• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 8,377 Views, 226 Comments

Of Princesses and Time Chargers - Shotoman

Celestia and the Doctor are friends!

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The Last Page


The Last Page

The Everfree Forest was always a fascinatingly dark and dangerous place, and tonight was no exception. It was only early evening, yet the darkness was nearly equal to midnight. Not that the Doctor minded. To him, the forest remained one of the most interesting places on the planet for that very reason. A cockatrice stood in his way, locking eyes with the alien pony. The Doctor simply smirked humorlessly and met its red eyed gaze with his own green eyes. "Not going to work on me, mate," he muttered.

The cockatrice began to back off. It wasn't just that its stare proved completely ineffective on its prey. There was something in his eyes that unnerved it. He wasn't openly aggressive or threatening, but the dispassionate look he tossed its way was even more unnerving than the Stare used by certain locals. After mere moments of shared eye contact, the creature slunk back into the foliage. The Doctor harrumphed cockily, brushed off his tweed jacket, readjusted his bow tie, and continued on to his destination.

Before long he reached the last leg of his journey, the bridge crossing the deep ravine that lay mere minutes from the ruins. The Doctor unhesitatingly walked across the rickety old bridge to the other side. Moments later, the Doctor arrived at the ruins that were formerly the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. He sat down before the entrance and just... sat there. He didn't exactly know why he came here. He wasn't even sure what year it actually was. His last jump was something of a blind one. The Doctor wasn't exactly at his best recently.

He reached into his jacket and slowly withdrew a page of paper. "Dear friend. Here we are; at the last page..." The Doctor couldn't continue to read without his vision blurring up. Damn it all, he thought in disgust. My previous life was nowhere near this sentimental, and he stayed in Ponyville off and on for over a decade just to be with her.

"This place was so beautiful once," a sudden voice spoke from behind. The Doctor turned and saw his Little Celestia standing there behind him, ever the same, ever constant, so unlike the Doctor himself.

Hastily stashing his paper back in his jacket, the Doctor turned to face his old friend, a fake as fake can be smile on his face. "What do you mean 'used to be'? All the history this place holds, all the history both good and bad, all that history comes together to make one amazingly beautiful whole. To say nothing of the personal memories I have of this place. No wonder I come here to think."

Celestia's calm smile was a bit teasing, yet sad. "And here I was hoping you were here for my benefit."

"For your...? Why would I have been here for your...? Wait, wait, give me a moment." The Doctor brought a foreleg up to his face to look at his backward wristwatch. Okay, so it was the year one thousand seventy four C.R. Third day of the fourth month. What was significant about that date, again? What was... Ooooh. The day after the funeral of... "Ah. Sorry about that. I really should have known. I've not exactly been my usual brilliant self as of late."

Celestia sat herself down next to her old friend, her own eyes a bit misty, but a kind and understanding smile on her face. "She was probably the best student I've ever had the pleasure of teaching. She's done so much, both for the kingdom as a whole and myself personally." She sighed and shot the Doctor a significant look. "It really is very difficult when they leave, isn't it?"

The Doctor scowled and looked away. "Let's not go there. Not today."

Celestia laid herself down and put her face at eye level with the much smaller stallion. "In all honesty, Doctor, I think we need to 'go there' tonight. The two of us, we're very much alike when it comes to these matters, I think. We both know, from day one, that the day will come..."

"When they leave us, yes!" The Doctor growled, a challenge in his eye as he gazed unflinchingly into hers. "As will the next ones. And the next! And the next! Well, I for one am sick of it!" He slumped in defeat. "It's just not fair."

Celestia unfurled one of her impressive wings and covered the Doctor with it comfortingly. "No, it is not," she agreed softly. "But it still is."

The Doctor let the tears fall freely now. Here, in the presence of quite possibly the one other being who truly understood--even more so than her sister, who had less experience, and was less mature--he was safe to do so. "Travel with me. Please?" he asked, almost pitiably.

Celestia had allowed a few tears to fall herself. "I think we both know the answer to that. I love you, Doctor. You really are my best friend in the world, and beyond. But my place is here." She tightened the hold she had on the ancient traveler in her wing. "But know this--I will always be here. Always."

The Doctor nodded numbly. "I suppose... for now... tonight... that's enough."

Off in the distance, a timberwolf howled as Luna rose a spectacular full moon. And here, two old friends sat together, and mourned together, and were comforted by the other's presence. Together.


"Lulu! Lulu, I'm home!" the little filly shouted as she ran into the castle.

The Doctor watched from the cover of the forest as she was practically tackled by a midnight blue filly and the two hugged and cried and laughed for a moment before entering the castle out of sight. He almost didn't notice the fair white mare with the golden hair and the straw hat approach from behind. "Well, now. Isn't that interesting," she said playfully.

"Oh, don't start, Romana," the Doctor groused. "I've already explained that when I met her in my previous regeneration, she already had memories of me. Not appearing would have caused all kinds of paradoxes."

"Don't give me that," Romana replied. "I've yet to meet a fellow Time Charger who disregards the Laws of Time like you do. You don't care one whit about paradoxes and the like. Why can't you just admit that maybe, just maybe you're looking for a friend? One of the lifelong variety?"

"I will admit nothing of the sort. Now come along. We mustn't stay in any one place for too long, you know. Never know when the Black Guardian might be on the lookout."

"And whose fault is that?" Romana asked as he led her down the path to where the TARDIS was patiently waiting. The Doctor barely heard her. He cast one last look at the castle before trotting down the path himself. Maybe he should take Romana to see Prance. Yes, Prance was always a good choice, even if he couldn't quite control the year. Prance it was, then.


A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR (that would be me):

So, there we go. The end of the story. And I'm sure some people will notice that I skipped right over Tennent, thus writing a Doctor Whooves story that doesn't actually have the Doctor Whooves background pony in it. That was so totally not the intention. I had a scene with Doctor #10 all planned out. It would have been at the Royal Wedding reception. There would have been talk about where the Doctor currently was in his life. There would have been a brief cameo of 11 "dancing." It was a good scene at the time.

But, when I sat down to actually write it, it felt... superfluous, trite, and unnecessary. Not exactly what you want to end the story on. And, for better or worse Angels Take Manhattan is still rather fresh in my mind, so this ending is what came to mind. Also, what that scene had to say about the Doctor's life at that point, as well as his current status with Celestia, were already said better and in more detail over at my other Doctor story A Storm of Chaos. If you're looking for a Tenth Doctor fix, head on over there. I'll be waiting.