• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,684 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 14

Chapter 13
Dark Chaotic Battle (Part 2) + New Couples

The monster that was once Dark roared loudly, "Gwarrrrr!!"

"Yes Shadow Beast, destroy them! Destroy them all!" Night Rose spoke.

Dark turned to Night Rose and snarled.

"W-what? What are you doing?" Night Rose asked.

Dark ran up to her and grabbed her neck and began to choke her.

"Gack! Stop! I am your master!" Night Rose said clawing at Dark's hand.

Dark only growled as he tightened his grip.

"Chaos Spear!" Shadow yelled throwing a green spear at Dark.

The spear hit Dark's arm and he dropped Night Rose. He then charged his arm cannon and pointed at Shadow. He shot it and a dark missile homed in on Shadow.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow said as time slowed around him. He then threw another spear at the missile and destroyed it.

The smoke cleared and Dark appeared in front of Shadow and punched him in the chest, sending him into a wall.

"Dark stop this now!" Ace shouted.

Dark turned and shot a dark missile at the group, but Ace redirected it back at Dark.

"I don't want to hurt you Dark, but you leave me no choice." Ace said pulling out a gold and blue orb.

He focused and the energy in it began to glow. Suddenly Ace glowed brightly and began to change.

Gold and blue bulky shoulder pads, chest plate armor, leg armor, and an arm cannon on his right arm, formed on Ace. Then a targeting reticle screen appeared over Ace's right eye.

"Time to deal with you Shadow Beast." Ace said.

Then everyone else stood next to Ace. Even all seven of the girls.

"We're fighting with you Ace." Sonic said.

Ace smiled.

"Alright then." Ace said, "LET'S GO!"

(Play Alive and Awake - Skillet)

Dark lunged at the group, and they all dodged.

Ace held his arm cannon out and started charging power, 'I'm sorry brother. This is gonna hurt me internally more than it's gonna hurt you physically.' Ace thought, "ZERO CHAOS LASER!" A blue beam of energy shot out of the cannon and was on a course to Dark.

Dark held his own cannon up and fired a dark beam and the two beams started fighting over for power.

Ace poured more power to his attack and his beam started heading for Dark.

Dark snarled and poured more of his dark powers to his own and it started fighting back ten fold.

Ace's eyes widened as he saw his brother's attack coming closer to him. He grunted and tried to fight it, but it was starting to become too much for him. Knowing he can't do anything else, he shut his eyes tightly waiting for the beam to come close to him.

"CHAOS BEAM!" A yellow beam of energy collided with Ace's attack and it started to gain more power.

Ace opened his eyes and turned and saw Shadow pouring as much power as he can with his attack, "Shadow?"

Shadow looked at Ace and grunted, "I know how much your brother means to you Ace, and I'll do whatever it takes to help you save him. I failed to save Maria, but I refuse to let you and your brother die."

"KINESIS BEAM!" A cyan beam collided as well and the attack started pushing Dark's attack back more.

Ace turned and saw Silver as well, "What the?"

Silver turned to him and smiled, "I won't let Dark win, Ace. I'll do whatever it takes to save him. I now understand why Dark killed his friends. He was only trying to save his home and to keep you safe. I know what it's like to protect those you love and to protect your home, and I won't let this happen!"

Ace felt his strength increasing by what these mobians were doing for him. They can actually see the bond he and his brother share and to stop the dark force.

"HURRICANE BEAM!" A blue beam of energy mixed with wind was also added with the attack.

Ace saw Sonic standing next to Shadow, "Sonic…"

"Dark is part of your family Ace, and I understand you'll do whatever it takes to save him, just like me protecting my friends and family, no matter the cost." He looked at Ace and smiled, "Also, Dark should be very proud of you on how much of an amazing brother you are."

Ace was smiling while a few tears were falling from his eyes. He became overwhelmed with so much joy and happiness that they're standing by him and stopping the darkness within Dark.

Suddenly, two rainbows appeared and collided with the beam and was pushing back the dark energy with great force.

The mobians turned and saw the girls hovering in the air, while they have their pony accessories.

"We'll do whatever it takes to help save your brother Ace. Even though we've only known you and Dark for a short time, you two are our friends, and we will never leave our friends behind and fight alone!" Twilight called out. The girls smiled and nodded in agreement.

Feeling the strength of friendship and loyalty in his heart, Ace power was brought out to his max. He was smiling from ear to ear. He turned back to Dark, who was struggling to keep his attack forward.

"Alright then...Let us defeat the dark force within Dark once and for all….AS A TEAM!" Ace shouted.


The beam grew tremendously and collided with Dark, causing him to howl in tremendous pain. Soon, the beam died down and they all panted heavily, using up a lot of energy.

Ace's armor started cracking and then shattered off of him. He placed his hand on his shoulder and panted heavily while sweat poured from his face, 'Damn, I never knew they would have so much power, but I'm more surprised that my strength increased ten fold because of them.' Ace thought. He then grunted as he started falling, but was caught by the mobians.

"Easy Ace, just take it slow." Sonic said helping him down slowly.

"*pant*, *pant*, thanks. I'll be *pant* okay. Just *pant* need *pant* rest." Ace said between breaths.

The girls walked up to him and they all smiled at him.

Ace smiled back and gave them a thumbs up and a wink. He then finally turned his attention toward Dark, who was out cold. Most of the crystals on his body was gone. His arm cannon was destroyed, but his crystal claw was still connected.

Ace started to go over to Dark's body, but then he growled.

All of Dark's crystals reformed and he got back up, but his crystals were bigger this time, including his arm cannon. He pointed it at the teens and it changed. Now it also had five smaller turrets on the sides of it. All six ports charged up and glowed.

"Shoot." Ace said.

Dark's arm cannon shot out eight missiles, followed by eight dark beams. The beams followed the missiles, which followed the teens.

The teens tried to evade the attacks, but failed each time until they were hit.

Ace, Shadow, Sonic, Silver, and Knuckles laid on the ground unconscious.

Dark smirked evilly and started walking forward to the unconscious teens, while his crystal claw started coating with dark energy.

"Leave them alone!" Twilight shouted.

Dark stopped and looked at the girls and snarled.

"You lay one finger on them, you'll regret it!" Rainbow shouted as well.

Dark had enough and roared at the girls. He lunged at them with his dark claw ready. He targeted Rainbow, but she quickly moved out of the way, and gave Dark a quick kick to the stomach.

Dark stumbled back a little by the attack, but quickly shook it off. He lunged at Rainbow once more and punched Rainbow in the face.

She crashed into a wall and grunted in pain a little. She finally got up and rubbed her sore cheek.

Applejack swung her leg at Dark, but he saw it coming and quickly caught it.

Applejack's eyes widened in shock that he caught her attack like it was nothing.

Dark picked her up and started swinging her and threw her at Rainbow.

Rainbow couldn't get away in time and the two collided with one another and they fell unconscious.

"Applejack, Rainbow!" Twilight yelled at her friends.

Dark turned back to the mobians who were still unconscious. He aimed his cannon at them and started charging power.

"STOP!" Someone yelled at Dark.

Dark turned and saw someone he hadn't met entirely.

Sunset Shimmer stood looking at Dark, "You don't have to do this Dark. This isn't like you. Fight the darkness. I know the real you is still in there. Come on! Free yourself!"

Dark pointed his arm cannon at her and prepared to fire, but suddenly, his mind forces his arm to lower his weapon. He snarled in confusion and tried to force his arm cannon back, but failed.

"I will not allow you to hurt anymore of my friends! You beast!" Dark's voice spoke, "Especially this one! I... I care too much for her!"

Suddenly Dark's eyes shrunk and he grabbed his head, roaring in pain. His crystals began to crack and fall off. Then half his body began to glow blue.

Then Dark looked up at everyone, and they gasped. Half Dark's body was the Shadow Beast, and the other half was Dark Steele. They seemed to be fighting each other.

"Give. Me. Back. My. Body!" Dark shouted.

The monster half only snarled at him.

"Gah!" Dark said, "I... I can't do it! He's too strong!"

Sunset walked up next to Dark's half and grabbed his hand, "Yes you can Dark. You are stronger than him. I believe in you."

Dark's eye lit up and he smiled.

Shadow Beast's half began roaring in pain and glowed blue.

Dark's and Sunset's bodied were engulfed by a bright white sphere. The sphere suddenly expanded and then burst, causing everyone to shield their eyes.

(Stop playing Alive and Awake)

When the light died down, everyone looked where Dark and Sunset were and gasped.

Dark and Sunset were hugging each other, smiling too.

"How did one normal girl manage to free Dark? Yet five super powered guys couldn't?" Ace asked a little confused.

"Clearly Sunset Shimmer isn't a normal girl. At least not to Dark." Sonic said while hugging Rainbow.

Ace looked back at Sunset and Dark, "Oooh. Now I get it." He said smiling at his brother.

Dark and Sunset broke their hug and smiled at one another.

Sunset blushed a little, "Umm, Dark?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

""If you're not going with anyone else already... would you...like to...got to….the dance tomorrow with….me?" She asked blushing deeply.

Dark was taken back by surprise by what she asked him, "Uh...well...um…" He looked at his brother.

Ace gave him a warm smile to him and nodded, telling him to say yes.

"*Ahem*, I..I would like to go the dance with you tomorrow." Dark replied blushing a little.

"Really?" Sunset asked surprisingly.

Dark smiled a little and nodded.

Sunset smiled and hugged Dark once more, which made his face flush with more red.

Ace couldn't help but laugh a little, 'I can't believe Dark is actually going on a date with her. I can never be more proud of him.' He thought. He then felt a soft hand on his shoulder again and saw it was Fluttershy, blushing deeply.

"Ummm….Ace...I..I was..wondering...if I...if I can ask you something...if that's okay with you." Fluttershy said shyly and weakly.

Ace smiled, "Sure. Ask away."

"Well...I...I wandering….if it's okay with you...would you….would you like to...umm...go to….the dance….with….me?" She asked blushing more deeply than ever.

Now it was Ace's turn to be taken back by the offer as well. He was blushing as well by her offer, 'Well...I...I guess I could, but...I never went to...a dance with a girl before. Let alone Dark and I never went to a dance at all.'Ace thought.

"Uh…*Gulps*, I...I would...love to...go with you." He responded blushing deeper.

Fluttershy blushed deeper and her eyes widened, "R-Really?" She asked with happiness in her words.

Ace shyly smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, he received a hug from Fluttershy, which made the two blush until their faces went red.

The group was wide eyed that both Sunset and Fluttershy have asked two newbies to go to the dance with them.

Applejack chuckled, "Ah never knew that those two wud ask any boy out fer the dance. Especially one of them." She said as the two continued in their embrace with the two brothers.

The two brothers and their girlfriends broke their embraces and smiled.

Ace then looked at their destroyed house and frowned, "But where are Dark and I gonna stay now?" Ace asked.

"Umm...you can stay at my place….if that's okay with you." Fluttershy offered.

Ace smiled, "Thanks Fluttershy."

"Rainbow, is it okay, if Dark can live with us?" Sunset asked her rainbowed haired friend.

"Sure. You two can have the room Sonic was supposed to have." Rainbow said.

"Then where am I gonna sleep?" Sonic asked.

Rainbow blushed, "Well… you can sleep with me. I have no problem sharing my bed with you." Rainbow said looking away while blushing more.

Sonic blushed a little as well, "Oh, okay."

Ace looked back at his destroyed house and started walking through the rubble, trying to find something, 'Please let it be here.' He thought.

"Ace what are you doing?" Dark asked.

"I'm looking for something." Ace called out. He stopped where his room was, and started looking for the rubble. Finally, he touched something unscratched and smooth. He pulled it out and started wiping the ashes off of it.

It was a picture of Ace and Dark in their hedgehog forms while they were smiling and looking like they were laughing while they were holding on to a hedgehog women.

She had blue eyes mixed with a little red in them. Her long hair was dark blue like Dark's hair and had some red tips. She had peach skin, wore a dark red dress while wearing red high heels.

Ace stepped out of the rubble and walked over to his brother.

Dark's eyes widened and saw his family picture still in one piece, "I can't believe it survived." Dark said looking at the picture.

"I can't believe it as well." Ace said smiling while a tear rolled down his cheek.

"What's that?" Sunset asked looking at the picture.

"This is our family photo, before our mother was possessed by the darkness." Ace answered looking at the photo.

The group gathered around and they looked at the picture as well.

"Oh darling, is this your mother?" Rarity asked.

Ace nodded, "Yes."

"She's really beautiful." Fluttershy commented looking at the hedgehog women.

Ace smiled, "Thanks Fluttershy."

Suddenly, they heard groaning behind them. They turned and saw Mephiles carrying Neo, who was still shut down, and Night Rose behind him.

"We'll be back, and we will finish you all off one way or another. Mark my words. And you two." Mephiles pointing at the two teens, "You two better watch your backs, because you two are now on our list." Mephiles said as a green beam from Eggman's ship teleported the three back into the ship.

"They better be ready the next time they meet us, because we'll defeat them once and for all when we see them again." Dark said as they watched the ship leaving.

"We'll be ready for them." Sonic said.

The group nodded in agreement. They all decided to call it a day and leave for home.

(Tails, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Ace POV)

Tails, Ace, Twilight and Fluttershy walked back to the house. When they walked inside, Ace eyes widened.

He saw hundreds of animals from bunnies, birds, squirrels running and flying around in many places, "Wow. I've never seen so many animals in my life in one place." He said in awe.

"Glad you're impressed." Tails said placing his bag down.

"Fluttershy is great with animals. It's what she does most of her life. She's an animal caretaker." Twilight said to the grey teen.

Ace turned to Fluttershy and smiled, "That's amazing Fluttershy. I didn't know you were good with animals."

Fluttershy blushed again and looked away shyly, "Oh, umm...Th-thank you Ace."

"Well, at least-" He was cut off when he was approached by many squirrels, bunnies and birds that started crawling up his body. Ace chuckled by feeling them crawl around him, "H-hey, easy little guys. That tickles." The animals continued crawling everywhere around Ace, making him laugh more. He then lost his balance, fell to the ground and laughed harder.

"Oh my goodness, this is certainly new." Fluttershy said in total shock, "The animals never behave like that around anyone other than me."

Ace chuckled as he stroked a baby bunny on the head, "Well, before the dark force started taking over in my world, many of the animals taken a very big liking to me. They react pretty well with Dark and my Mother as well, but they always spend a lot around with me." He explained.

"That's incredible." Fluttershy said sitting down next to Ace on the floor, "Tell me more about the animals back at your world."

"Well…" Ace started.

While Ace was talking with Fluttershy, Twilight and Tails walked into the kitchen.

"Looks like Fluttershy is taking a liking to Ace." Twilight said placing her bag on the table.

"Yeah, and I never knew Ace was good with animals." Tails said grabbing a water bottle.

"Neither did I. Looks like Fluttershy is going to have a good time with him at the dance." Twilight said opening her school bag, picking Spike out, who was asleep, put him on the dog bed, and grabbed her schoolwork.

Tails blushed a little when she mentioned the dance, 'Should I ask her? If I do, will she say no? No, c'mon Tails you can do this, if Ace, Dark, Sonic, and Silver can do it, than you can as well.' Tails thought. He took a breath and said, "Umm, Twilight?"

"Yes Tails?" She asked.

"Umm..I was wondering..if you're not going with anyone at the dance tomorrow….would you like to...go with me?" He asked blushing deeply.

Twilight's heart froze and she blushed deeply as well. She didn't see this coming as well. She didn't feel like this when Flash asked her out to the Fall Formal...that is until they had a little disagreement with one another. Twilight only sees Flash as a friend now.

Twilight took a breath and spoke, "I...I would..like to..go with you." She replied blushing still.

Tails looked at her and smiled from ear to ear, "Really!?"

Twilight looked at him and smiled, "Of course. It will be a great time for the both of us to know each other more." She replied smiling.

Tails smiled and walked out of the kitchen. When he did, he pumped his fists in the air by his success grinning from ear to ear, 'YES! I have a date with Twilight! This is going to be awesome.' He thought cheering.

(Shadow and Pinkie POV)

Shadow was in his room Pinkie gave him, thinking about the two brothers especially towards Ace, 'Ace is an interesting character. If what he said was true, I need to know his tricks and how good he is with the Chaos Force.' He thought.


Shadow turned and saw Pinkie Peeking through the door, "Shady, can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked shyly.

"Sure, but make it quick." Shadow answered plainly.

Pinkie opened the door and walked over to Shadow and sat next to him on the bed.

"Umm...There's something I want to ask you Shady." She started blushing.

Shadow arch a brow at her by how she's speaking. She's always full of energy and always smiling, but now she's acting all nervous around him.

'What's up with her attitude?' Shadow thought, "Well, what is it?" He asked.

"Umm...do you….want to…" She trailed off blushing deeper than before, "Doyouwanttogotothedancewithme!?" She asked very fast and blushing red.

Shadow was a tad surprised by her offer. He didn't know weather to say yes or no, but then remembering Marias promise, he sighed and said, "Fine."

Pinkie looked up at him wide eyed, "Really!?"

Shadow looked at her and nodded and said, "Yes."

Pinkies mouth slowly started stretching into a huge smile he's ever seen in his life.

Without knowing what was coming, Pinkie lunged onto Shadow and gave him a huge death hug, knocking all the air out of his lungs.

"THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!" She thanked. Pinkie Then gave Shadow a huge kiss on the cheek and bursted out of the room, happy as she can be.

Shadow stood there in shock and was stunned by what she just did. She frickin kissed him on the cheek for crying out loud! Shadow brought his fingers up to his cheek where Pinkie kissed him….and then smiled a little. That's right, A FRICKIN SMILE!

'You really are something Pinkie Pie.' Shadow thought as he climbed into his bed and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Shadicbro B: And that's a wrap up for this chapter everyone. DarkSteele0224 isn't here right now, he's at karate, so I’ll summarize what happened.

Dark backfired on Night Rose and he knocked her unconscious. Ace and the others stand proud and fought against Dark. Dark took the advantage for a while, but thanks to the power of their friendship and loyalty, Ace and the others were able to fight back...but then Dark awoke again, still under the control of the darkness. Dark was about to finish off our heroes, but Sunset Shimmer helped Dark regain control and was freed from his Dark Beast form. Ace and Dark have now gained new friends and the mobians have now asked out the girls to the dance. Shadow was growing something inside of him that he hasn't felt in a long time from the time of his creation...happiness. Can Pinkie continue to build up his happiness? What will await our heroes at the Dance? Will they ever save Amy? Will they ever find the remaining Chaos Emeralds before it's too late!? Find out next time in the next exciting Chapter of Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fate Between Worlds!

DarkMaster0224 and Shadicbro B: Thank you for reading! Peace Out, and Please review! This is DarkMaster0224 and Shadicbro B SIGNING OFF!