• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 4,475 Views, 214 Comments

The Crystal Prep Files - FoxMcCloud7921

Taking place during and after the events of "Legend of Everfree", the girls from Crystal Prep become aware of magical oddities taking place at and near their school.

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Chapter 12

Sunset was pacing slightly down in Twilight’s basement after reading the diary excerpts. “Well, everything I’ve read points to Equestrian magic…but the real question is not just how, but when?”

“For all we know, it could’ve been buried for hundreds of years, but why?” Twilight asked.

“If Starswirl the Bearded were still alive, I would ask him,” Sunset replied. “But I’m not even sure he would know the answer…”

“Starswirl?” Twilight asked.

“The greatest pony wizard of all Equestria,” Sunset explained. “He’s like…I don’t know who do you consider the greatest wizard of all time here?”

“It’s kind of debatable; some say Merlin, some say Gandalf.”

“You get the picture then,” Sunset said as she pinched the bridge of her nose in thought. “Sombra was a master of manipulation. He could trick the mind into illusions, get into your head. None of the stories end well.”

“But…didn’t you say he’s dead?” Twilight asked.

“That’s what I’m told…but maybe this crystal was some sort of…relic he had. As for how it got here, who knows? There is no limit to dark magic…”

“Just to be sure, is this the same kind of-”

“No.” Sunset quickly interrupted her. “Oh no. The power you-er I mean Midnight Sparkle had doesn’t even compare to him. It’s the kind of magic that scars you internally, it changes you and Sombra was living proof of that.”

“Okay, so if we somehow destroy it, it’ll fix everything?” Twilight hoped.

“Well…honestly I don’t know. I don’t know how we can fix the damage if it keeps worsening.” Sunset sighed as she sat in one of the chairs. “I don’t even want to think of what could happen…”

“It’s my fault isn’t it?” Twilight sighed sadly. “I know I wasn’t in control but…it was my actions that caused this?”

“If we’re going to start blaming ourselves, then it was my fault for stealing that stupid crown in the first place,” Sunset with a grim smile. “Alright, time to change the subject. Have you talked to Timber recently?”

“Wow that was…a complete 180,” Twilight giggled slightly. “Well he’s been…busy with camp stuff lately.”

“Oh yeah? No planned dates coming up?”

Twilight made a dismissive wave with her hand. “What about you? I heard Flash asked you out again.”

“He didn’t-” Sunset stopped as she felt herself blushing slightly. “We’re just friends right now…we kinda had to make our way back to that first.”

“Ooh now who’s getting flustered?” Twilight cooed slightly.

Sunset smirked. “Touché…I guess maybe when this is all over we’ll try to hang out…no dates of course.”

“Well if you two ever do…well, get together again, we could always double date,” Twilight suggested.

“I can’t believe I’m getting outdone by the smart shy girl,” Sunset grinned as Twilight threw a notebook at her.

As night approached, all was calm in downtown Canterlot; everything seemed normal. But for one, she was not fooled. A woman stood at the top of the highest skyscraper and looked upon the city sadly. She wore a cloak that hid her face and her light grayish arctic blue hair.

She had read all the signs and yet she was still too late to stop everything. But she wouldn’t give up just yet. In reality, she wasn’t supposed to be in this world but she didn’t take orders from any of the princesses. None of them knew what she knew.

She was curious about the one named Sunset Shimmer, the only other girl in this world like her. Part of her felt as if she had to help the girl, but for now she would stay in the shadows and wait to see what would happen. She turned around and once she was in the shadow of the building she disappeared completely.

Friday came around and a somewhat relieved Sunny decided to sleep in til about ten o’clock. She had about eight hours til party time so she was left on her own. After eating breakfast, she spent a few hours watching movies while Russell curled up next to her.

Luckily there weren’t any alarming reports on the local news channel. Now that she thought about it, nothing was ever said about the incident at Crystal Prep. Guess Cinch still wanted to keep her reputation intact.

The thought still hadn’t left her, the risk of being expelled. Actually, it wasn’t all bad. Yesterday only confirmed the fact that Cinch was hiding something. But was it just her? Could the building of Crystal Prep Academy have been one giant cover up by the entire city? It seemed ludicrous, but then again a lot of what she had experienced in the last month had been ludicrous as well.

It didn’t matter now. Now, she had to worry about getting that key card, their golden ticket into Crystal Prep. All she had to worry about, other than utterly obnoxious Blueblood, was about a few dozen other students who would be drinking their worries away.

Not her. Other than the occasional glass of wine or champagne, Sunny stayed away from alcohol. She couldn’t say the same about her friends however…

It then occurred to her that despite their little shopping trip yesterday, the girls forgot to ask Twilight if she wanted to join. She felt a little guilty admitting that she, and probably the other girls, weren’t used to having Twilight as a friend. She’d have to change that.

Sunny found Twilight’s number and called her. She picked up on the second ring. “Hello?”

“Hey, you got something to wear for tonight? It’s not casual you know.”

“Oh um…let me check.” It was quiet for a few moments. “Yeah, I think this’ll do.”

“How old is it?”

“Huh?” Apparently the question caught her off guard.

“When did you buy the outfit?”

“Oh…like a couple years ago?”

That settled it. “I’m heading over right now.”

“Wait what?”

“To your house. We’re going to get you something new.”

“Sunny that’s not-”

“I’m asking as a friend…besides it’ll be quality bonding time right?”

“Well…alright…I just need to take a shower first.”

“Then I’ll be over in an hour.”

Twilight couldn’t help but stop in her tracks as she saw the Mercedes convertible in her driveway. Sunny lowered the sunglasses she was wearing and stared at her. “Well, are you getting in or what?”

Twilight stayed silent as she got in and buckled her seatbelt. “This is yours?”

“Yep.” Sunny suddenly pulled out quickly before shifting to drive and speeding down the road. “Don’t worry, I have my license.”

“Right…” “And that’s what worries me,” she thought.

“I know just the place to go for you,” Sunny said as she kept her eyes on the road. “Although I hope you were expecting this to take a few hours.”

“A few hours!?” Twilight stared at her. “How many outfits am I buying again?”

“Wow, you really don’t get out much do you?” Sunny asked. “Look, this might be a one-time thing but that doesn’t mean you can’t have something nice to wear in the future. Hell, maybe you’ll catch someone’s attention.”

“You do know I have a boyfriend right?”

“Really?” Sunny showed genuine surprise. “Well…in that case you can save it for a future date.”

“I’m not sure whether to be insulted or not by the fact that you’re actually surprised by that.”

Sunny ended up taking Twilight down to Fashion Valley Mall, which as one would guess, had many of the top-brand stores there. There was a certain boutique Sunny and the other girls liked to frequent, and while the prices were a bit high, the quality was second to none.

Sunny looked around, finding tops and skirts that would appeal to Twilight’s figure. “Hm…yeah that could work…alright…yeah that should do it.” She then handed Twilight about six different outfits. “Try these on, see what you like.”

“This seems like a bit much…” Twilight frowned.

“You just have to pick one, but let’s see how you look first.”

Twilight sighed and went into the dressing room. Five minutes later she came out with the first outfit from the pile. “Mm…maybe not,” Sunny said. “Next.”

She pretty much had the same response for the next four outfits and even she was starting to worry that she wouldn’t find something that would click with Twilight. However, it was finally the last outfit Sunny found that almost gaping.

“W-What?” Twilight said, looking down. “I’m guessing this is at least a maybe?”

“Not just a maybe,” Sunny smirked. “Wow. I thought it would look good on you but looking at you now I’m more than convinced.”

“Doesn’t it seem a little…revealing though?”

“Not really? Hey, you’re going to stand out either way so at least some people can admire you.”

“Well, let me look at the price…” Twilight suddenly went pale. “I can’t pay for this!”

“It can’t be that bad…” Sunny looked at the price tag and even she was stunned by the price. “Seriously? Is this the only thing not on sale? Figures. Oh well, we’ll just have to bite the bullet on this.”

“This greatly exceeds any allowance I get,” Twilight said. “There has to be something else…”

“Oh screw it, I’ll pay for it.”

“You don’t have to-”

“It’s fine, really,” Sunny said. “Besides, I don’t get to splurge very often anyway.”

Afterwards, the two of them were outside the mall eating pretzels. “Can I ask you something?” Sunny then said.

“What is it?”

“That whole…thing at CHS. You know, the whole alter ego business. Do we have to worry about her?”

Twilight smiled grimly. “Are you asking if I’m suddenly going to snap and turn into her again?”

Sunny grimaced slightly. “Sorry…I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

“No it’s fine…you know, for a while I was worried too. When things started to happen, I thought it was me, or rather subconsciously I thought it was Midnight Sparkle. But eventually I faced my fears and…well let’s just say I sealed her away for good.”

“Midnight Sparkle…that’s kind of a cool nickname.”

Twilight giggled. “Really? Well I suppose it is…I thought she was just some dark persona of myself but…really she is me. Whether I like it or not, she represents the part of me that wants to rebel, to color outside the lines, so to say.”

“Hey, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but…least now I know you got a spine after all.”

Twilight smiled. “Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Author's Note:

This was kind of a short chapter but I wanted to save the whole party scene for next time because I can assure you a lot's going to happen.