• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 8,375 Views, 226 Comments

Of Princesses and Time Chargers - Shotoman

Celestia and the Doctor are friends!

  • ...


Chapter 1


The Doctor ran down the metal catwalk, his scarf fluttering behind him as he went. He turned a corner just in time to avoid several red hot bolts of energy which scorched the wall. He continued running along until he reached a door that refused to open upon his approach. “Locked. Blast it.” He removed his hat and reached in to grab something from within.

As he fumbled for whatever he was looking for, a pair of somewhat cylindrical metal beings turned the corner to face him. Each one had a single long eye stalk protruding from its domed head, and from roughly the center of their bodies protruded a long plunger-like device, along side a cylindrical device. They pointed the blasters at the brown pony and yelled simultaneously in strangely distorted voices, “EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!”

Suddenly one of the creature's eye stalks was sheared off. Standing upon the now wrecked piece of hardware was a brilliant white alicorn, her long pink hair flowing in a non-existent breeze, a golden sun proudly shining upon her flank. “MY VISION HAS BEEN IMPAIRED I CANNOT SEE!” the metallic creature shouted before a blue blur slammed into its side, knocking both of them off the catwalk and into the abyss below. The blue blur solidified into another alicorn, smaller than the first, midnight blue, with a lighter blue mane and tail, a white moon standing out against a splotch of inky blackness upon her flank.

Celestia turned to the Doctor with a tired look upon her face. “Why is it, Doctor, that everywhere thou takes us our magic is absolutely useless?”

“Come now. What's the point of going on an adventure if you can just point and zap your way out of every obstacle that presents itself?” the Doctor asked, removing a metal wand-like object from his hat, which he pointed at the locked door, which after a brief flashing of light and a buzzing sound, immediately slid open. “Now, come along girls. There's still a lot of running to do before we're done here.” Celestia and her sister Luna shared a wry glance at each other before following.


A small blue barn-like structure spun through the inky blackness, flying away from a much larger disk-shaped ship which at that point was being wracked with explosions. The doors to the barn creaked open as Celestia peeked out just in time to see the flying saucer erupt in a full fireball. As she closed the door and turned into an amazingly spacious control room—much bigger than it had any right to be, considering the size of the exterior—she saw the Doctor already scurrying around the circular control panel in the center of it all. “That was quite an adventure, wasn't it, ladies? A bit off course from Solaris VII, but with that contingent of Daleks out of the way, I don't see any reason we can't just continue along course.”

Celestia and Luna shared another glance, this one much less jovial. “Actually, Doctor,” Celestia began. “We think we'd like to return home.”

The Doctor stopped cold. “Home? Why would you want to go home?”

Luna stepped forward. “Please, Doctor. We have been traveling with thee for months. And it has been amazing, really. But we do have responsibilities awaiting us in Equestria. And the both of us feel that it's time to return to them.”

The Doctor's face fell, and Celestia turned a sad smile to him. “You once said there was no point in growing up if you couldn't be childish sometimes. That is a lesson neither of us will soon forget. But what would the point be in growing up without accepting our adult responsibilities?”

The Doctor sighed. “You're right of course. And the two of you do have amazing futures awaiting you, though difficult at times.” Luna couldn't help but shudder a bit as the Doctor turned his wild eyes to her, and she saw a melancholy there that seemed aimed at her. “So then,” he continued. “Equestria, Everfree Forest, Day 72 of 267 S.R., 2:30 a.m.; the very night I picked you up, about an hour later.”

“Doctor...?” Celestia asked, uncertainly.

“Oh, don't worry yourselves about this old space pony. I'll be fine. You two have a kingdom awaiting you!”

The Everfree night was interrupted by a loud, unnatural screeching sound, as a small blue barn slowly appeared from seemingly nothing. The twin doors opened and Celesia and Luna slowly exited, while the Doctor stayed at the threshold. Celestia turned to the chestnut pony and smiled. “Remember, Doctor. We may not be thy traveling companions any longer, but that does not mean we are not thy friends. Thou art always welcome and we expect thee to visit us.”

“Of course, of course,” the Doctor muttered in his inimitable absent mindedness.

“We are serious,” Celestia pushed. “You will always be our friend and we will always welcome you with open hooves.”

The Doctor finally smiled a genuine smile. “Of course, Little Celestia. Of course. No need to worry. I guarantee you'll see me again.”

And with that, the barn doors closed and with another round of screeching, it vanished.