• Published 18th Oct 2015
  • 47,881 Views, 4,794 Comments

Change - tom117z

Twilight Sparkle is not who she says she is, she doesn't really know WHAT she is...

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57 - Ponyville

Ponyville, two days before the battle

Pinkie Pie, as usual, awoke at the crack of dawn. While other ponies such as Rainbow Dash would prefer to sleep in as long as possible, she had far too much work to do.

Firstly, she had to feed and have highly intellectual conversation with Gummy. Then she had to make several large batches of cupcakes before planning seven and a half parties for that particular day.

Oh, and she would also have a chase scene later on in the chapter, a busy day overall!

The sun was only just beginning to show itself over the horizon, and the sky was filled with a brilliant orange of the dawn. Pinkie Pie sung happily to herself as she flung the curtains open and picked up her pet from his basket.

“Morning Gummy!” Pinkie Pie sang happily. “Breakfast time!”

With Gummy on her back Pinkie trotted downstairs and into the kitchen while being careful not to wake either the cakes or their children. It was hard to believe they were coming up to three years old! Pinkie Pie was planning an extra special party, just like she planned an extra special party every year!

“I like parties, don’t ya know?” Pinkie Pie smiled to nopony in particular.

On entering the kitchen, Pinkie Pie placed Gummy down onto the table and immediately got to work. She got out all the ingredients she would need and prepared them expertly while singing one of her favourite songs about cupcakes, before placing them in the oven. Soon enough the timer she had prepared dinged and she was able to extract the new batch of cupcakes she had baked.

Not even waiting for them to cool, Pinkie Pie picked one up and took a bite, just to make sure they were up to scratch.

“Perfect!” she proclaimed. “Gummy! Breakfast is ready!”

Pinkie Pie placed one cupcake onto a plate and slid it carefully next to Gummy while she took the rest and demolished them within moments.

Giving a satisfied sigh, she sat down and patted her stomach, glancing over toward Gummy where she noticed he just stared blankly at his own.

“Come on, eat up!” she encouraged.


“Don’t back chat me Mr!” she scolded the alligator.

Gummy blinked, a rare sight indeed.

“Oh fine, eat it when you’re ready.”

Gummy’s stare remained unchanged.

“I know time can take many paths, but it’s just a cupcake!”

Gummy licked his own eyeball.

“Ohhhhh! So it’s the butterfly effect?” Pinkie asked. “So if you ate the cupcake too soon or too late a big disaster could happen in the future?”

No answer.

Pinkie Pie winked. “I understand buddy! Just eat when it is the most convenient for reality's continued existence!”

A knock on the door caught Pinkie Pie’s attention, and she tilted her head as she wondered who it could be at such an early hour.

“Huh? Sorry Gummy, I’ll be back in a moment,” Pinkie told her pet as she exited the room.

Gummy’s blank gaze continued to be directed directly forward.

And then his maw suddenly opened to unnatural proportions as the cupcake was consumed.

And just like that, reality was saved.

Rainbow Dash knocked for a second time on the front door of Sugercube Corner, impatiently awaiting an answer.

The Pegasus heard the lock being undone just before the door swung open and Pinkie Pie skipped on out.

“Oh! Morning Dashie!” Pinkie grinned. “What are you doing up this early, you normally like to sleep in! Are the Wonderbolts in town? Is there a giant monster rampaging? Is it made out of cake? IsItAGiantCakeMonsterbeingFoughtByTheWonderbolts?!”

“Erm,” Rainbow’s eye twitched. “No, none of the above. AJ sent me.”

“Oh?” Pinkie Pie said curiously. “And, what does she want?”

“Pinkie, you haven’t seen anything… odd around here, have you?”

Pinkie Pie hummed in though.

“Well… Gummy did save reality with a cupcake, but that’s just a normal morning really. So… no! Nothing out of the ordinary,” Pinkie proclaimed.

“Are you sure?”

“Yup,” Pinkie nodded. “Why, what’s going on?”

“It may be nothing,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “It’s just that some of the townsponies claim to have seen some suspicious figures going around. And with what happened to Twilight being spread around town nerves are a little frayed in terms of, well… any possible changelings roaming about with not so nice intent.”

“Huh?” Pinkie raised a confused eyebrow. “Why? What happened to Twilight?”

“You haven’t heard?” Rainbow’s eyes widened.

“No, nothing.”

Rainbow gritted her teeth in anger, though it wasn’t directed at Pinkie Pie.

“News came in last night, Twilight’s hive is gone.”

“What? What do you mean… gone? Did they go on a road trip?”

“No, Pinkie… it has been destroyed,” Rainbow stated. “Some dumb bitch burned the thing down!”

Pinkie’s mane deflated a little. “W-What? What about Twilight?”

“She’s fine apparently, but we don’t know much else.”

“Well, what are we going to do?” Pinkie asked.

“We were going to go over there right away,” Rainbow sighed. “But Mayor Mare asked that we stay a couple more days until nerves are less frayed around town, to reassure ponies. Though once that happens we will be straight over there! The egghead needs us and I’m not content to sit around here! I’m a Wonderbolt for Celestia’s sake! I should be out teaching that queen a lesson for hurting our friend!” Rainbow loudly shouted in anger.

“Dashie…” Pinkie recoiled at the Pegasus’ raised voice.

Rainbow calmed herself on seeing Pinkie Pie’s reaction. “Sorry Pinks,” Rainbow muttered. “I’m just a little on edge right now.”

Pinkie nodded. “I know. What if, when we see Twilight I’ll throw a party to cheer her up?!”

Rainbow looked up at her friend. “If she is any state for one that may not be such a bad idea. Hay, maybe we could get Chrysalis more involved this time.”

“Yes! We could…” Pinkie’s enthusiasm suddenly died down.


“Sorry Dashie I just… felt really sad when I said that for some reason…”

Rainbow looked understandably worried. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah… fine,” her mane was even more deflated. “Talk about a tonal shift…”

Rainbow looked over her shoulder at a few passing ponies, Lyra and Bon Bon, who both seemed to be on edge.

“Listen, Pinkie, I’ve got to go,” Rainbow stated. “I promised the Mayor I would patrol the town with my weather ponies, let us know if you see anything suspicious, alright?”

Pinkie Pie nodded in confirmation.

“Good,” Rainbow nodded back, before opening her wings and taking to the air.

Pinkie Pie watched as he cyan friend left, and continued to stare after she was gone. Pinkie couldn’t help but feel a bit empty after the mention of Chrysalis, she didn’t quite know why on this occasion, but she just knew something terrible had happened.

Then movement in the very corner of her eye caught her attention, and she turned to see an Earth Pony with a grey coat and green eyes bearing down on her.

Pinkie yelped in surprise and instinctively hit out with her hooves.

The pony shouted in pain as he dropped backward to the floor, blood seeping from his muzzle along with some green flames.

“Damn, so much for replacing you,” the changeling muttered quietly, probably thinking Pinkie didn’t hear it.

Unfortunately, she had excellent hearing.

“You were going to replace me?!” Pinkie recoiled.

“Damn it,” the stallion snarled, turning tail and running in the opposite direction as attention was being drawn to the duo.

“Stop!” Pinkie shouted as she took off after him, quickly gaining ground.

Green flames enveloped the changeling and his wings buzzed to life, he swerved and took of through the air up onto a nearby roof a few streets away.

The changeling landed there to consider his options, only to find Pinkie waiting for him.

“What?! How?!” the changeling shouted in surprise.

“Stop meanie!” Pinkie made a grab for the changeling, only for him to open a portal beneath himself and sink away.

He appeared another few streets away, this time in an alleyway. However, like before Pinkie Pie was waiting already.

He didn’t delay this time, instead bolting into the opposite direction. This routine rinsed and repeated for several more minutes as the changeling ducked and dived through the buildings, other ponies could only stare in amazement at the sight.

Finally things came to a head as the changeling turned to gallop headlong down a street with Pinkie directly behind him.

But he had finally had enough of the pink pony.

The changeling unexpectedly turned quickly around to face Pinkie Pie, and the mare’s vision was suddenly filled with green as she was hit by a quickly fired spell.

Pinkie fell backwards to the floor, too stunned to even shout out in pain. As her vision swam in and out the mare tried to get to her hooves, only to fall back down. She could hear the changeling approach, his horn alight, and she was able to look up to see his snarling and hate filled face inches from her own.

Only for a rainbow coloured blur to smack right into him and knock the changeling to the ground.

“Stay away from my friend!” Rainbow shouted in anger, delivering a hoof to the changeling’s muzzle, dazing him heavily.

“Pinkie darling, can you hear me?” a posh sounding voice came to Pinkie’s ears as she felt several hooves roll her onto her back.

Rarity was there along with Fluttershy, who seemed to have brought a first aid kit just in case. Fluttershy dropped the kit from her mouth and started to inspect Pinkie, luckily her injuries were minor as the changeling didn’t have time to charge anything too harmful.

Applejack was there too, and once she was sure Pinkie was safe she wandered over to stand next to Dash, and equally furious look on her face.

“Well what in tarnation is this?!” Applejack fumed. “What are ya doing here, changeling? Ya’ll ain’t from Twi’s hive for sure.”

The changeling snarled. “I’m not saying a thing.”

“Wrong answer,” Rainbow growled, grabbing onto the changelings right foreleg and applying some pressure.”

“Hey hold on now, what are you doing sugarcube?” Applejack’s eyes widened.

“This guy hurt Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted. “He might even be one of the ones who attacked Twilight!”

The changeling laughed sadistically. “Twilight Sparkle? Oh that was too easy to deal with the Badlands, just as we will deal with you ponies…”

Rainbow applied more pressure.

The changeling grunted in pain.

“You’re bluffing, you’re just a pony, element bearer or not.”

“You’ve overlooked one thing,” Rainbow growled.

“And that is?”

“I’m a Wonderbolt,” Rainbow replied. “Ergo, military.”

A loud snap filled the air along with a scream of agony as Rainbow broke his foreleg.

Fluttershy and Rarity both gasped in shock, Applejack too was quite uncomfortable with what Rainbow Dash just did, but none moved to stop the infuriated Pegasus.

“Now, what were you doing here?!” Rainbow shouted in a rage, applying pressure to the next foreleg.

“Please!” the changeling pleaded. “Stop!”

“Tell me!” was the only reply he received.

“I’m just a scout!” he claimed. “It’s just me, and I’m only scouting out the area, honest!”

Rainbow Dash snarled at the whimpering changeling, studying him for a moment. After that moment passed however, she turned her head towards Applejack, not letting up pressure on the foreleg.

“So is he, AJ?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack looked towards Rainbow, slightly bewildered. “W-What was that?”

“Is he telling the truth?” the Pegasus asked.

“Ah think… ah t-think so…” Applejack stuttered, before trying to get a hold of herself. “Sorry sugarcube, ah’m just a little shaken up.”

Rainbow nodded in understanding, turning back to the changeling.

“So, it’s just you, that’s been established,” she snarled. “But why did you attack Pinkie Pie?”

More pressure was added when he showed signs of defiance.

“I-I just thought I could do a better job with a better identity! I was going to replace her!”

“And what would have happened to Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow asked slowly, though they all knew the answer.

“I… I…” the changeling couldn’t form an answer, fear evident on his face.

Pinkie Pie coughed in the background, trying to get up, and failing again.

“Please be still,” Fluttershy asked. “You’re hurt.”

Rainbow heard her friend’s struggles, and turned to see if she was alright. It was in this moment that she loosened her grip slightly on the changeling, and in this moment he saw his opportunity.

The changeling’s head struck forwards, and his horn struck the side of Rainbow Dash’s head.

Rainbow shouted in pain as a gash opened up and she was knocked away from the changeling.

His horn lit up before anypony could stop him and a portal formed, the next second there was nothing in the spot the changeling had inhabited previously.

“Where did he go?!” Applejack shouted as she looked around the area.

“Gah, he could be anywhere,” Rainbow groaned as she got up to her hooves, slightly wobbly on them.

With Pinkie Pie still dazed, but otherwise fine, Fluttershy grabbed her kit and started work on bandaging the gash on the side of Rainbow Dash’s face, the Pegasus wincing as she did so in pain.

Rarity looked over her friends, her mind processing exactly what it was she had just witnessed, the crowd around them doing the same.

“Applejack, darling?” Rarity spoke up.

“Yes?” Applejack responded, slightly quietly as she too observed the scene.

“I think we might want to send a message to Princess Celestia, I have a bad feeling about this. Those ruffians could come back.”

Applejack considered this for a moment, before nodding. “Agreed. Ah’ll get on it.”

Author's Note:

Day 2 has begun...

This chapter was certainly... interesting to write...

Also, judging by the remaining chapters, this story will end in October, one year after it began... :rainbowderp:

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