• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 9,635 Views, 104 Comments

Rarity's Fantasy - FlimFlamBros.

Rarity keeps having dreams about a certain purple dragon, and they're driving her mad, but she loves them...

  • ...

Bad Teacher

Rarity felt like a wreck. These dreams that she kept having were beginning to feel more like a curse than a routine of nightly satisfaction. It wasn’t so bad when it was just at night when she fell asleep, but it seemed now that her body was growing more and more tired each day. Sometimes she would just lie in bed in a vegetative condition, falling in and out of her insufferable yet welcomed dream state. The poor mare lost track of the days. Time seemed as elusive as her consciousness as she finally woke up again.

A little disgruntled, Rarity immediately threw a pillow over her head and tried to force herself back to sleep. It always happened when she was about to get to the good part, when she and her Spikey-Wikey about to finally embrace one another. Then of course something would cause her to wake up… like the damn sun!

The mare begrudgingly rolled out of her bed and promptly onto the floor. One of the blackout curtains that she bought had managed to let a small sliver of sunlight sneak past. From the looks of it, Opal had managed to get a few scratches on it. She made a mental note to find the energy to trim the cat’s nails… among other things that were on Rarity’s ever growing To-Do list. But ruts were hard to get out of, especially when you never wanted to break it.

Rarity gave a very loud, unladylike yawn as she examined the hole with her sleepy eye. The old Rarity would have gotten a thread and needle to stitch it up, but new Rarity wobbled over to her dresser and grabbed a roll of duct tape. She didn’t have the time or the energy to sit there and mend it. That was all time that she could be using trying to dream again…

Knock, knock, knock!

Rarity nearly jumped out of her fur at the sound of banging at her front door. It annoyed her that ponies never seemed to read signs anymore, specifically the ones that said “CLOSED” on the entrance. Well, she certainly didn’t need to cater to some morons who couldn’t read a sign. They’d hopefully get the idea and leave. Although she did need to get some work done… a she thought she remembered reading some rather unpleasant letters about upcoming due dates that she may end up missing.

Knock, knock, knock!

It was more annoying the second time around. With all this noise, it’d be impossible to sleep and fantasize. If they knocked one more time…

Knock, knock, knock!

These ones seemed to be the loudest, and she finally had enough. Rarity grabbed her housecoat and stormed down stairs. If she had to spell it out for them then so be it! When she got to the main floor she pushed past the unfinished dresses and the piles of letters by her door and opened the door. “I’m sorry, but we’re clo—”

“Oh, my baby!” cried Rarity’s mother, quickly budging into the Boutique. Rarity’s mother, Pearl, seemed to be in tears as she started to sob into Rarity’s shoulder. “My little pride and joy! It’s okay now, mama’s here to make it all better.”

“M-mother!? What are you doing here?” Rarity gulped, blushing with embarrassment. “I was wasn’t expecting company.”

“Oh, your friend, Applejack, told me everything, sweetie,” said Pearl. “How you’ve been sick for the past month and haven’t been able to even leave your house. I thought that maybe you were being a little dramatic like when you were a filly but seeing you here in the now... you’re not well, Rarity!”

“Thank you…” Rarity said. “But really, mother, I’m just a little tired.”

“Yes, yes, that’s good, get plenty of bed rest. Now why don’t you go and lie down on the sofa while mama makes you some nice warm soup.” Pearl led Rarity to her sofa, brushing some rolls of fabric off of it and lowering her daughter down on it. “Now try to relax a little. I’ll be only a couple of minutes and your father is just finding a place to park the carriage.”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “Oh, sweet Luna, no…”

“Oh, sugar bean!” the voice of her father cooed. “Where did you place my suitcase?”

“It’s in the trunk, dear!” Pearl called back to her husband. “Now come in here and take care of your sick daughter!”

Rarity cringed. “No, no, no, no, no!” The very idea of her father trying to take care of her sent a chill down her spine. Flashbacks of her childhood and the rigorous activities that her father put her through flashed before her eyes: the lemon juice and onion baths in the winters to keep snow worms from eating her; the lectures about how and why Timberwolves worked for the government to keep ponies from using shortcuts; and of course the guards-level combat training that she was put through when she was five years old. That last bit had proven useful on occasions but she could have lived without the soup baths.

She almost passed out when she saw Magnum enter her home carrying what looked like a medicine bag, which she was positive didn’t have any traditional medicine in them. “Now where’s my little girl?”

“Hi, daddy,” Rarity said weakly, making herself force a smile.

“By the unknown god of Cloud, I can tell from the look of you that there is something wrong,” declared Magnum with a tsk, taking a knee down to his distressed daughter’s head. “And don’t you worry, I have just the solution in my bag. You wouldn’t happen to have a power drill somewhere, would you?”

“Why do you—no, I do not have a power drill, daddy,” groaned Rarity. “And before you ask, you’re not drilling a hole in my head! You promised, remember?”

“But you have a Cleptopera Beetle in your brain and daddy needs to make just the tiniest hole in your head. It just needs to be big enough so I can get the tweezers in there. If we’re lucky, it hasn’t progressed deeper into the brain, otherwise I may need something with more kick than a drill.”


Her father stroked his mustache. “Well…I guess that is one of the side effects of the parasite. Still I’d like to run a few more tests to see if this is just some drowsiness or if it’s actually a Cleptopera Beetle making a Hearth’s Warming dinner out of your cerebral cortex.”

“There’s no such thing as a Cleptopera beetle!” Rarity shouted. “This is career day in fourth grade all over again, only I’m not crying from the embarrassment...yet!”

“If I recall, I was the most popular dad there,” said Magnum. “All the other children were laughing and having a good time.”

“They were laughing at me because you glued a wooden bowl to my head claiming it prevents mind control,” Rarity droned. “Mother had to cut all my hair out and I had to wear a wig for the rest of the school year!”

Her father gave her a look. “Oh, is that why you did that? I always thought you did it to keep hair trolls from infesting your mane.”


“Oh, well then. Still, better safe than sorry. I’ll see if you have any ketchup and coffee beans in the kitchen to make a shampoo with.” Magnum smiled, getting up and heading to the kitchen. “Honey, did you remember to pack my special blender?”

That was Rarity’s signal to leave. She knew very well that anything that came out of that blender was never anything pleasant for her. Not even taking the time to change, she rushed out of the house in her nightwear for the second time that month.

She fell to her knees once she was outside her door. “Why are my parents so weird!?” she beseeched to the heavens.

“What about your parents?”

It seemed like Rarity couldn’t catch a break today, for when she looked back down from her dramatic pose, she saw Twilight and Spike standing on her front lawn, staring down at her. Rarity flushed red as she realized that she was still in her pajamas and housecoat. This day couldn’t get any worse, so she swallowed what little dignity she had left and forced another smile for her friends. “Why, hello, Twilight, Spike.”

Both the purple unicorn and the dragon looked at the oddly behaving Rarity with strange expressions before Twilight finally spoke, “Hey there… we were just—why are you outside in your PJs?”

“My parents are visiting,” Rarity mumbled. “And my father wanted to check my mane for hair goblins.”

“Say no more,” Spike said, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. “Your father’s three kinds of crazy. He makes Twilight look sane.”

Twilight gave him the stink eye. “Thanks a lot, pal,” she said, brushing off the snickering dragon. “Anyway, we should probably get going. Spike and I promised Cheerilee that we’d drop some old books off at the school for the book drive.”

“Bye, Rarity,” said Spike with a wave as he and Twilight turned around and started walking away.

And oh how she enjoyed that: the way he walked away, the hypnotic sway of his hips her full attention. Her eyes couldn’t get passed the swinging of his lean tail brushing against his rear. Oh, that rear end of his… it was an alluring, cruel joke that constantly teased her. Only when his backside was turned did she ever want to scream her feelings for the drake, only for him to turn her around and petrify her with those dark green eyes of his. She felt like a popsicle in the sun, melting into a puddle of covetousness as Spike took step after step away from her. Then something inside of her mind clicked.

“Wait!”she shouted. “I’m coming with you!” The white unicorn rustled herself back up from the ground and started running after her two friends.

“Umm… okay?” Twilight said, looking at Rarity as she bolted over next to her. She looked up and down Rarity’s pajamas. “Maybe you’d want to do something about your outfit. Pajama day was three weeks ago.”

“They still do that?”

“It’s apparently very popular,” said Twilight. “But still, I’d suggest going back in and changing. Applejack told me about last time she dragged you out of your house.”

“Yes, I’d rather forget about that,” mumbled Rarity. “But I think that I can make this sacrifice, for my friends.” She looked at Spike. “For both of my friends.”

The dragon gave her a strange look, but shrugged it off. “If you insist, Rarity. It’s not like I haven’t seen a mare in her PJs before.”

Rarity burst out laughing at what she thought was Spike’s joke, but a new thought quickly formed in her head. What exactly did he mean by that, ‘Not the first time he’s seen a mare in her pajamas’? Had there been other mares that he’s seen… in their pajamas?! Who were they? How many of them? She bet it was that hussy, Colgate. She noticed how that orthodontist looked at Spike, undressing him with her eyes and always taking extra-long with his oral examinations. When all this was done she’d have to investigate the dentist a little more thoroughly and keep her from continuing her uncouth relationship with her dragon.

Whoa… did she just say her dragon? All this thinking was going to drive her crazy. She needed to get a hold of herself and fast. Why? Because at the moment she was clinging to Spike’s arm like a spider monkey. She didn’t even remember doing it, but the second she realized it, her grip tightened on him. She could feel each muscle in his bicep. They were stiff and powerful, yet at the same time soft like a raincloud. The motivation to let go was beginning to get blurry.

But she could sense that Spike was getting a little uncomfortable. “Rarity, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Positive—I mean, wah?” Rarity shook out of her little trance and let go. “Oh my, what am I doing? I’m terribly sorry about that. I’m getting a little ahead of myself. Perhaps I’m feeling a little lightheaded. Maybe I should head back home and lie down for a moment.”

“Well, it’s a little late for that, Rarity,” Spike said as they approached the schoolyard. “Although if you wait just a few moments I’m sure you could rest using one of the school desks if you’re that tired.”

“Oh yes… I guess I could do that.”

“Good,” said Twilight smiling as she pushed through the door and entering the classroom. “Miss Cheerilee? It’s Twilight and Spike,” she called out into the empty classroom. The magenta furred teacher was nowhere to be seen. “That’s odd. Spike, you said that we were supposed to deliver the books today.”

“Yeah, it’s Saturday, that’s when she said to deliver them. Miss Cheerilee!” Spike shouted, his voice echoing in the silence. “Maybe she forgot?”

Suddenly, there was a strange rattling noise coming from the other room at the back of the classroom. Moans were heard as well as the sound of things being knocked around. They were not alone. Twilight cautiously crept down towards the teachers’ lounge. Pleasurable gasps and sighs grew louder as Twilight gave three little taps on the wood of the door.

After a proverbial record screeched to a halt, everything became dead silent, followed by a few sharp whispers. In a few moments, the door cracked open and Cheerilee’s head popped through. Her mane seemed a little messy and her face was somewhat sweaty, but she still smiled like there was nothing wrong. “Oh, hello there, Twilight, is it two already?”

“Yeah…” Twilight said, trying to take a look behind Cheerilee through the crack of the door. “Well, you said two o’clock and, well, here we are. Um, are you okay in there? We heard some rattling and got a little concerned.”

“We?” the teacher asked. “Oh, hello, Spike, Rarity. You’re all here.” She laughed nervously. “All of you guys are here! Oh, how wonderful.” Cheerilee had said that last line with a hint of sarcasm. “Well, thank you for your time and you can just leave those books on my desk and I’ll sort them out later. Okay, goodbye!”

Twilight’s made a face. “Cheerilee… you’re acting sort of weird. What is it with everypony today?”

“Nothing’s strange! Why would things be strange? Maybe you’re the one who’s acting strange!”

Twilight backed away from the door. “Okay, okay, we’re leaving! Just give us a moment and we’ll leave.”

“Thank you… and sorry,” muttered the magenta mare. “I didn’t mean to snap at you, but I’m just a little tired from the week. You know how children can be when it’s almost the weekend. They tend to get a little wild and right now I just really need to… relax.”

“Fair enough,” said Twilight. “Spike, Rarity, we’re leaving.”

“You go on ahead, dear,” Rarity yawned as she took a seat in Cheerilee’s desk. She never knew how comfortable a teacher’s chair was. The soft, smooth linen of the chair reminded her of the silk sheets of her own bed. The fabric was like the soothing touch of angels, and even the hard oak desk seemed like a big fluffy pillow in her exhausted state. She gently laid her head down. She would just take a little catnap and then catch up with Spike and Twilight.

Just a small rest to freshen up, she was already in her pajamas so what would the harm be? And who knows, maybe she’d wake up in the water or in the thickets of the jungle or maybe, just maybe…

She’d wake right back up from her nap and still be in that same quiet classroom, with nothing extraordinary happening, just like every other day of her life. She was disappointed, giving a little moan of disapproval. At the very least she could have dreamt of something instead of feeling the same mundane routine of sleep like most ponies got. The white mare knew it was probably time to go and leave Cheerilee to her duties, so she grabbed her coat and made a beeline for the door.

That’s when two strange things happened, the first of which was that she picked up her coat. Her coat. She didn’t bring anything like that here, she wasn’t even wearing normal attire. In fact, she was completely dressed, with a low white top and sensible purple skirt. She even had on the glasses she wore while sewing, glasses that she didn’t really need but liked to wear as sort of a good luck charm. But being fully clothed all of a sudden would only be second in weirdness by what happened next.

The school bell rang. On a weekend.

A flood of screaming children rushed into classroom, laughing and throwing paper airplanes as every one of her students casually took their seats. They were a bunch of noisy little devils, but Rarity couldn’t have asked for a better class of little angels. It took a little longer than she had hoped but in a few minutes the class finally settled down and readied themselves for the day’s lesson.

“Good morning, class,” Rarity greeted with a wide smile.

“Good morning, Miss Rarity!” the class responded.

Every morning it was the same thing but it still always warmed her heart. The love she received from her students was unconditional and pure, not like some of the other relationships she had in the past. What would she do without her students? Her life would probably be void of compassion and meaning. Why, just last Hearts and Hooves day some of her favourite students cheered her up by making her special somepony cards. They were always so nice to her, but there was one pony that stood above the rest… or in this case, a dragon.

It was no secret that the little smiling dragon that always sat at attention in the front row had maybe the tiniest itsy-bitsy crush on her. It was harmless enough, but sometimes he would go to great lengths to show his affections for her. He had pretty much done everything in the book with the exception of saying ‘I love you, Miss Rarity’ but she knew he’d never do anything that bold. Even if he ever did what would she say? He was a minor, and not only that he was one of her students! The very idea of them having an intimate relationship was… scandalous.

Sinful as it was, it was a thought she’d ponder on, as terrible as it may have made her feel. Maybe when he was older and of age she’d take a gander but until that day he was a forbidden fruit that she dared not taste… at least until he ripened a little.

She shook her head at the thought, right now she had to teach her class some arithmetic and history among other things. Now all she had to do was find her chalk and… “Hmm… now where did I put that thing?” she asked herself, bending over to look on the ground.

Suddenly, there she felt a rather sharp pain as an elastic ban slapped against her rear. “Eep!” she squealed, bolting straight up like an arrow from the sudden shock. There was a blatant stifling of laughter as a few of her students tried to cover their mouths before their contagious giggling burst like the Watergate.

This wouldn’t stand; she’d have to catch the culprit. “Alright, very funny, kids,” she said sternly, examining the class, separating the strong from the weak, the innocent from the guilty. Some of the kids had rather convincing poker faces, born liars they were. There were a few kids that may have been cracking under the pressure but she couldn’t place her finger on it. After a few more minutes of intense staring she finally gave up on trying to find the one responsible.

Just as well, these kids needed to learn and they sure weren’t going to do it themselves. Rarity cautiously turned around and started to put a few multiplication problems on the board, just simple questions for her low level students; there was no reason for her to overwhelm them. They would get some harder questions in a few weeks when she felt they were ready.

“Eep!” There it was again! Another elastic projectile had been flung at her once again, and her rowdy class began to get all riled up again. This wouldn’t stand! She needed to catch the hooligan that was doing this right now. “Okay, class, this is getting ridiculous. Whoever was doing this needs to stop. It’s getting really distraction. Now, fess up.”

The class, of course, went completely silent just as she expected, but she wasn’t going to give up that easily this time. It was time to start interrogating now. The teacher went to a few of the more prominent little rascals, giving them blank yet intense stares to try to make them crack. She knew that one of them would submit eventually; they always did. Poor little things couldn’t handle the pressure of an interrogation to stay incognito.

Her current suspect, a little colt named Crazy Quilt, was starting to perspire like a raincloud. His little eyes were darting around to his friends, trying to find some sort of support, of which there was none. It was a little sad that children were so quick to throw one another under the bus, so to speak. Rarity had a feeling that this little colt knew who kept flinging the elastic bands at her, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

“Crazy Quilt, you wouldn’t happen to know who keeps throwing these elastic bands at me? If you tell me who it is then things will be a lot easier on everypony. Now, can you do this one thing for me, pretty please?”

The little colt gulped. “I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, M-Miss R-Rarity… honest!” He trembled, obviously lying to himself and her. But she couldn’t make an accusation without any proof or somepony admitting it. So she would have to yield on the issue again, but this time she’d be a little craftier…

Rarity conceded for the moment and walked back to her desk and opened one of her drawers, pulling out a tiny little makeup mirror and a stick of lipstick. She turned her back purposely to the classroom and pretended to apply some lipstick. She seemed to be just touching up her appearance but in reality it was all a trap. Her mirror was angled in a way so she could see the entire class behind her. If the student who was causing all of this was to repeat his or her actions then she could catch them in the act. Now all she had to do was wait…

There was movement in the corner of the mirror, so she angled her glance ever so slightly, but it was just one of fillies slumping on her desk, bored out of her mind. Another colt started picking his ear with his thumb, a rather bad habit but still not against the rules. However, finally the dastardly little mongrel made himself clear, as he readied another elastic band. She got him.

“Alright, mister, I caught you red handed!” She grinned wickedly, spinning around and pointing at the one who had been causing her so much annoyance. “… Spike?”

“Miss Rarity,” said the terrified looking Spike, the band in his hands misfiring and flinging into a random direction. “It-it’s not what it looks like!”

“I… I must be honest with you, Spike, I don’t really want to believe that one of my best students could act like this. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“Umm, your flank makes a good target?” the dragon said sheepishly, trying to charm himself out of trouble. It wasn’t going to work, of course. “Heh… I’m sorry, Miss Rarity.”

Rarity started to think about how to proceed with the situation. On the one hand she didn’t want to show any sort of favouritism in the classroom—she had always made it a point to show that everypony was equal and would be treated as such—but on the other hand this was Spike’s first offense ever and he was such a sweet little drake. It was quite a predicament.

Thankfully she was saved literally by the bell, the recess bell. It was also the perfect answer to her problem. “Alright, class, it’s recess time, so go outside and have some fun. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes—except for you, Spike, I’d like you to stay behind so we can have a little talk.”

The rest of the class did the cliché thing and oo’d at the drake’s misfortune as they all went out to play, leaving Spike alone with Rarity.

The young dragon began leaking like a faucet the moment they were alone. “I’m sorry, Miss Rarity! I didn’t mean to fling those rubber bands at you! It just that I had this strange impulse and I was hungry and I didn’t get enough water to drink before school or enough sleep last night and I just feel stupid, stupid, stupid!” he cried. “I’m garbage, I’m worse than garbage! The worst pony ever! I’m the dirt that wishes it could be garbage!”

“Spikey! Please, calm down,” Rarity interjected. “I’m not mad at you. I just want to know why you did it. You’ve always been such a well behaved student and for you to do something like this all of a sudden just concerns me a little. Tell me, is there any sort of problems you’re facing at home or with someone in class? It’s okay if there is, and I promise you that this will not leave the classroom.”

Spike was a little cautious as he looked at his desk. “You promise not to tell anypony?”

“Not a soul, Spike.”

“Well…” he began, taking a big breath as he mustered up the courage to explain. “A few days ago some of the kids were teasing me… saying that I was the teacher’s pet. I told them I wasn’t, and that you’re just a really nice teacher but they didn’t believe me. They said I had to prove it to them. That’s why I shot the bands at you. I just wanted them to leave me alone!”

“Spike, if you were being bullied you should have told me. I’m sure we could have worked something out.”

“Maybe… but it’s all done now,” he muttered. “I’m sure they’ll leave me alone after this. And if it means I have to miss one recess then it’s a worthy price to pay… especially if I get to spend it with you.”

“Oh, Spike,” Rarity said with a nervous giggle. There he was going again, flattering her. How could such a small child be so forward with his feelings? Didn’t he know that they could never be? Even if she did think he was rather sweet, prison didn’t seem like a fair tradeoff for pursuing this relationship. “Please, I’m sure that you’d rather be outside with your friends than in here with an old mare like me.”

“You’re not old…”

There he goes again, flattering her with his words, even if it was completely true. If only he was older or she was younger. “Why don’t you go out and enjoy the rest of recess, dear. I’m sure the rest of the kids are waiting for you.”

“Okay, Miss Rarity,” he said, leaving his desk and heading outside. However, before he left, he turned around and said, “Thanks for being so understanding, Miss Rarity, and I won’t do anything so foolish again.”

“I know you won’t, darling.” Rarity smiled watching the little dragon head out the door to play with his classmates. She gave a heavy sigh as she went back to her own desk and took a seat. She gathered a few of her papers from a few lessons ago. It was her class’s test, the tests that she needed to get marked. She had hoped that she could have had them all marked before the end of the day but it looked like she wouldn’t be able to get them all done before tomorrow night, and have them done before the weekend. She was sure that her students could wait, although some of them were getting a little antsy over their test results and she didn’t blame them as a few of her students could definitely improve on their reading comprehension.

But now back to work. There was still a little time before recess was over that she could at least get a few papers graded. The first test was from Twisty, easily recognizable from her rather curly C’s and double looped O’s. She was rather good when it came to the poem but her explanation for the rabbit’s motivation with the pumpkin seeds were average at best. A C+ seemed fair enough for her efforts. Next was Brick Break. Not one of her brightest students, there were several spelling errors and the essay section was only six sentences long. It always broke her heart to give one of her students an F but it would hopefully help motivate him to try harder and study more in the future.

Then she got to Spike’s test. This was always a delight to mark; straight, clean underlining, easily readable and next to no mistakes. His answers were always well educated and creative for a dragon at his grade level and the answers to the multiple choice section were almost all correct. It was looking to be another A for the dragon. Oh, if only he was a few years older…

She could imagine it now: him on graduation day, the day that he would not only become of age for a relationship but would also cease to be one of her students, and therefore could no longer get in trouble for violating the teacher’s code of conduct. She slumped into her wrist as she lost herself in a bit of another dream, thinking about how the days would go by and the sweet little student’s crush would probably flicker out. It would probably for the best anyways, it was so silly to think that he would wait so long to be with her, knowing that as the years go by she would grow older, and he would only grow into his prime along with all the cute mares that would be available for his picking. She would eventually find herself a suitable stallion her own age and this little fantasy would be over and the iron grip of reality would reaffirm its grasp on her life.

She was so lost in thought that she had completely forgotten that she was still grading Spike’s paper, and had even subconsciously drawn little hearts on it. The mare blushed in embarrassment as she tried to erase her little sin, applying whiteout to her penmanship to cover the doodles. In the end she was able to just make it before the bell rang and her class came running back inside.

Only there was something different about them… or rather, the only one student that came back inside.

Spike was now all grown up, and for some reason adorning a set of black graduation robes and hat. He was smiling at her as he stuffed his certificate of graduation under his robe and into his pocket. “Hello, Miss Rarity.”

“Spike, it’s just Rarity now,” she said. “You’ve graduated now, and I’m no longer your teacher. Speaking of… what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with the other graduates? Celebrating and partying or whatever it is you kids do nowadays—oops, I’m sorry, you’re not exactly children anymore, are you?”

“No, ma’am,” replied the dragon with an archly smile. “I’m all grown up now.”

Rarity returned the grin with a more timid one. “I can see that.”

There was a bit of an awkward pause as Rarity searched for a word to say to the young drake. However, Spike beat her to the punch. “Look, there’s another reason why I’m here, you know, besides just saying thank you for being an incredible teacher.”

“Oh? And what would that be, dear?” she asked as her heart skipped a beat.

“There’s just a few things that I want to get off of my chest before I leave. When I’ve said all that I have to say then you can decide what to do then, is that okay?” Rarity nodded. “Thank you… Miss Rarity, when I was just in your class, I’m a little embarrassed to admit I had a bit of a crush on you. It’s why I always tried to get the seat closest to your desk every year and if I couldn’t get it I would trade with another student.”

Rarity smiled. “I always had a feeling that was the case.”

“Yeah… anyway, I never really told anypony else about this, because to be honest, a little part of me wanted to believe that it was just a passing fancy, that maybe I’d get over it and learn to like somepony my own age. There were a few girls I liked but even as the years went by I still felt the same way for you. Even now, at the day of my graduation... I love you, Miss Rarity. And I have to know if you feel the same way.”

Rarity trembled, but only for a moment. “Spike… this is a lot to ask from me all at once… I’m not sure what to say.”

“Say what’s in your heart, Miss Rarity—“

“Spike, please stop calling me that!”

“I’m sorry,” said the dragon quickly. He was afraid that he crossed a line, so he stared down at his feet in disappointment. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” she said, taking a few steps towards the young dragon. They were both balls of nerves, of course, scared of what they could be, what others would think. She was his teacher for several years after all. While her feelings for him had always been a secret, it would be so delicate to shatter it in only one movement, a gesture that would forever bind them together, faithful and pure till the end of times. “What I meant was…”


“Just call me Rarity now,” she finally said, pressing past her fears and doubts, and kissing the dragon. It was a longing that had tortured them for years. To finally break this dance they have been trotting and at last embrace one another was nothing short of pure pleasurable bliss. Their passionate kiss broke for only a moment so they could catch their breaths, panting with a mix of excitement and adrenaline, before the two blushing lovers connected once again, but while the first kiss was a kiss of love, this one was a kiss of lust. The tidal waves of emotions broke their restraints like it was a flimsy dam. The dragon started to take control, sharp claws dragging down his former teacher’s back, massaging, lightly scratching what was now his. His forked tongue flicking and dragged out of Rarity’s mouth and down her neck, anything to get a moan from her. Little love bites on the tips on the mare’s lowered ears was almost too much for her to handle.

She leaned against her desk, taking a breathy sigh as Spike overtook her, as he laid over her. Life seemed so much better now that they could be open with their feelings with no more sin and laws to hinder them. It felt right.

“I’ve waited so long to be able to kiss you, Spike,” Rarity moaned. “Each day felt like an eternity as I waited, and I feared you’ve moved on. But deep inside I knew that you were the one for me… I just had to wait for you to grow up.”

“I’m all yours now, M—I mean, Rarity,” the young dragon responded with a grand smile. He looked down cautiously at her blouse and belt, his eyes showing his first signs of nervousness in this heated session. He looked to her for permission to continue, permission she gladly gave him. With nothing to hold him back, he carefully began unbuttoning her shirt, each pop of the button exposing more of supple white breasts until the shirt flayed open, her lacy black bra revealed. Even Rarity now was still feeling the chills of anxiety, but she pushed forward. This was something she waited too long for, and so help her Celestia, she was going to enjoy it.

Spike was about to make a move to her bra clip but she stopped his hand, raising an eyebrow playfully. “Now, Spike, what did I teach you in school? Be fair and share. Now you’ve seen me without my shirt, it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t at least to see you without yours.”

The dragon’s face turned a little red, but he shook his head in agreement. Backing off slightly, he untucked his shirt and started slowly pulling it off, stretching out his sexy stomach muscles. Rarity grinned in approval over the dragon’s pecs; he really had grown up. He pulled the constraining shirt off of him and stood there. Rarity adjusted herself on the table until she was sitting up and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in ever closer.

“Mmm, much better, I’d give you an A+.” The teacher swooned, locking lips with him once again as she rubbed her greedy hands down his muscular sides, stopping at his glutes and taking in a handful of that sweet Spike butt. So well-toned, she thought, suckling on her dragon’s lips and feeling the warmth of his breaths heat her entire body. She started to get hot, even breaking out into a tiny sweat of pure pleasure.

Spike could feel Rarity’s fur start sticking up on end, a sure sign of arousal. Maybe it was time to move things to the next level. He reached around Rarity’s back, his claws searching around for a clip, and once finding it, unclipped and slid her bra off. She let him shimmy it off and toss it to the ground, not once did they break their embrace or kiss. His hands frisked her bosom, and she returned the favor to his buttock.

It was all coming true. Her dreams, her wishes… her fantasy.

But that’s all that this was, wasn’t it? Just another fantasy… she knew this all too well as she opened her eyes from her nap to be met with the bland ceiling of Cheerilee’s classroom. She sighed, just lying there on the ground. Oh, how she’s wanted to just have one of these dreams come true, and to wake up next to her dragon, to cuddle up next to his scaly body and relish in the fact it was her privilege to do so and no one else’s. It would be the only thing she’d be selfish with. It and nothing else.

“Oh, Macintosh…”

“Hmm?” Rarity uttered, hearing Cheerilee’s voice over the sound of a creaking desk. Peeking up from behind the teacher’s desk, she was met with a strange sight. Miss Cheerilee was sitting on one of the student’s desks with her shirt, skirt, and bra all tossed around the room while her guest, the rather bulgy and red Big Macintosh, hovered over her, caressing her with his burly arms. The two were kissing and groaning, tails flicking around and swatting each other. Rarity made a little squeak of embarrassment and tried to hide back under the desk, but the wandering eye of Macintosh spotted her before she could duck. He parted lips with the salivating school teacher, whispering something in her ear.

“Miss Rarity!” Cheerilee gasped, flushing with embarrassment as she did her best to cover herself with the half-naked Macintosh. “Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you and Twilight left hours ago?”

“I’m so sorry!” the white mare cried, peeking up from the desk with shame. “But I fell asleep… I’ve been doing that a lot lately.”

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that, but Macintosh and I were hoping we could have a little… privacy.” Her eyes shifted over to the exit, signalling Rarity that she wanted her to leave. “I do hope you understand why I don’t show you the way out but… well, you know.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac nodded, a blank, unfazed look on his face.

Rarity scurried to the door, turning around and bowing, “Terribly sorry for all of this, you two please continue.” She then took off and started running back to the Boutique, back to her safe place.

She didn’t want to admit it, but watching Cheerilee and Macintosh together had made her a little jealous. The two had each other, despite the events of their lives prior to that. He was a big softy and she was a grade school teacher, and despite their little love poison incident years ago they managed to blossom into a loving couple, a relationship that she wanted to mimic with her dragon. Although a love poison seemed too extreme, even for her.

It would just be easier to dream.

But could she keep doing this? Ignoring real life and becoming more and more immersed in her illusions? It definitely wasn’t healthy, and it was starting to get her into trouble. She stopped in the middle of the street.

“No… no, I can’t keep doing this!” she announced to herself, frowning as she spun around. “I’m going to march straight up to the library and tell Spike exactly how I feel!”

“Tell me what now?”

“Eep!” she squeaked, her body going cold as she realized that Spike was standing right behind her. “O-o-o-ooh… Hello, Spike. I was, umm… I was going to tell you something. And that… thing… is… this…” Her voice started to drift off into a inaudible mumble.

Spike scratched his head. “Okay… well, when you want to tell me what it is, you know where I live.” He waved to her and started heading towards the library. “See you later!”

“B-bye…” She waved weakly. The second Spike was out of view she broke out into a sprint back home. “I can’t do it! He doesn’t love me, I can tell by the loving tone in his voice that he’d rather eat spiders than be with me!” she whined, going off into a completely irrational and untrue trail of thought. Her mind was playing tricks on her from the grief she was feeling, but until she was able to confront this grief and tell Spike her true feelings, it would continue, and she would slowly lose herself to the dream world.

Author's Note:

I love Rarity's Parents :3
Magnum is so much fun to write.