• Published 18th Oct 2015
  • 47,879 Views, 4,794 Comments

Change - tom117z

Twilight Sparkle is not who she says she is, she doesn't really know WHAT she is...

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55 - Motherly Concern

Refugee Camp, a little past midnight, two days before the battle

“So drones are born out of eggs laid by the mother, but queens are born like a pony baby?” Vladimir asked for clarification from the changeling he spoke to.

“Correct,” Thorax nodded. “Though both enter pods shortly thereafter.”

“It’s true,” Carduus confirmed, standing with them both by a group of crates they were sorting through.

Changelings and ponies continued to work hard delivering aid, even a full day after the battle things weren’t exactly fine around camp. The relief effort would be ongoing for a while.

“Most drones are born in a nursery, though some parents prefer for their young to hatch in more private circumstances; but the nursery is more traditional,” Thorax continued. “I myself was born in the nursery when Queen Chrysalis herself was present.”

“Why did you never mention any of this, Carduus?” Vladimir asked.

“I have yet to give Iuvenes the ‘birds and the bees’ talk, why the hay would I give a fully grown thestral the talk?” Carduus deadpanned.

“Ah… point taken,” Vladimir said sheepishly. “Anyway, Thorax was it? What did you do around the hive?”

“Oh, I was part of the guard at one point - I was even present during the wedding,” Thorax stated.

Was part of the guard? Why did you leave it?”

“The Wedding,” he said simply. “It was my first full engagement and… I didn’t enjoy it much. I prefer friendship over fighting. Hay, if Chrysalis had been evil I may have even run away to the Crystal Empire or something afterwards.”

Thorax’s face fell. “Though she wasn’t evil, she was kind… a good ruler. Even if she was a bit over dramatic at times. She didn’t deserve her fate.”

“Agreed,” Vladimir said apologetically.

“Anyway, I have things to do, please excuse me,” Thorax made his leave.

“Yeah, nice talking to you,” the thestral nodded as the changeling departed.

Once Thorax had left, Vladimir turned to Carduus. “Hey, did you notice the kid’s magic colour.”

“More blue than green,” Carduus confirmed. “I know. Like Queen Twilight his aura deviates from the usual green most changelings hold.”

“So I see,” Vladimir said. “Though Thorax seems like a good kid.”

“He is, though he made a good choice leaving the guard, he wasn’t suited for it,” Carduus noted. “Though saying that, you should see him when he gets hungry.”

“Why? What happens?”

Carduus smirked. “Let’s just say he gets all snarly and might bite.”

Vladimir tilted his head. “Snarly?”

“Yup,” was the simple response Carduus gave back, shooting him an amused grin.

“Alright then,” Vladimir concluded, deciding to leave it at that. “Ah, here comes trouble.”

Vladimir smiled as a small nymph came running up to the duo, followed closely by a second.

“Hiya Mr Bat! Hiya Mr Carduus!” Puellula waved enthusiastically as she skidded to a stop.

“Daddy!” Iuvenes shouted excitedly.

“Hi there girls,” Carduus said, patting his daughter on the head affectionately. “You two playing nice?”

Both happily nodded.

“Good. Now, where is that sister of yours Puellula?” Carduus asked.

“Here,” a tired Soronis gasped for breath as she ran to catch up with the mischievous duo. “They’ve been giving me the run-around.”

“At least they’re keeping you busy,” Vladimir smirked.

“Yeah well,” Soronis composed herself. “Puellula hasn’t been this happy in a long time, so I can’t complain. At least she now had a friend her own age.”

“We’re doomed,” Vladimir stated dramatically.

“You’re funny Mr Bat!” Iuvenes exclaimed as the two nymphs giggled.

Vladimir rolled his eyes. “Mr Bat, huh? Is that my name now?”

“Yup!” both grinned innocently.

“I mean, your mark is a bat so…” Soronis smirked.

For the second time in but a few moment, Vladimir rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, Puellula perked up and turned to her new friend. “Hey! Let’s go find and help Queen Drago!”

“Isn’t her name Draco?” Iuvenes asked.

Puellula shrugged. “Oh well, but we can be royal assistants!”

“You two shouldn’t be bothering-” Soronis began, but then the two nymphs were already gone.

Soronis groaned, and then set off again to try and keep up before the two burned down the camp with their ‘assistance’.

Vladimir chuckled lightly. “Well at least they’re enjoying themselves.”

“They’re about the only ones,” Carduus reminded his friend solemnly, pointing towards a nearby Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

Shining Armor was pacing around restlessly as Cadance tried to calm him, they seemed to be in a heated discussion.

“He’s worried for his sister is all,” Vladimir said. “She didn’t take Chrysalis’ passing well.”

“You don’t need to tell me, I’m connected to her, remember?” Carduus tapped the side of his head in demonstration.

“Right… Are you able to tell how she’s doing?”

“No,” Carduus said regretfully. “She’s blocked herself off, apparently there are even sound suppression wards around the tent that she herself placed. So I can take a good guess as to the queen’s condition.”

Vladimir sighed. “It’s bullshit.”

“What is?”

The Lunar Captain gestured to the camp with a hoof. “All of this. A short while ago I was on leave in the Crystal Empire and everypony was alive and happy. Now all of this is happening, none of us saw it coming.”

“And perhaps that was our downfall,” Carduus grimly stated. “Still, there is no way she will attack us here, the camp is far too heavily defended. Things should calm in a couple days when all the supplies are distributed and nerves aren’t so frayed.”

“We can hope,” was the response. “Still, I’m going to keep my blade at hoof’s reach. We can’t be too careful.”

“Very true,” Carduus agreed. “I already lost one queen on my watch, not another.”

“It’s not your fault, you were protecting Twilight at the time, and fighting a dragon,” Vladimir stated.

“I know that,” Carduus said sternly. “Doesn’t change the fact that she is dead, and there was nothing I could have done. Next time I will do something, even throw myself in front of a magic bolt intended for her if I must.”

“Now you’re just being dramatic,” Vladimir protested.

“But I mean it,” Carduus said genuinely. “It’s my duty.”

“Well, don’t be so quick to sacrifice yourself, because after all this is done we’re going for drinks.”

Carduus sighed. “I suppose I can get behind that.”

“Get behind what?” Broad Sword asked as he and Scarlet made their presence known.

“Drinking ourselves under the table,” Vladimir smirked. “Putting our hooves up and relaxing without any of this nonsense.”

“Let’s do our jobs first,” Broad Sword stated. “We miss much?”

“Just talk with a changeling named Thorax,” Carduus said. “Where were you two?”

“Well we were actually quite fortunate. The doctor who Scarlet had an appointment with on our return to Canterlot was one of the ones shipped out here to assist, so he did the pregnancy check up here and now when he had a free moment,” Broad Sword explained.

“Oh really? And?”

“The baby is doing fine,” Scarlet smiled.

“That’s good to hear,” Vladimir congratulated. “I wish you both the best. Being a parent is a big responsibility, perhaps you should go to Shining for tips?”

“I think Cadance would be a better choice,” Broad Sword joked. “Shining can be a bit of a drama queen sometimes.”

Vladimir chuckled. “No kidding. You turning in for the night?”

“I am,” Scarlet said. “Doctor insisted I get some rest. Broad is staying up though.”

“There is still plenty to do,” Broad Sword said, looking around the camp. “And let it never be said I skimped by in my duties.”

“Oh my hero,” Scarlet lightly mocked, before planting a kiss on the stallion’s cheek. “And don’t you forget your duties to me later on, captain,” she giggled as she departed, leaving her husband extremely red in the face.

Broad Sword slowly turned towards Carduus and Vladimir, who both seemed very amused indeed.

“Just get back to work,” Broad Sword mumbled in embarrassment.

Celestia walked with her sister on the outskirts of the camp, the hustle and bustle of activity within still viewable from the distance. The night was ultimately calm aside from that, and the only notable noise was the occasional owl coming out to hunt.

“I find it hard to see Twilight saying that to you,” Luna said. “She isn’t usually one to make cruel remarks.”

“Is it cruel if she is right?” Celestia asked. “I have thought heavily on the very things she has described many times.”

“We aren’t perfect, and I don’t believe Twilight truly hates you for that. She understands and cares for you as a mother, but what she’s going through…”

“I was the outlet for her anger, I know,” Celestia sighed. “I just feel helpless, I want to help her in any way I can.”

“By just letting her vent, you may have. By tomorrow she will likely be overdramatically asking for your forgiveness as usual, old habits die hard.”

“Perhaps,” Celestia said. “I’m just worried for her. She’s the queen now, and that is a lot of responsibility.”

“Not to mention Crudelis. Their confrontation seems inevitable,” Luna noted. “Though Crudelis shouldn’t be too confident in their battle, others have made similar mistakes in the past. Myself included, I was so sure I would defeat the puny unicorn that was ready to charge at me when I returned. The next thing I knew I was depowered and at your mercy. Twilight will do fine.”

“No,” Celestia suddenly stated.

“What?” Luna asked in confusion.

“I will not let Crudelis close to Twilight, not again. First the assassin almost claimed her life, then the attack… when Crudelis makes her next move I will confront her personally.”

“We are not always in charge of our own fates,” Luna cautioned. “You may fight Crudelis, but I feel destiny calls the two queens to meet face-to-face, one last time.”

“To Tartarus with fate!” Celestia shouted. “Fate will not keep me from protecting her, destinies are never set in stone.”

“Is it true, there are many branches time can take,” Luna conceded. “But nevertheless, the outcome will not always be ours to control. We’re not gods.”

“I know,” Celestia assured. “There is no such thing, only god-like beings. But despite this I must try. I must try for her sake, and for my own. I will not lose her, sister. I won’t.”

“It is admirable you care so much, but I would expect nothing less,” Luna said. “Still, whether Crudelis fights you or Twilight, I expect the end is coming soon. Crudelis has waited a long time to enact her plans, and she won’t stop now.”

“Do you expect an attack on the camp?” Celestia asked.

“Creatures like her can be blinded by anger, though I don’t believe she is that much of a fool. She will try something else.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know,” Luna admitted. “A thousand years ago I attacked directly, when I should have just played innocent and poisoned your next meal.”

“Thanks,” Celestia muttered sarcastically.

“I’m glad I didn’t though,” Luna nuzzled her sister in reassurance. “But my attack as Nightmare Moon was on a whim, my final fall from grace. She had been planning this for a while and will not be so quick to do so. She will come for Twilight no doubt, and I am concerned for how she plans to gain access to her.”

“Then all we can do is wait and keep an eye out, we must be ready,” Celestia stated. “I want the EUP around camp to be on constant alert and ready for deployment. And I will send for some extra hooves from Fort Hurricane.”

“Agreed,” Luna nodded. “We should also have some agents try to root out any potential infiltrators.”

“It’s already done,” Celestia said. “I ordered some discreet sweeps the moment I heard about the attack, just in case.”

“Good to see you’re on top of things. Now sister, if you would excuse me I have business to attend to.”

“Business?” Celestia asked in non-understanding.

“The realm of dreams does not wait for anypony, and I have a long night ahead catching up.”

“Ah, I see. Goodnight Lulu.”

“Goodnight Tia, and don’t worry about young Twilight. I have an idea.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “An idea?”

“Yes,” Luna nodded. “I will explain soon. For now I must get on.”

“Alright, do be careful with her,” Celestia asked of Luna, opening up her wings and flying off towards the refugee camp in the distance.

“Contrary to popular belief, I do know discretion!” Luna called after her.

Luna shook her head. “I am the Princess of the Night after all,” she muttered.

Luna herself opened her wings and returned to camp, and after a short trip she found herself in the tent set up for her use, passing by some of her own guard on the way in. Luna disposed of her regalia before retiring into her own bed.

Luna closed her eyes and lit up her horn. When her eyes opened again her consciousness was drifting in a star filled realm filled with many doors into many dreams of the many ponies and other such species within the range of her ability.

But tonight, instead of scouting out the realm there was only one destination she had in mind, a friend who needed her help once more.

All the doors were swept away leaving only one, a seemingly plain door with the image of a lavender starburst painted meticulously on the front.

Grinning to herself, Luna opened the door more than ready for the inevitable nightmares swirling within the mind of Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

Day one has ended...

Oh, and I just had to add a Thorax cameo after the episode! :twilightsmile:

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