• Published 28th Apr 2012
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I Found Love: A Princess Cadence and Shining Armour story - kuromi

An origin story of Princess Cadence, how she came to meet Twilight and Shining Armour and find love.

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Chapter 8: Friends

When I first came to the castle town of Canterlot that summer I had dreamed of making a friend. Instead of having the freedom to search for other fillies and colts to play with, I was given the job of looking after an introverted, book-loving filly whose older brother became my first coltfriend. I was truly happy with the wonderful two ponies I had met, but as a princess protected all her life in a castle without the chance to make friends of her own, I still felt like I was missing something. I was still lonely; especially on the days I didn’t foalsit for Twilight, and during the week when Shining Armor worked.

Most teen fillies at least had somepony else to talk to while their coltfriends weren’t around. Coming to Canterlot helped me solve that problem too when Shining Armor invited some of his friends from the academy, who in turn, invited one of their marefriends from Celestia’s School and her two other friends to meet me. The three fillies would become my first real group of friends, and would stay dear to me the rest of my life.

Over pizza and milkshakes I met Shining Armor’s friends; Ivory, Palomides and Blueberry, along with the fillies; Lyrica, who was Ivory’s marefriend, Medley and Sweetheart. Ivory was a fittingly named large, white pegasus with stern eyes, but a soft voice. He had a long pale blue mane and his cutie mark was a laurel wreath. Palomides was a gray unicorn, with a spiky white mane. He was slender and tall, with a shooting star as his cutie mark. Blueberry was a pegasus who was not blue save for his mane. He had a grayish white coat with two fencing swords as his cutiemark. He seemed to be a bit reserved and ashamed of his name. All three of them, along with Shining Armor, had the traditional colours of the pegasi and unicorn royal guards and I was starting to wonder if that was how they were accepted into the training academy.

Lyrica was a tall aquamarine unicorn with a white mane. She was loud and silly, the complete opposite of her soft spoken coltfriend. She had a music note and star as a cutie mark. Medley was a light blue unicorn with a royal blue mane like the royal guards. She was known to be a gossip and somewhat selfish, but she was fun and playful and good when it counted. She had the unusual cutie mark of both a music note, treble clef and a star to create a ‘medley’ of talents, I guessed. And my personal favourite of the three was the gentle and kind, small stature white unicorn, Sweetheart, who was every bit as sweet as her name. She had a curly pink mane and tail, soft blue eyes and her cutie mark was three hearts. She was a bit shy when I first met her, but could really open up after she got to know you.

“So, Shining Armor finally found a marefriend.” Ivory said teasingly, making Lyrica, who clutched onto his side giggle. I think she was permanently glued to him. They joined the rest of us who were sitting together at a large table, sipping at milkshakes and looking over a menu of pizza and toppings.

“Yes, Ivory, this is Cadance. She’s visiting from Roam this summer.” Shining Armor introduced me, patiently, not bothered by their teasing since these colts were his actual friends.

“Hello.” I said, shyly. This was the largest group of teen ponies I had ever been in the presence of. Although I knew I could trust them based on Shining’s connection with them, I still felt shy and unsure of how to act, especially around the boisterous and cheerful Lyrica.

“Oooh Roam! I always wanted to go there! I bet it’s so fun!” the flighty filly exclaimed.

“Roam is like the epitome of art and culture. You must suffer eye exhaustion from the amount of beauty there is.” Medley added, dreamily.

“Are you just visiting? But we just met you.” Sweetheart spoke up, her ears drooping. It was sweet of her to say.

“Well, I’m here for the rest of the summer. I’m on a summer exchange program at Princess Celestia’s School.” I explained.

“Ohh! That’s where we go to school too, you know!” Lyrica informed me, unnecessarily.

“Lyri, I think she already knows that. Glad to meet a marefriend of Shining. I’m Ivory.” The large, white pegasus demurely introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you.” I replied.

“I’m Palomides. Shining Armor is my buddy from magic kindergarten.” The gray unicorn grinned, rustling Shining Armor’s mane, making him laugh and try to reach to Palomides’ much more substantial height to get him back. He settled on grabbing the unicorn’s short cropped tail in his teeth, and using his strength to pull his friend on to the ground.

“Hi. I’m Blue…berry. Please don’t call me that. Just Blue.” The low voice of the other whitish-gray pegasus mumbled. He didn’t seem very cheerful.

“Oh I’m so sad. I’m named Blueberry and that’s not cool at all, even though my high ranking brother is named Sunny Days too.” Palomides laughed, good-naturedly, clutching his friend around the neck. But the pegasus stubbornly pushed him off.

“It’s now Sun’s Grace. He got it changed by the princess.” He mumbled, angrily.

“So get a high rank, change your name and quit complaining. I knew plenty of colts with worse off names then you. Think of the earth ponies and what they have to deal with.” The unicorn shrugged, not seeming to cheer up his gloomy friend.

“I don’t mind calling you Blue.” I tried to satisfy him.

“Thank you.” He said, without any real change in emotion, and I felt bad.

“Don’t mind him, Cadance. He’s always grumpy.” Shining Armor reassured, smiling. He knew my trouble with pony’s emotions now and tried to help me deal with it. Blue just huffed.

Just then a unicorn waitress came to take our order. We jointly decided on two large, green pepper, mushroom and tomato pizzas with mozzarella cheese, which the waitress cheerfully wrote down on a notepad, and then left for the kitchen.

“So, um, Cadance, how did you meet Shining Armor?” Sweetheart meekly asked.

“Yeah, I did not see him getting a cute marefriend like you anytime soon!” Medley laughed, somewhat angering me, but Shining Armor just rolled his eyes.

“I have been foalsitting for his little sister, and I met him when he came home from the camp for the weekend.” I said, leaving out all the awkward instances before that.

“No way, you foal sit for this guy’s crazy sister? She used to idolize me, but lately whenever I come by she gets all jealous and won’t let me near him. Then she’ll grab on to his tail as we’re trying to leave for school and won’t let go unless he drags her with us. Somepony’s got a real sister complex.” Palomides chuckled, receiving a look from Shining Armor.

“She’s just a lonely little filly who needs a friend now that she realizes her big brother can’t always be there for her.” I said, resolutely, trying to defend my little unicorn charge. “I guess I’m trying to be that friend to her.”

“Aw, how sweet.” Cooed Sweetheart. “I like playing with little fillies and foals too. They’re so cute.” She continued, happily, giving a squeak of pleasure much like Twilight would.

“Kids freak me out.” Medley muttered.

“Oh whatever, you love your little sister, Meds.” Lyrica scolded the other unicorn, who blushed.

“Minuette’s different. She’s my little tube of toothpaste.” The blue filly gushed, giddily, and I could see she really cared for her little sister just like Shining Armor did, and my initial aversion to her weakened.

“Uh, why did you just call your sister toothpaste?” Blue asked, dispassionately.

“Because! She has this little white and blue striped mane like toothpaste. It’s adorable!” Medley exclaimed putting her hooves to her cheeks.

“With those colours she could be a part of the royal guard.” Shining Armor added.

“Oh, about that, I see all of you seem to already be the exact colour of the other royal guards. Why is that? Can you only train if you have the right colour pelt and mane?” I asked, curiously, always wondering why Aunt Celestia’s guards all had uniform colour schemes and was surprised to see the students of the academy be the same.

“No way. That wouldn’t be fair. Only Shining and I would get in then.” Ivory seemed shocked, but I couldn’t have been the only pony to ask could I?

“They have us dye our coats and manes once we’ve graduated and been accepted as royal guards by the princess. But a lot of colts do it before or during school just to fit in.” Palomides explained. “Blue here was actually… blue once, weren’t you?” he chided the grumpy colt who glared at him.

“And you were a gold palomino, Palomides.” Blue shot back at him and we all laughed, causing him to blush.

“I have always been a perfect snowy white, hence the name, of course.” Ivory declared. “Anyway, welcome to the group, Cadance. If all of us can find some time off from work, or just stop lazing around all day this summer, we’re gonna go to the lake just outside of Canterlot. You should join us.” Palomides smiled, invitingly.

“Oh yes, please come! Another couple would make things so much more fun!” Lyrica said, excitedly.

“I’d be honoured if you could come, fair Cadance.” Shining Armor used his silly knight proposal on me again, and I giggled.

“I’ll have to ask my… the princess for permission. But I’m sure it will be alright.” I said, stumbling over calling Princess Celestia my aunt. I didn’t think I could keep my secret from seven ponies now, and was starting to see how a lie could grow out of control, as I had always been taught. I wished I could just quietly tell Shining Armor the truth alone and be done with it. But I had gone too far now, and wasn’t sure exactly how I was going to end it.

“Pizza!” My thoughts were interrupted by Lyrica’s excited cry, as our dish arrived to our table, piping hot and smelling delicious.

I joined my new group of friends in eating the rainbow coloured platter of vegetables and pale, gooey cheese that stretched like an elastic band as we tried to bite it off the pizza, and put my worries away. I could think about it another day. For now, I was doing what any teen filly would do; content with friends and worrying about not pulling the cheese off the crust of our pizza, to be left with nothing but an empty piece of dough and dripping tomato sauce.

“But when I met Palomides he was a funny golden unicorn. That other one is an imposter, and I won’t let him get Shining Armor.” Twilight said, decisively, the next day as I asked her why she was so wary around Shining Armor’s good friend. It seemed like even she should be able to get along with her brother’s friend whom he had known from his foalhood.
We were playing at the park again, and I was pushing her gently on the swing as we talked. As I took in her explanation though, I could barely contain my laughter at the simple mistake she had made.

“You mean you thought the gray unicorn who comes to pick up your brother for school sometimes is somepony else?” I asked, trying desperately not to burst into giggles and offend her.

“He’s an evil spy.” She said, impishly, narrowing her eyes.

“You are the craziest filly, you know that.” I lost my battle with myself and fell into hopeless giggles.

“What’s so funny?” the lavender filly demanded, raising an eyebrow.

“The gray unicorn…” I tried to say between my laughter. “He’s not a spy…he is Palomides!” I explained, holding my hooves over my mouth to calm my giggles.


I took a deep breath to calm myself, and patiently continued. “The colts at Shining Armor’s school dye their coats so that they all look alike in the royal guard. Palomides just dyed his coat grey, silly.”

“Wha…huh?” Twilight asked, her eyes widening.

“He’s the same colt. So you can stop being so hostile to him.”

The little unicorn just stared at me, her huge lavender eyes barely blinking, and I could almost hear the gears clicking in her head as she processed this new and intriguing information.

“Yay! ‘Cause that unicorn is way more handsome then Palomides was!” she cried, and I again collapsed in helpless laughter, and confused, the filly joined me. Then I reached up and cuddled her to my chest.

“Oh, Twilight, what would I do without you to always make me laugh?” I giggled, lovingly, clutching her close to me. I expected her to start squirming to get me to push her on the swing again, but she returned the embrace and stayed still.

“I’m glad you’re my foalsitter too. Because you make me happy, and you helped fix my parents so they don’t fight anymore.” She said, seriously, hugging onto me.

“Aw, Twilight, I didn’t do anything. Your brother was the one who talked to them.” I blushed, touched by her gratefulness, although I knew I hadn’t really done anything for her parents. I was glad to hear I had made her happy though.

“Yeah, but you gave him the courage he said. I’m glad you’re dating him too. I’m not jealous now.” she continued, and my eyes grew teary.

“OK, stop being so serious. You’re going to make me cry.” I stammered, pulling away and starting to push the swing again.

“Don’t cry, you’re supposed to be happy!” she exclaimed, distraughtly, her uncharacteristic concern just making my eyes water more.

“They’re happy tears.” I said, and gave a silly grin which made her laugh again as I continued to push her back and forth.

After she tired of the swing set I carried her over to a picnic blanket we had set up on the hill that day, and set her down.

“Sunshine, Sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves, and do a little shake!” We did our little hoof clap song and dance, and then fell onto the blanket laughing.

“Thanks for showing me what it’s like to have fun, and play too!” Twilight giggled as she turned to me.

“Now that’s what I always wanted to hear!” I shouted, in between my own giggles that left my eyes even more watery.

“Why are you crying again?” she asked me.

“Because I’m happy!” I cheered into the skies.

“Uh… I don’t get it…” the filly mumbled, and I wiped at the tears in my eyes. They may have been as a result from laughing so hard, but I knew in my heart that the tears were from the joy of finally having Twilight Sparkle acknowledge all I had done for her, and how I had realized how much I loved her too. Because although I was years older than her, she had been my first real friend, and was the catalyst that brought me to the joyful state I now was in.

“Your parents are going to kill me for allowing you to do this.” Aunt Celestia said, hesitantly, as I got ready to go to the lake with Shining Armor and his friends. I had asked her permission to attend after my lessons on Monday and she had reluctantly granted it to me. Now it was Saturday, the day of the trip, and I was excitedly scrambling around my room trying to get ready for when we left that morning.

“No way. You’re the princess. They can’t argue with you.” I grinned, dismissively, picking out a skirt to wear and wondering what snacks to bring.

My aunt raised an eyebrow at me, and floated over my saddlebag. “You’re a princess too, young filly, or have you forgotten that in your little charade?” she asked, disapprovingly.

I scowled. “No… but I’m trying to.”

“You’ve got to keep your little secret from seven ponies now, including my students. They can be very perceptive.” She warned, and I was starting to get sick of her telling me that I couldn’t continue to hide my identity. I had done pretty well up to now. No pony had seemed suspicious yet. I wished she would just drop it.

“Whatever, I’ll just say I can’t swim, and hide my wings like I always do.” I muttered, irritably. She didn’t seem too happy with my bad attitude, but I didn’t care. I was thirteen years old, almost a full grown mare, with real friends for once, and I was getting out of my forced prison once and for all. She wasn’t going to stop me.

“Just remember you need to be back at the palace by ten pm sharp. And don’t think I won’t wait up for you. I can stay up late too.” Aunt Celestia said sternly, but with a hint of her usual playfulness, so I softened. It was a running joke with us that she went to bed when she raised the moon-- which was like, eight at night--- I stayed at Twilight’s longer than that.

“Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be back in time.”

“Good. Have a wonderful time, Cadance. I’m truly happy you found some friends.” The ivory princess smiled warmly at me, and I took back my angry thoughts and returned the smile. I couldn’t be angry at her. As much as she was acting stern and the responsible aunt she should be, it was because of my Aunt Celestia that I had earned the freedom to find my new friends. My parents would never had allowed me to date Shining Armor, let alone leave Canterlot walls. My aunt not only allowed me to explore my independence and run and play with other ponies, she encouraged it. I knew I would always be grateful to her along with the little filly she had introduced me to.

I met Shining Armor, Palomides, Sweetheart and Medley at the drawbridge exit from Canterlot. Ivory and Lyrica were running late, which was not an uncommon thing for them, apparently. We excitedly showed off what we had brought with us, commenting on the snacks and toys we each had, while I got chastised for saying I couldn’t swim. I did feel sad that I couldn’t go swimming with the others, but it wasn’t like I had to completely stay out of the water. I had a short skirt on that normally wouldn’t completely cover my wings, but I wore a lavender vest underneath which I wouldn’t mind getting wet, and completely concealed that which would give my secret away. It also helped corroborate my explanation for having to wear anything at all while swimming.

When the two missing ponies arrived they brought the ingredients for s’mores, which made it perfectly fine with me that they had come late. Also, Ivory said he had brought something special from Cloudsdale which only pegasi got to experience. Lyrica had giggled her knowing little giggle, and I was intrigued. Although I was technically part pegasus myself, I had obviously not grown up among them, and wondered what Ivory could have in his large cooler strapped to his back.

We left Canterlot for about a forty minute walk north toward the distant mountains and fields in the direction of Fillydelphia, arriving at Lake Harmony just in time for lunch. It was a small, but pretty, crystal clear lake surrounded by a sandy beach on a hill. Although it was a summer weekend we seemed to be the only ones there and we set up a picnic blanket and started on eating the scrumptious sandwiches and snacks we each had brought. Ivory refused to show us what he had brought until after sunset when we had a campfire, so everypony but me waded into the cool lake water and began splashing around. I stood at the edge of the lake watching them and feeling sorry for myself, until my oh so sweet and kind coltfriend came up and splashed me, soaking my mane and skirt, then scampered off deeper in the water where he thought I couldn’t chase him. Technically, I couldn’t, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t get him back.

“I’ll get you for that!” I shouted, and galloped into the water so that it was up to my knees, then cast a spell to create a moderately sized wave that I guided just over to where the colt was trying to hide underwater. When he came back up for air and grinned impishly at me (I was starting to see a resemblance to his little sister now) I smirked back at him, then released my hold on the wave and watched it consume him, tumbling the helpless unicorn off his hooves and back under water in a small riptide. The others laughed, and I lost it when Shining Armor came back up, disoriented, his mane covering his eyes, and seaweed hanging off his horn.

“Don’t mess with Cadance.” Palomides said, wryly, glancing toward me with a mock expression of fear. I was lying in the water, not caring about getting wet anymore, and laughing so hard I could barely breathe.

“All I did was splash you. You’re not fair.” Shining Armor sulked, pawing at the seaweed with his hoof, but I barely heard him through my giggles.

Lyrica thought this was funny too and tried to splash Ivory, but the pegasus just flew up and out of the way, chortling at her. Unfortunately for him, he may have had the wings she lacked, but she had magic like I did, and the unicorn cast a similar spell that toppled him back into the water, splashing Sweetheart, who began to cry. Worried, I tried to come to her aid, but she was too far out for a pony who couldn’t swim to reach.

“Don’t cry, Sweetheart. It’s all fun.” Palomides came over to the fragile unicorn and tried to comfort her, putting a hoof around her neck. Sweetheart’s crumpled, tear filled expression suddenly reverted to a devilish grin and she plunged her hooves in the water and splashed the gray unicorn colt who seemed shocked.

“You’re all a bunch of foals.” Medley muttered, looking prim and proper where she sat in a shallow patch of water closer to where I was, her top half still dry. Blue sat neutrally beside her and rolled his eyes.

Hearing that, I got back to my hooves, and looked over to the others who all seemed to share the same idea as me. Then, readying my wave spell, we dove over to the two oblivious ponies and attacked, creating a miniature tidal wave that flung them both deeper in the lake and we all burst out laughing.

After a while the other fillies and I left the colts to their more aggressive play in the water, and retired to the beach where we lay in the sand on towels and sun bathed to dry off. I especially needed that since I couldn’t take off my wet skirt or vest, so putting on a pair of sunglasses, I stretched out on my stomach next to Lyrica and Sweetheart and enjoyed the warmth of the high noon sun on my wet mane and back.

“How come you wore a vest and skirt today if you knew you were going to get wet?” Lyrica glanced over at me, curiously, and I froze. So far Shining Armor had been too much of a gentlecolt to ask such a direct and impolite question, but for another mare it was not such an imposition, and I hoped my flimsy explanation I had prepared would hold up.

“I’m prone to bad chest infections that get me stuck in the hospital, so I’m required to wear this stupid vest if I get wet to keep from getting a chill, and always cover up otherwise.” I muttered, figuring I already must look weak to Shining Armor with my fainting spells, I my’s well add a chronic condition too. It was also another good reason for me to have always been a shut in.

Lyrica frowned. “Jeez, that sucks. I guess you can’t take it off to dry off either, huh?” she asked, but was suddenly interrupted.

“Oh, please don’t get sick! I’m sorry if I splashed you. I-I didn’t know!” Sweetheart cried, distressfully, her wide blue eyes full of concern, making me feel bad for my lie.

“I’m alright. Don’t worry, Sweetie.” I smiled, reassuringly, with a pang of guilt ripping into my side. This deception was indeed snowballing as my aunt had warned.

“Yeah, it was Shiny who splashed her. What a jerk.” Lyrica added.

“Whatever, you all ganged up on me and Blue and got my mane all wet and full of seaweed.” Suddenly Medley cut in, angrily as she struggled to comb out her tangled hair, and I giggled. “Don’t act like an innocent invalid, Cadance, you cast the first spell that started that!” she glared at me with fire in her aqua marine eyes, and I burst out laughing with the other two joining in, to her chagrin.

Eventually the colts returned, and Palomides settled down to dry off in the sun, while Ivory wondered off with Lyrica. Sweetheart was reading a book, Medley was getting her beauty sleep, and burning her blue coat a worrying mix of red and purple colour, while Blue munched on more snacks.

"It looks like everypony is doing their own thing now...” Shining Armor said with a hint of hope in his voice as he trotted over to me. I guessed he wanted me to go off somewhere with him too. I was lying on my back now, mostly dry, and sat up, pulling my sunglasses down to regard him coolly, then promptly put them back on and lay down again.

The colt grimaced. “Ok, Ok, I’m sorry for splashing you.” He mumbled, hanging his head like a foal being scolded, and I grinned, but did not relent. “I’m not one for sunbathing, with my white coat and all… so…. want to walk along the beach to dry off?” he suggested, tentatively.

I decided to play hard to get. “I’m already dry.”

“Oh come on, you threw a miniature tidal wave at me, we’re more than even!” he protested.

“Fiiiiine.” I groaned, and got to my hooves and playfully nuzzled him, because he seemed to be believing my little act too much. “But you have to catch me first!” I galloped off down the beach, but just as with Twilight, the larger colt caught up to me right away. I scrambled to get ahead of him again but suddenly my hoof hit one of the rocks buried in the sand and I went down, rolling onto my back painlessly, and I laughed at my own clumsiness. Shining Armor skidded to a stop, spraying me with bits of sand, and I curled up in a ball as I continued to giggle.

“Cadance! Are you alright?” He cried, and I looked up to see him standing over me, his expression full of concern. I had given him cause to ask me that question every time we met. I really needed to quit making him worry about me.

I straightened out, showing the unicorn colt that I was fine, and then reached up to him with my hoof, beckoning him closer to me with a warm smile spread across my face. My heart pounding against my ribs, I met eyes with him as he bent his neck down to me. He seemed a little unsure of himself, flushed, and breathing rapidly, and although I felt the same nervousness and anticipation, I tried to be brave as he leaned in closer to me. His caring cerulean eyes were full of fervor, and seemed to wordlessly ask my permission, which I granted with my own, and then his lips caressed mine.

It was soft and gentle like a summer breeze, like everything Shining Armor was to me, and I felt our mutual feelings of affection unite. My heart swelled in my chest like it had done for the past few weeks since I fell for the endearing colt, but now it felt like it would burst. I was overwhelmed with emotions as I always was, and felt like I was floating as we parted and I looked into his deep sky-blue eyes, smiling tenderly. His own soft smile was somewhat silly and unexpected, but his eyes told me of his sincerity and how much he cared for me. I had nuzzled him and given him a peck on the cheek before, but there was nothing like that first kiss.

I reached up and pulled him to me again, initiating our next embrace, and holding him close to me like a cherished toy. I loved him. I wasn’t exactly sure what that was, besides the passionate emotions I spread to other ponies, but I knew in my heart that I did. It wasn’t something I could express with words yet, so I just held him and relished in his gentle touch as the wind blew through our manes and lapped the waves against my hooves like a lover’s kiss.

“So, what did you two lovebirds do while you were away together?” Medley asked both Shining Armor, myself and Ivory and Lyrica as we settled in front of a bright and warm campfire just as the sun went down that night. The sunset over the lake was beautiful, and turned the once clear blue waters into a magenta and orange ripple of fire not unlike our own.

After a light dinner we were roasting marshmallows to make s’mores and poor Sweetheart kept dropping hers into the flames. Ivory said nothing to the gossip unicorn’s meddling, Lyrica just giggled, Shining Armor gave his silly clammed up grin, and I gave it all away by looking away from her and blushing profusely. “Nothing too naughty I hope.” The sly filly chided me and I gave her a dead pan look.

“Back off, Medley, you’re not getting anything out of us for your gossip column, so eat your s’more and leave us alone.” Ivory grumbled, and none too gently stuffed the graham cracker treat into her mouth. Medley coughed and sputtered, then gave the alabaster pegasus a glare of daggers as we all laughed.

“And I think it’s about time I brought out my special pegasus magic.” Ivory began, reaching over and grabbing the cooler he had brought with the mystery substance inside.

“Oooh I wanna see the pegasus magic! Hurry up!” Lyrica squealed. I didn’t blame her, I was excited to see what exactly it was too, although I was surprised to see Lyrica so interested. Didn’t she already know what Ivory had brought?

“Lyri, you already know what it is.” Ivory laughed, answering my unexpressed question.

We all looked on in excitement as he deftly reached into the ice filled container and brought out a large, glass bottle with a very strange, but also familiar looking liquid inside.

“Is that…?” I started to say, squinting to make sure my eyes didn’t deceive me.

“Liquid rainbow?” Palomides finished, his eyes wide.

“Right you are! Straight from the weather factory river, this is pure, liquid rainbow, something every pegasus has the chance to try in foal hood.” Ivory explained, grinning as he held up the prized bottle of prismatic liquid. It seemed to shine in the glow of the fire and we all came closer for a better look.

I knew that rainbows were made in a weather manufacturing factory in the city in the sky called Cloudsdale. It was a mysterious place of wonders for all non pegasi, and even as a member of royalty I had no idea about how exactly the intricacies of the weather were developed, and certainly had no idea that a rainbow could be stored in a jar and then… drank?

“Uh, Ivory, are you sure you want them to try that?” Blue asked, hesitantly. Being the other pegasus in the group it seemed he knew about the strange substance also, but his warning didn’t reach us, as we just thought he was being his usual grumpy and discouraging self.

“Sure.” The large, white pegasus replied, cheerfully. “You all want to try some don’t you?” he asked the rest of us, to an array of nods.

“Me first!” Lyrica called, levitating the bottle away from her coltfriend, excitedly.

“Don’t take too much. Everpony needs to try it.” Ivory had a sly grin on his face as he passed over a tiny plastic cup, and I noticed Blue do a facehoof. But I didn’t catch those none too subtle signs because I was just as oblivious as Twilight apparently.

The pegasus helped Lyrica pour some of the rainbow water in the cup and then watched eagerly as the crazy filly downed it in one shot.

Was this really any better than sneaking apple cider? I began to wonder, worriedly, when suddenly Lyrica’s mint green coat turned red and she screamed, spitting the multi-coloured drink out and into the fire.

“SPICY!” She cried, and ran over to the lake and dove in, sucking in mouthfuls of the fresh water.

Ivory fell over in the sand and started laughing, holding his stomach, while Palomides grabbed the bottle and poured his own cup.

“It can’t be that spicy.” He muttered and sipped it down. Before he could react I got distracted by how the fire had suddenly taken on a rainbow colour, much like the pungent drink. It was really pretty and I couldn’t stop staring at it, especially when the gray unicorn spit his own mouthful into it and made the colours more vibrant.

“Wow, I didn’t know it did that.” Ivory stopped guffawing for a minute to stare into the mesmerizing flames with me. Then he was attacked from behind by Lyrica who pushed him over into the sand.

“I think Cadance is in a trance.” I vaguely heard Shining Armor murmur beside me to the three left over ponies.

“It’s preeettttyyyy…” I trilled, watching the multitude of colours dance in the evening breeze.

“Oh for Celestia’s sake, you’re all disgusting. You don’t spit drinks into fires to make pretty colours. Give me that rainbow drink.” Medley floated the container over to her and poured a small bit into a cup. “This is how you enjoy a rare pegasi delicacy.” She continued, demurely, than took a dainty sip even as Sweetheart tried to stop her.

It was inevitable when the proud and pompous unicorn spit the rainbow substance out, but she also spilled most of the rest of it in the fire and created a bright, multi coloured flare that spread far up into the air, enrapturing all of us.

“Oooh…ahhh” We exclaimed in unison. It was like fireworks dancing across the sky, something we had wanted to bring but had been forbidden.

“Are you going to try the rainbow?” Shining Armor eventually asked me when I could drag my eyes away from the sight.

I giggled. “I think I’ll just enjoy it for the fireworks.”

When the fighting couple and disgruntled unicorn returned to us we still had a bit of the substance left in the bottle, and Blue picked it up and poured it in the fire as I settled down beside Shining Armor to watch the spectacle.

“Now this is what a rainbow is really for.” He said with a rare smile, and then we watched as the beams of light spread far across the sky like a nighttime rainbow that seemed to make my lonely friend in the moon smile.

That day had been amazing. It was something I had only dreamed of during my lonely years as a protected princess in Istalia. I loved my new friends, their kindness, their silliness and even their faults and quirks. They accepted me for who I was, (even if I was another quirky unicorn with a strange condition that required her to cover up while swimming) and embraced me into their group.

I loved how Palomides complimented Shining Armor and how he was rough and silly like the little colts they had been when they met. I loved Ivory and Lyrica’s wacky relationship, how they seemed so different, but could be so similar. Blue seemed prickly, but he was somepony I hoped to be able to help open up, just as I had with Twilight. Medley could be difficult, but she added a flair to our group, and Sweetheart I always hoped to be close to, because she was loving and kind and a dear friend.

But nothing had been as beautiful as my first kiss with Shining Armor. The memory of it still left butterflies in my stomach, and made my heart dance. I looked over to him sitting beside me, his white coat lit up with the glow of the colourful fire and nuzzled against him, shutting my eyes against the glare as I lay on my hooves, calm and sleepy. The moon was high in the sky, not terribly burdensome to me with its melancholy emotions that night, and a peaceful breeze rippled through our group, lulling the rest of us into a gentle sleep amongst the embers of the rainbow fire, and the soft sound of the lapping waves against the shore.


“MI AMORE CADENZA!” I heard the royal bellow before I even made it, panting into the palace in the much too late hours of the night.

We had fallen asleep on the beach, lulled by the waves, the summer night breeze and quite possibly high on rainbow water and pretty coloured fire. Whatever the reason, Medley, who had already had a nap that day, woke us all up while the moon was possibly not yet into the early hours of the morning, but with the time it took for us to pack up and scamper back to our homes it must have been at least one in the morning. I didn’t even want to know as I left Shining Armor at his house and galloped for the castle, wishing I could use my wings, but they were held down under my vest.

I met the stern eyes of the guards who seemed to judge me silently, and then they all jumped a mile, (while the pegasi flew up into the sky), when they heard Princess Celestia’s shout.

It was the Royal Canterlot Voice. Something I never thought I would hear from her, and I shuddered, my ears bent back against my head as I slowly crept in to accept my fate.

She was standing at the top of the stairs in the Royal Corridor. My great Aunt Celestia, the sole ruler of Equestria, and the tallest, most magnificent pony I had ever seen stood with her wings spread intimidatingly, looking down at me as I slinked into the room, my heart pounding at the fury that seemed to resonant from my usually gentle and forgiving aunt.

“Auntie, I---“ I tried to say, but she interrupted me.

“You disobeyed me, Cadance.” She said, her voice normal now, but eerily calm and stern, and inciting just as much fear into me as the Voice had.

“I-I didn’t mean to.” I stammered, staying low to the ground as she approached me, trying to hide from her wrath.

“Where have you been?”

“I fell asleep. We all did. I tried to come back on time. I’m sorry.” I stood up again, only to bow my head in shame. It did nothing.

“It is past one in the morning. I had no idea where you were, no way to contact you. You could have been in trouble or hurt.” Her voice had concern in it, somewhat softer, but was still frightening. I took a gamble and tried to get on her good side again.

“I didn’t, though. It was fun.” I gave a sheepish grin. This was not my smartest move.

“You’re acting like a foal!” she shouted, and I fell back down into a bow. “You are a princess. My heiress. No matter how much you hate that, it is who you are, and that is why your parents have always protected you. You are the most important living pony, and if something happened to you our world could suffer for it. I tried to give you some freedom, but tonight I’m seeing you couldn’t be trusted with that. You took my generosity and disobeyed me.” she paused, and I looked up at her, almost forgetting that part of the fear and heaviness I was feeling was not from being scared of her, but from feeling her anger around me with my sensitivity. I was surprised the strength of her rage hadn’t knocked me out, but maybe I was just too focused on her words and the guilt at what I had done to be claimed by them.

“If your parents knew…” she began again, but I shot back up, ignoring my dizziness and staggered onto my hooves.

“No! Please, don’t tell them!” I cried, tears coming to my eyes, and true fear that I would lose all I had found in this magical place and be forced to go home ripping into my heart like a knife.

“Cadance, I should have you followed by guards for the remainder of your time here. You shouldn’t even be allowed out of the palace. Of course I’m going to tell your parents!” Aunt Celestia roared back, stamping a hoof that shook the floor under my own.

Now I wasn’t just scared and guilty, I was angry. None of this was fair. I hadn’t deliberately been late. She wouldn’t even let me explain, and there was no way I was going to let her send me home. I would run away first. Live alone in Canterlot and forget this stupid pampered life.

With my own anger my resolve I managed to overcome the heaviness that had kept me on the floor in some sort of grovel, even though we were almost equal as she had said herself, and stood up to face her.

“You don’t get it.” I growled, shocking her, since I was usually so submissive. But I would fight for this. I wasn’t going to let her or anypony else take away the love I had found that summer.

“I don’t want to be your heiress. Or the princess of Istalia. Or even a stupid Sacred Alicorn. My parents are both normal unicorns, nopony else in the royal family is like me, it’s because of you that I became an alicorn. It’s all your fault. I’ve never been happy until I came here and got to be normal for once, and make friends. I hate my heritage and…” I gathered myself for the next words, hate and anguish rising from inside me like some sort of malicious sickness.

“I hate you!”

Any comment about ‘to the moon’ will make me ban you from my stories forever. I hate that ‘joke’. Now everypony go get high on rainbow water… or make fireworks. Whatever.

Palomides is another real knight name. Lyrica and Medley have Lyra and Minuette as their sisters and they may show up in the next chapter if there's room.

I predict two more chapters now until the end of part 1. The last chapter has been planned out and may surprise you. For those waiting for her to reveal her true self, that will happen next chapter for sure.

Thanks for reading, sorry for the wait, but its nice a long right? :)