• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,030 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

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Chapter 7 - Draconequus and Changelings Oh My!

It was a peaceful day in Draconequus Village. The birds were chirping and the wind was very soothing to the inhabitants. However, this was only the calm before the storm…

While the peaceful village was surrounded by innocence and naïveté, nearby, a group of Invisible Soldiers and Changelings awaited.

Consisting of Warriors, Berserkers, and Strategists for the Nohrians, and Soldiers, along with Sentries, and Gatherers for the Changelings, everything was set.

Chrysalis approached them all as she was designated as the leader to prove her loyalties to the crown of Nohr. She strode in with perfect confidence as another Changeling shadowed her.

This Changeling was Shiroe. He had glasses and a tactician’s outfit along with a Tome and blade and on his person along with a strange staff if some kind.

Chrysalis then looked to her army and said, “My Hive! Today is a momentous day! Today we take this village in the name of Nohr. Once that is accomplished, we shall join Xero and his armada to have all the Love we need to survive! Are you ready?”

“HAIL QUEEN CHRYSALIS OF THE HIVE!” All the Changelings shouted in unison. They then slowly, but surely headed over to Draconequus Village to begin the massacre.

“Shiroe…” Chrysalis said to her son.

“Yes, mother?” He said back in an emotionless tone.

“You're to lead the sentries to the mayor of this village and kill him. After that, report back to me and we’ll begin phase two. Understood?”

“Yes,” Shiroe said, his glasses glinting in the sunlight giving off a creepy vibe as he pushed them up lightly with his hand.

Discord was having a fun day. He recently caught a couple butterflies in the fields and was heading off to show his parents. It was then he saw something not usual in this village. It was none other than fire…

‘What's going on?!’ He thought. ‘No! Mom! And Dad!’ He then quickly rushed off as fast as his legs (and magic) could take him.

There, upon arrival, he saw many houses aflame and death everywhere. He could barely hold in his lunch and threw up. After recovering, he saw a glasses wearing man heading towards his house…

He immediately confronted him and said, “WHO ARE YOU! What have you done to my village?!”

“Nothing. All we are doing is for the best of the Hive…” he then raised his blade while Discord could only scream in helplessness.

“HELP MEEEE!” his eyes closed as he waited only for nothing to happen before he heard a voice say, “You okay, don’t worry I'll protect you.”

Discord looked up and saw an amazing sight. There, in front of him, was a young man with draconic features and holding a blade stopping the man with glasses, although it showed he was struggling.

Moments Earlier…

Corrin and the others were in a good mood. After enjoying a small picnic, they were almost there to Draconequus Village. However, the good moment was ruined when Corrina smelled something burning and said to Corrin, “Corrin? Do you smell that?”

“Corrina… I hate to say it… but I remember that smell… it’s the same smell that we had during our attack… and that means.”

Corrina gasped, getting at what Corrin was trying to say. “You mean...the village?!” She exclaimed in worry.

“Is under attack,” Corrin said as he suddenly began to run off reaching for one of his swords as he moved.

At first, there was silence until Luna said, “What are we waiting for?! Let's help Big Bro!” Everyone nodded and immediately followed after Corrin and Luna.


As soon as Corrin reached the town he looked around as his fists clenched in anger at the scene around him, the village looked almost exactly like the Everfree Castle had been the day before, he then looked ahead of him as he saw a figure in a white cloak standing over a young Draconequus with a small cage filled with butterflies in his hands. He was wearing brown trousers with a green shirt and red coat. He was slightly tall for a young guy and had yellow irises with red slits for pupils. He had horns and many weird appendages for arms and legs. The final part was a lone tooth sticking out of his mouth.

He suddenly began to see the cloaked figure beginning to raise his sword which caused Corrin to charge towards them already predicting what was about to happen as he intercepted the strike seconds before the sword struck the child, his sword barely holding the blow back.

It was then that Corrina along with Luna and Gunter appeared. The cloaked figure could only mutter a curse as Corrina slashed at him. Before it could hit, the figure teleported out of the way and said, “This was NOT part of the plan...I'll have to warn Mother…” he then disappeared in a flash of green flames.

“Is everything okay Corrin?” Corrina asked. “And who's this kid?”

“I don’t know… that guy was about to kill him before I arrived,” Corrin said calmly before he asked, “Are you okay little one.”

The Draconequus could only nod in awe, but then said, “I’m okay...but I don't know about everyone else…”

Gunter scanned the area and then said, “Hmm...it appears those green flames are familiar. This is obviously the doing of the Changelings. Yet I wonder why? Changelings usually aren't this hostile...or coordinated for that matter.”

It was faint, but the group heard a nearby rustling in the bushes. Corrina raised her blade in an intimidating manner and said, “Halt. Who goes there?!”

Seconds later two Changelings walked out of the bushes, both with their hands above their heads before one of them said “We mean you no harm I swear… we’re not with the others.”

“And how do we know we can trust you?” Gunter said with spear raised.

The other Changeling then said, “You can't, but we can prove we’re not enemies if we help right? My name’s Thorax. And this is Princess Akatsuki of the Changeling Hive. Should I say former Princess though.”

Corrin’s eyes then slowly shifted before he said “If you're a princess why would you not be helping the others that just massacred this village… and how can I even know what you claim is true?”

It was then that the young Draconequus spoke. “Wait...Princess Akatsuki? As in the daughter of Chrysalis?” He asked.

“What do you mean by that… Luna, do you know what he means?”

“Yes,” Luna replied. “Apparently, Chrysalis was a former friend of mother and father, and she sided two heirs. Shiroe and Akatsuki. Me and Celestia both met them when we were young. But wait...was that Shiroe we saw earlier then?” She wondered the last part aloud to herself.

Corrin then sighed before he said “I owe you an apology Princess, we’ve not had it great the last few days… I guess I’d better tell you my name. I’m Corrin… the new King of Equestria.”

“Wait…” Thorax interrupted. “New King? Does that mean something happened to the current King and Queen?”

“Well… yes… yesterday we too were attacked. During that time they were both killed by soldiers… only around one hundred people including me, Luna and Celestia survived the attack.”

“Whoa…” the Draconequus uttered. Everyone then looked at him and he remembered he still had to introduce himself. “Um...my name's Discord. Nice to meet you.” He bowed.

“So should we let them come with us Corrin?” Corrina asked.

“We have no choice, we can’t leave any of them by themselves… I think we should take them back to the Astral Plane then get moving again.”

“But what about my village?” Discord asked. “There might be a few survivors!” He pleaded.

Corrin then took a breath before he said “Discord… we’ll look, but if the same as what happened to us happened here… there may not be anyone left… we were a large city and we only escaped with one hundred survivors and almost all of them were on the brink of death each time… we’ll look but I don’t know how many will still be alive.”

Discord looked down in sadness, but Corrina comforted him with a small hug and smile. “Don't worry,” she said, “We’ll help you alright? Don't cry.” Discord nodded.

Akatsuki then said “I’ll begin the search and clear out any remaining soldiers… also… with your approval I would like to join your army not as a Princess, but as a normal soldier… if anything… your personal bodyguard King Corrin,” as she lowered herself onto one knee her head bowed.

“And don't forget me!” Thorax said. “Even if Akatsuki is a simple soldier, I'll be both yours and her bodyguard!” He said while thumping his hand on his chest with a smile.

“What say you Corrin?” Gunter asked. “Shall we let them join?”

“...Like we have a choice… they're like us, refugees. And we need all the help we can get to get our community surviving again.”

“Aptly put milord.” Gunter nodded in approval.

“Well, let's get searching for any survivors… we may get lucky.” Corrin said calmly.

“I’ll start searching at once my lord,” Akatsuki said before she disappeared and began to look around for anyone who survived the attack.

Corrina then let go of Discord and looked to Corrin. She then said, “What if there are any Changelings nearby that are not allied with us? What should we do then?”

“If their not allied with the attackers see if they will join us… if not… I guess we need to deal with them… or capture them if possible.”

Corrina put a finger on her chin in thought. She then gasped and said, “We have a prison in the Astral Plane. We could use that. What do you think Corrin?”

“That seems like a good idea,” Corrin replied with a smile before he turned to Discord and asked, “If anyone hid when the attack began, where would they go?”

Discord thought for a moment before saying, “They'd probably go to the underground shelter. Problem is, that Changelings like these live and fester underground.”

“Then let’s hope they haven't found it yet,” Corrin remarked before he saw one lone Draconequus who had the head of a wolf, a deer antler on the left, a ox horn of the right, two bat like fangs, blue eyes with yellow pupils, but unlike Discord did not have a mane of any kind. The rest of her body consisted of the left paw of a lioness, the right talon of an eagle, the right leg of a dragon and the left leg that looked almost like a human, she also had two white bat like wings, and a dragon's tail that had a black tuft of hair at the end of it hobbling towards them before she collapsed onto the ground holding her shoulder red blood visibly dripping from under her paw while sh wincing in pain.

Discord immediately recognised her and cried out to her. “Auntie Chaoma!” He then rushed to her side, but was intercepted by three Changelings along with some Invisible Soldiers; ninja mainly.

Chaoma then looked towards Discord before she shouted “Discord… run! Get out of here while you still can!”

Corrina immediately turned to Corrin and said frantically, “We have to help!”

Corrin then smiled before he reached for a bright yellow tome at his side and said “Already ahead of you,” before he opened it as a what looked to be a bright yellow hammer appeared above the soldiers before it began to strike them with lightning. Corrin then looked towards the group before he said “You will leave these people alone… you can either leave with your lives, defect to our side or die by our swords… the choice is yours.”

Two out of the three Changelings immediately surrendered and left their weapons behind as they ran away. However, one Changeling wouldn't budge. “I dutifully serve Queen Chrysalis! If you really want me to surrender, beat me with weapons, not mere words!” He shouted.

“My lord has no need to waste his sword on you,” Akatsuki's voice said as her sword crossed over the Changeling’s neck before he noticed that all the invisible soldiers were already dead on the ground, one large slash along their throats.

“Do you really think I'm intimidated by you traitor? I'm one of Queen Chrysalis’ elite guards!” He then suddenly began to glow with power and it pushed everyone back since it was so dense. He then transformed into a mutant humanoid bug creature. “I challenge the girl for my survival!” He said pointing at Corrina. “Should she defeat me, I'll surrender peacefully. If not…” he then trailed off with a warning.

“I will not allow any of my people to fight a creature who would assist in cold-heartedly massacring this village for no reason… no, your fight is with me.”

“Then die little prince!” He said, the words making Corrin unnerved slightly.

The Elite Guard punched the ground in front of him and a small yet powerful tremor separated everyone else from the two. “Come little prince. Fight me where none shall interrupt us!”

Akatsuki then jumped in front of them before she said “No… my king… I will deal with this misguided fool… you have no need to waste your time with him.”

“You dare interfere traitor?!”

“I dare… I am no traitor… your queen is only leading you all into a life of slavery… these people could have helped us survive… and she ordered a massacre… what was even the point to prove you could kill for no reason… no, you are my mess to clean up, not my king’s.”

“I'm going to enjoy this little princess…Allow me to introduce myself. I am Krang! Now begone!” He then rushed at Akatsuki, now beginning the battle.

He threw a punch and Akatsuki barely dodged it. She knew immediately something was wrong. No Changeling Elite was this fast! “What did she do! No single Elite is this fast or strong, especially when starved!”

“I will never tell you unless you beat me, little girl!” He then shot a beam of dense energy at her.

She only barely dodged the attack before she said “You really are a fool for thinking you could defeat me… there’s a reason I left and I will not let one fool stop me!” she then disappeared in a purple flash of light.

Krang was confused as to where she went but immediately sensed something coming at him, he then braced himself; the attack doing little damage.

One word was then shouted out “Assassination!” before he felt something tear into his legs causing him to suddenly fall forwards losing feeling in them.

“Grrrr….what...have you done to me, wretch?!” He growled in pain.

“I’ve taken you down… you will surrender and come with us for questioning… you will not be going back to my mother.”

“Heh. Fine. You beat me for now little princess, but know this...I'm only the first of many Elites out there…” Krang said whilst smirking evilly.

“I am not a Princess anymore… I don’t have that title… I am only the King’s guard, nothing more.” Akatsuki said actually proud of the fact.

“Guard or not...you would've made a fine addition for our true King…” Krang said before falling unconscious.

“True king… more like a slave master,” She spat before picking up the Elite’s body tossing it over her shoulders.

It was then that hoof steps were heard and Gunter came riding in. “My lord. I've news.” He said.

“What’s happened, Gunter?” Corrin asked as he gestured to Discord and Luna to help Chaoma.

“Nothing too major, but I believe I've found the location of where the underground bunker is. I've taken care of all the enemies there and a few survivors are waiting for us to see what to do next.” Gunter reported.

“They survived down there… I can’t believe it, I’m glad,” Chaoma coughed out weakly, barely alive.

“Well, I believe it was thanks to their magic milady,” Gunter said bowing politely to her. “Would you like me to get some first aid?”

“I doubt that will be enough,” she murmured looking to Discord sadly.

Discord caught her look and asked, “Wh-what do you mean Auntie Chaoma?”

“Discord… I’m sorry… I think I’ve not got much longer left.”

“B-but you always cared for me! Please don't die!” Discord wailed. “Please don't go like mother did…” he sobbed at this even more.

Corrin then looked to Luna before he said “Do you think you could you stabilise her till we can get her to the Astral Plane?”

“You know it big brother!” Luna winked. She then held up a Mend staff and said, “Heal!” The staff did its work and Chaoma was now slightly healed and fully stabilized. “She’ll need further treatment back home though, or she really will die.” Luna reported.

Before Corrin could say anything, Discord hugged both him and Luna while he constantly sobbed out thank you’s.

“There, there little one… don’t worry, you're both safe now… she’ll be fine.” Corrin said in a calm tone; a smile on his face.

Corrina then approached Chaoma’s unconscious body and said, “I'll help her back for now. Is that okay?”

“That would be great Corrina… Discord… would you like to go back with them or let the others know you’re alive?”

Discord pondered on what to do but then made his decision. “I'd like to go with Lady Corrina and Auntie Chaoma!”

“Okay then… when you get back, talk to my sister and she’ll see about finding you both a place to stay… she’ll also introduce you to the others who survived from the Everfree.”

“Th-thank you so, so much my king!” Discord said with a small smile. He then turned to Corrina and all three left to the Astral Plane gate.

“My Lord… I’ll take this one to the prison as well… Thorax think you could look after our King till I return?” Akatsuki requested.

“Of course Akatsuki! Anything for a friend!” Thorax smiled with a slight cheer.

“Oh and I better grab those that tried to run away,” Akatsuki said as she reappeared dragging two unconscious Changelings behind her as she walked through the portal behind Corrina.

Corrin simply smiled back before looking at Gunter as he said “Could you take us to the others who survived."

“Of course milord,” Gunter said giving a small nod in confirmation. “Please follow me.” Gunter then led the group past a small amount of burnt wreckage and through a small thicket of woods, only to reach a tunnel. “Allow me to let them know it's me milord.”

Gunter then approached the tunnel and put his hand on seemingly thin air, only to reveal a barrier. He then inscribed some weird sigils on the barrier door and it suddenly vanished. “The way is clear now Lord Corrin,” Gunter reported with a smile.

“Maybe you should be the one to tell them who I am… they may be more open to a familiar face instead of someone who has no proof of who he is.”

“Very well,” Gunter said. “Give me a moment and I'll be right back.” Gunter then entered, leaving Corrin and Thorax behind.

“Very well… take your time.” Corrin replied calmly.

To break the silence, Thorax commented, “You have a loyal knight Corrin. I wish I was like that sometimes.”

“What makes you think you’re not?”

Thorax hesitated at this and then replied, “To be honest, I haven't told even Akatsuki this, but I like her. But to be a loyal knight like Gunter, I just wouldn't be fit for it. I don't have much to offer. No strength or armor.”

“Everyone has something to offer… it may not be brawn… but all armies need someone who can lead, someone who wants to protect others… just having power doesn’t assure victory in a battle.”

“Hmm...I suppose you're right. Thanks, Corrin.” Thorax smiled gratefully.

“Don’t worry about it buddy.”

After a couple more minutes talking, Thorax and Corrin were interrupted by multiple footsteps heading their way. And lo and behold, Gunter came out with at least a dozen Draconequus behind him.

“These are the remaining survivors Corrin. Not much I know, but they were the only ones that I saw survived.”

“Any survivors are better than none… this loss of life is pointless, these people are not even soldiers.”

“True milord, but where there is light, there will always be a darkness of sorts,” Gunter replied sadly.

“You’ve had experience on both sides haven't you,” Corrin joked.

Gunter laughed half-heartedly. “Perhaps I have, perhaps not milord!” He said. “Honestly, it’s best not to dwell on all this gloom.”

“I guess you're right… anyway… do you know who leads these survivors?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I was getting to that,” Gunter said with a slight cough. “Introducing the mayor of Draconequus Village; Salazar.” Gunter then stepped aside to reveal a somewhat regal, yet charismatic Draconequus wearing a suit and holding a cane.

Corrin then smiled to the Draconequus before he said “I’m glad to see you and your people are okay.”

“Thank you, my boy, if only more of my people were spared, but alas, we must take what we can get,” Salazar said.

“Two more have survived… a young boy named Discord and another named Chaoma,” Corrin admitted with a smile

“Oh thank heavens!” Salazar said with relief. “I had thought those two lost to us when I didn't see them among us.”

“They almost were, Chaoma has been taken to our community for some medical treatment… she should be fine, and Discord went with them. We would be happy for you all to come with us… if you are fine with that.”

Salazar pondered for a bit on what to do before asking, “And we need not participate in this war if we wish not to?”

“Not at all, the people we have are all survivors from the attack on the Everfree Castle yesterday… around one hundred of us including me and both princesses… the King and Queen didn’t make it.”

“I see,” Salazar said with a small forlorn look about him. “In that case, we'd be happy for your generous hospitality.” He said while smiling at Corrin. “Thank you my King.”

“I’m still finding that weird to hear… I don’t think it will ever grow on me.”

At this, everyone had a small laugh. It was then a lone Draconequus with a garb consisting of a cloak and hood walked up to Corrin and bowed. “My name is Draecoza my lord, and I wish to join your forces.” He said.

Corrin looked at him in surprise before he said “Are you sure about this… I wouldn’t want to make you feel like you have to”

Draecoza clenched his fist and replied, “No. I wish to join not for mere revenge or honour, but to help grow stronger to protect my comrades.” He said.

Corrin then smiled before he said “Well if you're sure, I’m sure none of us will have any objections to you joining,” as he placed a hand out to Draecoza.

Draecoza gratefully accepted it and as he did, a portal opened behind Corrin, Corrina and Akatsuki coming out.

Corrina then said, “Corrina and Akatsuki reporting for duty Corrin!” She said with a smile.

“Glad to see you both came back for us,” Corrin chuckled as he looked at them.

“I said I would protect you my lord and that is what I plan to do,” Akatsuki said calmly.

“And don't forget me, Corrin. We promised to have each other’s backs always!” Corrina said.

“That you did… anyway, I believe you should meet Draecoza, he wishes to fight alongside us.”

“Any help is appreciated,” Akatsuki admitted with a bow.

“I can help train him in the Arena!” Corrina said with a small glint in her eyes.

“If it's to become stronger, I'll do what I must,” Draecoza said.

“Anyway,” Corrina said, “Ready to head back Corrin?”

“I guess,” Corrin replied before he was cut off as Akatsuki jumped in front of him causing him to turn around to see a small group of Changelings behind him, their heads bowed and weapons on the ground.

Corrina and Gunter drew their weapons in surprise. “What's going on?” Gunter questioned.

One single Changeling quickly put their arms up before he said “Wait! We don’t want to fight you… I just came to protect lady Akatsuki as was my job… and my forces chose to follow me.”

“I see…” Gunter said. “And milord’s decision?”

“Akatsuki… is what he said true?”

“Yes, he was my bodyguard… and also a damn stalker… to my annoyance.” Akatsuki said with a grunt. Said bodyguard looked immediately sheepish at this.

“Akatsuki… I was just following your mother's orders… although…”

“Naotsugu If you mention those damn panties, I will kick you in the head!” Akatsuki shouted in anger.

Gunter merely sweatdropped along with Corrin and Corrina. Thorax, however was fighting the urge to blush.

Naotsugu simply shook his hands before he said “I wasn’t thinking of that I swear… I meant that your mother was a bit… overbearing, oh and Shiroe knows you’ve betrayed the hive… he’s not happy about it.”

“Then let the traitor throw a tantrum, why should I care?”

Corrin then stepped up to them before he said “Ladies, handbags away.”

Thorax, breaking out of his stupor said, “Yea! We need to focus on the main thing here; the enemy!”

“Doe's the big oaf still count as one,” Akatsuki asked.

“No… if he’s seriously left the hive like you… he is allowed to come with us.”

“Seriously… you’re allowing me to join up?”

“But… if you ever start stalking my sisters, I will make you wish I’d killed you.”

“I understand Sir… completely… don’t do anything to anyone,” Naotsugu stuttered.

Corrina then said, “Well now, if everything is settled, let's get going!”

“Okay, everyone, through the portal. It will take us to our village where you can rest and get your energy back.”

“As long as the food’s good I don’t care,” Naotsugu shouted as he ran through the portal along with his men who grabbed their weapons as they went.

Draecoza followed, muttering something about “Having to cook up a feast for the greedy Changelings”

“Ugh… please tell me you’re not serious about allowing Naotsugu into the town my lord.”

“I am… we need all the help we can get Akatsuki… even a pervert like him.”

“Just put him on the frontlines… his fat ass could shield us all.” Akatsuki chuckled.

Corrina patted Akatsuki’s shoulder and said, “No worries. You can bunk with me. I've got a secure place away from ANY prying eyes!” She smiled.

“I’d like that…. No offence to you Thorax.”

“None taken Akatsuki!” Thorax said smiling.

“Well then, shall we all get out of here?” Corrin asked Salazar and the other Draconequus, a large majority of which looked to be children nodded and then headed through the portal.

“Okay then, shall we get going before this Shiroe comes back again?” Corrin asked as he walked towards the portal.

“Yes my lord… I have no desire to face him yet.” Akatsuki said as she walked through the portal shortly followed by the rest of the group.

Little did they know... Shiroe was watching the whole time, disguised as a tree. ‘So that's how it is sister...so be it!’ He thought angrily as his glasses flashed dangerously.