• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 3,143 Views, 306 Comments

My last shadow - The Psychopath

A young filly begins to relearn of her past life as dreams and memories begin to intertwine in her mind while everypony rejects and chases her away

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Sewing Threads

The two mares arrived in front of Click Clock's Tock Shop and walked inside. The place had barely changed from when Stellar had come here so many years ago. Granted, there were many new clocks everywhere, but their general positioning was the same. Crystal spun around in awe at the appearance of this shop.

"Wow. So you came here when you were little?" Crystal asked with wide eyes.


"And you got a free clock out of it?"


"Can you say anything other than 'yup'?" Crystal frowned.

Stellar acted like she was thinking, then said: "Eee-nope."

Crystal frowned even harder but preferred to roll her eyes and turn away from her friend. She met face-to-face, quite literally, with the owner of the store,w hose clock eyes were directly staring at the dragoness.

"Wow. A dragon-pony hybrid. I never thought that was biologically possible. This world is just more and more interesting," Click Clock said as she started to walk around Clarity.

She began to analyze the mare's every scale and even lifted her tail for a better look. Naturally, Crystal didn't like that and proceeded to turn around and punch the purple pony in the face. Strangely, said pony blocked the punch with one hoof rather effortlessly then trotted back behind her counter as if nothing ever happened. Crystal just looked at her hoof in confusion then turned to face Stellar.


"She's weird like that. Just...Just don't try and think too much about it," Stellar sighed.

"So, you didn't visit me when you were twelve," Click Clock scolded while taking a swig from her jug.

"Eheheh...I had a bit of...trouble..." Stellar shied away and moved her hoof in small, circular motions on the ground.

"Well, I know what happened anyways."

The mare jolted up and stared at the purple pony in disbelief. "Wh-You do? How?!" Stellar asked.

"I have my secrets!" Click Clock chuckled. "Anyways, since we skipped a level, we'll finally go to the final boss."

"What are you talking about?" Crystal turned to her friend and said, aloud: "She's crazy. Why do you hang out with her?"

"I don't 'hang out' with her. She helped me before and gave me a gift, so the least I could do was come visit her."

"Speaking of 'gifts', how is my clock doing?"

Stellar's ears flattened against her head and she began to feel shameful. Click Clock took another swig and smiled.

"Left in the sewers?"

"Yes. I wanted to it to the new home for shadow ponies, but the rats wanted to keep it. Since they were friendly enough, I left it with them."

Click Clock looked into her mug and tilted it around a bit. She was almost out of Demon's Blood.

"Yes. The 'rats'. Anyways-" Clock slammed her jug on the counter. "-Come with me to the back room. It's time I gave you a 'present'."


Crystal was about to stop her friend, but Click Clock anticipated the move and said:

"Ah! There's no tricks here. You can trust me. Besides, why don't come along for the ride? I assure you it will be fun."

Stellar looked at the dragoness with pleading eyes, and with a sigh, this one gave in and followed the two ponies reluctantly. Once Click Clock closed the door, Stellar and Clarity could see that this was just a small room with a window covered in white fabric so no one could peer inside.

"...So?" Stellar said.

"What 'so'?"

"What are you going to show me?"

"Show you what?"

Stellar was getting frustrated, but Crystal had small bouts of smoke emanate from her nostrils as her anger rose to the point of evaporating everything around her. Click Clock tapped her chin, then looked like she had 'suddenly' come to a realization.

"So, you want to know why ponies often come to me for 'psychological' help?" Click Clock grinned.



Crystal was stunned by the interruption, but both mares were more stunned when a giant, intangible clock appear in the air. It was golden, like Click Clock's eyes, and transparent. Its hands started to spin faster and faster before it collapsed backwards into a tunneling vortex of blue energy. The two mares stared at the event with wide eyes. What was it.

"This is a gift, so you have no choice in whether or not you want to go in or not," Click Clock said.

She swooped in behind the two ponies and pushed them in despite their protests. Stellar and Crystal hugged each other tightly during their fall complete with screaming and panicking! Click Clock, meanwhile, was just laying back and watching the two ponies scream, much to her amusement.

"Can you stop screaming? We're here now."

The two opened their eyes to see that they were somewhere unknown. Somewhere 'new' yet 'old'. They were still floating, but the entire landscape looked like a snowy blizzard seen through a glass bowl. Long, serpentine wisps of white would gently 'swim' through this place while the world gently twisted and turned everywhere. It was just a huge mixture of white, gray, and very light blue. It was as if one were swimming in their dreams while listening to a gentle hum in the air.

"Where are we?" Stellar asked.

"We're in the Dream World: My home," Click Clock answered with a smile.

"Home? What do you mean by 'home'?" Crystal asked with suspicion.

Click Clock chuckled. "You didn't seriously think that I was actually a pony, did you? What kind of being has golden clocks for eyes?" The purple pony readjusted her cloak and her appearance while she spoke.

"But I thought only Princess Luna could come here."

"Ugh. Yes. Luna. While she does indeed possess the ability to travel here and has a tendency to safeguard ponies' minds, the Dream Circlet doesn't approve of her methods. She tends to interfere when she isn't supposed to and banishes nightmares."

Crystal scratched her head. "Isn't it good that she banishes them?"

Click Clock rotated around to look at Crystal with anger. "No! Those nightmares are made to help them get over their fears. We have a group that takes care of rogue nightmares that aren't supposed to be, anyways!"

"Yeesh. Sorry. I didn't know."

Click Clock mumbled under her breath but had her attention turned to Stellar when the mare put her hoof on Clock's shoulder.

"Why did you take me to a place of dreams?"

"Because, in the Dream World, all minds are connected together, and time has no meaning. This means that you can speak with those of the future, those of the past, and those of realities other than your own."

"So? That sounds amazing, but what does that have to do with my 'present'?" Stellar asked.

Click Clock looked over her shoulder and smiled. The group was sent flying through the world, the lights and colors departing like mist and smoke. The serpents of light followed the bubble the three were now in, and some would even swirl around it a few times before moving on. At one point, a black serpent with a more polygonal appearance came around and started to get in a fight with one of the white strands before getting beaten away.

"What are those things?" Stellar asked.

"These are dreams. They go around the dream world giving dreams to entities of all the times. The white ones are calm and passive and will often follow my kind through this world. As for the black ones..." Click Clock sighed and looked to the side in irritation. "Those are nightmares. As you can see, they're very aggressive, which is why I have to direct them where they're supposed to go instead of randomly about."

"But sometimes they escape you," Crystal interjected.


"Then it's a good thing that Princess Luna helps."

"She can't differentiate the good and the bad nightmares. I'm done talking about that. It's a sensitive subject. Now, for the reason I brought Stellar here, look forward."

The serpentine constructs quickly bolted forward and around what looked like a soft, golden light kept within a tiny ring of rolling, white clouds. The clouds were wrapped by the serpents and pulled apart to show the inside of Stellar's house illuminated by a golden sun of Autumn. She didn't recognize everything in the house, but she could see a mare cleaning the shelves of the living room.

"Who is that?" Stellar wondered as she squinted hard. "That's my house, but I don't recognize that pony."

Crystal was about to tell her friend when Click Clock pushed her foreleg, shook her head from side, and tskd.

"Let it come to her. This is a very delicate gift," she whispered.

Clarity nodded and looked at the scenery with concern and empathetic sadness. It actually took longer than usual, but Stellar's eyes suddenly widened open with surprise and tears.

"Is that?"


"I...I'm glad I got to see what she looked like. This is good enough a present for me," Stellar sniffed heavily.

Click Clock chuckled. "Why are you using past tense? This is your mother eight months before she gave birth to you. Like this, she won't be surprised Why don't you enter the dream and talk to her?"

There was a long silence before the purple pony got tired and signaled one of the serpents to grab her, which it did after breaking off the circle and sneaking below the bubble. It grabbed a surprised pony and threw her into the dream whose surface became small ripples.

"Wow," Crystal said.


"She's been on a big, emotional roller coaster today."

"What do you mean?"
