• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 9,635 Views, 104 Comments

Rarity's Fantasy - FlimFlamBros.

Rarity keeps having dreams about a certain purple dragon, and they're driving her mad, but she loves them...

  • ...

Wet Dreams

“Twilight, it’s always so nice of you to have us over,” Rarity chimed as she sipped her tea. “A brunch between friends was a wonderful idea.”

Twilight was waiting on her friends, who were all sitting around the kitchen table. Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were all dressed up, digging into the buffet of food that Twilight and Spike had spent all morning preparing for everyone. Spike was still in the kitchen cooking some dishes when Twilight brought over more food.

“Well, any excuse to have my friends over,” the unicorn answered back with a smile. “To be completely honest though, it was Rainbow’s idea.”

“Actually Twi, I only asked if I could have the sandwich in your fridge… you’re the one that took a step further with this whole ‘brunch’ thing,” Rainbow said with a mouthful of pancakes. “But I ain’t complaining, these pancakes are awesome, are there bananas in these? It tastes like there’s bananas in these.”

“That’s probably ‘cause there are, featherbrain,” mumbled Applejack. “If it tastes like it, it’s probably true.”

“Oh, bite me, thunder thighs.”

“Don’t see what’s so great about them bananas anyhow,” the cowpony said with a scoff. “I mean, they’re so… mushy.”

“Says the mare whose diet probably only consists of apples,” Rainbow quipped with a challenging grin. “I bet you’ve never even touched another fruit.”

“I have so!” Applejack frowned. “Just ‘cause I like apples, that don’t mean I’ve never tried other fruits. I just ain’t much of a banana girl… or lemons, or pomegranates, or kiwis, or grapes, or—“

“Alright, I get it,” Rainbow interrupted, reaching for an orange slice. “Here, eat this. You’re related to the Oranges, right?”

Applejack gave a wary glance at the pegasus. “Yeah…”

“So it shouldn’t cause you to burst into flames if you touch it,” Rainbow said. “So, go ahead. Eat it.”

“Let me finish what’s on my plate first,” muttered Applejack. “Can I at least do that?”

“Sure, what do you got there?”

“Apple pie, apple strudel, caramelized apples, apple tarts, apple fritter—okay, I might see your point.” With trepidation, Applejack reached for the orange slice. She stared at the fruit for a bit before pressing the wedge to her lips. She sucked the tangy juices from the pulp, cringing slightly at the citrusy taste as she dropped the chewed slice on her plate. After painfully swallowing the juice she got up from the table. “There. I did it.”

“I guess you did,” said Rainbow coyly. “Guess you like other fruits after all.”

“As long as we’re done with it,” the cowpony muttered. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go throw up for an unrelated reason.” She quickly took off for the bathroom.

“What’s the matter, AJ?” Rainbow laughed. “Did you get a tummy ache?”

The orange mare slammed the bathroom door shut. “I said shut up!”

Rainbow continued to laugh, slamming her head on the table in her fit of laughter. “That was too funny!”

“That wasn’t very nice…” whispered Fluttershy, sipping from her cup. “You hurt her feelings.”

“She’ll be fine,” said Rainbow. “Not my fault she’s so stubborn sometimes.”

“It still wasn’t very nice…”

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy! It’ll all be okay,” Pinkie Pie beamed. “I’m sure that once Applejack’s done throwing up she’ll be just apple-y. It’s not like her to hold a grudge.”

“Still, that was an awfully mean thing to do, Rainbow,” Rarity said. “I was under the impression that this was supposed to be a friendly gathering. If you wanted to torture poor Applejack then do it somewhere where the rest of us don’t need to be involved.”

“Whatever…” the cyan mare mumbled. “Hey, Twilight, do you have any more of these pancakes? We’re out.”

“Already?” Twilight wondered. “Spike made two dozen of them… how many did you have?”

“Like, I don’t know, twenty?” Rainbow burped. “Maybe twenty one.”

“Rainbow Dash! Cover your mouth!” Rarity frowned, shielding her own face with a napkin. “Why does it smell like… ugh!”

“That’s probably the twenty two pancakes I’m digesting,” Rainbow remarked, slouching into her chair. “Better going out than it was going in.”

“That’s disgusting,” the white mare spat, getting up from the table. “I think I need to get some air. It’s gotten terribly stuffy in here.”

Rarity stormed into the kitchen and away from the laughing blue pegasus. Sometimes she wondered how somepony could find pleasure and hilarity in acting with manners so vile and repulsive.

“I swear, the nerve…” she muttered under her breath. She just needed a few moments to gather her composure; she never liked to show ponies that she was stressed or bothered by such trivial matters. Once she was sufficiently recomposed, she would return to apologize. “Big breaths, Rarity… big breaths just like the doctor said—”

“Oh, hey, Rarity.”

“Oh!” Rarity reacted with a jolt before hastily assuming a smile. “Hello there, Spike.”

The dragon was grinning back at her, his hands elbow deep in the soapy water. Spike had grown up a lot over the last couple of years, going from a chubby little whelp to a well-proportioned drake. There had been some worry about whether or not he would have a greed overdose like he did when he was younger, but he had eventually worked it all out of his system, and only ever grew as tall as any other adult pony.

“How are you enjoying the brunch?” he asked, absentmindedly washing one of the dirty dishes. “Did you need anything? I’ve got some of those veggie rolls cooking in the oven if you just wait a little bit longer.”

“Not at all, dear,” Rarity replied. “Everything is just perfect. You and Twilight have really outdone yourselves.”

“Thanks,” the drake said, smiling as he dried the plate and placed it on the clean stack. “You look good, as usual. Is that a new dress?”

“What, this old thing?” Rarity blushed, giving a few twirls to show off the white dress. “I just grabbed it off my old spring line, although it does look rather nice… I might have to do a revision for this year’s line.”

“Well, you look beautiful,” he said. “And I’m sure whatever you make for this year’s spring line-up will be another rounding success.”

Rarity smiled. “You always did say the nicest things, darling.” She gave a soft sigh. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” The dragon grinned back, now cleaning out a cooking pot. “So what brings you into the kitchen?”

“Rainbow,” Rarity answered with a huff. “She’s being a little unbearable… She also wants to know if there are any more pancakes. I think she engulfed the whole stack.”

“She ate all twenty four pancakes?!” Spike exclaimed. “That’s an entire bag of pancake mix, and almost twenty bananas!”

“Believe me, dear, we were all just as surprised, not to mention a little bit disgusted.”

“It’s just a little strange,” wondered Spike. “Well, she’s not getting any more. We’re pretty much out of batter and bananas.”

“I suppose she’ll just have to deal with the heartbreak then,” said Rarity. She watched him start washing yet another dirty plate. “Do you need any help, dear? Those seem to be an awful lot of dishes.”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” the drake assured. “It’s not like I’m a stranger to a little grunt work.”

“But you’re in here all alone. Even Twilight’s out there chatting with the rest us while you’re stuck in the kitchen. I insist on helping finish the dishes at the very least.”

“That’s really not necessary, Rarity.”

“I already said that I insist, dear.” The mare smiled, stepping up to the dragon and reaching into the sink. “So please, let me help you. Have you eaten anything this morning?”

“I’ve been eating as I’ve been cooking, actually,” he said. “You know, taste testing and stuff. Making sure everything can be passed as food.”

“Well you’ve done a wonderful job, dear,” Rarity said, struggling to pull something out of the sink. “I think something’s jammed in the sink.”

“Here, let me get it,” Spike offered. “It might just be a fork or something under some dishes.”

“No, I can get it!” the mare argued, tugging harder on the unknown object. “I think it’s coming loose.”

“Rarity, be careful! Aah!”

With one final pull, Rarity finally managed to dislodge the object, which turned out to be a cooling pot filled with dishwater. The sudden release of tension caused all the water inside to fly out of the pot and splash on Spike, soaking him.

“Oh no! Spike, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen!” Rarity cried in panic as she quickly approached the dragon. “Are you—Oh my…”

Spike’s white shirt had been completely soaked through, clinging to his skin and delineating his every feature for the awestruck mare. She was able to count each of his six abs that rippled at his core and see how both of his pecs were almost bursting with muscles. Rarity was practically paralyzed at the site, unable to move. The exception being the aroused quivering she was unwillingly doing.

“Well, this is just great,” grumbled Spike. “I’m all wet.”

“S-sorry,” Rarity stammered, still wide-eyed and gawking at Spike’s brawny chest. “It was an accident…”

“I know,” Spike said, sighing. “It wasn’t your fault. Besides, it’s just water, not like it’ll never come out. Let me just get this thing off.”

He began to roll his shirt up, stretching it away from his chest. Rarity’s eyes were locked onto his moist stomach, which was still dripping with the watery dew that soaked through the shirt, shining in the kitchen light as if Spike was some sort of purple draconic god. With no shirt to conceal his features, Rarity could make out every detail on his green chest. Spike certainly did his fair share of growing up.

When he finally pulled the shirt over his head, he scrunched it up and began squeezing the water out. “See, nothing to worry about. Uh, Rarity, are you feeling okay? You’re looking a little flushed.”

Rarity quickly covered her face. “Oh, er, I’m just feeling a little warm, darling. I think I’ll just go lie down for a few minutes.”

“Of course,” Spike said with a nod. “Do you want me to get you anything? I can brew up some herbal tea that you like.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Rarity said, her voice muffled from speaking through her hands. “But you don’t have to go through all this trouble for me.”

“I insist,” he said with a cheeky grin. “Just let me grab a new shirt and I’ll get a start on boiling some water.”

“Please,” mumbled Rarity before quickly retreating into the living room again and hopping on one of the couches. She dug her face into one of the throw pillows in hopes of suffocating her embarrassment.

“Rare, are y’all alright there?” Applejack asked, looking at the unicorn from the table. “You seem sort of… what’s the word I’m looking for?”

“Stressed?” Twilight suggested. “Worried; strained; tense; hassled; frazzled?”

“Ooh! All of the above?” Pinkie shouted. “Did I win?”

“I’m just a little wound up!” Rarity grumbled through the pillow. “And I just want to lie down for a few minutes. I hope that won’t be too much trouble for you girls. Please, don’t wait on my part. Enjoy yourselves.”

“Okaaaay,” drawled Rainbow. “What’s got you all wound up?”

“It’s nothing…”

“Hey, Twilight, could you watch the stove and oven while I get a fresh shirt from my room?” Spike asked, walking out of the kitchen. “It’ll only be for a minute.”

“Sure thing,” Twilight said. “Excuse me, girls.”

Rarity could hear a collection of footsteps scurrying around, one set going upstairs and the other towards the kitchen. When the sound of the steps started to subdued, Rarity snuck a glannce around before once collapsing again into the pillow.

“Wow, did you guys see Spike?” Rainbow laughed. “The little guy really filled out.”

“I reckon there ain’t much about him that’s little anymore, Rainbow,” Applejack remarked. “It’s amazing what time can do to a dragon.”

“I think he’s scary…” whimpered Fluttershy, fidgeting in her seat. “I liked him better when he was still a baby dragon.”

“Fluttershy, you know that Spike wouldn’t harm a fly,” Pinkie reassured. “Expect for that one time he killed that fly. You know why? Because it was ‘bugging’ him!” She fell to the ground laughing.

“I still think he’s a little scary…”

The girls continued to talk about Spike and his rather impressive body. With the exception of Twilight, the rest of her friends were going on about the dragon like a bunch of hens. Truth be told, even Rarity found herself rather captivated about it as well. Just thinking about it was enough to raise her body temperature.

“I need to go home!” She shouted, getting up from the sofa and heading for the door. “Tell Twilight that I’m not feeling well and apologize on my behalf for leaving on such short notice. I hope the rest of you have a pleasant meal.”

“Umm, okay?” the girls all said in unison, before whispering among themselves.

They all said their goodbyes and Rarity headed out of the library. When she closed the door behind her she felt the urge to sprint home, even though she wasn’t nearly suited to do any sort of strenuous activity. Still, she managed to hike up her dress a little and run through the town, being careful to take the back alleyways to avoid being seen doing something so silly when she was dressed so elegantly.

After a few near encounters and a lot of running, Rarity finally reached her Boutique. She ran inside and slammed the door shut behind her, panting heavily as she slid down the door. What on earth compelled her to run? She never ran anywhere if she could avoid it, and even when she did she did so in the proper attire. Now she was weak, exhausted, and worst of all, sweaty. The mare felt gross and damp, cringing at her reflection in one of her many mirrors.

“Well, this certainly isn’t very elegant,” she droned, talking to her image in the mirror. “And why did I run? I guess it isn’t the worst thing but I could have just as easily walked home. Now I’m sweaty... and I smell!” She moped. “I need a bath.”

She started to walk to her bathroom, unbuttoning her blouse as she did so. There was no one around and the boutique wasn’t scheduled for business for another two hours, so she felt little shame as she disrobing so blatantly. When she got into the bathroom, she folded her shirt up and placed it on the bathroom counter. She unclipped her bra, letting her chest be free from the restraints of her brassiere before she started to run the bath. As the steamy hot water gradually filled the tub, the mare fully undressed and folded the rest of her clothing, piling them on top of her blouse. She opened one of the drawers and pulled out a bottle of bubble bath, pouring some into the water and watching the bubbles multiply.

“Perfect. Absolutely heavenly looking,” Rarity said with a content sigh, wrapping her mane up in a towel. No need to get her hair all wet just for a rejuvenating bath. She took one tentative step into the water to test its temperature; it was soothingly warm. The white unicorn sank into the soapy water, humming happily as her hands frolicked with a tuft of bubbles.

It was just her and her thoughts... the warm water and the bubbles... along with Spike’s abs etched into her mind.

“Come on!” Rarity barked. “It’s not like you haven’t seen a boy with their shirt off. After all, there was that painful experience with Thunderlane—I really hope he realizes he’s gay soon for his own sake—and then there was Fancypants… until I found out he still had feelings for Fleur. I wonder if they got back together. I think I read something in a magazine that they were able to work it out.”

However, none of her past lovers had looked quite so well-shaped and toned like the body she witnessed. She sank deeper into the bath water, closing her eyes as she imagined the dragon in a wet T-shirt and the bounty that it barely hid. It was so enticing, erotic; exclusive merchandise that only she could have. None of her friends were fortunate enough to see what she did. They only got a small taste of the shirtless Spike, and she got to experience its debut.

The bath water seemed to get even warmer, nice and cozy. It was making her a little sleepy. She let out a yawn as she adjusted herself and slid a down to being neck-deep into the water. Maybe she could just drift away for a few moments…

Rarity’s head finally submerged fully into the water, letting it overtake her for a few wonderful seconds before lifting back up. However, when she opened her eyes, she was no longer in her bathtub.

She was in the middle of the sea.

The strange thing was she didn’t feel shocked, or even felt concerned that she was no longer in… wherever it was she was before. Where exactly was she before? Did it really matter? She tried to swim around but something felt off. She realized that in place of her slender legs, she instead had a long, dark purple mermaid tail that stretched from the tip of where her toes used to be to just below her shapely white waist.

“How peculiar…” She smiled, diving into the depths of the water and into the ocean world below, full of colourful fish, alien plants, and mind-blowing coral reefs. It was like a hidden paradise under the waters and only she and the sea creatures knew about it. She spun and laughed as she did tricks in the water, seeing how fast she could swim, racing some of the schools of fishes as she twirled through a rocky formation. She felt so free! She didn’t have a care in the world beside her and her marine friends.

“Hello, Rarity!” a pink octopus greeted as she swam up to her. “Isn’t it another wonderful day in the great seas?”

“Good morning, Pinkie,” the mare turned mermaid said to the octopus. “It is indeed a beautiful day.”

“Hey, me and Twilight were going to visit Fluttershy and Rainbow at Horseshoe Bay, do you want to come along?”

“That sounds wonderful, darling,” she said, kicking her tail and following after the pink octopus. As they maneuvered through the waters, a purple sea otter fluttered over to them and started swimming next to Rarity.

“Hey, you two!” Twilight smiled, chewing on a sea shell. “Glad to see you could make it!”

“Hello darling,” Rarity said. “Heading to Horseshoe Bay?”

“Of course!”

The three swam through the crisp blue water, giggling and playing as they headed to the seaweed gardens of the shallow pools that was Horseshoe Bay. Small fish swam around and crustaceans like hermit crabs burrowed themselves under rocks and sands for a relaxing nap in the sun. Rarity poked her head out of the water, pulling off some of the seaweed that had gotten caught in her mane. She crawled atop of one her favourite rocks and rested over it, letting her fingers linger in the clear water.

“Rarity! Rarity!” a blue seagull cawed, fluttering next to her in the water. “You’re just in time for some mussels. I’ve already had like twenty.”

Rarity frowned. “Rainbow, that’s far too many. I’d imagine Twilight spent all day collecting them.”

“Yeah, but they’re too good to pass up.” Rainbow grinned, then burped into the mermaid’s face. “Better going in than they are going out.”

“That’s disgusting, dear.” Rarity groaned, pushing the colourful seagull aside as she looked over into the wide and never ending ocean. It always had a scenic grace to it, an untameable beauty exuded by the enormity of the waters. She looked curiously towards the horizon, seeing a small dot shadowing in the sun. “What is that?” she said to herself. She slipped off the rock and headed towards the strange object.

Swimming faster and faster, as well as maneuvering through the rocky mazes of the underwater jungle that was the ocean, she finally approached the wooden hull of a ship. She stayed hidden beneath the water, fearful of the leg walking ponies that would be aboard the ship. But after picking and knocking at the barnacles that infested the ship’s bottom, her curiosity got the better of her and she swam up to the surface.

The first thing she noticed was the black flag of the ship, adorned with skull and crossbones. There was the sound of hellish screaming and laughing; the pirates of the ships were all riled up over something.

“Make him walk the plank!” one of them shouted. “If he doesn’t tell us where the treasure is, we leave him to the sharks!”

Another uproar of cheering erupted from the ship as a purple skinned figure was forced on the wooden plank hanging from the starboard bow.

“This is your last chance, dragon,” a red-suited pony threatened, growling as he pointed the tip of his sword to his neck. “Tell us where the treasure is, and maybe we don’t throw you overboard with a cannonball chained to your foot.”

“I already told you, Captain Greenbeard,” the drake said. “I will not say a word, even if it means my death.”

“Then death it is!” the pirate shouted, booting the purple dragon off the plank. “Will find the treasure without you!”

The dragon hurtled into the water, the heavy ball chained to his leg immediately dragging him under the waves and into the darkest depths of the ocean. Rarity was shocked; how could somepony do something so barbaric? She couldn’t just swim around and do nothing; she had to do something. She swam after the sinking dragon, following the bubbles of his escaping breath.

By the time Rarity had gotten to the drake, his consciousness was already fading, his eyes slowly closing as he passed out from lack of oxygen.

“Oh no,” gasped Rarity, pulling at the chain attached to his foot. “It’s not breaking!”

“Howdy, Sugarcube,” an orange crab said, scuttling over to her. “I was just on my way to Horseshoe Bay. Who’s your friend here?”

“Applejack! Thank goodness you’re here!” Rarity cried. “I need you to cut these chains with your claws!”

“Uh, sure… I guess,” the orange crustacean said, crawling up onto the ball and chain and getting a firm grasp on the metal link with her big claw. After a few seconds of clenching, the chain buckled under the pressure and the dragon was freed, but he was still unconscious.

“Thank you!” Rarity exclaimed, grabbing hold of the drake around the waist as she sped towards the surface, praying that there was still time to save him. She broke the surface of the sea with tremendous force as she looked around for any land or debris to place her unconscious friend on. Luckily, there was a small island not too far away for her to swim to.

It was a struggle to carry him above the water; she was used to swimming below the waves and not having to carry a dragon as well. But she managed to get him to shore, dragging him in the sand as she wriggled on the sand like a snake. By the time he was on dry land they were both covered in sand, the yellow powder sticking to her purple tail and white fur. The problem was that she was clueless as to what to do next.

“Umm… please wake up?” Rarity asked, getting no response from the dragon. “Please…” She started to poke against his firm chest, only to have no visible reaction. “This isn’t good. Why don’t I know what to do?!”

She accidentally slammed her fist into his chest, causing the dragon’s head to kick up as he started to cough up water. He took a few deep breaths as one hand grasped at his beating heart, while the other grabbed the fair white hand that had saved his life. Rarity was in shock as the dragon opened up his beautiful green eyes, glimmering with tears from his near death experience.

“Who… who are you?” he asked, staring at the mermaid before him. “Did I die and go to heaven?”

“Oh my...” Rarity blushed, turning her head to avoid showing her face. “No, dear, just somepony who was swimming by when you were tossed overboard by those nasty pirates.”

“Right,” he said weakly. “Well, thank you. What is your name?”

“It’s Rarity,” she said. “I’m Rarity. And what is your name?”

“Spike,” the purple dragon said. “The name’s Spike…”

From that moment on, the two became inseparable. Rarity would visit Spike daily, carrying the bounty of the seas so Spike could eat while they would always talk about this and that. Rarity had learnt that Spike used to be a daring swashbuckler, and had later been captured by some pirates that were under the impression that he knew where some sunken treasure was. However, in truth, Spike hadn’t the slightest idea what they were talking about. For all he knew they had mixed up his identity with some other dragon.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months but their visits never seemed to falter. Rarity introduced him to her friends and they all seemed to get along quite nicely. And while that meant time alone together were reduced, the two of them still had their morning visits and the sunsets…

There had been a few difficult times, like when Spike started to build something with the surrounding logs and leaves and Rarity feared that he was planning on leaving the island. But Spike had reassured her that he didn’t plan on ever leaving and was only collecting materials for making more fortified shelters . It was a little sad that the dragon was forced to live the rest of his days on the small island. Spike would revel about all the adventures he used to go on, filled with danger and excitement. Why would he give that all up? Was his spirit actually shattered and he had already accepted that he would die on this rock?

It hardly seemed fair. He was such a sweet, caring dragon, and she couldn’t think of not having him in her life now that he was here… but she had to do something to help her Spikey-Wikey.

“Do you ever miss it?” she asked one evening as the two of them sat in the sand, watching the amber sunset set below the sea.

“Do I ever miss what?” Spike asked back.

“Civilization,” Rarity said. “And other ponies with legs to walk on and maybe even other dragons. All you’ve ever had to talk to these past four months is me… I’m sure you’re just dying for more social interaction.”

The dragon smiled. “Hey, I have you and the girls as well to keep me company.”

“Yes, but you can’t actually talk to them.” She sighed. “You can only trust what I’ve translated for you… it’s basically having a conversation with me still.”

“Maybe I like talking to you.” Spike grinned. “Maybe you’re the only voice I ever need to hear for the rest of my life…”

Rarity’s heart started to beat heavily like a bongo drum as Spike’s hand slide over to hers. The dragon’s touch sent a warm chill through her body and she felt paralyzed in his hands. The two stared into one another’s eyes, her lips trembling with excitement and anxiety.

“Spike… I… I never wanted you to leave.”

“I never wanted to leave,” he said, brushing some of her purple locks out of her face. “I would stay here until the day I die as long as I had you to be with me.”

She could feel the trembling in his hand against her cheeks as he guided her lips towards his, locking them in a tender embrace. Her eyes closed, no longer needing to see but to feel the softness of his lips against hers. He breaks off a second later.

“Rarity… I love you.”

This time they both leaned together, meeting in the middle of their kiss. While the first kiss had been gentle and romantic, this one was daring and passionate. After a few seconds they were both a little flushed from their sudden heat. Rarity’s hands caressed the dragon’s chest as she started to undo his weathered white shirt and they fell onto the sandy beach.

“Do you… do you want to be together forever?” Rarity asked the dragon.

His forked tongue slithered through the crease in his lips, smiling as he placed two fingers on hers. “I would love to.”

The mermaid rolled on top of him, her fishy tail wagging as she slid on top, grabbing the fingers on her lips and playfully sucking on them through her growing smile. She arched up a bit to allow Spike a view of her generous bosoms as she navigated his free hand to cup them. The dragon happily yet gently massaged her breast, each thrilling squeeze tensing her body up to the point of moaning. She released the drake’s fingers from her mouth and started to adjust herself off of him.

Spike knew where this was going and started to pull down his trousers, letting into view his naked pride. But in itself, it presented a new problem. As much as they both wanted to, they were biologically incapable of having sex.

“Oh… right,” Spike said, sighing. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I still love you.”

“Spike, when I asked you if you wanted to be with me forever… did you really mean it?”

“With all my heart, my love.”

Rarity smiled as she offered him her hand. “Then come with me into the sea. There’s a magical place where we can be together forever… but if we go there, you can never come back here.”

“What? Am I going to die?”

“Of course not!” Rarity said, rolling her eyes. “But you won’t be the same afterwards, and there’s no way to undo it once it’s done. So I need to know if you really want to make that sort of sacrifice.”

Rarity,” he said, taking her hand as the two headed into the water. “As long as we can be together… it doesn’t matter what the price is.”

“I love you,” she said as they wrapped their arms around each other’s waists. “Take a deep breath, dear, and don’t try to breathe until I tell you to.

She forced both of them under the waters, not letting go of his waist. She had to be quick if she wanted this to work. She hoped that Spike could hold his breath for long enough. The white mermaid looked at Spike’s terrified eyes and saw that he was at least still awake, a good if not grateful sign. When they got deeper under the water, Spike looked a little woozy. The steady trail of bubbles that were leaking from his mouth was hardly a drizzle, and he was probably willing himself to stay awake if anything. Finally though, they got to Rarity’s magical spot: a dark underwater cavern.

Spike’s eyes were starting to close so Rarity did not hesitate in the least. The two swam into the dark cave.

The cave was rather special. It had taken Rarity quite some time to realize that the cave was actually a witching well, a magical formation that would allow lovers to be together forever. Its magical effects were different depending on the couple, but their case, Rarity had a good idea of what was going to happen.

As she saw the light from the other end of the cave, she looked towards Spike. “Breath, darling, it’s okay now.”

Spike’s eyes looked concerned as he let out the little bit of air remaining in his lungs. To his surprise, when he took in a breath of water, he felt fine.

“Rarity, what happened?” he asked, clapping his mouth shut. “How am I speaking underwater with such clarity?”

“I told you, Spike,” Rarity said with a wide smile as they exited the cave before she let him go, “I made it so we can be together forever… look at your legs in the light.”

Spike stared down at where his legs should have been, only to find they had disappeared to be replaced with the sharp green fins and tail of a shark. “I… I’m…” he stuttered, still shocked over his new form. “I’m a mermaid?”

“Well, mer-man may be a bit more appropriate—“

She was cut off, his lips quickly pressing up against hers as they floated together in the middle of the ocean deep. Her tail flicked up with excitement as she ran her hands down his back, pressing him closer to her. Spike felt so smooth to touch under the water, his scales smoothened down by the light current. She broke the kiss to rest her head in his chest.

The dragon’s own arms gently slid under hers as well as around her waist as the two rocked gracefully in the heart of the ocean. Their tails intertwined with one another, making Rarity feel closer to him than she had ever before. It was perfect, magical and romantic. She closed her eyes as she started to drift off to the sound of her lover’s heartbeat.

“This is perfect…” she whispered.

It was also just a dream.

Rarity’s flew open and she found herself once again surrounded by the warm waters and bubbles of her bathtub.

She shot up from the bath, coughing a bit as she had accidentally fallen asleep underwater.

“Well, that was scary,” she mumbled, crawling out of the bath and grabbing a towel, letting the one in her hair out. Her mane had gotten a little wet but nothing too serious. “What a strange dream that was…”

She blushed just thinking back on the dream: her as a mermaid; all her friends as sea creatures… rescuing Spike. She sighed at that last thought before shaking her to head to get her mind back to reality. While there definitely was a time when Spike had a crush on her, she feared that he had since outgrown that infatuation and moved on. The ‘mysterious’ love letters stopped showing up, the ridiculous T-shirts were thrown out. It had set doubt in her mind whether it was a possibility any longer between the two of them.

But she supposed that was all just a dream now… at least she still had those.