• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,753 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Oh My God, It's Everywhere!

Darkness. Quiet. Peace. Nothing disturbed the alicorn as he slept. It was probably one of the more restful sleeps Ted had experienced since entering this new world. He just felt so, so comfortable.

"...ther...ke up, Fa...."

His ears twitched at the sounds. Someone was trying to get him to move. Someone wanted him to leave this wonderful rest he'd finally found. Someone was about to find out if it was possible to live without any bones in their body.

Ted creaked one eye open, the comfortable darkness despite the wakefulness of the rest of the temple giving him a good idea of where he was sleeping. Trying to move, however, lead to him becoming aware that he was sleeping on his back for some reason, with an odd weight on his barrel.

"..tch where you step."

"It's ki...o avoid it all."

Looking down, he saw the sleeping form of the changeling queen passed out on top of him. Carefully, and to her vocalized displeasure in the form of an angry hiss, he managed to shift the strangely heavy queen off of him. This lead to another odd discovery. Even as he managed to roll himself over, his wings felt weird. Wet would be a better word, actually. Blinking a few times, he turned and looked at them.

Pink. The feathers were soaked in a pink fluid. Looking around the chamber, he found that it wasn't just the small area he was sleeping in. The room was littered with little puddles of the stuff. The alicorn wracked his brain for a few moments, trying to figure out what it was. He turned back to the sleeping changeling, and squinted at her. Rolling her over, he managed to avoid her sleepy grasps for the nearby warmth and noted a small line of pink dripping from her muzzle. Eyes widening in shock, he used a very gentle magic aura to open a single eye, and was greeted by a brilliant pink glow radiating from the queen's eyes.

There was only one other time he'd seen that kind of glow, and Mirage had mentioned changelings being able to store love externally by mixing it with fluids in a special chamber they had.

'Oh my god.'

He once more viewed the room, taking note of the dribbles and splatters of the pink fluid, leading from the sopping wet bed over to his current location, where a large pool had formed. He took a look at his fur, for the first time noticing the streaks making there way down his sides from his back, and the sticky feeling about where the queen's muzzle had been.

There was pink. Everywhere he looked he saw pink. Pink was love processed and made tangible by changelings. The only changeling in the room right now was the queen. The only source of the love was him.

"Oh my god."

The memories of the previous days were slowly trickling in; the rescue, the rage, the dream, the next day where he was slowly going mad with the images of the queen and...

'Oh god, I did that.'

Taking a breath through his nose dispelled all doubt. It wasn't as strong as he'd expected, but he could definitely smell the proof in the air. His first reaction was anger, first at himself, then at Luna. If she'd warned him about this, he could have, he at least would have been able to...

Ted blew out a long breath. Even if Luna had told him about this, it wouldn't have changed the fact that he got incredibly touchy after the blood rage. Hell, he'd given the drake a noogie before he left. He'd never done that to anyone, and he had a feeling Sahkest had never had it done to him, either. The outcomes from his emotional down swing could have been much worse.

'If I'd gotten it in my head to go after someone else, I could have hurt them badly.'

In that way, maybe it was a good thing Luna had managed to focus his wandering mind on the one creature that had been after him nearly since she'd arrived. At the very least, it was better then the results of him going after one of the other residents of the Temple in his intoxicated/high as a kite state. He winced at the mental image of an amorous alicorn hovering over the scared form of Blur or Gleam. if it was them, there would have been a good chance he'd have done more then make a mess of the room. As much as he wanted to strangle her at the moment, he couldn't be too mad at the lunar alicorn giving him a target that wouldn't get hurt.

Once more shaking his head, this time in exasperation, he turned to the source of his current wakefulness. The two stallions were shifting awkwardly while carefully avoiding the scattered puddles as best they could, though they weren't one hundred percent successful judging by the pink spatter on the smaller ones rear hoof. Seeing they had his attention, the larger one spoke.

"Father, a thousand pardons, but there's a problem." the first one said nervously. "Last night the other changelings started acting weird, and right now most of them are passed out in the next room. It, that room is actually in worse shape than this one."

"But that's not the problem." The second interjected, kicking his rear hoof uncomfortably. "There's a bunch of other changelings outside, along with this huge one right at the edge of the cleared area around the Temple."

Ted blinked at the mention of the behemoth. Why would Din leave it so close and not tell anyone about it?

"Father, that giant changeling, is it linked with the queen like the others?" The first one asked.

Ted rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes. "Yes, why? And can someone get me some water? And make sure water is available for all of the changelings, you said the other room was worse, they may be a bit dehydrated."

Managing to get off the ground despite the fact that he was saturated in the pink goo, Ted slowly made his way to the door.

"I'm going to take a shower, then I'll take a look at the changelings." He told the two ponies.

They shifted anxiously. The smaller one spoke first. "Father, their numbers have been increasing since we first noticed them. Normally we'd get one of the other changelings to speak to them, but they're all uh, incapacitated at the moment."

"Look, there's no way I'm going out there like this." At their continued stares, his face hardened. "I'm not doing it."

Even as the alicorn left the room, Pandinus was waking up from both the earlier disturbances and to find out why her warm/soft pillow was missing and she was now on a cool and strangely damp floor. The queen managed to get her head off the ground after a bit of effort, and opened her eyes. She blinked in confusion a few times, seeing the entire world tinted a bright pink before breaking into a fit of giggles. Realizing she was feeling the effects of a love overdose, the queen forced the surplus from her vision, though it was much tougher than it should have been. Feeling an odd trickle going down her chin, she licked the love off her hoof before brushing it against her muzzle. It came back pink as well.

'That's not supposed to happen. I'm drooling love... oh stars I'm drooling love!'

Panic set in for a few moments before she realized that she wasn't leaking all the love she had; it was what she couldn't contain. Yet another world shattering occurrence due to that blasted alicorn; so much love in a single feeding that she, a changeling queen with the highest capacity for emotion storage was currently drooling love all over the floor. Judging by the amount scattered around the room, she'd been doing it for a while, too.

As memories of the previous night returned to her, the surprises kept coming. He'd ambushed her, almost immediately flooding her senses with the most potent and delicious emotions she'd ever tasted, all of them directed at her. After a few moments, she'd realized it was too much for her, that her body was quickly becoming full. She remembered opening the link, hoping to both redirect some of the emotions she'd been absorbing, and allow the hive to store what she was consuming but didn't need. It didn't help; the entirety of the hive soon succumbed to the love overdose just as quickly as she had.

'That's ridiculous.' She thought. 'Over two dozen changelings all left drooling the emotional overflow from a single alicorn.'

The queen stared in awe, taking in the sheer amount of love scattered throughout the room. Din had never even seen several jars of love of this strength, much less so much of it just scattered all over the room. The amount would be calling to her from miles away, but she was so stuffed with emotion, she couldn't taste the ponies above her. Tartarus, she couldn't feel the tiny emotional tether to the alicorn. Part of her screamed at the wastefulness, demanding she consume every drop and store it, despite the fact she couldn't even seem to move. It was enough to feed her hive for almost a year. Yet it was given to her, freely, with no disguise or lies needed. Not only that, but considering the fact that Cimmerian had not only moved her to leave, but not complained to her about any injury or fatigue? That much drain would kill a pony by normal harvest methods.

The thought terrified her; it left her feeling exhilarated. It left her wanting to flee the Temple and its impossible ruler; it left her wanting to do anything he asked of her if he'd just promise to let her feed like this one more time.

The queen once again attempted to stand up, only to notice just how heavy she felt. It was odd, another oddity of the morning. She looked back at her barrel and could only stare. The chitin plates, thinned to be less intrusive during contact were jutting at odd angles due to her bloated form. Even her thin chitin shell, having much more give than the plates, was stretched to the point of almost being painful. Wracking her brain for a solution, she pinged the hive, and only received nine responses. The first was the proto queen, who not only answered but walked in, eyes baring a pink tint and giggling softly to herself. Next walked in the other nymphs, Gem and Adamant, followed by the half-grown forms of several drones.

The drones she'd only laid a few days ago.

That was when she noticed the changelings were all the white of freshly molted shells. They'd used the overabundance of love to accelerate their growth. Pandinus' first reaction was to scold them, in fact her flush of anger caused all the changelings to take a few steps back form her. Pandinus' memories of hive laws said such frivolous use of love was punishable by either death or exile, depending on the queen's mood. However, with the current abundance of not only food, but potent love, she realized that would probably be the best way to regain her mobility.

Despite every memory protesting the idea, Queen Pandinus burned her stores of love to accelerate her growth. Minutes later, her shell split down the middle, and she pulled herself free of the confines of her less than a week old chitin. Then she did something even worse; she used love to solidify her shell, allowing her to move in spite of the softness of her new skin.

The queen giggled even as she finally stood up, consuming a good amount of the love pooled around her. Leading the nymphs into the next chamber, she ran into a pony carrying a pitcher of water, which she nabbed with her magic and chugged. She then went and pulled the excess from several of the infiltrators, ordering them to start cleaning up the mess and store as much of the love as possible.

It was all going wonderfully for the queen. She watched the infiltrators cleaning for a while, wondering just how strong her hatchlings would be when a few stray memories floated back to her. The queen frowned, going back over the events that she could recall. Cimmerian had never really been that touchy before. What had changed?

The more she thought about it the more it bothered her. She started analyzing every detail, noticing the odd undercurrent in all the emotions she tasted from him the night before. They were all there, even the love of the rest of his hive, but it was amplified by a large margin. An unnatural margin in fact. She needed to talk to him, and soon.


'I can't believe I'm doing this.' Cimmerian thought as he trotted to the courtyard. The urgency of the situation was bad enough to the ponies that he wasn't going to get time to take a shower, so he was left walking out into the sunlight still dripping love and smelling faintly of last night's activities.

Floating in his magic aura were several bottles filled with a little additional love, an offering to the changelings and a reason for them to join the Temple. The ponies weren't exaggerating when they said the first room was worse. With over a dozen adult changelings working to process the alicorn's blood rage induced love rage, the floor was almost flooded in pink goo, while the changelings were scattered about the room, either snoring in a puddle of their own glowing drool or cuddled up against one another. He'd grabbed a few empty bottles and filled them straight from the puddles, figuring the changelings wouldn't miss a few bottles. Besides, what would they do? Say he couldn't take his own emotions back?

That thought led to a very odd realization, even as he left the Temple. He'd noticed he seemed slightly bigger than he remembered being the day before. It confused him for a few moments, before he remembered what Luna had said about his growth. Basically, alicorns grew when exposed to more love. The more love you're exposed to, usually in the form of followers, the stronger you get.

Ted had just spent the night basting in his own love.

Of course, logic told him that it shouldn't have done anything to him, but the fact of the matter was he was noticeably larger, even if only just. It left him wondering just how lucrative keeping the changelings around was turning out to be. Maybe he'd start adding some of that stuff to his meals? It would be considered changeling honey, right? Maybe it could be used in place of bee honey?

'I'm a growing alicorn, and I need my love.' He thought, chuckling at the absurdity of the notion.

Looking back at his still soggy and sticky wings, he silently hoped that the pink goo wouldn't stain. The world already had pink ponies, and a pink alicorn, it didn't need a black and pink striped alicorn stallion. Besides, what poor guy would be able to live as a pink alicorn?

Soon he came upon the behemoth, gently rumbling in its sleep even as a small swarm of changelings flitted about in the trees nearby. At his approach they all set their eyes upon him. Or rather, they set their eyes and noses upon what was currently making his feathers stick together. He set the jars down in front of him, offering them to the hungry swarm and was just about to ask for their selected leader when a call from the temple interrupted him.

The alicorn turned back to the Temple, soon seeing the ghost-white form of Queen Pandinus making her way towards him, looking at him with concern.

Most of the changelings scattered at her approach, not willing to get near her even though many watched from a distance, the sight of such a large and healthy queen drawing the eye of each one.

"Cimmerian, was something wrong with you last night?"

Ted blinked in confusion. "Excuse me?"

"You tasted wrong." She said, stopping in front of him. "I've fed on you enough to recognize the difference. What changed? What made you suddenly change your mind?"

The dark alicorn shifted uneasily a moment, eyes going from the swarm to the strangely concerned queen.

"I went through a blood rage the day before." He said, pawing the ground nervously. "Luna said there'd be a side effect, but she didn't say what, just said something about you to tease me. Or at least that's what I thought. The next morning I was overly bubbly and happy, which was the downswing of the blood rage. Part of me wishes it didn't end in, well, that but the other part says it could have ended badly." At the queens questioning stare, he explained. "I could have targeted someone else in my haze. Someone not uh, not capable of handling the activities of the previous night."

"But you weren't actually planning on doing that. That's what you're saying?" Din asked, no small amount of pain in her voice.

"No, Din, I wasn't. You're beautiful, you're becoming very kind, and it's a riot listening to you try to figure out why other races do things a certain way, like when Thrisha tried explaining to you why you don't just go around flashing the male you're interested in." Ted explained, a grin making its way onto his face at the last memory. "I've only known you for a month though. My species, the one I was raised as, we tend to date for a long time, making sure we're fine with our choice." He smiled warmly at her. "Though I find it comforting to know you noticed, and asked if I was ok. It means a lot to me."

Their moment was interrupted seconds later by the buzzing wings of the swarm behind him, the changelings all staring at the queen who not only walked among ponies without disguise, but walked among ponies right after a molt.

"Cimmerian, where did these drones come from?" Din asked, finally noticing her audience.

The alicorn gestured to the swarm. "The residents said they showed up earlier. I think they could smell the love in the hive."

The queen watched them for a few moments, before a single shape shifter approached her. "You live with the big pony?" It asked cautiously. "Who rules? Can only be one ruler, right?"

It took all of the queen's willpower to not snap out her ingrained response. Instead she looked uneasily over at the alicorn, before turning back to the changeling.

"I was invited to make my hive here under the rule of Cimmerian. He also provides most of us with our nourishment. The love you smell is his. I had trouble trying to absorb it all last night, and spent the night leaking it." She then walked up to the alicorn and pressed against his side, the top of her muzzle resting against the bottom of his. At the continued stares, the queen nudged Ted, whispering into his ear when he leaned down to her.

"Come on, Cimmerian, they don't believe it. Show me what you did last night when you first snuck up behind me."

"I don't know if I can replicate that Din, I was on the downswing of a blood rage. I was as high as a kite when that happened." The alicorn whispered back.

The queen blinked. "Surely you can at least..."

"That being said," he continued "I'm not going to leave you hanging out to dry in front of all these eligible drones, not after your show of support."

With that, the dark alicorn leaned in and wrapped his hooves around the queen, dragging her against his barrel and locking lips with her. He let all the positive ideas of the queen flood his thoughts, including his enjoyment of waking up that morning with a warm weight pressed against his barrel.

Despite the queen's increased size, she once again started looking a bit full, this time the love showing by giving her still white shell a pink tint. It felt odd to Ted, doing such a thing in front of a large group and knowing every single changeling was staring at them. Odd yes, but not the worst thing he'd ever done, and the queen's purring was adorable no matter how large she got. Breaking away for a moment, he grinned mischievously and ran a hoof over her still soft flank.

The queen gasped at the contact, glaring at him. She leaned closer and whispered to him "Don't start something you won't finish, Cimmer."

The swarm called for their attention before he could continue teasing her though, many of the changelings hovering uncomfortably close to the two, and one too many drooling over the love currently caking the alicorn's wings. The queen took over from there, pushing away from him.

"Food is not an issue for the changelings here. The only thing we need is resources to build a city, from food for the other races, to workers for a mine we wish to start. There is much to do, and any who wish to stay are welcome to do so." She touched her horn to several drones, dousing them with her surplus of love, before also pushing forward the jars Ted had brought out earlier. "Share this among yourselves; eat well, recover your strength, then lend that strength to our growing hive. If you require more, ask a resident to send word to my chambers. We are currently trying to clean up the love that brought you here, and I'm sure I could always pull a little more from my source if I need to." She said, bumping her flank into Ted's side.

The two headed back to the Temple, leaving the drones to their feast. Walking side by side, Ted smiled at the queen

"You're becoming good at that. Selling the benefits of this place, I mean."

"It's not difficult." She said, nose held high. "Changelings want two things, food and safety. We have both here, more than we know what to do with, actually. Is it any wonder they would flock here?" She cracked open an eye, leveling her snout. "Besides, I already told you why I'm willing to work with them. They're in the same situation I was before I ended up here."

"And it has nothing to do with the fact that they'll probably join your hive, increasing your power base even more, right?" He asked her.

"Shut up, Cimmerian. You're easier to deal with when you don't open your mouth."


Ted went straight to his room after the drones were dealt with, only stopping long enough to ask for a meal to be sent to his room before heading up to finally clean himself up. Starting up the stairs Pandinus, still tailing him, asked what he was currently planning on doing. It turned out that telling her he was going to take a bath to wash the pink sludge off was the wrong answer.

"You know I'd already be done if you'd just let me shower." The alicorn told the queen, laying on his bed. It had a few clean towels scattered over the bedding to prevent ruining the sheets, while the large changeling was currently happily removing the love from his wings.

"My hive is set to grow exponentially with the addition of the drones outside, not to mention I'll be laying again soon enough." Pandinus told him. "I want my first clutch of sapients to be raised on pure love, not the scattered emotions that works for the true drones."

The queens ears perked at the dampening of the alicorn's happiness. Hoping to salvage his mood, she started working on a large spot where the feathers connected to the wing, licking off the love before preening the area. Ted looked back at her with an irritated scowl even as his wings splayed. The queen just licked her lips, smiling at him.

"What happened to don't start what you won't finish?" He asked.

She giggled reaching in for another long lick. "I think we both know I'm more than willing to finish what I start. Besides, I need all the love I can get if I'm going to be raising these nymphs. Mirage will also need the energy, as she'll be helping and with so much love, I'm sure they'll be bouncing off the walls, unlike the near hibernation I'd seen some nymphs in back home."

Sensing the alicorns sudden shifts and unease, she emptied her current load of love into a nearby jar, took a few swigs of water from a nearby pitcher, and moved on to his back, burying her muzzle in his mane.

"Why are you troubled? Is it the prospect of the nymphs?" At his nod, she hummed. "I don't see the issue. You've known for a while now this was my goal, it was why I stuck so close to you... though I admit, learning you were not well, it makes last night feel like a hollow victory."

"Din, I have one last thing I want you to do." The alicorn said. "It will probably be the most difficult thing of all. I want you to not feed next time."

"Are you mad? Not feed on the torrents of love that... next time?"

"This is what you were working towards, right? I know you didn't think it would be a one time thing." The alicorn mumbled sleepily. "That's why it's so important to me, Din. I'm not just picking a one night fling. I'm looking for someone to stay with me for the rest of my life."

The alicorn used a combination of shifting his body and magical grip to drop the queen to the mattress, then shifted again till he was pressing her into the bed. Letting himself hold onto her possessively, wings draping on either side, he nuzzled into her cheek. He could see her mind working overtime, most likely at the prospect of having ready access to the love given to her the previous night for the rest of their lives and just how much that would amount to.

"So, just learn to not feed? I, why would you want that?" The queen asked him.

He chuckled. "I don't remember much from last night, but I do remember a certain changeling queen looking like she wasn't all there when I was kissing her. How much do you even remember?"

"I know you came up behind me, then you kissed me and put me on the bed, and you said something," the queen flushed in embarrassment "I didn't really hear you, all I could see, all I could smell, all I could taste was the love and lust." The queens eyes glazed over at the memory. "I've never felt anything so wonderful before. It was like no matter how much I tried to absorb there was always more, like I was drowning in love."

"I can't say we make a good couple if we can't bed each other while sober." He said with a grin. "I don't regret what happened, Din, just how it happened. Both of us were smashed by the time it occurred, me by the blood rage downswing, you due to the flood of love you tried to absorb. I was already looking at the possibility, of us being able to stick it out. So if we're going to do this, we're going to do it properly. We're going to both be all there, and we're both going to be able to remember every wonderful detail, got it? One night where you don't touch it, then you can do what you like. I'd say I don't mind if you never abstain again, but I don't think either of us would find that prospect enjoyable."

Pandinus nodded, shivering slightly, though whether it was from the hints of lust she was sensing, the prospect of an untold number of nights together, or the contact against her still hardening shell he didn't know. He smiled, laying down draped over the queen, just enjoying the contact for once, not thinking about the implications. It was done, there wasn't any point in worrying about it anymore and with the amount of love she could pull from him on top of her blooming concern for him he doubted she'd be leaving any time soon. She had it too good here.

"Cimmerian, I still need to finish getting that love off of you." The queen mumbled into the towels.

"I'll take a shower tomorrow." Before she could voice her protest, he snuggled against her, pulling her deeper into his barrel. "I'm sure I can replace whatever is lost, Din. It's not wasteful if it's an infinite resource, is it?"

He hummed in thought, the queens purring the only other sound in the room. "Maybe we can get a fountain someday, like one of those beautiful garden fountains. Multi-tiered with a bowl-shaped fountain of water. And instead of water, it will be love, and any time a changeling is feeling hungry, they can just walk right up and take as much as they want." That would be something, a fountain of love. And he'd be the one to see it built. It was something to look forward to, something he'd be proud of. Besides, if the queen was going to be having nymphs with his genes, his children, he'd have even more motivation to make sure no changeling went hungry.

With everything he'd done so far, and with everything he'd be doing over the next few days, he wanted to be lazy for a little while. He was also going to enjoy his personal masseuse, and would make sure she enjoyed the time off as well.

Author's Note:

As I've said, I thought up the 'What would happen if a changeling was exposed to too much love?' thing years ago. I find it hilarious to think that they would just start leaking it like a sponge that absorbed too much water.

On another note, we saw how Ted, sorry, Cimmerian and Pandinus reacted. The question now is, how will everyone else take it? There's no denying it here, not when two ponies walked in on the aftermath.

And will Luna's cackles of amusement be heard from the other side of the planet?

I don't know, I just listen to the voices in my head. They seem to have some good ideas so far. :pinkiecrazy:

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