• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,027 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Introductions and Memories

As I followed Celestia, Luna began to yawn before almost losing her grip around my neck before I quickly grabbed ahold of her before she could fall and placed her in my arms and carried her in my arms before she began to fall asleep in my arms as she began to snore.

Princess Celestia then looked at me before she said, “Corrin… it looks like my sister feels safe around you… how do you manage to do it?”

“I don’t know… I did have a younger sister… but…” I then stopped as I remembered that wherever she was, it wasn’t here.

“What do you mean by did?”

“I… She’s not around anymore.” I said quietly as I looked at Luna sleeping in my arms as I smiled before I whispered, “But Luna reminds me of her from when she was younger.”

“So my sister reminds you of her?”

“Yeah, but anyway, we don’t need to worry about that right now, my priority is getting you both home safely,” I said calmly.

“But where will you go after?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t know… probably wander, get lost, and die,” I admitted sadly.

Celestia then just looked at me before she whispered “We’ll see about that.”

I then looked back to Luna before I thought I’m so sorry Melissa, it looks like I may never get to see you again. I then looked to Celestia before I continued to follow her to wherever they lived.

As we reached the edge of the forest I looked to see that in front of me was a mostly basic stone bridge that on each of the pillars on both sides of the bridge had what looked to be torches on them. I then looked into the distance to see what looked to be a large castle that seemed to be built out of some sort of pink stone and had four large blue towers near the top of the castle.

I then looked to Celestia before I said “Well Princess, looks like you and your sister are home. Please be more careful in the future.” I then whispered to Luna “It’s time to wake up little one.”

Luna then replied groggily “Mum five more minutes,” which caused me to smile before I said “Princess… we’re home,”

Luna then woke up fully before she said “Oh? Thank you Corrin.”

“It’s no problem Princess,” I said as I put her down before I turned away from them.

I was then stopped as I felt someone grab my leg before I looked down to see Luna holding my leg before I said “Princess could you please let go of my leg?”

“Please don’t go.” Luna begged causing me to stop.

Celestia then looked to me before she said “Corrin… it looks like my sister has grown attached to you… we’ll talk to our Mother and Father and see if we can find some way for you to stay.”

I then looked at the two princesses before I said “I… I don’t know?”

Luna then looked up at me and just stared at me eyes wide with a quivering lip before she said “Please don’t go Corrin.”

God dammit. I thought before I said back “I’ll come and make sure you get back safely but I will not be able to stay here forever… I need to find a way home to my own family.”

Celestia then looked at me before she smiled and said “That is all I ask.”

Luna then smiled before she jumped onto my shoulders before she said “So you’ll stay around for a while?”

“I suppose so… but it will only be for a little while though.” I admitted before I followed Celestia towards the castle in the distance.

Meanwhile in the Palace, a young boy about the age of thirteen was seen browsing through the Palace’s library. He had a white vest with jeans, grey glasses over his eyes, and steel-blue hair. His name was Mirror Image. A young lad talented in the illusionary arts and the son of a Noble. Although he had no wish to be like his parents.

As he was browsing, he saw the Princesses walk by and saw something strange with them. Immediately he was on guard.

“Greetings Celestia and Luna!” He greeted. “Who might this be?”

“Oh Mirror, we didn’t see you there. You don’t need to worry about our friend here.” Luna said with a smile as she looked over towards him from Corrin’s back.

“Ah! My apologies sir,” Mirror’s Nobility lessons immediately took hold, “As you can see, my name is Mirror Image. I'm kind of like an older sibling to these two little ones here. I hope I didn't cause any offense to you?” He made sure to also give Corrin a sincere smile.

“It’s not a problem, I just found these two getting chased by some wolf like creatures in the forest and brought them back here… anyway I don’t plan on being here long but I couldn’t help sticking around when these two were so insistent,” Corrin replied.

Mirror Image could only sigh muttering “troublesome” under his breath. He swears that the two little adventurous Princesses would make his hair go completely grey one day! “I see. Well, I nonetheless thank you for saving them from those timberwolves. Their parents were quite worried.” He then gestured to a nearby room. “They're in there if you're looking for them Your Highnesses. Shall I escort you and your friend?”

“Actually Mirror I just want to stay here with Corrin for a bit,” Luna said with a smile whilst hugging his neck.

“I’ll talk with Mother and Father… I want to try sorting something with them.” Celestia replied calmly.

“Of course Princess Celestia!” Mirror said happily. “Please come with me. I'm sure that the King and Queen will be happy to see you safe and sound. But before I do that, might I ask your friend’s name at least?”

“Didn’t Luna just tell you it?” Corrin pointed out with a chuckle.

“Whoops!” Mirror blushed in embarrassment. “I tend to overlook things when going over my noblepony formalities.” He then sweatdropped slightly.

“No need to be formal with me, I’m not at all; also relax if you're worried, I have no ill intentions towards anyone here, so don’t worry.”

“Very well.” Mirror said with another sincere smile. “I'll let you be with Luna while I escort Princess Celestia. Have a good day Master Corrin.” He then left with Celestia in tow.

“He’s a bit of a character.” Corrin said with a smile.

“Yeah, Mirror’s a better stallion than his parents. He actually looks out for us instead of only wanting his title for power and status,” Luna admitted.

“Anyway… what are your parents names?” Corrin asked calmly.

“Oh! Thanks for reminding me Corrin!” Luna said with a giggle. “Our parent’s names are King Eclipse and Queen Eternity. They're really nice. I'm sure you'll like them! I'm also sure they'll like you too.”

“You say that, but I’m not exactly the safest looking guy… you know with the three swords.”

“Oh quit being such a worrywart!” Luna lightly admonished. “I'm sure Celly is working things out right now! Relax.”

“Maybe… maybe… If not… well, i’m gonna have a bad time,” Corrin admitted.

“Do you need a hug then to calm down Corrin?” Luna asked somewhat shyly.

“No. I’m fine Luna, don’t worry… just worried about the fact… actually it doesn’t matter.”

“Huh? Are you sure it's nothing? You're crying a bit.”

“You won’t think i’m crazy for what I’m about to say?” Corrin asked.

“Of course not! We’re best friends!”

“This wasn’t how I looked before I arrived here… I wasn’t well… the person you know… Corrin’s not even my real name… it’s why I asked what colour my eyes were… they were blue this morning,” Corrin admitted.

“Oh.” Luna wasn't expecting a response like that. Nonetheless, “It doesn't matter to me! I think you're still a good friend. Besides, if something DID happen, me and Celly would gladly help you out!” She then gave a reassuring smile to Corrin.

“Thanks… I guess I’m just worried for my own younger sister and brother.”

“Do we remind you of them or something?” Luna asked with a tilt of her head.

“I do not accept or deny that statement,” Corrin chuckled.

“Aww!” Luna pouted cutely. “You're no fun!” Nonetheless, she too laughed.

“Luna… you remind me of my sister when she was younger… like when I was carrying you back here… I had to carry my sister home a long time ago.”

“Really? She sounds like a nice younger sister. What was her name? If you don't want to say, that's fine.”

“It was Mellisa.”

Luna didn't say anything at first but then grinned widely. “That's a nice name!” She complimented.

“Thank you… It’s a shame she’s not here,” Corrin said as he began to frown.

“Don't frown Corrin.” Luna said sadly. “It doesn't suit you.” She then blushed a Little once she realized what she said. “I-I mean… It just doesn't look right… Eh heh.”

Corrin then smiled back before he rubbed her head and said “Don’t worry I’ll get over it… but now you know why I was hesitant to come here with you… I don’t want to get attached to you in case I lose you as well.”

“That's nice of you Corrin.” Luna said “But as long as mom and dad are here, I doubt anything bad will happen.”

“As I said, that's if they like me… eh it’ll be fine, if not I can run back into the forest and hide.”

It was then that Mirror Image interrupted their conversation by coughing slightly. “My my! I see you two are doing well together. Master Corrin, the King and Queen are ready to see you. Celestia is there as well.”

“...Wait… they want to see me?” Corrin said as he gulped.

“Why of course!” Mirror said with a small smile. “They want to thank you for saving their daughters and would like to invite you over for dinner to get to know you. What say you?”

“Well… I guess it would be wrong of me to decline that request… I guess I’m a bit nervous being near a king and queen.”

Mirror laughed slightly. “Believe me, I know. I was the same as you are right now. Just give them a chance. They won't cast judgement on you without good reason. And I'm sure this simple act will have them completely won over!”

“Let’s hope so,” Corrin replied with a smile before he said “Well… let's go.”

“Very well.” Mirror nodded now completely serious. “Please, do follow me.” He then led Corrin and Luna into a vast Throne Room filled with many beautiful designs of stars, mornings, and nights.

Corrin just looked around admiring the rooms interior before he looked forwards to see two people he didn’t recognise along with Celestia. The woman was very beautiful. She had flowing blue hair and hazel eyes. She wore a dress consisting of pink and blue. She smiled with a serene smile.

As for the other, he was a tall bearded man with a somewhat stern expression yet a kindness was in his eyes. He had black hair with a few greys mixed in and wore a dress robe over his body which was silver and gold. His eyes were a deep crimson.

Queen Eternity looked at Corrin with a small smile on her face. “Well hello there. I assume your Corrin whom our dear daughters Celestia and Luna spoke so highly of?”

“Yes... I am… but it wasn't anything that impressive; I was just in the right place at the right time.” Corrin admitted nervously.

Queen Eternity could only give off a small laugh that made Corrin blush. It was then that Eclipse began to speak.

“Mirror, would you mind enlightening Corrin about what season it is in the Everfree?”

“Of course sir.” Mirror Image said. “Master Corrin, what you don't know, is that it's currently Timberwolf Mating season; thus, the creatures are highly territorial this time of year. That's why they took offense (of a sort) when Celestia and Luna invaded their territory for lack of better term.”

“Ah… then I was unlucky or lucky for your daughters where I… woke up… when I got here.” Corrin admitted.

“Indeed you were.” King Eclipse said with a stern voice that seemingly radiated power. “Although I am curious as to why you were hesitant in part of your sentence there. Care to explain?” Eclipse said with a small scowl.

“Umm… that's a little difficult to explain.” Corrin replied trying to dodge the question.

“Now, now dear,” Eternity said to her husband. “You're scaring the boy. What my husband is saying is that he'd like to know exactly why you're so hesitant to share your history with us. So I ask, please enlighten us.”

“Because before today I wasn’t… well who you see here today… I wasn’t Corrin… I was a different person altogether.”

“Fascinating!” Mirror Image said. “Might you elaborate some more?” He asked while taking out a notebook. Although he blushed slightly when the King and Queen saw him in his “curious mode”.

“Well… I actually don’t understand it myself… I brought the weapons you see on me and this stone from a stall then woke up here… wherever here is… I know I sound crazy but it’s the truth.”

Queen Eternity hummed in thought and took a quick glance at her husband. He gave a small nod, and Eternity’s eyes glowed a light pinkish color. After a moment, they faded back to normal and she said, “Well, he's not lying that's for sure. What are your thoughts my dear husband?”

“Hmm…” Eclipse hummed to himself. “I personally think that he's still hiding things from us, but as long as he's not lying, I'm fine with having him dine with us.” He then looked to his daughters saying, “Far be it to get in the way of what my daughters want.” He chuckled lightly.

“Wait… what do your daughter want… if you don’t mind me asking?”

“It's simple!” Luna interrupted before Mirror could speak. “We want to have you as a permanent resident of Equestria until we can find a way back home for you!”

Mirror sighed. “In short terms, what Luna says is correct. I shall devote my studies to see if I can find any unique spells to help. After all, we ARE friends no?” He smiled.

Corrin then rubbed the back of his head before he said “I feel like i’ve just kicked a hornets nest here… but yeah I guess you're right… I suppose I just feel apprehensive of taking advantage of royalty.”

“Oh heavens no!” Eternity reassured. “We're always happy to help someone in need.” She then glanced to Luna and Celestia. “Especially if our daughters trust you so much, it's the least we can do.”

“Well then… I guess I’ll take you up on your offer… but I think there's two things I should say about me… one personal and one thing that you may dislike about my race.”

“Alright. What might that be?” Eternity asked nicely, although she felt she knew what it was.

“Well I sort of... well… I feel like Luna reminds me of my little sister for one… and second… my race… well let's just say… we're not exactly peaceful as such.” Corrin admitted slightly worried.

Before Eternity could speak, Eclipse spoke for her. “I can understand why our dear Lulu would remind you of your sister. As for your race being not as peaceful, we have a feeling you're different. If not…” He then glowed with an incredible power. “We’ll remedy that. Are we in agreement?”

“Y...Yes… sir… Completely.” Corrin stuttered.

Luna giggled while Celestia facepalmed slightly at their father’s intimidating attitude. Eternity gave a light smack on Eclipse’s shoulder and he rubbed it in soreness.

“Don't worry Corrin.” She said. “We will not be going THAT far. RIGHT dear?”

“Er-hem!” Eclipse coughed embarrassedly. “Yes of course dear.”

Corrin then looked away slightly before he smirked then seconds later regained his composure before he said “I’m also sorry if I keep getting nervous. Around… where I came from common people like me don’t often get to talk to royalty like this.”

“We understand dear.” Eternity said. “We'd most likely be the same in your position. Just like my husband was when he proposed.”

“Now honey! Why did you have to bring that up?!” Eclipse nearly shouted in embarrassment. He then had a cloud of despair (figuratively) over his head.

Corrin then smiled at the sight of the family before he began to frown at the thought of his family that may be thinking of him as dead right now.

Mirror Image noticed this and put a hand over Corrin’s shoulder. “Are you alright Master Corrin?” He asked.

“I’ll… i’ll be fine… just thinking… that’s all,” Corrin muttered.

“Very well.” Mirror said. “Anyway, I was going to ask if you'd like me to show you to your chambers?”

“Not like I have much to store,” Corrin chuckled.

Mirror couldn't help but crack a smile as he heard Corrin chuckle. “That is true to an extent!” He admitted. “But seeing as you'll be a resident here for awhile, I'm sure you'll find a few things that catch your eyes.”

“I guess you're right.”

“Well then, shall-”

“Wait Mirror!” Luna interrupted. “I wanna show him too!”

Celestia nodded in agreement with her sister. “And I as well please.”

Mirror sighed in exasperation. “Very well. I'll leave you two to do so. In the meantime, I'd better notify the chefs to begin cooking. I'll see you around Corrin.” Mirror then exited the chambers to fulfill his duties.

“Alright!” Luna shouted enthusiastically, “Let's go Corrin!”

“Of course… Princess.” Corrin replied with a smile.

Celestia was seen already waiting at the door, along with Luna catching up. Celestia decided to lead the way as her sister would often get lost every now and then. The three then went up a flight of stairs and arrived at a room two doors down the right. Celestia and Luna both turned around and said, “Here it is!”

They then opened the door with a key in their grasp. The room was quite spacey, yet not too big. It had an average sized bed, a desk for writing (it held a journal there too), a bathroom, and a lovely view of the city below. Overall, it was quite appealing to Corrin.

Celestia noticed Corrin’s expression and asked, “Is it to your liking Corrin?”

“This is more than to my liking… this is amazing… although I can’t imagine the others in the town may look at me in the same way.”

“That's understandable.” Celestia said. “That's why the windows are see through only to you. We thought you might get hesitant around others, so a quick spell on the windows fixed that. I made it myself!” Celestia explained proudly.

“Thank you… you know you had no need to do all this for me.”

“What can we say?” Celestia said with a smile. “You saved my sister, so I'm happy to have done all this! Right Lulu?” Luna looked to her sister and nodded happily in agreement.

“Although… how did you get all this done so quickly, you weren't gone that long when we got back.”

Celestia beamed. “Have you ever heard of a Time Displacement spell? It's how I was able to do all this. It allows me to stop time in a general area and let me unfreeze it in others. I simply stopped time in your general area (without you knowing of course) and did all this. Luna helped me too.”

“That's right. We knew mom and dad would say yes!” Luna added. “So we went along with it.”

Both then said simultaneously, “Welcome to Equestria Corrin!!!”

“Equestria eh… yeah… I really am not in my own world.”

Celestia held out a hand and Luna grudgingly put some bits in her sister’s hand. “Told ya.” She said to Luna.

“I thought he'd have a better reaction!” Luna pouted.

“Sorry girls… more thinking about the fact that I won’t be able to find a way i’m used to for me to contact my family… it’s not that i’m not happy, more I just… don’t know how to come to terms with my situation.”

Both Luna and Celestia had their ears down in sadness, understanding and also sympathetic to Corrin’s situation. It was then that Luna had an idea.

“I have an idea!” She said. “Sister Celly has been working on a Dimensional Warp Spell of sorts that can send letters to and from dimension to dimension! Maybe you could write a letter and we can see if it's sent?”

“Would it even be accurate… how would we even locate my actual universe?”

“I've that all figured out as well.” Celestia said. “All we need is something that ties you back to your home universe. Anything will do. As long as it's not organic or too big.”

“One problem… I have nothing from home everything I have changed when I got here...my armour was just cloth before and everything became real… I don’t think we have anything but memories.” Corrin admitted sadly.

Celestia was saddened that her spell wouldn't be able to work with Corrin. Nonetheless, she persisted, “Well, what about your memories? I can use a small spell to extract and copy them of your world. That could work?”

“If it could, I'm willing to try it.”

“Alright then!” Celestia said. “I just need to get a few things from my room. Then I can get the spell ready!” She then dashed off to her room, leaving Luna with Corrin.

“... I get a feeling this will not work… I can’t send them a letter.” Corrin muttered in realisation.

As Corrin mumbled to himself, Luna managed to hear the last part in his sentence thanks to her pony ears. It was then that she looked to Corrin and asked, “Wait what?” She said flabbergasted. “Why not Corrin? Why can't you send them one simple letter telling them you're ok?” Luna now believed Corrin was just making excuses, so she gave him a small, yet stern stare.

“Luna think of it this way, if your son was presumed dead and you got a random letter from someone saying it was him, what would your thoughts be?”

Luna was about to make a retort, but then closed it, realizing she couldn't. Come to think of it, Luna would think it was simply insane if that happened to her. She then put on a sad face and almost burst into tears seeing Corrin’s small, yet sad smile.

“I'm so sorry Corrin!” She cried. “I didn't think of it that way!” She then sniffles a Littel before sobbing.

“Luna, I never said I wasn’t sending a letter, I said I wasn’t sending it directly to them from me, I had a friend back home who could never lie to my family, he could pass them the letter and they would know it was the truth… plus the guy’s writing is a mess, they would know it wasn’t a forged letter that was posted to taunt and upset them.”

Luna then stopped sobbing as she listened to Corrin’s explanation. It made sense what he said, but still… “If that's so Corrin, what WILL you write to your friend to prove it’s you?” She then put on a curious expression.

“Well we were part of a community group a bit before this happened, his cousin and myself were close friends and I had to join him on a weekend’s activity with them, he kind of did something out of the view of the rest of the group that only me and him know of, if I wrote it he would know it’s the truth.”

“Oh! I see now!” Luna exclaimed. “So basically, to prove you're his friend and all, you gotta write down something honest that only you two know about right?”

“That’s the idea… well if your sister's spell works that is… wait… if she can send a letter that way why not send me that way?” Corrin asked.

“Well, Cely told me that this spell she created is only in it’s beginning stages. If she were to send something organic and something larger than a small, inanimate object, you could get torn apart in the dimensional hole.” Luna explained.

“Oh well, I guess it’s a starting point for Celestia if she shares the spell with Mirror if he’s looking into how to get me back.”

Luna giggled. “Yup! Good point there Corrin!” It was then that a knock sounded on the closed door and in came Celestia with a few items. One of them was a book, the others were some herbs, and the final item was a...telescope?

“Phew!” Celestia sighed wiping the sweat off her brow. “Sorry I took so long. They were out of herbs in the apothecary room, so I had to go forage for some.” Celestia explained.

“No worries, Celestia we have a change of plans, I’m not sending the letter directly to my family, i’m sending it to a trusted friend first.”

At first, Celestia was slightly disappointed, but still, this would be a good chance to still test her spell out! Just not in the way previously thought of.

“Think of it this way as well, you get to see my real name, he won’t recognise my new name will he,” Corrin pointed out with a smile.

At this, Celestia grinned and nodded. She then said, “Ok! Let's get started!” She then opened the book which was revealed to actually be a spellbook. She recited some strange words, and tore off a piece of the paper and crumpled it into a bowl. She then got out the telescope and set it up. She then turned to Corrin.

“Corrin? I'll need a small amount of your blood if that's ok. It's how the ritual works. Hope you don't mind.” She asked shyly.

“Celestia… If I am ever going to find a way home I need to trust those who understand how magic works on a larger scale than my tome, and right now, I trust you both with my life, just like you both trusted me earlier” Corrin admitted.

Both Luna and Celestia smiled while blushing and nodded. Celestia held out a small vial and gave it to Corrin to hold while she extracted a small amount of his blood. It stung a little to Corrin, but after about ten seconds, it was over and the vial was filled up.

Celestia then poured a tiny amount of the blood in the bowl when Corrin handed her back the vial. Finally, she lit a small fire, and boiled them all together. The potion then swirled and created a mirror-like image. “Ok! Now we just use the Magiscope (the telescope) to view your memories and copy them to here. Once that's done, we can easily send the letter through. Although I don't want to intrude too much in your memories Corrin. Please pick some out if you wish.”

“It’s no problem,” Corrin responded “You mean my memories right?”

“Yep!” Celestia said. “All you have to do is hold the Magiscope to your eye and choose the memory to replicate. It's pretty simple!”

“Will you two see the memory… I swore to him that I wouldn’t reveal our secret to anyone.”

“Of course not.” Celestia said. “The Magiscope has a locking mechanism that allows you to convert the memory to a restricted one so others can't see it. Only you.” She explained.

“Okay then, let's do this,” Corrin said as he rubbed his hands together and looked through the telescope as he saw a quick flash that caused him to blink in reflex to it. He then looked back to Celestia before he said “Okay that should have worked… right?”

“Yup!” Celestia said. “You better press that little red button to lock it though if it's private. It's on the side there.”

“...No take a look first, It’s not the memory I want to keep secret, It’s just one of the nights we had at The Brigade.”

“Ok.” Celestia said. She then looked into the memory and what she saw fascinated her. She could see quite a sight. She decided to look more later though so she wasn't distracted at the moment. She then took the bottom lens and put it into the bowl as the spell swirled once more creating an exact image of Corrin’s world. The spell was a success!

“Ok then, Corrin, all you have to do is write down what you need to do and send it through that portal. Simple and easy peasy!” Celestia said.

“Okay then,” Corrin replied before he asked “Umm… do you have anything for me to write it on?”

Celestia blushed. “Whoops! Luna could you-?”

“Uh-huh!” Luna said and summoned a piece of parchment with an envelope thanks to her magic. “Here ya go Corrin!”

Corrin then smiled as the parchment flew into his hands as he said “You know girls… when it’s just us… call me by my old name… Liam, Liam Allet.” Corrin told them calmly.

Luna and Celestia nodded their approval and smiled happily that Corrin/Liam would trust them with such an important secret.

“We shall honor your wish...Liam!” Celestia and Luna said happily.

“Just keep my name to yourselves, I’d rather not have that name be common knowledge, I told you both because I see you as more than just royalty… I see you more as an adopted family… for as long as i’m here.”

Celestia and Luna couldn't hold back anymore and both gave him a big hug. Celestia then asked, “Well...shall we get to sending that letter?”

“Right… sorry, got caught in the moment,” Corrin chuckled as he began to write,

Craig, if you are reading this, then I need you to pass this on to my family, of course I know you won’t believe a sheet of paper… after all I most likely am seen as missing or dead by now, but if you need proof this should suffice. When we were on the camping trip with The Brigade, you walked into a bog and got stuck up to your neck in a bog, it was only me and you there and I had to get you out… only two people know of that event, me and you.

I need you to pass this second letter to my family.

If you wish to know my fate yourself please read the second letter.

Thank you Liam

Corrin then looked to Luna before he asked “Could you pass me another piece of parchment please?”

Luna nodded and proceeded to do so, summoning a stack full just in case he might need it again in the future. “Here you go Corrin! There's extra too just in case.”

“Thank you,” Corrin replied as he grabbed another piece of paper and continued to write,

Dear, Mom Dad Mellisa and Morgan,

If you are reading this then Craig has managed what was asked of him. First of all I would like to tell you that this letter is not a prank or scam to upset you, but that this letter is genuine and written by me.

I am trying to find a way home, I do not seem to be in any location that is seen on any map of the world and it seems that there are none of the traditional methods of transport that I would be able to use to get home.

However, do not worry, I have found a group of people that live here who are looking for a way to get me home as we speak, and they have promised me that they will find me a way back.

You will need to just wait on me to find a way back. Do not worry.

Your son or brother, Liam.

Corrin then carefully folded the letters up as he passed them to Celestia before he said “Would you do the honours?”

“Of course!” Celestia happily replied. She then grabbed the two letters and dropped them into the portal. The letters then sunk in, hopefully reaching their intended destination. “There we go Corrin! All done.” Celestia said as the portal deactivated and turned into nothingness.

Corrin then smiled to the sisters before he said “Thank you for helping me to do that, it’s a lot off my mind to know that they will know I’m alive and well.” He then smiled before he said “I’d imagine whatever the cooks have made will be ready soon… would you mind showing me to the Dining room?”

Celestia and Luna nodded. They then each grabbed one of Corrin’s hands, and with a giggle, lead him away.