• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 3,138 Views, 306 Comments

My last shadow - The Psychopath

A young filly begins to relearn of her past life as dreams and memories begin to intertwine in her mind while everypony rejects and chases her away

  • ...

Events from the hidden sight

"What is this?" Shining roared in fury.

"I-i-it's a jailbreak. They're extremely dangerous, my king. They--" A guard attempted to persuade Shining but was caught off.

"Don't lie to me! I can see that these ponies have nothing close to being dangers. Why were they locked down there and why do they have similar traits. Furthermore, why does that one look like the fallen King Sombra?"

"I...I..." the guard began to tremble and panic at the questions being given to him. His eyes were bolting from left to right at an incredible speed.

"Shining, I think we best speak about this in the throne room. Ponies are st arting to gather, " Cadence advised.

"You're right. Guards! Disperse and return to your posts! We'll be taking these two into our throne room for interrogation." Shining's comments was immediately followed grunts of uncertainty and little movements of fear. "You don't need to worry. I know how to take care of these sort of issues." Shining looked back towards the two ponies staring at him with uncertainty and skepticism and said: "You'll tell us just exactly what it is that happened to you. I know this is extremely sudden, but we don't have time to analyze everything."

"But what about the others?" Stellar asked.

"Others? What others?" Cadance wondered as she flew back down.

" 'Those' others," Stellar pointed to the tunnel behind her.

At first, Cadance was hesitant, but a nod from Shining allowed her to muster her own courage and check the dark pit. She was shocked by what she saw.

"Good grief. Honey, well have A LOT to talk about with these two."

"Why? What is it?"

"Come see for yourself."

Shining Armor hurried next to his wife and imitated her exact actions.

"You must all stay down there for now until we can assess this situation. No pony will do anything to you once I place up a barrier."

"A barrier?! You want to trap them down there," Life accused.

Shining looked back at him with an apathetic face. "No. I don't know what to make of all of this, and since my guards did not tell me about this, I have no real choice in the matter. It's for their protection. I'll remove the barrier spell once I know what has been really going on.î]How is it that we didn't know about this?! We're the new rulers and protectors of this kingdom. This even happened below our home! This is unacceptable.[/i$"

"Come along, you two. We'll go into the throne room with a teleportation spell," Cadance said.

"Teleportation?" Stellar wondered.

"Yes. You DO know what teleportation is, don't you? You went to school like everypony else, didn't you?" Cadance's face shifted from certainty to a frightened smile.

"No. Not really. My dad never let me out of the house before he want...crazy."


Cadence reeled back internally once she realized she had accidentally brought up a touchy subject.

"Just...Just gather around me," she said.

A bright blue flash coming from behind blinded Shadowrette and Life. When their eyes recovered, Shining was already waiting next to is wife.

"Come on. We literally don't have all day," Shining spoke with annoyance.

Although still hesitant, the two young ponies walked towards the pink alicorn and just looked at her with frustration. They both nearly jumped when her wings expanded to embrace all four of them to allow a group teleport. At the moment her feathers touched the two ponies, they felt...warm. For the first time of their lives, they felt something that they could like.

"What's going on. Why do I like to stand right next to her? Why does she feel so warm? Why do I feel...loved? I want to put my head against her chest and just...cry. I want to cry about my father. I want to cry about my life. I want to cry about everything and hope she hugs me and consoles me. Why is she so warm and comfortable?"

Stellar's mind fought against this warm and unfamiliar feeling, but she felt that she was going to collapse at any moment. When she managed to work her neck muscles into statically turning to the side, she saw Life staring into the empty void. He too seemed enamored by this strange feeling.

"As for YOU Valiant, you will come to the throne room in fifteen minutes. Understand?"Shining said.

Valiant nodded calmly and gulped loudly in the process.


Shining stared at his son with anger and contempt. His furious gaze was covered by the pink glaze that formed around the four ponies when Cadence activated her teleportation spell. Stellar and Life felt as though they were being crushed and pulled apart for hours until they felt solid ground form beneath their hooves. Cadence and Shining casually walked away, but their guests collapsed on the floor due to their protesting stomachs.

"I don't feel so good," Life said as he rubbed his head.

Stellar opened her mouth to say something, but immediately regretted the decision because some stomach acids rose all the way to her mouth which she closed and covered with her hoof.

For what Life could see, this throne room was extremely spacious, but it was mostly impressive in length and height. Naturally, the walls, floor, and ceiling were made from sky-blue crystal, and the windows were made of tainted glass depicting the many events which transpired in the past. Two thrones stood atop a short pedestal which sat at the end of a long, red carpet which silvery edges. Cadance and Shining had already sat there and were waiting for the two to reach them. It took awhile of patience and recovery, but the two finally crawled to the thrones.

"Are you okay?" Cadance asked.

"No..." Life groaned.

"First time teleporting?" Shining chuckled.


"Well, while you recover, could you explain to us what you were all doing down there and why you're dressed as Sombra?"

"Dressed?" Stellar forced herself to say.

"Well, yeah. You obviously weren't born like that, were you?" Shining chuckled nervously and looked back at his wife who didn't share the same enthusiasm. When he turned back to face the two ponies who were still writhing on the ground and looking at him faces demanding his seriousness, his smile went to a very disappointed frown. "How long?"

"I don't know," Stellar replied.

"It has been happening for at least twenty years," Life said while struggling to his hooves. "It's been happening for...twenty years, and you never did anything about it! You're the rulers of this whole place! How could you NOT know?! So many of us have died in that prison because everypony is frightened that we are the minions of Sombra being created for his eventual return. Even your son was in on it! He tried to honey coat his words to convince us into going back in that pit, but we refused. I don't exactly know what happened, but the minute this pony was dumped in there with us, we ended up being freed. I don't know what magic she used, but she freed us all, and I refuse to go back there!"

"And what do you have to say, filly?" Cadance asked calmly.

"I...I..." Stellar began to hiccup and tears started to form at the base of her eyes.

"Oh no. Don't cry, Stellar," Life begged.

His words fell on deaf ears as Stellar eventually collapsed from the emotions she felt from the pink alicorn's embrace. All that Shining ever saw was a blackened blur rushing to Cadence and hugging the surprised and confused mare in a vice grip that could crush steel.

"I never had a good life! I killed my mother when I was born! My father never let me out, then he tried to kill me with an axe when I was sleeping! He blamed me for mom's death and kept saying I was Sombra's reincarnation! Then I had to live with others like me in the sewers after I broke my legs! We're so many! I haven't had a good meal for eight years and we have to steal to survive and many of us still get caught anyways! Now I know where those caught were sent!"

"She's right! They force us to dig in the ruins beneath the city without feeding us or sating our thirst properly! They just let us die when we get sick!"

"Wait, wait, wait. Ruins beneath the city? We sealed that off because it was dangerous to the archeologists. I thought that only treasure hunters were down there. They always went at their own peril, so we never really cared," Shining wondered.

The doors to the throne room opened with both Valiant Heart and Crystal Clarity arguing about the right to enter.

"You think I care about what you do or say? I go where I want. They are still my friends," Crystal Clarity spat.

"And I'm telling you that my father only allowed me to enter. Get back outside!" Valiant replies.

"Pfff. Like you saying it for the thirty-third time in a row is going to 'magically' make me do it." Crystal Clarity mocked Valiant by twirling her claws.

"Valiant! What's the meaning of this? A prison? Persecuting these ponies because of their appearance? You even sent them to the ruins below to dig out artifacts when we explicitly told you all not to do it!" Cadence shouted.

She was absolutely furious and rarely had her husband ever seen this angered side of hers. More often thean not she would simply try another approach, but this time it was different.

"But mother, they are tainted by Sombra's shadows! The only we could do was hide them from the general public and--"

"Or you could have brought this to our attention so we could find a solution together. We too the responsibility of watching over the kingdom for the good of everypony here. Do you think we have never had to deal with such mysteries?"

"Oooo! Somepony is in troublllllle!" Crystal whispered. "H-hey! It's Stellar!"

"H-huh?" he mare said as she moved out of Cadence's embrace.

"Woah. Whats wrong with you? Your face is all stuffy."

"She has had a rather rough time, Clarity," Shining said.

"Really? Maybe we could help her?"

Stellar started to sniff more than she cried and mustered her strength to stand. "Well, we could find the others and help them. They're in the sewers and I know how to get to them."

"Really? Hmmm. Yes. Sweety, you go back down to the entrance of that horrid place and free the ponies. I will go with Stellar, and...and..."

"Ruined Life," the stallion spoke bitterly.

"Oh...I think we can find you a better name after. Would you like that?"

"Sure. Whatever," Life replied while crossing his forelegs.

"I'm coming too," Clarity replied firmly.

Cadence smiled and gestured her group to move forward. However, the second she and Shining were next to a paralyzed and extremely nervous Valiant, both shouted at him in unison.


"When I get back, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do," Cadence said.

"And then you're going to round up every single guard in the city and take them outside, without winter protection," Shining added.

"And you won't be getting any gifts this year."

"You're going to do thirty laps around the tundra, and woe be ye who slows down."

"You're also going to be doing some volunteering work in the volcanic islands to the south-east of Equestria."

"And then it will be decided on whether I demote you or not."

Valiant Heart had practically shrunk down to the size of an acorn when everypony passed him. Crystal still found the time to twist the knife in the wound.

"I'm glad I'm not in your place. Hoooo colt."

Click Clock was bored. She moaned in boredom while she leaned against her counter. No pony had come recently and she was bored. Granted, a creature like her didn't need money to live, but she still liked to have fun acquiring bits of baubles and doodads, as she called them.

"I'm bored, and no one seems to be coming. Hmmm." There was a long pause until Click Clock had a sudden realization. "I haven't seen Stellar in a while. Let's see what she's doing now?"

The clocks in the store all began to click randomly while the purple mare looked through what seemed to be a hole with watery outlines. She could see Stellar from above in the sewers. Cadence and another pony had accompanied her.

"Huh. Looks like she's calling out to someone. She even made friends, and one of them is a ruler of this kingdom, too! I wonder if the others will come-There they are, climbing out of the cracks. Ah? That must be the crunchy fellow she liked so much. No, No! Don't kiss him! Ohhhh no. He's pushing her away in protest. How awkward," Click said to herself sarcastically. "Oh. He looks mad. Where's my...Ugh. I should've taken a glass of Demon's Blood. He's walking towards Cadance and they're having a discussion. Awwww. The dragon thingy is consoling Stellar's broken heart." Click Clock nodded and looked away from the scene. "Good. Good. I've seen this tangent. I wonder which future might come to be," the purple mare said as her clocks all began chiming loudly together.

Looking through the 'hole' again, the purple mare continued to smile as she saw a Crystal Kingdom engulfed in dark crystals with everypony controlled by the newly reborn Queen Sombra standing atop a broken Cadance and Shining Armor as fear magic ebbed and flowed from her furious eyes. Her horn was filled with dark magic and she seemed intent on conquering the rest of Equestria.