• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,684 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Dark Ruined Dates

Sonic and his brothers and friends walk out of the school, feeling the wind blowing through their faces, "You know Sonic, we still haven't gotten a chance to do our race." Rainbow said.

"Huh? Oh, hehe, sorry, I forgot. After what happened today, I guess our race slipped out of my head." Sonic said smiling sheepishly.

Rainbow only smiled and kissed his cheek, "It's cool blue blur."

"Well, we need to get going. See you all later." Twilight waved goodbye.

"Wait!" Sonic stopped the group, "Umm, do you guys mind if we can crash at one of your places?" Sonic asked.

"Why? Don't you three have to get back to your families?" Rainbow asked.

The three were once again on thin ice. Guess they never gotten that far. Before Sonic could say anything, Silver stepped in, "Our parents passed away a long time ago, and we lost our home. We're kinda on our own now." He said half lying to the girls.

The girls gasped, "Oh you poor dears. I for one will not stand by and let you three stay out here. Silver is more than happy to stay with me." Rarity said.

Silver smiled, "Thanks Rarity."

"Sonic can come live with me and Sunset Shimmer." Rainbow said.

"Who's Sunset Shimmer?" Sonic asked.

"She's one of our friends, but she has a lot of detention to make up, but we'll be seeing her in a while before we go on our date." Rainbow explained.

"Oh, okay." Sonic said.

"Shady can stay with me!" Pinkie said happily.

"Hmph. Fine." Shadow said crossing his arms.

"Wait? You're ok with that Shady?" Sonic asked.

"Two things. I don't have much of a choice since she won't drop it, and second, call me that again and your head is going into the wall." Shadow growled.

"Awww, you're no fun." Sonic said.

"Hey Sonic, you wanna race back to my house?" Rainbow asked smirking.

"Oh you're on Rainbow." Sonic smirked back.

The two speed demons got into a crouching position, "Ready…" Rainbow started.

"Set…." Sonic continued.

"GO!" The two finished together as they ran off in the distance.

Applejack chuckled, "Those two were meant fer one another."

"They sure are Applejack." Twilight added.

"Well, we need to get going. We'll see you all later. C'mon Silvy." Rarity said walking to her white car. Both she and Silver got into the car and drove off.

"C'mon Shady, I want you to see my house!" Pinkie said pulling his arm.

Shadow growled, "If you call me Shady ever again, I'm gonna..whatever." he stopped. The two walked down the sidewalk to her house.

"Let's go Fluttershy." Twilight said to her.

"Oh...o-okay." The two girls walked down the sidewalk and went home.

Rainbow and Sonic POV

The two continued running down the cement sidewalk until the reached their destination.

"HA! I won!" Rainbow cheered pumping her fists.

"In your dreams, It was clearly me who won." Sonic countered.

"Says who?" Rainbow challenged.

"Says the fastest thing alive who broke your record at school." Sonic smirked.

"I hate you." Rainbow pouted crossing her arms turning away.

Sonic only chuckled and walked in front of Rainbow and pulled her into a passionate kiss on the lips. Rainbow was a little surprised, but kissed him back. After a few seconds, the two pulled away, smiling.

"I love you too." Sonic said kissing the top of her head.

Rainbow chuckled, "C'mon I'll show you around my home." She said grabbing his hand and pulling him into the house.

After a couple of minutes of the tour, Rainbow showed Sonic his room, "You can sleep here. Me and my parents don't usually use this room anymore and Sunset can sleep on the couch." Rainbow said.

Sonic turned to her and smiled, "Thanks Rainbow."

"Well, I gotta get ready for our date. We'll head over to Rarity's at 7:00." Rainbow said entering her room and shutting the door.

Sonic looked at the clock at the clock and saw it was 5:30. He smiled and was going to enjoy his date with Rainbow. Suddenly, he realized something, 'Oh shit! I don't have any money for our date! What am I gonna!? What am I gonna do!?' Sonic thought panicking.

Sonic sat on the couch trying to think of a plan. Suddenly, he felt something smooth and bumpy behind his back pocket. He pulled it out and saw it was his Ring bag. He opened it and saw 23 gold rings safe and sound, 'Guess I didn't know I had them before I came to this world.' Sonic thought.

Sonic knew these rings were probably useless in their current state, but since they were made of gold, they may be worth a lot of money in this world. He then got an idea. He placed the bag back into his pocket and went to Rainbow's room. he knocked on the door, "Hey Rainbow, I'm gonna head out for a while, I'll be back before our date." Sonic called out.

"Alright, just don't take to long." Rainbow called back.

Sonic left the house and ran off to Where Silver might be. After running through the neighborhood for the last few minutes, Sonic spotted Silver meditating outside of a white house, "Silver!"

Silver looked up, "Hey Sonic, what are you doing here?" Silver asked.

"Did it ever come to you that we don't have any money for our dates tonight?" Sonic asked.

Immediately, Silver's eyes shrunk and his face turned pale, "Oh no." He grabbed Sonic's shoulders and shook him violently, "What are we gonna do Sonic!?" Silver asked panicking.

Sonic pried Silver's hand of and shook his head, "Calm down. I believe I have a solution to the problem." He pulled out his ring bag and showed Silver his rings, "I didn't know I had these, but I think they might help us, since they are made out of gold. They may be worth a decent amount of money here in this world."

Silver sighed in relief, "Whew, glad you have your rings, otherwise, we be screwed."

Sonic chuckled, "Oh you have no idea. But the question is, where can we take these to get money?" Sonic asked.

Silver thought for a moment, until he had an idea, "I know. When Rarity and I were driving back here, I did see a little shop that can exchange gold for cash." Silver said.

"Great, but if you want to show me where it is, you have to let Rarity know where you're going to be." Sonic said.

"Good point." Silver noted. He went inside quickly and spoke to Rarity. After a few minutes of waiting, Silver came back out, "I told her I'm going out with you for a while and be back before our date."

"Good. Now, let's get going." Sonic said.

The two mobians walked down the sidewalk until they found the shop they're looking for. The boys entered and saw gold rings jewelry, and so many things that were made of gold.

"Welcome to cash 4 gold boys." Said the register boy, "If you two ever need anything, let me know."

"As a matter infact, we do need some assistance." Sonic said walking up to him with Silver following suit.

"Excellent, what can I do for you boys?" The register boy asked.

Sonic pulled out his ring bag and placed a gold ring on the counter, "We need to know how much we can get from this ring." Sonic explained.

The boy went eye wide, "That's the biggest gold ring I've ever seen. Where did you boys get this?" He asked.

"Uh, it belonged to our grandparents before they passed. They said we can use it to get money whenever it's urgent." Silver lied.

The boy picked up the ring and was examining it for a second, "I'll have to get this ring properly checked. I'll be back in a sec." The boy took the ring and went into the back room. Sonic and Silver sat in a couple of chairs waiting. After a few minutes, the boy came back with the manager. 'Oh boy, I hope this won't end bad.' Sonic thought.

"Are you two boys the owners of this ring?" The manager asked.

"Yes sir, we are." Sonic said.

"My name is filthy Rich, and I must say in all my years, I've never seen such a thick, valuable ring in all my life. Do you two have anymore of them?" He asked.

"Uh, ye sir." Sonic said pulling out four more. He doesn't want to show all the rings he had because he still needed them for back home. Richie's eye went wide eyes, "My word. This is really something."

"Sooo, how much are the rings?" Sonic asked.

"Well...judging on how big the rings are and the fact they're made of pure 100% gold… the total for these ring would be around….$10,000."

"WHAT!?" The two shouted in unison. They couldn't believe that five gold rings would be worth that much.

"Yep, so would you two like to exchange the five rings?" Rich asked.

"y-yes sir." Silver said with his voice shaking a little.

"Excellent. I'll be right back with your cash. You two are almost as rich as I am." Rich chuckled taking the five rings in the back.

"Never expected you two to hold on to those rings. You two are probably the richest boys in the town." The boy said.

Rich came back with a check of 10,000 dollars, "Thank you for doing business with us, and I'll be looking forward to seeing you two again." Rich said smiling.

"Thanks Mr. Rich." The two boys thanked and walked out with the check in hand.

"Glad he didn't get suspicious of our rings and how we actually got them." Silver said.

"I know, I thought we were screwed there." Sonic sighed in relief.

"Well, now that we got the money, we need to get it deposited so we can get some actual cash." Sonic said.

"Agreed. Look, there's a bank up ahead." Silver pointed out.

The two boys entered the building and went to the front counter.

"Welcome, How can I help you two?" The women asked.

"We would like to deposit this check please." Sonic said holding the check out to her. The women took the check and examined it. She then gasped, "10,000 dollars, and it's coming from Filthy Rich? You two must have made some kind of agreement with him right?" She asked.

"You can say that." Sonic said keeping his cool.

"Well, since you two are depositing this check, would you two like to open an account?" She asked.

"Uh, sure, but we're gonna need some help." Silver responded sheepishly.

"It's no problem at all. I'll be more than happy to help you two." She said smiling.

She took out some papers and handed Sonic a pen, "Please sign your names here and other relatives in your family." She said.

Sonic nodded and wrote down his name, Silver's and Shadow's.

"Hmmm, you know, you two are pretty cute." She said smiling.

"Uh, thanks." Sonic said blushing a little.

"I wonder if you two have girlfriends yet, because my two daughters are still single." She explained smiling.

"Oh, umm, that very nice, but we already have someone." Sonic explained.

"Oh, well I hope you two are taking good care of them." She said smiling again.

Sonic finished filling out the papers and handed them to the women, "Thank you very much. I'll be right back with your own checks and your cards." She said getting up from her chair. The two mobians sat there for a few minutes, until she came back with three debit cards and checks, "Here are your cards and checks. I've already activated them and deposited the check Rich gave you into your accounts. Have a nice day boys."

"Thank you." Silver thanked and the two boys left the building.

"Well, guess we're ready." Silver said.

"Not quite. We need a few things first." Sonic said.

"And what might that be?" Silver asked.

"We need to give Shadow his card first and we need to get some sweet Rides." Sonic smirked.

"Awesome plan. Let's get going." Silver said.

Silver and Sonic walked to Pinkie's house and the knocked on the door. The door opened and Shadow appeared.

"What are you two doing here?" Shadow asked.

"We came here to give you this." Sonic answered giving Shadow his debit card.

"How the hell did you get this? We don't have human money back at Mobius. We only had rings. Which are useless here." He asked curiously.

"Actually, Silver and I went to cash 4 gold and turned in five of our gold rings. Turned out they were worth handsomely. We ended up getting 10,000 dollars for them." Sonic explained.

Shadow was a little shocked by this, but regained character.

"So what should I use it for?" Shadow asked putting the card in his back pocket.

"Get a ride for yourself and Pinkie." Sonic said chuckling.

"Hmm Yeah maybe I shou- Hey wait a minute. Nice try faker. I'm getting a ride for myself. Not for that pink girl." Shadow growled, "Try to pull another one of those again and I'll run you over with my ride."

"I'm surprised Pinkie hasn't reconsidered not having you at her place." Sonic said, "Anyways, Silver and I are going to go get ourselves rides. You want to come?"

"I'll go get mine without you two." Shadow said, "Good luck with your dates." And then he shut the door.

"Hm. I'm surprised he didn't say, 'Hell ya. Get me out of this place.'." Sonic told Silver as they walked down to the car dealership.

"Same here." Silver said.

The two brothers walked into the dealership building and were welcomed by the manager, "Welcome, how can I help you boys?"

"We're looking for some sweet rides that fit us. Got anything?" Sonic asked.

"Hmmm," The manager looked at the two boys for a bit, "Aha! I know just the ones. Please follow me." He said.

The boys followed him and they stood in front of two cars. One of them was blue car that reminded him of his All Star car, the Blue Star. The car next to it was a white car and the back a design like Silver's top quills/hair.

The boys' eyes were sparkling when they saw the two cars.

"How much?" They said.

"Well how about, $1000 for both cars?" He said.

"Done." The boys said.

"Do you have your drivers licenses?" He asked.

Sonic and Silver began to panic, but then Sonic felt something thing appear in his back pocket. He pulled out an envelope with Shadow's logo on it.

He opened it and pulled out two licenses with Sonic and Silver's pictures on them. Then he pulled out a letter from Shadow.

"You two are idiots. You nearly forgot your licenses at home. You owe me big time for this. Your brother, Shadow. By the way, I already got my ride."

'Thanks Shadow.' Sonic thought, "Here they are sir."

He took the licenses and examined them, "Yeup. You're registered to drive."

Sonic and Silver payed for their cars, got the keys, and then created custom license plates for their cars.

Sonic's said Sondash. And Silver's said Rare Gem.

When they drove their cars out, they saw Shadow and Pinkie Pie on a black and red motorcycle. Shadow's license plate said G.U.N.

"Hey guys! Cool cars. Look at what Shadow and I picked out." Pinkie said smiling.

"Wait, you and Shadow pick that out? I thought you said you were picking your ride out by yourself." Sonic said smirking.

"I said I wasn't going to pick my ride with you two." Shadow repeated.

"Suuure you did, but why with Pinkie?" Sonic asked.

"She kept asking me again and again to come, and I just gave up on it." Shadow explained.

"Thats right Shady." Pinkie said hugging Shadow.

Sonic and Silver saw a hint of pink on Shadow's cheeks. When they did, they went wide eye and mouths dropped.

"What?" Shadow asked.

The two stayed silent for the moment….until they literally burst out laughing uncontrollably, falling to the ground, clutching their stomachs.

"What the hell are you two idiots laughing about!?" Shadow growled.

"D-d-does S-s-Shadow have a c-c-crush on p-p-Pinkie PIE!?" Sonic asked still laughing hard.

Shadow fumed with anger, "I do not!" He shouted.

The two continued their laughter for a while until they picked themselves up and wiped their tears away, "WHoooooo. I never laughed like that in a long time." Sonic said taking some breaths.

"I've never laughed like that ever." Silver said with his hand on his chest.

They looked at Shadow, who had a death glare that can stare into the deepest of souls, "C'mon Shadow, we were just surprised by this. You never hang out with someone like...ever." Sonic said.

Shadow got off his bike, walked over to the guys, grabbed Sonic and Siver's shirt, and pulled the two close to his face, "You two better listen very carefully, if you two spill that I was with this hyper pink girl, even one word about it, you're dead hedgehogs!" Shadow whispered angrily in their ears.

The two stepped back, "Aright, we promise we won't say a word." Sonic vowed.

"Pinkie promise." Pinkie pie said.

"Pinkie promise?" The two asked.

"It's a promise you'll never break. EVVVVVEEEEER!" Pinkie said in their faces.

"uh...okay, we pinkie promise." Sonic said.

"No, you need to do the traditional Pinkie Promise. Repeat after me." Pinkie said.

"Cross my heart," Pinkie started drawing an 'X' over her heart.

"Cross my heart," The two said following her.

"Hope to fly," Pinkie continued lifting her hand in the air.

"Hope to fly," The two said.

"Stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie finished putting her hand over her right eye.

"Stick a cupcake in my eye." Silver finished as well.

"Stick a cupcake in my-OOW!" Sonic accidentally poked his eye when he tried to finish.

"You okay?" Silver asked.

"Yeah. Should have closed my eye on that last part." Sonic said rubbing his sore eye.

"OH CRAP! Look at the time! We need to get back to the girls! Or we'll be late for our dates!" Sonic said looking at his car's clock, "See you two later. Come on Silver. Go get Rarity and I'll get Rainbow."

Suddenly Pinkie's phone binged and she opened it, "I just got a text from Rainbow, Sonic. She says to pick her up at Rarity's place."

"Thanks Pinkie. Let's go Silver." Sonic said starting his car.

Silver followed suit and the two drove off to Rarity's.

"Hey Shady? Can we go out for ice cream?" Pinkie asked Shadow.

"*sigh* Fine, but don't overboard alright?" Shadow asked starting up his bike.

"Pinkie Promise." Pinkie said doing her pinkie promise.

Shadow handed her a helmet. Pinkie wrapped her arms around Shadow's waist and the two drove off.

Rarity and Rainbow POV
Rarity's house

"I don't know about this Rarity, are you sure this will look nice during our date?" Rainbow asked looking at her reflection in the mirror.

Rarity and Rainbow were wearing the same dresses they wore to the Fall Formal, "Of course darling. I'm sure Sonic is going to love it." Rarity said with a winning smile, "Though they looked better when they were sparkling when we changed into our pony forms."

"I hope so. I'm so nervous. I never been on a date before." Rainbow said nervously hoping she wouldn't ruin her date with Sonic.

"Darling," Rarity put her hands on her shoulder, "Relax. Take some deep breaths and calm down."

Rainbow took some breaths and calmed most of her fears.

"Now, just be yourself and have fun. Trust me." Rarity said smiling at her friend.

"I don't know what I would do without you Rarity." Rainbow said hugging her friend.

Then, there was a knock at the door, "They're here." Rarity squealed excitingly as she went to open the door.

When Rarity opened the door, her eyes widened. Sonic wore a blue tux with red streaks on the side, and Silver was wearing a tux as well, but was white and had cyan streaks.

"Wow… Rarity you look...amazing." Silver said blushing, looking at his date.

"Oh, thank you darling. You are looking divine." Rarity said blushing looking at Silver.

"Hey where's my favorite Rainbow girl?" Sonic said trying to find Rainbow.

Rainbow hesitated for a moment until she took a breath. Sonic saw Rainbow come around the corner and his eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets. He blushed madly by how beautiful Rainbow looked. Rainbow was wide eyes as well and was blushing as deep as Sonic.

"Rainbow...you look...beautiful." Sonic said finally getting his words out.

"Thanks...you look really...handsome too blue boy." Rainbow said shyly.

Sonic smiled warmly and went up to her and held his hand out, "Shall we get going?" He asked.

She blushed and slowly took his hand.

Silver and Rarity held hands as well and the two walked out the door. When they got outside, the two saw the boys cars, "Who's cars do these belong to?" Rainbow asked looking at the cars.

Sonic smirked, "They belong to us."

"Really!? But, where did you get the money for these?" Rainbow asked.

"We have our ways. Our parents did leave us some money before they passed away. If we were broke, then you wouldn't have met us. How else do you think we enrolled in school." Sonic said winking.

"And check out our license plates." Silver said.

Rarity and Rainbow looked at their license plates. Their eyes widened and blushed.

"Sonic...you're so sweet." Rainbow said hugging him tightly.

Sonic smiled and returned the embrace, "I put that in just for you." He whispered.

"You're the best boyfriend I could ever have." She whispered back with a few tears leaving her eyes while she tightened her embrace with him, "I'm glad I have you Rainbow." Sonic whispered.

"Oh darling, I love it." Rarity said hugging Silver.

Silver blushed, but smiled and return the embrace, "I'm glad you do Rarity." Silver whispered.

They remained in their embrace for a minute until they decided to get going. They got into the cars and drove off.

What they didn't know is a certain white haired girl was watching them in the distance, 'Time to put my plan into action." Fleetfoot smirked driving far behind them.

The four made it to the mall and got to the movie theater, "So, what movie do you guys want to see?" Sonic asked as they made their way inside.

"This is the movie I wanted to see." Rarity pointed out.

The name of the movie was called Hook, "That looks like a great movie. You two want to see it?" Silver asked the two speed demons.

"I don't mind, Rainbow?" Sonic asked his date.

"I guess so, as long as it's not too girly." Rainbow said.

They walked to the booth, "Welcome, what movie will you four see?" The ticket booth asked them.

"Four tickets to Hook please." Sonic said holding his card out.

"Very nice choice. I heard this movie is the best." She said getting their tickets, "Here you go, enjoy the movie."

"Thanks." They said as they went to the snack booth.

"You girls want to get something?" Silver asked.

"Aww you two have done more than enough for us. We can buy some snacks ourselves." Rainbow said getting her card out, but Sonic put his hand on her hand stopping her.

"Hold on, this is our night together. Silver and I will buy the snacks and drinks." Sonic said smiling.

"Are you sure?" Rainbow asked hoping she's not spoiling them.

Sonic smiled and gave her a kiss on the head, "Positive."

Rainbow smiled and gave him a quick hug, "Thanks Sonic."

The two broke the hug and bought their snacks. Before they left to get to the theater they heard a familiar voice, "Thanks."

They turned and saw, "Fleetfoot!?" Rainbow asked in shock.

There was no doubt about it, it was Fleetfoot, "Oh, hey guys." She greeted smiling while holding a tub of popcorn, 'I hate having to smile at these morons.'

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked.

"What does it look like, I'm here to see a movie, duh." She answered rolling her eyes, 'I'm here to ruin yours and Sonic's date.'

Sonic and Silver saw her eyes were still blue, meaning she still had the Chaos Emerald.

"Uh, okay. Well, we better get going." Sonic said wrapping his arm around Rainbow as the four entered the theater.

'You won't get rid of me that easily.' Fleetfoot thought entering the theater with them.

Sonic, Silver, Rainbow and Rarity found four seats in the theater. They were lucky to even find one, because the place was packed. Sonic sat next to Rainbow on his right. Silver sat next to Rarity on his right as well.

"Oh, I didn't know you four were seeing this movie as well." They turned and saw Fleetfoot sitting next to Sonic.

"Wait what? You're seeing this movie too?" Sonic said getting very uncomfortable with this, 'Oh great.'

He then felt Rainbow tapping his shoulder, "Sonic, she's planning something, and I'm not liking it." She whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, I can feel it to." Sonic whispered back, 'I got a bad feeling about this.' Sonic thought, 'I don't dare try to get the Chaos Emerald with this many people around. We'll wait for when we're with Shadow.'

Through a quarter of the movie, Fleetfoot was silent for the moment, which got our heroes some peace and quiet. Sonic looked at Rainbow who was watching the movie. He smiled while he blushed and slowly slipped his hand towards Rainbow's and grasped it gently. Rainbow felt his hand and looked up at him. She smiled and blushed. The two slowly leaned toward one another, feeling their love in the air. But when their lips were just a centimeter away from one another, they were cut off by loud munching. The two looked to their left and saw Fleetfoot munching on her popcorn.

'God dammit Fleetfoot.' the two thought in unison while lowly growling at her. The two looked at one another, feeling a little awkward their moment was spoiled. Sonic sighed and leaned back into his chair. Rainbow sighed sadly and leaned back as well. Silver and Rarity saw what Fleetfoot just did and glared at her.

"How dare she just ruin their moment." Rarity whispered angrily to Silver.

"I know, why is she even doing this?" Silver asked whispering back.

"I don't know darling, but I think she's trying to ruin their date." Rarity whispered.

"Why?" Silver asked.

"I don't know darling, I really don't know." Rarity whispered back.

Sonic and Rainbow tried to have themselves a romantic moment every few minutes, but Fleetfoot always ended up ruining their moments. When the two tried to kiss each other again, Fleetfoot purposely sneezed quietly, annoying the two speed demons. When Sonic tried to put his arm around Rainbow, Fleetfoot let out a quiet laugh for no reason. All four of them were really getting annoyed by Fleetfoot's actions.

Finally, the movie ended, and the four left the theater.

"That was horrible." Sonic said sighing.

"The movie or Fleetfoot annoying you two?" Rarity asked.

"Fleetfoot. The movie was good." Sonic answered shaking his head.

"Why is she acting so annoying around us?" Rainbow asked pretty pissed at her ruining most of their date.

"I don't know, but I hope we can get some peace and quiet during dinner without any of her interruptions." Sonic said when his stomach growled. It was followed up by Silver, and Rainbow's stomach as well.

"Well, I say we should get something to eat now." Rarity said.

They all nodded in agreement and walked off. They all walked into a restaurant called Maggianos.

"Oh I love this restaurant. I haven't been here in a long time." Rarity said.

"Why's that?" Silver asked.

When they got in, people were already in the waiting area to get seats, "Oh, that's why." Silver said in understanding.

"Glad you made those reservations." Silver whispered into Sonic's ear, "I know." Sonic whispered back.

The four walked up to the waiter at a booth, "Welcome, how are you all doing today?"

"Doing well thank you. Reservations for 4 under the name Sonic?" Sonic asked.

She pulled out her notes and checked it, "Let's see here...no, no, no, ah here we go. Sonic T. Robotnik?" She asked.

Rarity and Rainbow couldn't help but giggle by his last name. Sonic blushed a little in embarrassment, "Uh, yeah that's me."

"Wonderful, please follow me." She said smiling.

The four walked down the restaurant following the waiter. While they did, they kept their eyes open for any signs of Fleetfoot. When the four were seated the waiter put some forks and knives down.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly." She said and she left.

"Well, at least we can probably get some peace and quiet for once." Sonic said sighing in relief.

Rainbow sighed as well and leaned against Sonic, "Hope so. I can't stand having Fleetfoot being around us." She said.

Sonic smiled and wrapped his arm around her, making her blush, "Me neither, but I'm sure she can't touch us here." He said. She smiled and nuzzled into Sonic's shoulder.

"Oh you two are simply meant to be with one another." Rarity squealed looking at the two.

Finally, their waiter came up, "Good evening, My name is Sarah and I'll be taking care of you 4 tonight, now can I start you all off with any drinks?" Sarah asked holding up a notepad and a pen.

"I'll take a lemonade, with a lemon wedge." Sonic said.

"Same with me." Rainbow said.

"I'll have myself some ice tea." Rarity ordered.

"Tea as well." Silver said.

"Thank you. I'll be back with your drinks shortly." She left to get their drinks while they started chatting and looking through the menus.

"Aw man. No chili dogs. What kind of restaurant doesn't have chili dogs." Sonic pouted looking through the menu.

Rainbow giggled at her boyfriend's whine and then kissed his head, "It'll be alright Sonikku."

Sonic blushed at being called the name Amy used to call him, "Hehe, thanks."

"Well I'm gonna have a burger and fries." Silver said, "What about you love?"

"Hmmm. I think I'll get the alfredo pasta." Rarity said looking at her menu.

"Hmmm, you wanna share a spaghetti with meatballs Rainbow?" Sonic asked.

"Sure." Rainbow said smiling. Soon, Sarah came back with their drinks.

"Here you all are. Now, are you all ready to order?" She asked.

The group filled out their orders and Sarah left again. A half an hour later, she returned with their meals. They began eating and enjoying their food. While they were eating, Sonic and Rainbow both had a string of spaghetti connection to their forks. When they started to slurp it, they both realized the pasta was still connected. The two blushed, but they slowly started to slurp up the pasta while they slowly leaned forward. Finally, their lips connected into a soft kiss. The two softly embraced one another and enjoyed every moment of their beautiful kiss.

"Oh, that is so romantic." Rarity squealed watching the two.

'Hehe, why does this feel like I've seen this somewhere before?' Silver thought.

The two broke the kiss a few seconds later. Rainbow smiled and nuzzled his shoulder, "I love you Sonic."

Sonic smiled and kissed Rainbow's head, "I love you too Rainbow." Sonic whispered, 'I never felt this happy before in all my life. I'm so glad I came to this world and met Rainbow.' Sonic thought.

The group finished their meals and Sonic and Silver left Sarah a tip for her service. The four left the restaurant and decided to walk around the mall for a bit. The group then made it to an indoor skate park. They then heard two familiar voices coming from inside.

"You need to stay calm and let the skates do the work." Said a male voice.

"Okay." Said a female voice.

"Is that who I think it is?" Sonic asked.

"Probably. Let's check it out." Rainbow said.

The four went inside the skate park and followed the source of the voices. They peeked around the corner and their eyes widened and mouths hanging open. Both Shadow and Pinkie were skating together. Pinkie was next to Shadow, while Shadow was helping her how to skate. Rainbow and Rarity saw the skates Shadow was using and saw he was hovering off the ground without any wheels.

"Hey Sonic, how come there aren't any wheels on Shadow's skates and how is he hovering in the air?" Rainbow asked.

"Those are special hover shoes my uh, cousin made. Shadow enjoys skating all the time, so my cousin created special hover shoes for him." Sonic lied, "Our cousin is a tech geek and nerd. He built all sorts of amazing inventions. He even built a jet plane by himself."

"Wow. Your cousin must be really amazing with technology darling." Rarity commented.

"Thanks." Sonic said smiling.

"What's his name?" Rainbow asked.

"Gah. Umm… His name is Miles. But he likes the name Tails." Sonic said scratching the back of his head.

"Tails? Hmm… Interesting name." Rarity said.

The teens looked back and saw the two continued skating and saw Pinkie falling, but Shadow caught her, "Have you ever skated before?" Shadow asked.

Pinkie blushed with embarrassment, "Uh, I haven't gotten a lot of practice." Pinkie answered quietly.

When Rainbow and Rarity saw Pinkie blushing, their jaws dropped, "Oh don't tell me what I think this is." Rainbow said trying not to laugh.

"Looks like it." Sonic said smirking, "They both picked out Shadow's bike together. I got to get a picture of this. But I don't have a camera."

"Here, use my phone's camera Sonic." Rainbow said handing Sonic her blue cell phone.

"Blue phone? You too sweet Rainbow." Sonic said turning on the camera and pointing it at Shadow and Pinkie.

Sonic took the picture, but he forgot to turn the flash off.

Shadow and Pinkie saw the flash and looked in the direction of its source.

"SONIC!? Why you little! I'm gonna kill you!" Shadow said skating over to Sonic.

"Oh crap! Dash take the phone. NOW!" Sonic said throwing the phone to Rainbow.

Shadow jumped and tackled Sonic to the ground and got him into a headlock, "Rainbowdash, if you don't want Sonic to lose his head, I would suggest you don't share that photo with anyone. Understand?"

"Yes Shadow. Just don't kill your brother. I kinda like him in one peace." Rainbow said putting her phone away.

Shadow let Sonic go and then began to walk back over to Pinkie.

Then Fleetfoot walked in the door and saw the group, "Perfect. I've got all three of them in one place. Now to find out what this gem's power is capable of." She pulled out the blue Chaos Emerald and focused her thoughts, 'Give me a way to finish these annoying teens. Especially the rainbow one.'

The Chaos Emerald began to glow brightly and then it floated in front of Fleetfoot. It spun around her and she began to feel funny, "Uhg. What's going on? Why do I feel weird?"

Shadow felt the sudden Chaos energy spike and saw Fleetfoot and the Emerald, "Sonic, Silver, look!" Shadow said pointing at Fleetfoot.

"Oh no. Everyone! Get out of here!" Silver shouted.

The other people in the skate park saw what Silver was shouting about and just stared at Fleetfoot, thinking it was just a prank.

Suddenly Fleetfoot screamed and the Chaos Emerald slammed into her chest. She was suddenly glowing chaos blue and she began to change and mutate.

She grew spikes on her left arm and a crystal like arm cannon formed on her right arm. Half her hair became crystal blue, while the other half remained normal. Her boots became crystal blue also. And on the middle of her chest, the Blue Chaos Emerald sealed itself into her, only the top of it was visible.

(Play Centuries - Fall Out Boy)

She dropped to the ground on her feet, causing it to bend and crack. She was breathing heavily, still looking down.

A guy walked up next to her.

"Get away from her! Don't touch her!" Silver yelled.

The guy ignored Silver and went to touch Fleetfoot's shoulder, "Um are you ok?"

Suddenly, before he could touch her, Fleetfoot grabbed the guy's hand and blue crystal began to cover his arm and spread.

The guy began to scream until he became a crystal statue.

The other people began to scream and panic heading out the back entrance.

But Fleetfoot appeared in front of the door and grabbed another girl, changing her into a crystal statue.

"Fleetfoot! Stop this now!" Sonic yelled at Fleetfoot.

She saw him and growled, "I am no longer Fleetfoot. I am Chaos Fleetfoot! And you will be the first to die, Sonic!" She pointed her arm cannon at Sonic and shot a blue beam of chaos energy at him.

One second Sonic was about to be hit by the beam, next he was on the other side of the room, "Nice try. But you're gonna have to be faster than that."

"What!? How did you get over there so fast!?" Fleetfoot said shocked.

"Heh. They don't call me Sonic for nothing." Sonic ran up to Fleetfoot and kicked her into a wall, "Get out of here people."

The people began piling out of the park, screaming in terror.

"RAH!" Fleetfoot shot another beam at Sonic.

He dodged it, but then another beam came at him, 'Crap'

Suddenly a bench surrounded with a cyan aura appeared in front of Sonic and blocked the beam.

Silver was covered with a cyan aura also and had his right hand extended outward.

"Whoa. Silver? How are you doing that?" Rainbow asked.

"We'll explain later. For now, you three need to get out of here." Shadow said his hands had yellow-green orbs around them.

"What the? You have powers too? What are you three?" Rainbow asked confused.

"Get to safety. Chaos Spear!" Shadow said throwing a green energy spear at Fleetfoot.

Fleetfoot raised her left arm and the spear broke one of her crystal spikes, "Grr. You'll pay for that! Chaos Missile!" A crystal missile shot out of her arm cannon and flew at Shadow and Silver.

"Not today." Sonic said doing a homing attack on the missile causing it to fly upward and destroying the ceiling.

Some rubble of the ceiling fell near the girls, causing them to scream. A huge fraction of the ceiling began to fall right above the girls.

"Oh no!" Pinkie shouted.

But the rubble never crushed them. They looked up and saw Shadow and Sonic holding the piece and it was also surround by a cyan aura.

"Gah! Move girls." Shadow grunted.

The ceiling piece began weigh the two down. Silver ran over and then floated under the rock and held it with his brothers.

"But what about you three?" Rarity said worried.

"Don't worry, hurg, we've dealt with worse. Now get out now!" Sonic said grunting.

The girls moved out of the way.

The guys began to lift the ceiling piece, about to throw it, but Fleetfoot jumped on top of it causing it to drop onto the guys and crush them under it.

"NO! SONIC!" Rainbow cried.

"SILVER!" Rarity screamed.

"SHADOW!" Pinkie yelled.

Chaos Fleetfoot laughed, "NAHAHAHAHA! Now for you three imbeciles. You're next." She pointed her arm cannon at the girls and prepared to fire at them.

Suddenly the rubble began to shake and Fleetfoot fell off the slab.

"What the?" She said.

The floor piece shook violently and then a cyan aura formed around the slab.

"No! Impossible!" Fleetfoot said.

"Too bad it's real." Sonic's voice said.

The slab flew up and then smashed into Fleetfoot.

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver had been surrounded by a cyan energy shield preventing them from being crushed.

"Grrr. Seeing as how I can't seem to hurt you, I'll hurt someone who doesn't have powers." Chaos Fleetfoot said pointing her arm cannon at the girls.

"Uh oh. Split up!" Pinkie said zipping away.

Rarity and Rainbow ran off in different directions as well.

"You can't hide from me." Fleetfoot suddenly split into three clones and then she shot three missiles at Sonic, Silver, and Shadow's feet, freezing them to the floor.

"Don't go anywhere. Hahahaha!" The three Fleetfoot clones ran off to find the girls.

"NO!" Shadow yelled throwing a chaos spear at his frozen feet and ran off to find Pinkie.

"Hey Shadow! What about us?" Sonic called.

But Shadow didn't hear him.

"Dang it. Silver? Got any ideas?" Sonic asked.

But Silver didn't respond.

"Silver?" Sonic turned his head and saw where Silver was frozen, was ice with nothing in it.

"Dang it guys. Thanks for helping me too." Sonic said irritated.

Shadow, Pinkie, and Chaos Fleetfoot Clone #1 POV

Pinkie continued running through the mall, avoiding Chaos Fleetfoot Clone #1.

"You can run, but you can't hide Pinkie!" Chaos Fleetfoot shouted shooting energy blasts at Pinkie.

Pinkie continued running until she was now cornered. She looked behind her and saw Chaos Fleetfoot C#1 aiming her cannon at Pinkies face, "Any last words?" She asked.

Pinkie didn't know what to do. She had nothing to defend herself and couldn't fight back.

"I thought so. Farewell fool!" Chaos Fleetfoot Clone #1 said.

Pinkie screamed and covered her eyes, waiting for the blow.


Two dark blue energy spears came from behind and hit Chaos Fleetfoot C#1 directly into the back, shattering some of the crystals on her body. She turned around and saw Shadow, who was really pissed. A red aura was surrounding him as he slowly stepped forward.

"You lay one finger on her, and I'll blast you to the depths of HELL!" Shadow shouted.

"You don't scare me." C. Fleetfoot C#1 said aiming her cannon at him.

Shadow disappeared and reappeared in front of her. She couldn't react fast enough as Shadow grabbed her throat, teleported outside, and slammed her to the ground.

"Say hi to hell freak show. CHAOS….BLAST!"

Shadow unleashed his powerful move, Chaos blast and engulfed C. Fleetfoot C#1 and himself in the blast. She screamed in pain as she started to dissolve into nothing. When the light dimmed, Shadow stood there, panting a little by using up a lot of energy to finish her. He teleported back to Pinkie and saw her completely frightened.

Shadow walked up to her and placed a hand in her shoulder, "Are you okay Pinkie?" Shadow asked.

Pinkie threw herself onto Shadow and gave him the biggest death hug he's ever gotten from her, "Thank you Shady. I-I thought I was dead for sure!" She cried in his chest.

Shadow didn't know how to react to this. He never comforted a crying girl before. He then slowly felt his arms wrapped around her and returned the embrace, 'Why do I care about her safety? What's going on with me?' Shadow though confused.

Suddenly, a memory flashed in his eyes. What he saw a girl with golden hair, blue eye, and wore a blue dress, "Please give them a chance to be happy Shadow." The girl said before the memory vanished.

"Maria…" Shadow muttered under his breath. He then remembered the promise he made to her before she died sacrificing her life to save him, to give everyone a chance to be happy. He looked down and saw Pinkie continuing to cry in his chest. Shadow then tightened his embrace around her, 'I promise….I will protect you Pinkie.' Shadow thought as he felt a single tear escaping his eye.

Silver, Rarity and Chaos Fleetfoot Clone #2 POV

Rarity was continue running through the other side of the mall, trying to hide and run from Chaos Fleetfoot clone #2. She quickly ducked behind a corner. She peeked and saw C Fleetfoot C#2 trying to find her.

"Where are you, you little wench!?" She shouted trying to find her.

"*Gasp* How dare you! I'm a Lady!" Rarity shouted coming out of her hiding spot accidentally.

C Fleetfoot C#2 turned and saw Rarity. She smiled evilly and aimed her cannon at her.

Rarity went wide eye and realized the mistake she made, "Ooops."

She screamed and ran for her life. C Fleetfoot C#2 was hot on her tail and she then cornered her, "You're mine now." She laughed as she aimed her cannon at her.

She fired five chaos missiles and were heading for her. Rarity screamed and waited for the blow, but it never came. She finally opened her eyes and saw she was high in the air, glowing cyan. The five chaos missiles were also surrounded with a cyan aura.

"What!?" Chaos Fleetfoot C#2 shouted turning around.

Silver was standing ten feet away from her and surrounded with a cyan aura also, "Surrender now and give up, or suffer the consequences."

Chaos Fleetfoot snarled at him and shot a chaos beam at him.

The beam ricocheted off the energy shield around Silver.

"Wrong choice." Silver said as he flipped his left hand around and pulled it back towards himself.

Chaos Fleetfoot Clone's eyes widened as she turned around and saw her own Chaos Missiles flying towards her.

She screamed and tried to block the missiles, but they hit her and exploded. Nothing of her remained after the explosion.

Rarity slowly floated down to the ground and then the cyan aura disappeared.

Silver gasped and fell to one knee, exhausted from using all that energy.

Rarity ran over to him and hugged him, sobbing at the same time in his chest, "Thank you Silver. Thank you so much."

"Heh. No problem. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you ever." Silver said hugging Rarity back.

Suddenly a familiar female voice spoke in Silver's mind, 'Great job Silver. I'm so proud of you.' Blaze's voice told Silver.

'Thank you Blaze.' Silver thought back as he tightened his embrace with Rarity.

(Stop playing Centuries)
(Play Three Days Grace - Riot)
(Sonic, Rainbowdash, and Real Chaos Fleetfoot POV)

Rainbow had ran around the mall avoiding Chaos Fleetfoot's sight the whole time. So far, she hadn't seen her. She ran back to where she remembered Sonic had been frozen to.

She then heard fast footsteps.

"Sonic?" She whispered, "Sonic are you there?"

"Rainbow?" Sonic's voice spoke.

"Sonic!" She said coming out of the corner.

Suddenly a blue crystal clawed hand grabbed Rainbow's neck and began to choke her.

"You're so easy to fool Rainbow. Luckily I've heard Sonic's voice so many times, I know how to mimic it." Chaos Fleetfoot said smiling evilly.

"Gah! No! Let me *gasp* go! Ahck." Rainbow choked.

"Call him. Call for your hero. I want him to see you perish. I want to see the misery in his eyes when he finds out he failed to save you. He was too slow." Chaos Fleetfoot sneered tightening her grip on Rainbow's neck.

"N-no. I won't." Rainbow said.

"Fine then. I will do it for you." Fleetfoot said smirking.

She changed the expression on her face to match fear, then she spoke in Rainbowdash's voice, "Sonic! Sonic help me!"

Rainbow's eyes widened and she tried to speak, but failed because every time she tried the more harder it was to breathe.

"Rainbow!? Where are you!?" Sonic's voice called.

"I'm over here! Hurry!" Fleetfoot spoke smiling evilly.

Sonic came around the corner and gasped at what he saw, "Fleetfoot, let her go please."

"No." Fleetfoot said snarling at Sonic.

"I'll go to Spitfire. Just please let Rainbow go." Sonic pleaded.

Fleetfoot laughed, "You think I still want you with Spitfire? Don't make me laugh. I don't want you two together anymore. Instead, I want to see you suffer. And it seems the only way I can do that is by killing those you love. Starting with Rainbowdash."

"Sonic… Help… Me." Rainbow choked as her vision began to blur.

Fleetfoot threw Rainbow across the room and she hit her head on a wall, losing conscience.

"Rainbow!" Sonic yelled running over to her.

He checked her pulse, it was very faint, but still beating.

"How dare you, you, you… YOU PIECE OF WORTHLESS FLESH!" Sonic yelled as a dark blue aura formed around him.

"Hah. You see what love does to you? It gives you a weakness. You were better off without her anyways Sonic." Fleetfoot laughed.

Sonic began to laugh darkly.

"What's so funny Sonic? I just hurt Rainbowdash right in front of you! You think it's funny?" Fleetfoot asked confused.

"No it's not that. Hehehe. It's just that you said love gives you weakness. Well, I personally agree." Sonic said his voice sounding evil and dark.

"What? What is up with you Sonic?" Fleetfoot asked very confused.

Sonic's hair and clothes had suddenly changed. His hair had become dark blue and pointed upward, his clothes had become black and dark blue, and he had a big dark blue aura around him, "I'm not Sonic anymore. That weakling is gone for now. I am Dark Sonic."

He stood up and turned towards Fleetfoot. What she saw shocked her.

Sonic's irises had disappeared, and been replaced with pure white eyes.

"What the?" Fleetfoot said shocked. She pointed her arm cannon at him, her arm shaking scared, "St-stay b-back."

"Heh." Dark Sonic said, then he was gone.

"W-where d-did you g-go?" Fleetfoot said looking around for Dark Sonic.

"Right behind you." Dark Sonic's voice said.

Chaos Fleetfoot turned around and saw Dark Sonic smirking evilly. She pointed her cannon and fired, but he vanished.

"To slow." His voice said in the air.

Chaos Fleetfoot was starting to panic. She never expected Sonic to have such a powerful form.

Suddenly, she was pierced by a dark chaos spear. She screamed in pain and was flown into a wall. She struggled to get up by the attack. Dark Sonic appeared in front of her and held his hand out. Dark energy started to build up in his hand in the shape of an orb. Her eyes widened in fear, "Fell the true power of dark chaos energy." He said darkly.

He fired his dark chaos energy beam. Fleetfoot screamed in pain as the attack burned her flesh. After the beam died down, Fleetfoot was now on the ground. She was badly injured, but still alive. She regained conscious and lifted herself off the floor.

Dark Sonic appeared once more and was smirking evilly. Fleetfoot was not completely frightened. She didn't have the energy to fight back. Dark Sonic grabbed her by the head and picked her up. Fleetfoot tried to pry his hand off, but did no good.

"You were a fool to ever face off against me and awaken my dark powers. Now, you will suffer the consequences." Dark Sonic said laughing darkly.

He started applying pressure to her head, making her scream in pain, "PLEASE STOP! HAVE MERCY! I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE STOP! AHHHHHHH!" She screamed.

"Pathetic." Dark Sonic said as he continued apply more pressure to her head.

Shadow and Pinkie POV

Shadow and Pinkie continued in their embrace for the past few minutes. Suddenly, Shadow felt the presence of a new surge of dark Chaos energy, 'What the? That energy... it feels so... familiar.' Shadow thought.

Then, it snapped. Shadow knew this dark energy all to well. It was coming from Sonic, 'Oh no.' Shadow thought.

He got out of Pinkies Embrace and looked at her, "Pinkie listen to me, I need you stay here and don't follow me okay?" He asked her.

"Why? What's going on?" Pinkie asked.

"Sonic and Rainbow are in trouble, and I need to help him. Stay here." Shadow then teleported to Sonic's destination.

'Sonic, Rainbow….Hold on, I'm coming." Pinkie got up and followed to where Shadow might be.

Silver and Rarity POV

Like Shadow and Pinkie, Silver and Rarity were still in their embrace. Suddenly, Silver heard Shadow's voice, 'Silver can you hear me?' Shadow called out in his mind.

Silver lifted his head up by his voice, 'Shadow, glad you're okay. How's Pinkie?' Silver asked.

'Fine. Listen to me, Sonic has entered his Dark form and he is trying to kill Fleetfoot and Rainbow is out. I need you to head over near the skate park now!' Shadow called out.

Silver's eyes widened, but he nodded, 'Alright, I'm on my way.'

Silver looked down and released his embrace with Rarity, "Rarity listen, Sonic is in trouble and I need to head back to the skate park." Silver told her.

"*gasp* That's where Rainbow is. Silver, you need to take me there." Rarity said.

"No, I can't put you in danger. You need to stay here." Silver responded.

"But darling-" She began, but Silver cut her off by putting his finger on her lips, "I don't want to lose you Rarity." Silver said, "I promise by my life, I'll bring Rainbow and Sonic back alive. Please trust me."

Rarity wanted to go with him, but she probably knew he was right, "O-okay darling, but please bring my dear Rainbow back, and please come back to me." Rarity said with a few tears leaving her eyes.

Silver smiled lightly and wiped her tears away, "I Promise I'll come back to you. But allow me to give this to you if I don't." Silver leaned forward and kissed Rarity on the lips.

Rarity went wide eyed and blushed deeply by his action. Soon, Silver broke the kiss and teleported to Sonic's location. Rarity stood there in shock that Silver actually kissed her. She placed her fingers on her lips. She felt tears escaping her eyes, 'He really does love me.' She thought, 'I can't lose him now."

Rarity wiped her tears away and ran to the skate park.

Dark Sonic and Fleetfoot POV

Dark Sonic continued squeezing her head tighter and tighter, while Fleetfoot was crying out in pain and tears were falling from her eyes, "PLEASE STOP! I'M BEGGING YOU! HAVE MERCY!" She screamed in mercy.

"Did you give mercy to me, those people you turned into crystal, my brothers, my friends and most of all Rainbow?!" Dark Sonic asked coldly.

Fleetfoot can feel her skull was about to shatter if Dark Sonic continued squeezing. Silver and Shadow appeared and saw Dark Sonic, "SONIC STOP!" Silver shouted.

Dark Sonic turned to his brothers, "Give me one good reason why?" He asked coldly.

"This isn't like you Sonic. You're never a killer. You never give so much pain to someone. Just put her down. It's over." Silver said.

"I'll stop when she truly feels the pain I feel!" Dark Sonic shouted squeezing Fleetfoot's head harder, causing her to scream louder than before.

"We don't want to fight you Sonic, but we will if we have to." Shadow said charging up his chaos spear.

Dark Sonic laughed, "You really think you have a chance against me?" He asked.

Shadow said nothing and vanished. He reappeared and threw his chaos spears at Dark Sonic, but he only absorbed his attack, "Pathetic. Let me show a true chaos spear." He threw his hand out and a dark chaos spear was thrown. The attack made contact and Shadow was thrown back to Silver.

"Shadow, you okay?" Silver asked helping him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Shadow answered.



The two looked back and saw Pinkie and Rarity running up to them, "What are you two doing here? We told you to stay put?" Silver asked.

"We're sorry, but we care about you two, even Sonic and Rainbow, we never leave our friends behind." Rarity said.

Dark Sonic chuckled, "How very touching. But I'm afraid I have to cut this off early. I have a cold hearted killer to finish off." He turned back to Fleetfoot, who was barely struggling to stay alive from Sonic's grip.

"I won't let that happen Sonic." Shadow said charging at Dark Sonic.

While Shadow was taking care of Dark Sonic, Rarity, Silver and Pinkie turned their attention to Rainbow, who was still out cold. They ran up to her and checker her. She was still breathing, but it was low and her heartbeat was weak.

"Let me handle this." Silver said. He gently placed his hands on Rainbow and she glowed cyan aura. All of her wounds healed and her breathing and heartbeat returned to normal.

"Darling, how did you do that?" Rarity asked.

"It was a little trick I learned a while back. I'll explain later." Silver answered.

Rainbow slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head up, "Uuuuh, What happened?" She asked.

"DASHIE!" Pinkie shouted bringing her into a death hug.

"Pinkie...can't breathe." Rainbow choked out.

"Oh, sorry." Pinkie said releasing her.

"How are you feeling?" Silver asked.

"A little dizzy, but I'll be...Wait! Where's Sonic!?" Rainbow asked.

"You're pathetic." Said a voice.

Rainbow turned and saw Sonic, but his clothing was dark blue and his eyes were completely white, while dark blue aura was around him. Her eyes widened, 'No, that can't be Sonic...can it?' Rainbow thought.

Dark Sonic threw a punch and knocked Shadow to the group. Shadow tried to get up, but was completely bruised by Dark Sonic. Dark Sonic turned to Fleetfoot and held out his empty hand, and dark energy started to build up again, "Any last words?" He asked.

Rainbow's tears fell from her eyes as she continued watching the scene, 'Please….stop...stop Sonic….STOP!' She got up and ran forward to them.

"RAINBOW NO!" Rarity called out to her.

"Dashie come back!" Pinkie shouted.

'Please don't do anything stupid Rainbow.' Silver and Shadow thought.

"Farewell Fleetfoot." Dark Sonic said about to throw his Dark Chaos beam at her. But then, something collided with his back. He growled and looked at what it was. His eyes widened that it was Rainbow Dash hugging him.

"Sonic….please stop. I don't want you to do this anymore. Please." She pleaded looking up at him, "I want you to come back to us...to me." She gripped him tighter and cried into his back.

Dark Sonic's body froze, "No! No!" Sonic then started to regain control of himself. Ever so slowly, the dark aura began to fade. His dark blue hair slowly went down and returned back to their original blue color. Sonic closed his eyes and released his grip on Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot fell to the ground on her back, unconscious. Sonic opened his eyes and his original emerald eyes were back, "Rainbow?" He whispered.

(Stop playing Three Days Grace - Riot)

Rainbow looked up and saw Sonic back to his old self. She released her grip, allowing Sonic to turn to her. Then, tears started to form in his eyes. He quickly pulled Rainbow into a hug. Rainbow as surprised, but she returned the embrace, crying into his chest, "I'm so sorry you had to see me like that Rainbow. I bet you see me as a monster now." Sonic whispered.

Rainbow looked up at him who had a guilty look, "No, you're not a monster Sonic, you're my friend."

"How can you say that after all the damage and pain that I did tonight? I don't deserve you." Sonic said closing his allowing his tears to fall. He then felt something soft and firm pressed against his lips. He opened his eyes and saw Rainbow giving him a strong passionate kiss. More tears fell from his eyes and he deepened the kiss. He tightly embraced her as they did. He knew now that Rainbow has forgiven him.

The others were watching and Silver smiled, 'Glad That's over.' Silver thought.

"Silver?" Silver looked to his left and saw Rarity blushing, "Umm, about that kiss you gave me from before.."

Silver blushed, "Oh, that. I'm really sorry for doing that. I just-Mmmph!" Silver was then cut off when Rarity grabbed him and pulled him into a strong kiss. Silver's eyes grew and he blushed deeply. But, he slowly closed them and returned the kiss.

Shadow sighed, 'This had been an interesting day.' He thought. He then felt a head resting on his shoulder.

He looked and saw Pinkie, with very droopy eyes, "*Yawn* Shady, can we go home? I'm tired." She asked in a weak voice.

Shadow had to agree with her. After the event's of what happened, he too was exhausted, "Sure." He turned to his brothers, "Guys, we should probably head home now."

The four broke their kisses and looked up at him, "For once, I agree with Shadow." Sonic said.

"Me too." Silver said yawning.

"What about Fleetfoot?" Rainbow asked.

They looked at Fleetfoot, who was still out cold, but she was no longer in chaos form. Next to her, was the blue chaos emerald. Shadow walked up to her and grabbed the emerald and place it in his pocket, "Pinkie and I will bring her over to our place."

Sonic knew the three girls have seen a lot of who they really are, and they almost got killed. They decided they should tell them the truth.

"After what you three have seen tonight, I believe you three deserve to know the truth about us." Sonic said, "Tomorrow we will explain everything. No school tomorrow luckily."

Shadow was about to reject, but knew Sonic was right. They deserve to know the truth after what happened, "We'll tell you all tomorrow, but for now, let's head home." Silver said.

"Fleetfoot deserves to be told also. She wasn't in control from the moment she touched the chaos emerald. The chaos energy had formed a conscience in her head f

They all nodded and left the mall. They all got into their vehicles and left, taking different paths home.

Sonic and Rainbow POV

Sonic pulled into Rainbow's driveway and shut off his car.

"Rainbow, we're home...Rainbow?" Sonic looked to his right and saw Rainbow fast asleep. Sonic smiled sadly and got out. He opened the passenger door and carried Rainbow bridal Style. He opened the door and was about to head upstairs, but he stopped and saw a red and yellowed haired girl fast asleep on the couch, 'Guess she must be Sunset Shimmer.' Sonic thought.

Sonic went up the stairs and went into Rainbow's room. he gently placed her down onto her bed and covered her with her sheets. Sonic sighed and he gently rubbed her head, 'I'm really sorry you had to see me like that Rainbow, and I promise, it won't happen ever again. I love you.' Sonic thought.

He bent down and kissed her forehead, "Good night Rainbow." Sonic whispered. He got up and was about to leave, but a hand grabbed his, making him stop, "Wait."

He looked down and saw Rainbow, who was barely awake, but had pleading eyes, "Please….stay with me."

Sonic was a little shock by what she said, but nodded. After what Rainbow saw today, She didn't want to lose Sonic again. Sonic climbed into the bed and pulled the covered over him. He then felt Rainbow wrapping her arms around him, holding him close and nuzzling into his chest. She heard the sounds of his soft beating heart, soothing her. Sonic wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

"Please don't ever leave me Sonic." She whispered.

Sonic kissed her forehead and was drifting to sleep, "I will never leave you Rainbow, I promise."

Soon, the two speed demons fell asleep.

Author's Note:

DarkMaster0224: And that's chapter 6. Sadly due to this chapter taking a few days, the day it is finished, my bro ShadicBro B isn't online at the time… T_T… So that means I'll summarize this chapter's events.

So, after a semi ruined date, Sonic, Rainbow, Silver, Rarity, Shadow, and Pinkie battled a Chaos Emerald Corrupted version of Fleetfoot, Chaos Fleetfoot. Upon defeating the two clones, Dark Sonic appears and defeats the real Chaos Fleetfoot, nearly killing her for what she has done. Rainbowdash manages to save Fleetfoot's life by calming Sonic down. Upon her defeat, Chaos Fleetfoot disappears and is replaced with Fleetfoot. But, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have some explaining to tell everyone. And something also happened during the battle against Chaos Fleetfoot that the group was not aware of. Find out next chapter on Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fate Between Worlds.

DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B: PEACEOUT EVERYONE! DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B signing off.