiously, flying down to the bottom of the hill to where the filly was shaking herself off and getting to her hooves. “Are you OK?” I asked, nudging her to help her get up. She seemed stunned, unsure of exactly what happened, but otherwise unharmed, relieving me.

“I think I calculated the incline trajectory wrong.” She muttered, pawing at the ground.

“The wha?” I asked, cocking my head to one side, which made me notice that her left hind leg had a cut on it. It was small, but bleeding, and I did the one thing you shouldn’t do with a little pony who hasn’t noticed her own injury; I freaked out.

“Omigosh, Twilight you’re hurt!” I cried, which startled the filly and she looked down at her leg, than burst into tears. “Ooh, don’t worry, I’ve got a bandaid somewhere, I think.” I told her, panicking a little, as I rummaged through my saddlebag for the little first aid kit I carried with me. I was not one to be calm in an emergency, mostly because I could feel all the victim’s pain and fear. I didn’t feel the scrape on her leg, just a lot of fear at being injured and hurt pride.

“It’s OK. Don’t cry.” I soothed the distraught little unicorn as I picked out the bandaid and gently guided it in my magic onto her leg.

She sniffled, and looked down at the bandage, which to foals, seemed to have the power greater then magic to heal all wounds. I smiled at her, and lifted my hoof to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Feel better?”

“Uh huh.” She nodded with a tiny smile, than looked down at her hooves, guiltily. “I lied. I’ve never been on a scooter. I just wanted to show you and Shining Armor I could do it. I’m sorry.” Twilight sniffled again, rubbing at her nose.

“It’s alright. Maybe next time you could try it with a helmet and….” I looked down at her bandaged leg. “…some kneepads too.” I offered, hugging the little unicorn around the neck.

“Ok.” she relented, glumly, but she smiled as she returned the embrace.

Twilight hadn’t been badly hurt, but seeing her sitting in the grass, bawling her eyes out had broken my heart. Not literally of course, that was just an expression to describe my sensitivity to the pain of other ponies. At least I thought it was. I knew my sensitivity was stronger around ponies I cared about, but there was nothing as strong as the empathy I felt toward that little lavender filly who just couldn’t reach her hooves to the ground.


The next time I saw Twilight was that Saturday, a day I didn’t usually foalsit, but this was a special occasion which I had arranged just for her. I picked up the filly at her house early that morning. I had already cleared everything with her parents, but for her it was a surprise.

Twilight was confused to see me on a Saturday, but she grew excited when I said I had a surprise for her. I also got a short time with Shining Armor, whose anxious little sister had dragged him out of bed to see me. I grabbed him in a hug when he blearily came to the door, only just realizing how much I missed him. It had really only been one day since I would usually see him with his work schedule, but I had been scared I would be sent home and never see him again, and my heart leapt at seeing my dear coltfriend once more.

“Cadance?” he asked, still not seeming awake, so I kissed his cheek and he perked up as I smiled, flirtingly at him.

“Whoa…” he mumbled, and Twilight giggled.

“I missed you, Shiny.” I cooed, lovingly.

“I missed you too.” He smiled, regaining his composure. “I guess you got in trouble too, huh?”

“Are you kidding? I had to answer to the princess.” I muttered, cryptically. “She banished me from Equestria, and then threw me in a dungeon in the place that she banished me to!”

The two siblings blinked as they gawked at me. “Really?” Shining Armor asked, as if he actually believed me.

“You dope, do I look banished to you? I was just kidding!” I laughed. “I was grounded for the week.”

The colt seemed stunned, and Twilight started laughing somewhat maniacally, as he shook his head to clear it. “Oh….uh…that…sucks. Mom and dad weren’t very happy with me either. I’m grounded too and not technically supposed to see you right now…”

I jumped away from him and grabbed onto Twilight. “Well, I’m not here to see you anyway. I’ve got a date with your sister.” I teased.

“Eww, no!” the little unicorn squealed, always taking everything so literally.

“Quiet you, or no surprise.” I hissed at her and she clamped her mouth shut.

“I can see you tomorrow. Everypony is meeting tomorrow at Hoofbucks, around lunch.” Shining Armor spoke up again.

“Gee, thanks for telling me.” I muttered, sarcastically.

“But I didn’t know how to get in touch with you. I usually just asked Twilight to give you a message, but I didn’t see you yesterday.” He protested, guiltily.

“Can we go now?” Twilight whined, pulling at my tail with her weak but effective magic.

“Since you don’t seem to understand when I’m pulling your leg, I’ll just say I’ll see you and the others tomorrow, OK.” I told the unicorn colt wryly. “You should probably go back to bed.” I added sauntering up to him and giving him another kiss, than I galloped off with the little filly trailing close behind, leaving him blushing and holding a hoof up to the check where I’d kissed him.


“We’re going to the castle?” Twilight asked, incredulously as we approached the Canterlot Palace gates.

“We’re going in the castle.” I replied, nodding to the guards who bowed to me.

The filly gawked at her surroundings as we walked through the red carpeted corridors and deeper into the palace. It took us awhile to get anywhere because she kept stopping at each stained glass window to get a closer look and ask me questions I did not have the answers to, so I picked her up in my magic and sat her on my back.

“Just stay there until we get to where we’re going, will you?” I told her.

“Where are we going?” Twilight excitedly asked, looking back and forth, and almost tumbling off my side.

“Just wait and see. We’re going to the South tower, so hold tight until we get there, OK?”

“Oooh South tower, South tower!” she cheered, bouncing up and down on my back and making me consider dropping her back on the ground. But I somehow managed to carry her across the palace, and into the deceptively large ivory tower located in the Southern most side of the inner courtyard.

“Now you need to close your eyes.” I said, trotting up the stairs to enter the massive gold gilded doors. I looked over to see the manipulative little unicorn covering her eyes with her hooves, but peeking out between them, and sighed, floating a scarf up and tying it securely around her head. “You are not peeking.” I scolded, and she grumbled, crossing her hooves across her chest, defiantly.

As we entered the anticipated room, it took me awhile for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of which I had planned for, the curtains were all closed and the only light coming in was from the open door. I stumbled a bit before letting the filly down, but kept a tight hold on the scarf with my telekinesis, because I was not ready for her to see anything yet.

“Where are we? Can I take this thing off?” Twilight asked, tugging on the blindfold around her eyes, but I held it down.

“Not yet, wait a second.” I chided, and cantered over to the large, bay windows and dramatically threw back the curtains with a flourish of my horn’s magic, filling the extravagant room with warm and inviting rays of my Aunt Celestia’s sun.

I blinked at the sudden brightness to my eyes, and then turned to the filly, who stood blind, but smiling in the sunlight, stretching her little body out to the warmth and glow.

“Ok, now you can look.” I smiled, excitedly, and slowly removed the scarf from her eyes.

I watched, eagerly as little Twilight blinked in the light, and then her mouth fell open as she took in the sights around her. With her ears flopped down, her lavender eyes wide as the sun and just as sparkling, she gazed up at the elaborate and massive room of nothing but shelves and shelves of books.

I had brought her to the Canterlot Castle Library, which was probably the most beautiful and extravagant place in the sun palace, and somewhere I knew my filly charge would love. The gold gilded shelves stretched completely around the perimeter of the room and almost all the way to the ceiling, branching out toward the back in a tall column of rounded bookshelves atop a magnificent fireplace decorated with Princess Celestia’s sunmark and crescent moon above it. Each level had gold plated spiral staircases leading around them, and in a crevice on either side were exquisitely carved marble statues of two alicorns that seemed to look across the library at each other. The floors were also a pristinely polished marble that shone in the bright sunlight, and cast our reflection across the ground like the clearest of lakes, echoing the sound of our hoofsteps off of the walls as we walked into the wide expanse.

“Whoa! This is amazing!” Twilight shouted, galloping from one side of the room to another. “It’s a library! It’s the biggest library ever!” she narrated to herself, bounding up one of the spiral staircases and trotting from one shelf to another, unable to choose which one to focus on.

“This is the Canterlot Castle Library. It is the biggest library in Equestria.” I told her proudly.

“Ooohh.” The filly mused, looking up at the dizzying ceiling above her. “Can I…” she paused, suddenly becoming shy, and I flew up beside her so she wasn’t shouting across the room to me.

“What is it?” I asked, encouragingly.

“Can I look at one of the books?” Twilight asked looking up at me with hope filled eyes.

I giggled, realizing she may be a crazy, excitable little filly, but she still had the sense and manners to be cautious about the rules inside a palace library. There was hope for her yet.

“Of course you can. This is Princess Celestia’s and the royal court’s private library, but today…. It’s yours.” I smiled, warmly, loving the incredulous look in her wide eyes.

“It’s mine?”

“Well, you can look around and read all you want today, but there’s one more thing I want to show you, Twilight,” I said, gesturing to one of the side bay windows where another form stood waiting patiently. I brought the little unicorn down to the mezzanine where the Sun Princess herself stood leafing through a book resting on a pedestal.

“We’re here, auntie.” I called, cheerfully.

“Oh, good, I was wondering how long you were going to leave me alone in the dark.” Princess Celestia chuckled as we approached her. Twilight dropped down on to her haunches and just gawked at my royal aunt.

I blushed, sheepishly. “Sorry, we were kinda late because Twilight here wanted to see everything in the palace on the way over here.” I glared at the little filly, but she didn’t even seem to be blinking, as she stared up at my aunt’s tall, regal form.

“That’s quite alright.” She smiled, and then turned to the lavender unicorn. “Hello again, Twilight Sparkle. Do you remember me?” she asked, bending her head down to be at eye level with the small filly. But Twilight just stared, her mouth open, unable to say a thing. “I’ve met you a few times, little one. But you have always been a little… preoccupied.” The princess said, thoughtfully, chuckling a little to herself, and I finally caught sight of the filly blinking.

“Twilight, say hello. Princess Celestia is talking to you.” I hissed at her, gently shoving her side, which made her jump, startling myself and the sun princess.

“Hello Princess!” she cried in that sudden and baffling way she always did. “Thank you sooo much for letting me use your library!”

“You’re very welcome, Twilight. But it was Cadance’s idea to bring you here.” They both glanced at me, and I looked away, bashfully.

“Well, I just thought…” I mumbled, and then was tackled to the floor by a very grateful little filly.

“Thank you Cady!” she cried, joyfully, hugging me around the neck, as I struggled under her weight. That was a new one. She had never called me Cady before. It seemed I had a nickname now.

“You’re welcome, Twilight.” I laughed, hugging her back.

“This is the bestest gift ever. I’m gonna read all about magic and stars and, and, and…. fairytales!” she hopped around both myself and my aunt who giggled. “Thank you too, Princess Celestia.” She stopped her hopping to bow at the monarch’s hooves, and then galloped off to the closest shelf of rainbow coloured books to begin her day of reading.

“I think you made that filly’s day.” My aunt commented, as we watched Twilight excitedly pick up books from the shelves in her magic and set them in a pile.

“Yeah, but have you got anything for me to do? I think we’re going to be here for awhile.” I sighed.

“Why don’t you read her those Daring Do novels? She would like those, don’t you think?”

“Hey, that’s a good idea.” I exclaimed, not really a fan of the series myself, but I had read some of the stories, and the adventure and intrigue was sure to entertain the imaginative filly. “Where would I find them? Is there a fiction section?”

Princess Celestia suddenly startled at that question. “Uh…. You may not find them all here.” She mumbled, looking away, her usually regal manner flawed by a blush on her face.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because I may have them in my own personal collection…”



The next day I trotted into the trendy coffee bar of Hoofbucks eager to meet my friends again after our joint grounding. After ordering a giant coffee milkshake thingy that had so much whipped cream it got all over my muzzle making my hello kiss with Shining Armor quite sweet, I met the group of seven ponies sitting at two tables put together in the back of the store.

“Hiii Cadance!” Sweetheart waved, cheerfully as I joined them.

“Hello everypony.” I smiled, feeling happy to be with other fillies and colts my age again. There was only so much Twilight I could take, and I had used up a lot of that patience that long, neverending week.

“So Shiny here says you got in trouble with the princess after we stayed out all night last week. He said you were banished and…oh yeah, put in a dungeon where you were banished to.” Palomides said as Shining Armor grinned, and I gave him an indignant look.

“Do I look banished to you?” I muttered to the large gray unicorn, and Shining Armor just started to laugh until I kicked him.

“Well, I didn’t get in trouble.” Medley boasted as she sucked on a dark coffee drink without any of the meddlesome whipped cream.

“You didn’t?” Sweetheart asked, daintily sipping a green tea type milkshake.

“Yes she did.” Lyrica grumbled. “She has to foalsit for her sister for free for the rest of the summer, same as me.” She put down her creamy coffee drink and smirked. The other unicorn filly glared at her.

“Hey, that’s what I had to do this week too.” I added, surprised to hear my friends had similar punishments.

“Oh, hey, we should get together and get our fillies to have a playdate. It would be fun.” Lyrica suggested.

“Ooh that would be fun!” Medley cheered, always acting extra cheerful when it came to her little sister.

“What do you say, Cadance?” Lyrica asked me, and I grimaced. I could not really see Twilight playing with their little sisters, but it would sure take a load off me for once.

“Well, Twilight is a little antisocial…” I started.

“Oooh we can take them to the park, and they can play Pretty Ponies together----my sister has all the best fashions for hers---and they can practice their little magic tricks, and play in the sandbox. It will be so much fun!” Medley cooed, joyfully, cutting me off as she clapped her hooves in anticipation.

I sighed. It would be a good chance to try to get Twilight interested in playing with other ponies, and I had always wanted to meet Lyrica and Medley’s little sisters. “Sure, let’s try it next Monday.” I acquiesced.

“Yay!” Medley cheered.

“Aw, I wish I had a little sister or brother too.” Sweetheart spoke up, now clutching a large piece of paper in her hooves.

“Twilight’s not my sister, Sweetheart. You can foalsit for anypony too, you know.” I told the seemingly excluded unicorn.

“Oh yeah. I could foalsit for my neighbour! She has a colt. Oh… I bet a colt is hard to foalsit for though….” She murmured to herself, and I giggled.

“So what’s with the poster paper?” Blue, who hadn’t said anything, and I hadn’t even been sure had been present, asked the distraught unicorn.

“Yeah, I saw you holding that when you came in. What is it?” Shining Armor added.

Sweetheart blushed at the sudden attention of all of us on her. “Oh, this? Its just uh… my mom gave it to me… to show you guys.” she murmured, still holding the poster down so none of us could actually see what it said.

“Could you actually like… show us?” Medley asked, irritably.

The shy, pink maned unicorn cautiously held up the large poster paper in front of her, covering her face, but finally letting us see what was written on it.

The Canterlot Young Ponies Celestial Association (YPCA) would like to invite all fillies and colts age 13-16 to the Summer Sun Youth Dance on Saturday, July 20 at the Canterlot YPCA. Come out and dance the night away with your friends and special somepony!

“No way, a dance! Let’s go, Ivory!” Lyrica cried, excitedly, floating the poster away from Sweetheart who grabbed for it to no avail, and then sulked as it was passed around the group.

“My mom works for the YPCA…. and she said I should invite everypony.” She mumbled, dejectedly. She seemed attached to the piece of paper, and I felt bad for her.

“It sounds great, Sweetheart.” I said, floating the poster back to her, which brought a smile back to her face and mine. I glanced over to Shining Armor who’s expression didn’t say whether he was interested or not, and blushed. I would love to go to the dance but I was old fashioned, and kinda hoped he would ask me first.

“Lame.” Blue muttered, waving a hoof.

“You’re just sulking because you don’t have a special somepony to go with.” Medley chided him, wryly.

“Well, neither do you.” He grumbled, angering the unicorn, and she pounced on him. I thought they would make a perfect couple together.

“Ivory and I are going.” Lyrica boasted, while her coltfriend just rolled his eyes.

“I-I want to go too…” Sweetheart spoke up.

“I’ll go. I got some sweet dance moves to show off.” Palomides laughed, than glanced over to Shining Armor and me. “And somepony needs to chaperone these two.”

Shining Armor shoved him, playfully and I felt my face seem to explode in a blush.

“You wanna go, Cadance?” Shining Armor asked me, and I wilted, feeling my ears flop down in my disappointment. That had not been what I had hoped for from him. But maybe I had just seen too many movies.

“Um…” I mumbled, indecisively, confusing the colt.

“I’ll go if this grump is nowhere near me.” Medley interrupted, pointing at Blue, who crossed his hooves and muttered “Ditto”.

“Don’t you want to go, Cadance? Everypony else is.” Sweetheart asked in her innocent and hopeful way that always twisted at my heart. I wondered if she had some sort of similar power as me, then I took that thought back, unable to think of her hurting the way I did.

I sighed, and looked over at Shining Armor, who looked oblivious like his sister could, but I also felt his sudden fear and sadness that I was rejecting him. I wasn’t rejecting him. “Sure, let’s go.” I grabbed the alabaster colt closer to me and he grinned, his tail wagging like a puppy as I hugged him.

The dance was that Saturday, so we all made plans as we spent the rest of the day together, eventually convincing Medley and Blue to come too. When we went by a little market booth selling sparkly, inexpensive jewellery, Shining Armor bought me a pretty necklace he said he hoped I could wear to the dance, and I forgot all my disappointment and jumped up and kissed him right there in the square where everypony could see. But I didn’t care.

Even if his invitation hadn’t been the most romantic, I knew I was going to my first dance with the best coltfriend I could hope for, with a group of great friends, and that it would be the best night ever.


A/N~ this is sort of a filler chapter with a few ends I wanted to tie up before the big reveal I originally said would happen in this chapter. I tried to make it a little dramatic based on the next few chapters, and funny especially with the scenes straight from the flashback in A Canterlot Wedding, so I hope you enjoyed it. And yes, in my head canon Princess Celestia is a closet Daring Do fan. Her and Rainbow Dash should get together and have a movie marathon or something ;)