• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 4,474 Views, 214 Comments

The Crystal Prep Files - FoxMcCloud7921

Taking place during and after the events of "Legend of Everfree", the girls from Crystal Prep become aware of magical oddities taking place at and near their school.

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Chapter 16

“So…where exactly are we going?” Lemon asked as the SUV made its way out of the city.

“I’m not a hundred percent sure of this…but I think I know where Midnight Sparkle is going to be,” Twilight said.

“Okay, and why Camp Everfree?” Sunny asked.

“It’s a hunch, but I think she and I have unfinished business,” Twilight said. “And honestly I wouldn’t know where else she would go.

It was quiet for the next few minutes. “Okay, this doom and gloom silence is going to drive me nuts,” Sugarcoat said. She then turned on the radio. Unfortunately, the song playing wasn’t exactly helping. “Oh for crying out loud-”

“Don’t you dare touch that dial!” Sour snapped.

“Seriously? I didn’t take you as a sap Sour,” Indigo smiled.

“Piss off…there’s just something…addictive about this song.”

“Well…it is true…I like this song too…” Sugarcoat said.

“Yeah, it really pulls at the heartstrings…” Lemon sniffed.

“Oh for fuck’s sake…” Indigo groaned.

“Deal with it Indigo,” Sunny warned her.

However, two minutes later all the girls minus Twilight were singing along. “Okay, this is weird…” Spike commented.

“The song choice or the fact they’re actually singing?” Twilight whispered.

“It’s just not…fitting for them.”

“Hmm…” It certainly piqued Twilight’s curiosity. She’ll have to remember that one for later.

It wasn’t long before they reached Camp Everfree. Unfortunately, the gate was closed at this hour. “Well, I guess we’ll have to go around then,” Twilight said. “There’s something I need to show you all anyway.”

“Wait…you don’t think that manticore is still around here do you?” Lemon asked.

“Even if he was, I doubt he’ll even come near us,” Sunny said. At least she hoped.

“Manticore?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, Sunny almost burned its face off,” Sour said.

“Well, I brought my pepper spray just in case,” Sunny said. “Alright, we don’t know what’s out there but if that Tantabus thing is watching, she’s definitely going to send something after us so make sure you’re locked and loaded.”

“So…what’s in the bag?” Lemon asked. She noticed there was a large duffel bag in the trunk.

“Just a precaution,” Sugarcoat said simply. “I can’t really use it in the woods anyway.”

They then made their way into the woods. “So…how exactly does this transformation thing work again?” Sunny asked.

“It’s…actually I’m not sure how to explain it exactly,” Twilight replied. She then showed her the necklace she had. “This gem, along with six others, was found in a cave deep in the woods. They’re the source of our power.”

“In other words, if things get really bad they pony up and get a major wardrobe change,” Spike said, who was happy to be walking on his own four feet for once.

“Pony up?” Sour asked.

“Yeah…you get a tail, pony ears, etc.” Spike replied.

“I’d call it alien technology if it wasn’t so mystical,” Sugarcoat said. Considering the source, she had a point.

As they continued, Spike picked up on something and started sniffing around. “Something’s been through here,” he said. “I don’t recognize the scent.”

“Oh please don’t tell me it’s him,” Sour said.

“No…” Spike’s ears pricked up. “There’s more than one…and they’re closer than we think.”

There was a howl, closer than what anyone wanted and soon there were about five pairs of eyes staring at them in the shadows. “It just had to be timber wolves…” Sunny groaned.

However, as they quickly figured, these weren’t typical timber wolves. The beasts slowly came out from the bushes, surrounding. “They’re…made of wood?” Twilight asked.

“Ooh…I get it,” Lemon said. “Timber wolves. That’s clever.”

“How can you even think of anything funny at a time like this!?” Indigo snapped.

“Indigo, I hope you brought your lighter,” Sugarcoat said as she upholstered her pistols.

“Yeah, but a goddamn flamethrower would be great about now,” Indigo grumbled.

“Look at them though…it’s like some dark energy has given them life,” Twilight said. “I kind of wish I could study them…”

“Now is really not the time Twilight,” Spike said.

“Right,” Twilight replied. “Girls, I can handle this-”

“Don’t be silly, we’ve handled worse,” Sunny said, glad she had brought the metal bat this time. “You got to save your energy when we find Midnight Sparkle. You go on ahead.”

“I’m not leaving you-”

“You’re going to whether you like it or not!” Sunny snapped. “Now go already!”

Twilight looked at her before nodding and running off as Spike followed her. “I hope you got a plan,” Indigo said.

“Yeah…I do…” Sunny said. “You remember the old technique when beating up Stalfos?”

“Oh…I gotcha…go for the head!”

“Come get me you fucking bastards!” Sour yelled as the girls charged. Five against five seemed like an even fight, at least since they were armed. However, as they quickly found out, these wolves weren’t made of mere twigs.

Sunny swung her bat down at the first wolf she saw and while it got hit in the head hard, Sunny felt how strong the wolf’s skull was. “It’s like bone!”

Lemon and Indigo were busy going hand to hand with any wolves trying to leap at them. Lemon seemed to be faring better due to her strength and the sound of breaking limbs and squeals of pain said everything.

Sour, meanwhile, had a malicious grin on her face as she pulled a machete out of a cover she had attached to her belt. “Who wants to play!?” She whirled the blade around like a sword and the wolf in front of her was cautious but keeping an eye on both her and her movements.

Sugarcoat had fourteen rounds and not nearly enough time to reload so she had to make her shots count. However, the bullets weren’t quite enough to stop them on their own. “It’s like their resistant to physical weapons!”

She had taken her eyes off her target for a mere second and the wolf made its move. It leapt and grabbed her right arm into its jaws. Even though she was wearing thick clothing, she could feel the pressure and if it bit any harder the teeth would pierce right through her skin.

“Sugar!” Sunny quickly turned around and ran in her direction.

“Damn…bastard!” Sugarcoat aimed her other gun at the wolf’s head and fired. But this time, instead of just going through the wolf’s head, its head erupted in flames, causing it to let go of Sugarcoat and running off.

“Whoa!” Indigo said. “What kind of ammo you carrying there!?”

“That wasn’t me,” Sugarcoat said, also in shock.

“Was that…me?” Sunny wondered. “Sugar, do it again.”

Sugarcoat quickly turned and fired a shot at a wolf that was near Sour. Sure enough, the bullet became engulfed in flames as soon as it left the barrel. However, the wolf managed to dodge the shot. “You can manipulate objects?” Sugarcoat asked.

“It looks that way,” Sunny said. Spontaneous combustion, who would’ve thought?

The four remaining wolves then realized the real threat and surrounded both Sugarcoat and Sunny, almost forgetting about the others. “Girls, stay back,” Sunny warned them as she and Sugarcoat were back to back of each other. “We can handle this.”

Sugarcoat managed a smirk. “Care to be my extra set of eyes?”

“My pleasure.” Sunny saw the first one strike. “Three o’clock!” Sugarcoat turned to her right slightly and fired another round, hitting the wolf right between the eyes. “Nine o’clock!” Sugarcoat fired her other gun without even looking in the other direction. Sunny then gave her a slight tap, which made them turn a full one-eighty in perfect synchronization and Sugarcoat unloaded a round into the remaining two wolves.

The timber wolves hightailed it deeper into the woods, hopeful to find some source of water along the way. “Is your arm okay?” Sunny asked.

“Yeah…just barely broke the skin,” Sugarcoat said.

“Dude!” Indigo said. “That was so badass!”

“So Sunny’s power is…spontaneous combustion?” Sour asked.

“I’m just as surprised as you are,” Sunny said. “I guess if I focus on an object, it’ll burst into flame.”

“If that’s the case, you could’ve accidentally blown my hands off,” Sugarcoat said.

“Hey, for a first time it worked pretty well right?”

“…Yeah we did make a good team there.” Sunny looked forward. “But enough about that, we gotta catch up with Twilight. I think she went this way.”

It wasn’t hard to find the rock quarry; Twilight pretty much knew it like the back of her hand now. Interestingly enough, despite taking the gems out of the cave, there was definitely still a magical presence inside the cave. She still wasn’t sure how Equestrian magic even made its way here but judging by the slight charge in the air it must’ve caused a lot of energy to be dispersed.

“It’s funny, isn’t it?” Twilight then said.

“What is?” Spike asked.

“We were here just a week ago and the first time I came here I was still scared to use whatever power I had. Before this place made me feel uncomfortable but strangely enough I now feel at ease.”

“So, you’ve finally accepted who you are.” A dark vortex suddenly appeared and out of it came Midnight Sparkle. Spike started growling.

“Yes, and I didn’t need your help doing that,” Twilight said, staring her down.

“Oh really?” Midnight grinned. “Are you saying if the events at the Friendship Games never happened you would’ve accepted all of this just like that? Bullshit.”

“I was scared because I didn’t want to go down that path again,” Twilight said. “All of this is partly my doing and I’m going to set things right?”

“You really think you can just undo this?” Midnight asked, her smile gone. “It’s too late for this world Twilight. But it’s not too late for us.”

“And what does that mean?” Spike asked.

“You wanted to know about that other world, other dimensions,” Midnight continued. “We can still make those discoveries.”

“You’re right, I did want to know more,” Twilight said. “But I didn’t want to destroy an entire world just for that!”

“Funny, you seemed quite okay with that before…”

“Shut up!” Twilight’s gem started glowing and suddenly she transformed. “It doesn’t matter anymore what I want to do, all that matters right now is stopping you and the Tantabus from destroying this world!”

Midnight just shook her head. “And here I thought I could convince you…fine. It’s better this way anyway; I’m quite curious just how powerful you’ve become.” She then snapped her fingers and suddenly the two of them vanished.

As it turned out, Twilight didn’t go very far. She found herself about two hundred feet but with the combination of wings and magic, she didn’t have to worry about falling. She looked around but Midnight was nowhere to be seen.

“Sorry, I had to make sure this was only between us ladies.” Midnight then floated down and stopped at Twilight’s level. “We would’ve done so much together but it doesn’t matter now. This is proof that you’re just mere baggage to me now.”

“Oh yeah?” Twilight asked. “Why don’t I prove you wrong Midnight?”

“Oh how I’ve waited to hear you say that!” Midnight grinned wickedly. She then attacked first with dark magic. Twilight dodged out of the way and countered, her magic a mere indigo compared to Midnight’s violet. “Oh come now, you’re better than that, I know it!”

Twilight knew she was trying to get under her skin, trying to make her make mistakes. She wasn’t going to fall for it. Two can play that game. “You think you’re so powerful, why don’t you prove it!?”

Midnight growled slightly and teleported behind her and attacked. Unfortunately, Twilight wasn’t able to shield herself in time and the pain she felt was very much real. “Didn’t feel so great did it? You’re out of your league Twilight! At least your other-ahhh!”

Twilight managed to sneak an attack while Midnight went off on her rant. “And you talk too much! You want to settle this? Let’s settle this!”

Both girls attacked at the same time and the two beams of energy met midway in the night sky. It shifted back and forth between sides. Midnight smiled as she started getting the upper hand. “It’s too bad really. I commend you for not using me as a crutch, when it could’ve been so easy to call on me.”

“Yeah? Well, I pity you,” Twilight said. “I pity you because you’re who I used to be: closed away in a shell and not let anyone into my heart. But then I discovered friendship. Friendship is my true power and strength. That’s how I beat you before and that’s how I’ll do it again!”

Twilight poured everything she had: her memories, painful and good; the pictures in her head of her friends, the ones from Canterlot High and now Crystal Prep; they became her strength and her energy spiked almost tenfold.

Midnight could sense it as well as for once a look of panic crossed her face. “N-No, this isn’t possible! You can’t truly be more powerful than me! Noo!” She was then engulfed in the energy which then caused a small explosion. Luckily, the resulting shockwave only managed to knock the trees back and forth.

Twilight sighed deeply before she teleported back into the cave. “Twilight!” A very happy and relieved Spike jumped into her arms. “Is it over?”

“It is,” Twilight said, giving him a hug.

“Twilight!” She looked behind her and saw the other girls coming up to her. Once they stopped, they took the opportunity to look around.

“Wow…look at this place,” Sunny said. “This is it?”

“That’s right,” Twilight replied. “The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced it was Crystal Prep itself that gave you your powers.”

“Huh?” Indigo asked.

“Remember that crystal? It’s more than likely that that crystal was the source.”

“You mean the same crystal that was carrying an evil being of darkness?” Sugarcoat asked skeptically.

“Hey I didn’t say I was a hundred percent positive on that.”

“Uh…Sparkle?” Sour was looking ahead at something and Twilight turned around. Black specks of darkness were focusing on one spot, which was quickly turning into a figure. Once it stopped, Midnight Sparkle stood there on her hands and knees.

Twilight was surprised to see that the girl barely moved and didn’t even look up. This wasn’t Midnight resisting fate, she was now broken. “Do you remember when you were five? The toaster in the kitchen broke and Dad was having a fit because the warranty guaranteed almost ten years. And you, wanting to make Dad happy, took that toaster into the garage and completely disassembled it, studying every piece there and slowly but surely put it back together again. Sure, it voided the warranty but it’s been working since right?”

She looked up and her eyes had no malice in them, only sadness. “Your memories are my memories too. I was so driven to know the unknown. Everything that was going on at Canterlot High was unlike I’ve ever seen and it excited me more than everything. But now…I realize in my pursuits I only made things more complicated and by doing so…I’ve doomed an entire world.”

“If you’re truly me, then you know I’m not giving up,” Twilight said, gently putting Spike down and walking up to her. “The fault is mine as well, not just cause of what happened but because I was so convinced you were something I wasn’t. But we are the same, so what’s the point of continually fighting one another? You were right about one thing though…we are better working together so…” She then reached out her hand. “Will you help me fix this?”

Midnight hesitated for a moment but then slowly took her hand. As soon as she did, her body started to glow and slowly dissipated into pure light. “I was wrong about you Twilight. Maybe you can stop the darkness…” She then disappeared and the light combined with Twilight herself.

“Um…what just happened?” Lemon asked.

“I second that question,” Spike said. “What happened to Midnight?”

“She and I are one and the same again, as we always used to be,” Twilight said. She smiled slightly. “It’s hard to explain but…in a way I made her the way she was and only know I understand that it was wrong to seal her away. We’re going to save this world, I can guarantee that now.”

“You really are an odd one Sparkle,” Sugarcoat said, smiling slightly. “But I have to admit…when I see someone like Midnight Sparkle I feel like perhaps I, or rather we, completely misjudged all that time before.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s all in the past now. Anyway, we have to get back with the others. We have a Tantabus to take down.”