• Published 30th Sep 2017
  • 13,532 Views, 1,310 Comments

Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Bonus - Raichu for Hire - Pt.1

Author's Note:

For those who decided to skip on the side-story "Raichu for Hire" I decided to upload this bonus chapter containing the most important (plot-wise) events from the side-story in an unique format.

Little Lost Raichu


Raichu for Hire - Pt.1

<<< Day 1 - Location: Ponyville>>>

One tree and a solid kick with her rear hooves was all it took to fill two baskets with apples. Applejack was about to pick up the baskets, but stopped, massaging her forehead. Darn headaches. She stomped before attaching the baskets to her sides. Ah’ll fall behind schedule, if this keeps up…

“Hey, Applejack! Guess who’s visiting!”

Applejack’s train of thought was interrupted as her eyes rested upon the approaching group, or more specifically, on the passenger on Pinkie’s back. “Well, well, well, if it ain’t the lost hungry Raichu? Ah haven’t seen ya for two weeks or more.” She approached, her eyes fully focused on the waving critter.

Without any warning, the pokemon climbed onto Pinkie’s head and leaped forward, tackling and embracing Applejack’s neck. Her hooves dug short trails as she refused to tip over.

“There, there, Ah missed ya too, but it was just two weeks, no need to get so sappy,” Applejack commented.

“I’m so sorry! After all you did for me, I forgot to thank you! I was so focused on my own problems that I forgot about you! I’m really, really sorry!”

Applejack was about to respond, but words ended up stuck in her mouth. She gazed upon Raichu as if seeing a ghost, her mouth agape. “Ya… ya can speak… without repeating yer name. Since when?”

Raichu released the farm mare and took a few steps backward. “Oh, right… about that…”

Pinkie leaped forward, landing with her forehooves on the pokemon’s head as she looked at Applejack in excitement. “It’s all thanks to Twilight and Starlight. At first, they made Raichu a collar to restrain electricity as Nica -Raichu’s name is Nica by the way- had no idea how to control her powers. The collar failed spectacularly and she electrocuted a bunch of fillies and colts at school by accident caused by an overwhelming amount of limb-pulling and hugs.” She took a quick breath and continued, “Using stronger magic, Maud’s gems and Rarity’s fashion, they made another collar which was strong enough to keep her electricity from escaping, and it worked. Recently, Twilight improved the collar even more, and now Nica can speak our language as long as she wears it. Isn’t this great? No more writing messages or body-gestures, no more ‘Raichu’ being repeated over and over. I couldn’t contain my excitement when I found out about this. Now it’s your cue to be excited, Applejack.”

Nica opened her eyes and said in annoyance, “What she said,” tilting her head.

Seeing as most of Pinkie’s weight was now pressed against Nica’s head made Applejack wonder how she was still able to stand. “Ummm… Pinkie… would ya kindly step from our little friend?”

“Oops, sorry.” Pinkie jumped backward, withdrawing her forehooves.

“It’s alright,” Nica said, massaging back of her neck before giving the party mare a patient smile. She lowered her head and tapped her forepaws nervously. “Miss Applejack… When I was hungry, hurt and scared, I stole your apples, but you and Apple Bloom forgave me and fed me. You cleaned my fur and took me to doctor. You introduced me to Starlight, who damaged the seal blocking my memories, and her mentor gave me shelter at her castle.” She took hesitant steps forward and looked up with puppy eyes. “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and apologize for being a pest. I was so focused on fitting in–”

Applejack sealed the critter’s mouth with a hoof. “Say no more. Ah just did what was right, and ya behaved yerself better than any rodent Ah’ve ever met.” She lowered her head to the critter’s level. “Yer welcome to visit anytime ya want, and Ah’m glad yer likin’ it here.”

She blushed. “You’re too kind. To be honest, I came here to ask if I can repay your kindness in any way.” Nica puffed her chest and poked it with her paw. “If you need a helper or worker, I’ll do my best.”

Applejack eyed the long-tailed creature from top to bottom. Never before had any critter, pest or rodent ever offered to work for her. Rats, bunnies, beavers and fruit-bats… her interactions with animals usually ended in disaster. “Well… Ah think Ah can think of somethin’ ya can help with.” The pokemon looked back at her with glee.

Pinkie poked Nica’s shoulder and spoke up, “I need to go back to the bakery for now. You memorized the way to Sweet Apple Acres, right?”

“I did, thanks for showing the way.”

“No biggie. I’m always happy to help a friend. Good luck at your first job, miss mercenary.” Pinkie giggled and bounced away, vanishing behind the lines of trees and bushes.

“Mercenary?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“Long story,” Nica said before standing up on the very tips of her rear paws while holding her forepaws curled in front of her belly. “So, how can I help?” Her tail started swinging back and forth as she stared with eagerness in her eyes.

“Applejack, wake up.”

“Huh, what?” Applejack stretched herself and fixed her hat, now staring at her brother. Not wasting a moment, she pushed herself to a standing position and swung her foreleg enthusiastically. “It sure was a nice nap, Ah feel strong and ready.” She looked around in search for her little assistant. “Where’s Nica?”

“She left. All our chores are done already.”

Applejack laughed before poking Big Mac’s chest. “Good one, big brother. But seriously, where’s Nica?”

“Ah told ya, she left the farm. Ya slept for four five hours, and she’s done all your chores already.”

“W-what!” Applejack gasped. “Ah slept for five hours?” She stood up on her rear hooves and looked around, her attention focused on the upper part of the trees among the green sea of leaves. Most of the apples in the area were gone. “Yer serious?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said with a nod.

“She did seven hours worth of chores in five?”

“Eeyup?” Big Mac chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Applejack asked, now seeing the grin on her brother’s face.

“It seems Nica beat ya at yer own game.”

Applejack groaned as she struggled to push words through her throat. “Seems she did.” She swung her foreleg. “Ah have an idea. Ah’ll bake some apple pies for Nica to thank her, she’ll love them.”

"Ah'm sure she will." Big Mac chuckled nervously. "Just... don't forget to add lots of sugar."

"Extra sweet cakes for a sugarcube like Nica"? Got it," Applejack said with a firm nod, earning a satisfied smile from her brother.

“Pinkie Pie! Where are you?”

Pinkie flinched and slipped on a bar of soap, slamming her head into the slippery floor of the bathroom. Cheerful laughter of two very young ponies filled the room. After a moment to shake the stars from above her head, Pinkie glanced at the foals, a little pegasus and unicorn whose faces were visible among the bubbles and water.

Knowing better than to leave the troublemaking duo alone in the bathtub, she slowly opened the door and asked, “Nica, is that you?”

“Yes! Where are you?”

“Over here! Just go upstairs and look for the open door!” Pinkie shouted before her attention once again focused on the children. The moment Nica peeked inside, she grabbed her by the shoulder in a side-hug. “Perfect timing! I need help and I need it now!”

Nica gasped, staring into their blue and bronze eyes. Those weren’t normal fillies and foals, but tiny adorable defenseless toddlers. Their heads… are sooo big, and their bellies so small…

“The Cakes got an order for a large delivery and they tasked me with a foalsitting job, but I could really use some backup. So, are you in, or are you in?”

Nica blinked in confusion before glancing into Pinkie’s eyes as she struggled to comprehend the meaning behind her request. She slowly turned her head to look at the tiny ponies and bit her bottom lip, her eyes becoming as wide as plates. “Oh no…” She pushed herself free from Pinkie’s hold and started walking backward. “Oh no, no, no, no, no…”

“What’s wrong?” Pinkie asked.

“What’s wrong?” She gulped before giving Pinkie a panicked stare. “What’s wrong?! Did you forget that my last encounter with a bunch of fillies and colts ended up with me,” she held forepaw on her chest, “electrocuting them!” She hyperventilated. “My heart nearly broke that day, and I was lucky that no one was seriously hurt.” She pointed at the two tiny ponies with her trembling forepaw. “And after all that, you want me to take care of the most tiny and vulnerable beings, are you insane?”

Pinkie shrugged. “Bygones are bygones, besides, you now have that neat collar, and you got waaay better with your jumping. Besides, the young Cakes seems to like you already.”

Nica looked down, now watching as the little unicorn climbed up her leg before nuzzling her belly, sinking herself into her white fluff. A moment later she felt the light pegasus land on her head and start chewing her ear. Nica whimpered, wishing that she would rather face a giant beast in the Everfree Forest.

“Cute plushy…” Pumpkin Cake said as she climbed up her shoulder and next poked her nose. “Funny plushy.”

“Soft plushy,” Pound Cake said as he rolled on the pillow attached on her tail.

Nica resisted the urge to cry and her lips started shaking. Should she dare to let a single scratch to appear on those precious little beings, jumping down from a cliff –preferably into sharp rocks– as punishment would be the next thing on her agenda.

Pinkie placed Pound Cake in his bed and said with angered tone, “Now go to sleep, young mister, and think about what you’ve done. You’re very strong for your age, so you need to be very carefully with your pounding.”

Pound Cake lowered his head in shame.

Pinkie glanced at Nica and turned around, looking at her in confusion. Pumpkin Cake was being gently swayed back and forth on the pillow-tail, as in a crib, while Nica’s calm singing filled the room.

“Raichu Rai, Raichu Rai, Raichu Rai Rai Rai Rai Rai, Raichu Rai, Raichu Rai, Rai Rai Rai Rai, Rai Rai…”

“Is that… a lullaby?” Pinkie smiled and started shaking her head left and right to the rhythm of the calm song. Once sleeping Pumpkin Cake was taken from tail-pillow and placed on her bed-pillow, she approached and said, “You have a very pleasant voice, you should consider singing more.”

Nica picked up the collar and tied it on her neck. She looked up at the party mare and blushed. “My mom often sang to me whenever I felt depressed or was hurt. To be honest… I didn’t remember all words. I thought my singing would work better if nopony could understand me.”

Pinkie chuckled and next rubbed top of Nica’s head.

“By the way. Do you know if there’s any cliff, or a large pile of very sharp rocks nearby Ponyville?”

“Nope, but my sister may know, why do you ask?” Pinkie asked with a shake of her head.

Nica’s ears dropped as she started tapping her forepaws together. She glanced at the bandage on unicorn’s knee and answered, “N-no reason…”

“Ummm… did you have an accident?” Twilight asked as she pointed at a few bruises on her fur, most of them being on the wide belly, though a few were present on her forehead, left cheek and on each of her limbs.

Nica shook her head. “No accident… I just…” She rubbed her forearm nervously. “Let’s just say that I ended up testing my durability. Turns out that falling from a hundred meters of height into a pile of sharp rocks made of granite caused waaaaay less damage than I anticipated.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You know. If I didn’t know you as well as I do, I would be really worried about your well-being.”

“Where I come from, pokemon put themselves in danger all the time and become tougher for it. If anything, getting hurt is helping me in the long-run,” Nica explained. With a large portion of my memories still missing, I can only imagine what kind of brutal battles I endured to become so tough.

“I see.” Twilight cleared her throat and said firmly, “By the way, while you were away, I had an interesting invitation from the ‘Not Powerful but still a little Great Trixie’ for a show, which turned into a public apology before a large crowd of ponies.”

“It did?” Nica asked, feeling a sudden rush of pride. Great work, Trixie, I knew I could count on you.

“She not only apologised, but also publicly announced my superiority and even bowed to me. And no, she wasn’t brainwashed or hypnotised, I checked!” Twilight’s wings started flapping at quick pace, creating a soft breeze for the pokemon to feel. “I felt as if my view of the universe itself was shaken, as if I rediscovered Pinkie’s weird abilities all over again. Even facing powerful villains and protecting Equestria with my friends didn’t prepare me for miracles like that!” She took a deep breath and lowered herself to Nica’s face. “And something tells me you put your paw into it.”

Nica nodded. “I simply exchanged my ideology and moral values with her.” She displayed her teeth in a cheerful smile. “There was something in big ego and arrogance that annoyed me for some reason. I’m really happy I helped Trixie find a better way in life.”

Twilight looked to the side and giggled. “I swear, your humble and cheerful personality is contagious.”

Nica stared at the princess curiosity and asked, “Soooo… are you going to ask me how my day was or something?”

“Oh… right… I completely forgot.” Twilight’s wings spread and her tail started flapping left and right. Curiosity overpowered her worry. “So, how was your day? Find any jobs? Were you good at them? Do tell, do tell.”

Overwhelmed by Twilight’s excitement whose muzzle collided with her nose, Nica tripped over and was now staring at the alicorn while lying on her back. “I will tell you, just give me some space.” She gently pushed Twilight’s muzzle with her paw, took a sitting position and spoke up, “I helped Applejack and her brother… Big… Mac... was it… I carried the baskets and tail-bucked the trees so Applejack could rest.”


Nica nodded before pointing at the yellow part of her tail, which turned grey-metallic for a few seconds. “I can send power into my tail to make it harder and stronger.” She performed a fake swing. “One weak slam made apples fall from each tree.” She beamed. “I even helped Big Mac make a pear pie and we ate it together. It was delicious!”

Twilight clapped her forehooves in applause. “That’s great. There’s always plenty of work on the farm, how long were you working there?”

“I’m not sure, five hours, maybe six. Time goes very quickly when I’m having fun.”

“Wait, so you were having fun while doing Applejack’s labor?” Twilight asked, receiving a nod of confirmation. “Well, that’s a first... Anyway, how much did Applejack pay you for your work?”

Nica tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Was I supposed to get paid?”

The discussion continued as Nica reported her today’s activities, resulting in a lecture from Twilight.

“...Now listen, Nica. I know you were just helping Applejack and Pinkie for free because they are your friends, and it’s something I absolutely approve. But... should you get a real job, don’t forget to ask about payment, okay? Ponyville may be full of trustworthy ponies, but I wouldn’t want anyone to take advantage of you.” Twilight gave the large critter a patient smile and patted her on the head. “Let’s go to sleep. Hopefully you’ll have more luck tomorrow.”

“Not so fast!” Nica shouted as she pointed at the alicorn accusingly. “What about your training? Did you forget?”

Twilight chuckled nervously as she released Nica from her levitation. “Oh… that…”

“You’re a national heroine and an alicorn, yet Starlight who’s a unicorn still defeated you with her skills. And Chrysalis is still on the loose!” She stomped. “I swore I would help you improve for your own good, and tonight…”

“Y-yes?” Twilight asked, taking a step back.

“I’ll teach you, how to dodge.”

Twilight gulped.

<<<Dreams and Memories>>>

After failing over and over, the time to turn the table around had come in the Johto region. With a full team of six, four fully evolved, they teared through the tournament, defeating the less experienced opposition easily.

It was an odd feeling for Nica. Two years of battling against more powerful opponents while being a tiny feeble Pichu, their team always handicapped and outnumbered, sent to face against opponents who had type advantages. The moment she and the rest of the team evolved, the moment all the handicaps has been lifted, nothing could stand in the way of their victory. It felt like climbing up a tall mountain for hours with a heavy stone tied to her back, only to take a long rest and get rid of the stone halfway. Reaching the peak suddenly became a breeze.

Winning the tournament in Johto was only the first step, though, as it gave Astra the privilege of fighting the Elite Four. Only by defeating four elite trainers, would they be allowed to challenge the champion of Johto for his title.

The first opponent to face was Bruno.

A quick glance at the large screen above the crowd provided Nica with informations she needed to know how the battle was going. Astra’s Blissey, Starmie, Gligar and Venusaur were defeated, as well as Bruno’s Onix, Machamp, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, leaving her and Ninetales to defeat the Golem. A quick look at the numerous scratches on the sturdy shell told Nica that he wasn’t at full power.

“Nica, attack with ‘Iron Tail!”

She did as she was told, running towards her weakened opponent while charging power into her tail. It didn’t surprise her that the Golem used ‘Earthquake’ against her, the very ground becoming her enemy.

“You know what to do.”

Nica narrowed her eyes and jumped, landing on her opponent’s shell while grabbing his head. After enduring and evading ground type attacks over and over, she learned that the best counter against them is to jump very high or to jump onto her opponents. They couldn’t target her with ground attacks as long as she wasn’t on the ground after all.

She followed up with ‘Iron Tail’, pushing the Golem into the cracked ground.

“Keep attacking!”

Nica nodded and delivered another ‘Iron Tail’ before landing on the ground in front of the trapped opponent.

“Golem, use ‘Steamroller’!” Bruno commanded as his pokemon climbed up from the crack, hid in his shell and rolled, crushing any rock which got in his way.

Nica gulped. She already ended up rolled over by a Golem while still being a Pichu. Even after her evolution increased her size, the Golem who was now charging at her still looked bigger than the last one. It was gigantic. Using her speed, she jumped to the side, evading the attack.

“Don’t slow down, crash into the hill!”

Nica looked behind, only to see the Golem hit the hill, filling the stadium with a rain of stones. Caught off guard, she braced herself for the impact, closing her eyes as a few stones twice her size struck her. The moment she pushed the rocks off her body, she gasped, the pupils in her eyes shrank. Her body sank into the ground as she ended up rolled over by the gigantic ball of destruction.

After a night of recovery in the Pokemon Center, Nica learned about the result of the fight from her trainer.

Thanks to Ninetales speed and experience which he used against the weakened Golem, Astra defeated her first Elite Four member, yet winning only thanks to a six vs five number advantage.

Other Elite Four members who watched the battle from the VIP seats picked up on her weakness quickly, defeating her while taking away her opportunity of becoming a Johto Champion.

The loss didn’t break their resolve, quite the opposite. More determined than before, they set up their eyes on the Hoenn region. After besting a member of Elite Four, no badge proved enough of a challenge to slow them down.

Nica stretched her limbs and yawned, quickly welcoming the new day. Her newly recovered memories still fresh in her mind. Any bruise from yesterday was no longer present on her spotless fur.

Much to her surprise, a rat she befriended a week ago climbed onto her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek. She returned the friendly gesture with a smile and next glanced at the sun on the horizon, feeling a pleasant warmness in her heart.

Not only were her memories more and more complete with each passing day, but today she had another opportunity to prove herself useful. As long as it didn’t involve foalsitting, she was looking forward to her next jobs.

<<< Day 2 - Location: Manehattan, Coco’s Store>>>

Coco Pommel observed the city from the window of her store, seeing nothing but dirt and graffiti covering the walls of nearby homes, or a group of angry and arguing ponies wearing dirty and damaged clothes. Fashion crime probably not being their only offence.

Whatever she earned from her hard work went to pay the thugs, which kept her stressed and on high alert. A white-bordered lavender sailor collar with a scarlet tie decorated her neck, which she rubbed over and over out of stress.

“How… how could I end up in this mess?” She struggled to resist bursting into tears. Her career and well-being were at risk due to her hasty decision. All of her bits and resources she had became this very shop. She couldn’t sell it, and leaving it would leave her sleeping on the street.

Her ears perked upward and she flinched, screaming in panic upon hearing knocking at her door. She raised a forehoof up to her chest, hyperventilating. She approached her glass counter and asked, “W-who’s t-t-there?”

“It is me, your friend Rarity.”

Coco Pommel smiled with an open mouth, dashing towards the door. She opened it quickly and embraced her friend. “Rarity, I’m so happy to see a friendly face!” She released her friend and started walking back and forth. “It was terrible, Rarity, just terrible. I thought I was making the best decision of my life, opening my own little store, only for it to turn into a nightmare.” She sat and held her forelegs near her chest under her neck like a pleading puppy. “Those mean ponies… they were so scary.”

“Now, now,” Rarity said, patting her on the shoulder. “You do not need to worry any longer. When I heard about your trouble, I could not leave you to those savages.” She pointed at the long-tailed critter sitting patiently in front of them. “I brought a solution to all of your problems.”

Coco blinked in confusion, gazing at the pear-shaped creature who smiled cheerfully and waved at her. She looked Rarity in the eyes and asked, “Ummm… do not get me wrong, I appreciate any help… but how can this cute little animal help me?”

“Oh darling, I know her appearance may be deceiving, but trust me.” She punched the air with her forehoof. “Under her soft appearance lies a powerful warrior with a heart of gold.”


The critter stood on her rear paws swung her tail like a sword. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, I swear.”

Coco looked between the critter and Rarity’s smiling face before gesturing for them to enter. “Please come in and make yourselves at home.”

Nica perched herself on the sofa with both mares sitting by her sides.

The earth pony raised her forehoof towards the critter. “Nice to meet you, Miss Nica.”

The pokemon took a deep breath and performed an elegant bow. “The pleasure is all my, Miss Pommel.” She grabbed the hoof and shook it. “I must say, your tie looks so elegant.”

Coco blushed. “Oh… thank you sweetie.” She lowered her head. “Your collar is elegant as well, a true masterpiece that fits your colors perfectly.”

“It is so elegant thanks to Rarity’s hard work and Maud’s generosity,” Nica said, poking gems on her collar. “Maud Pie shared her collection of gems, Twilight and Starlight magically made them absorb my electricity so I wouldn’t hurt anyone by accident, and Rarity turned it into this precious collar.” She pointed at the metallic tag with ‘Raichu’ written on it. “Twilight improved it recently to translate my language. I can talk with you as long as I wear it.”

“Translate? Absorb electricity?” Coco asked.

“My species name’s Raichu and I’m capable of using electricity, so I need something to restrain my power so I wouldn’t hurt you or any other innocent creature. Also, according to ponies, when I speak, all they hear are words made of the name of my own species, but Twilight’s improvement changed that.”

“Oh, I see…” Coco said, her face showing growing interest. “You look a bit chubby, but you’re definitely incredibly cute. I love those cute funny ears of yours, and your tail is very impressive. I find it hard to believe that someone with your adorable features is capable of hurting anypony with electricity.”

Nica blushed. “Thank you, I get that a lot.” She chuckled. “I must say, you look adorable yourself. Your blue-teal mane, your blue eyes, the color of your fur…”

Rarity cleared her throat, breaking the discussion. “I apologize for interrupting, but I need to take my leave very soon and I would like to say something before that.”

Coco raised forehoof to her mouth and looked to the side. “Oh, but of course. Please, do speak Lady Rarity.”

The unicorn pointed at the large critter and explained, “Miss Nica may look adorable, but she is battle-hardened and possesses the ability to use electricity for combat. She was looking for a job, and when I learned of your terrible situation, I thought she could become your bodyguard.”

“Oh…” Coco said, taking her eyes away from Rarity to look at Nica. “You want to work for me as a bodyguard? But you are so small…” she poked her belly, “...and soft.”

“Don’t let my size deceive you, Miss Pommel, I assure you that I can protect you from any danger.” She puffed her chest proudly. “Lately, I started teaching Princess Twilight self-defense. I can evade her incredibly powerful spells, and I even managed to break her barrier recently. Furthermore, according to my memories, I fought a few hundreds battles while being way smaller than I am now.”

“R-really?” Coco said, her eyes wide.

“R-really?” Rarity said and gasped. “You held your ground against Twilight Sparkle?” The moment Nica nodded, Rarity walked towards the exit. “I believe that settles it. I will be leaving back to Ponyville. I wish you both the best of luck, farewell.”

The moment the door closed, Nica looked Coco in the eyes and asked, “So… ummm… can I…”

“You’re hired!”

Coco’s ears dropped and blush on her face became even stronger. “Ummm… Lately, I have been under alot of stress… Will you allow me… to rub your cute white belly? It would relax me.” She looked to the side in panic. “I mean… if you don’t want to.”

“Sure,” Nica said, approaching on her two feet before wrapping her tail around Coco’s belly, lifting her up. Walking on four legs with a bit of struggle, she approached the sofa, perching the confused pony on it. She climbed up, perched herself on Coco’s legs and exposed her belly. “I love nuzzling, cuddling and belly rubs, and I have gained a few hours of experience in this field under Fluttershy’s guidance. In other words, my fluffiness is at your disposal.”

Coco blinked in confusion. After explaining her embarrassing request, this was certainly not an answer she’d expected. She carefully touched the fluffy white belly with a tip of her hoof, gently rubbing against it, her nerves calming down. The creature on her legs had closed eyes and bit her tongue, radiating in satisfaction. Coco exhaled and smiled warmly. Not only had she gotten herself a bodyguard who –in theory– was going to save her business and protect her from mean thugs, but her bodyguard was the cutest and most cuddly creature she could’ve wished for, surpassing even her most pleasant dreams.

Could her day get any better?

<<< Day 3 - Location: Manehattan, Coco’s Store>>>

“That’s…. a lot of customers,” Nica commented.

“What can I say. Ponies here aren’t exactly rich and I sell practical clothes cheaper than anywhere else. I don’t earn much income with such prices, but I’m happy to help those with less luck than me.”

Nica nodded before approaching the exit, wrapping her tail around the stallion’s rear leg. “Excuse me… ummm… sir, but I believe you should pay for those first.”

The stallion with two punching gloves as a cutie mark and muscular legs turned around and shot the pokemon an angered glare. “And if I don’t want to pay for it, what will you do about it? Small fry.” A big green jacket with pockets with zippers lay on his back.

Nica lowered her head and sighed. She untied her collar and next pulled the stolen clothes away from the stallion’s back with her tail.

“Give those back if you know what’s good for you,” the stallion said, pinning Nica to the floor with his heavy hoof.

Coco observed the scene from behind the counter, a trembling foreleg was raised up to her face. The reason why she didn’t fear of thieves coming at night being due to some ponies stealing her work openly during the day. Her income had been poor for the past week as she couldn’t stand up against the intimidating figures. Oh dear… this isn’t good. As much as she wanted to yell at the stallion to release her bodyguard, she couldn’t get the words through her throat, her legs feeling as if they were made of jelly. Suddenly, bolts of electricity surrounded the stallion who lost his balance a moment later.

Nica wiped dirt and dust from her uniform before placing forepaws on her sides. <You’ll now pay for those clothes and apologize to Miss Coco, do we have an understanding.> Her words sounding more like, “Rai Rai Rai Raichu Raichu, Rai Rai Rai,” to the surrounding ponies.

“You little…” He slammed his foreleg against the pokemon’s head, only for it to be blocked by her shining tail. “What’s your tail made of, some kind of metal?” The tail wrapped around his foreleg and more electricity went through his body.

Nica picked up her collar from the floor and put back on her neck. “As I was saying, you’ll now pay for those clothes and apologize to Miss Coco. Do we have an understanding?”

“Ugh… fine,” he said and groaned, picking up the jacket from the floor and murmuring annoyed words to himself quietly.

Coco Pommel felt her heart increase in speed with each of the stallion’s steps. She gulped, forcing a smile as the muscular pony now sat in front of her counter.

“How much for these?”

“T-ten b-bits… plus a hundred bits for all the other clothes you took from my store without paying the other day.”

The stallion groaned and was about to slam his hoof against the glass, only for a metallic tail to intercept it. The thud like a mace colliding with a sword followed.

Nica crossed her forepaws and shook her head, the black glasses still present on her eyes.

“Fine!” He took a small bag of bits from his saddlebag and threw it at Coco, yet instead of hitting her head, the bag was grabbed by pokemon’s tail. “I’ll never buy anything here ever again.” He turned around and left the store, his head lowered as one could imagine a dark cloud floating over it.

“T-thank you…” Coco said, still feeling the rapid beating of her heart.

<<< Day 3 - Location: Manehattan, Police Station>>>

The police station in the Manehattan, a big place filled with ponies in blue uniforms, a few cells which from time to time contained a criminal or two. With most of the officers patrolling the large city, a few were left to accept complaints and reports of crimes.

A box with donuts and cup of coffee lay on a desk with one slightly relaxed unicorn officer sitting behind it. A mustache was present on his face. He levitated his coffee cup back onto the desk and stood from his seat, his attention now focused on five stallions and three mares covered in tattoos, bruises and burns who entered the station, numerous bags were present on their backs. “Who are you, what’s the meaning of this?” One thing was sure, it wasn’t a group of innocent citizens.

The stallions and mares groaned in annoyance, none but one interested to speak.

“My name’s Smackdown, a member of the Crushers gang. We… want to surrender ourselves.”

The police officer stared at the group for a few seconds before checking a small stock of paper under his deck. He heard the name Crushers a few times before, so no doubt he would have some data about them, yet he couldn’t lower his guard just yet. He glanced over the group and asked, “And if I may ask, why are you surrendering yourselves. What’s the catch?”

The stallion walked to the side and pointed down.

The officer blinked in confusion, staring at a long-tailed creature with silly-looking ears wearing a black suit. A grey tie and blue collar with a few shining white gems were present on its neck and sunglasses covered its eyes.

“Hello, officer, my name’s Nica, and I work as a bodyguard for Miss Coco Pommel.” She gestured at the group of ponies. “This gang was demanding protection money from my boss, so I raided their hideout and convinced them to surrender themselves.” She climbed up onto the back of a nearby stallion and pointed at the bags. “All bits and items they stole are in these. I hoped you could help return them to their rightful owners.” She yawned a moment later.

The officer kept staring at the critter for a few seconds before looking at his desk at the half-empty cup. “I swear, once I find out who accidently put drugs from the evidence room into my coffee, he’ll clean the bathroom and toilets for months.”

<<< Day 4 - Location: Manehattan >>>

“Please, explain,” Nica begged, giving her a stressed smile. “Did the mob ponies cause this fire?”

Coco nodded before galloping in the direction of the flaming building, Nica following by her side. “According to the Police Chief, the mob demands protection money from each building, amount depending on how wealthy are ponies living in it. If some residents refuse to pay, others needs to pay more, so as the result they often fight among themselves.”

Nica glanced at the flaming building and asked, “Is that what happens when they fail to pay enough, the mob sets the entire building on fire? That’s insane and cruel!”

Coco nodded. “And terrifying… According to what Blue Cross told me, the mob has five skilled pyrocasters who can set flames that spread even on metal and rocks. The police already have plenty of evidence, but are too afraid to use it.” Her breathing became heavy. Despite being an earth pony, she was still a peaceful mare whose main focus was on perception and precision, not athletic activities. She glanced at her bodyguard with pleading eyes and said, “You’re very fast, right? Can you–”

“On it!” Nica shouted. Using her tail, she cut the back of her collar to get it off before speeding up, leaving the pony in dust.

After a moment of coughing and shaking her forehoof in an attempt to push the dust away, Coco finished, “–inform the firefighters.” She picked the collar from the street and stared at Nica who kept running with aura of electricity surrounding her. The pokemon kept repeating her name at rapid pace. “Wait, she won’t…” Coco blinked as Nica ahead of her jumped, piercing the wall. “She just ran into a flaming building,” Coco said calmly before raising forehoof towards her heart. She screamed, “She just ran into a flaming building!” Placing a forehoof on her forehead, Coco fainted.

The Chief of the Police stationed nearby Coco’s store with a small group of his subordinates as he awaited Coco’s decision, hoping to gain cooperation from her bodyguard. An innocent looking critter with enough raw power to force gangs to surrender being just who he needed to capture the boss of local mob.

It was only a matter of time before the mob would find the behavior of the police to be suspicious, so the sooner he could get his answer, the better.

What came as a surprise was smoke coming from the mafia’s territory.

Not wasting a moment, he organized his squad and galloped towards the burning building, passing street after street. The firefighters seemed to be heading in the same direction, pulling large containers with water.

The biggest surprise however was what was awaiting them. Beside a panicked crowd of ponies gathered around the burning building, Miss Nica, the bodyguard he needed for a special mission, was now standing in the middle of the street covered in burns. Miss Coco by her side.

With firm steps and an impassive stare, he approached the large critter who seemed to notice him.

Nica approached in his direction as they now stared at each other in silence.

“Where are those responsible?” Nica asked, her eyes narrowed while the collar was present on her neck.

“I take it you’re willing to cooperate in taking them down?” Blue Cross asked, doing his best to keep his emotions in check. The critter before him looked as if it had been running through hell and deserved his pity and respect, but now was not the time to show it.

“Where are they?” Nica asked again.

“They are most likely in their headquarters. I would advise not going after them until you recover,” Blue Cross suggested, only for the critter to jump towards his head. Burned rear paws anchored themselves against his chest, burned forepaws were on his cheeks and a tiny black nose was pressed against his muzzle. The oval eyes of the critter were filled with rage and determination. She wasn’t going to step down.

“I’ll be battle ready in ten minutes! Now, where are they?”

<<< Day 4, Location: Manehattan, Mafia’s HQ >>>

A tall orange unicorn in a grey suit eyed the city from the top of his building, which would be considered as a skyscraper by some due to it having no less than thirty levels. Only a few constructions in Manehattan surpassed his own personal fortress.

His attention focused upon a burning building in distance, a fine example for fools what defying him would cost them. Between him and the outside was a reinforced glass window, hard enough to stop even the strongest pegasi from assaulting him from the air. One of perks of being the top dog in this big apple called Manehattan was a nice view and very competent security.

He massaged his forehead and groaned upon experiencing yet another headache, a sore reminder that maybe he wasn’t the top dog after all. He approached his comfortable armchair and sat in it, his eyes now staring at a single note.

“Either live in a blissful ignorance, or your life is forfeit,” he read it aloud in angered tone. For a unicorn, he was not a fool, possessing both powerful magic, vast knowledge and street smart. Ever since his headaches started a few days ago, he investigated them, finding out that part of his memories were sealed by dark magic while some mysterious curse was regularly draining a small portion of his magic, like a parasite feeding off his power.

Sealing someone's memories wasn’t new in the world of crime, a useful and more merciful method of dealing with someone who knew too much. It didn’t take a genius to find a connection between memory loss, headaches and his magic being drained. “Stupid curse,” he said to himself and unleashed his anger on a pony statuette of himself, shattering the marble stone into tiny pebbles. Someone powerful cursed him with dark magic while sealing his memories of the event.

Not long after researching a spell to remove the curse from himself and his pyrocasters, a mysterious note appeared in his very room. Someone way above him in power and cunning was warning him, and he knew better than to ignore it.

He sighed before once again looking at the burning building in the distance, the very sight improved his mood.

“Sir, it’s an emergency!”

The unicorn looked towards his door, which were slammed open as his trusty subordinate rushed in, his forehead covered in sweat and his breathing heavy.

“Calm yourself this instant, Tombstone. You’re shaming our family by panicking like that.”

“S-sorry boss.” Tombstone took a moment to catch a breath before saluting. “Our family is under assault. You need to escape before it is too late!”

The boss stared at his subordinate as if he went insane. Tombstone was one of his toughest earth ponies, always wearing a grey suit with black stripes sitting on his back, which often got dirty whenever he was assigned to beat someone into submission. This time however his suit was covered by burns, and so was his face.

Taking a deep calming breath, he asked, “How many attackers? Are they from the police, or a bunch of rival gangs gathered together? How much progress have they made into my fortress?” He placed his forehooves on the desk before him, staring at his subordinate with a calm and collected posture.

“J-just one and small, sir, but insanely dangerous. This beast use its own tail like a sword and blasts room after room with electricity.” He took a few quick breaths. “The police arrived later and started cleaning after it, taking the unconscious enforcers into custody with no resistance.”

The boss raised an eyebrow. Merely joking like this would earn his subordinate a tombstone of his own, so as ridiculous as it sounded, it couldn’t be a prank.

“The pyrocasters tried to burn it with no effect. That creature must be fireproof or something. One of your lieutenants was defeated already while another one formed a defensive line on the twelve floor.” Suddenly, both stallions felt weak trembling under their hooves and heard noise of breaking glass. “Well… I think his line has been breached just now.”

The boss lowered his head and held it on both of his forelegs, which were supported against the desk. “One bad thing after another,” he said to himself before glancing at the note. Whoever was coming couldn’t be sent by this mysterious figure who messed up with his memories, but was probably someone of the same league.

He raised his head and glanced at his subordinate. “Our family doesn’t run away with our tail between our legs. If we’re fated to fall today, we’ll do so in combat.”

Tombstone nodded before approaching his boss, sitting next to him. “If this is your wish boss, I will fight by your side.” His panicking voice was now filled with determination while breathing returned to normal.

The boss gave his subordinate a satisfied smile. This kind of attitude is what he expected from his family.

Seconds felt like minutes as noises of battle became louder and louder, only to turn into a dead silence. Half a minute later, a shining thunder-shaped tail cut the door in half and next pushed it aside. A small pear-shaped creature with a long tail and rabbit-like legs walked inside. Despite bruises and burns covering nearly the entirety of its body, it didn’t show any sign of weakness.

The boss facehooved before laughing in a creepy way. “So… the powerful Del Gambino family is fated to fall… to such a tiny being. The fates truly couldn’t play a more cruel joke on me on this very day.”

The critter approached, staring back with narrowed eyes filled with rage.

“Boss… Sir Gambino, please be wary. When it arrived at our doorstep, we were fooled by its innocent appearance. Before we knew it, a third of our forces were knocked out by electricity.”

Gambino chuckled. “I see. Size isn’t always the symbol of strength, or else the dragons would have burn down Equestria a long time ago.” He shook his head. “Still, I can’t let everything end this way. What’s your name, intruder?” As he awaited the answer, his attention focused on a small saddlebag attached to the critter’s shoulder. The intruder opened it and picked up a collar, only to put it on its neck.

“My name’s Nica and I am a Raichu.”

“I wish I could say it is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Nica, but it would be a lie. Despite your meekly appearance, you managed to defeat my strongest subordinates and overpowered my entire family by yourself. I feel a great respect towards your strength and great sadness that we are on opposite sides.” He stood up from his armchair and rounded his table, now staring at his opponent with an even look. “Before we exchange blows, may I ask what reason you have to fight us? If we offended you in anyway, I would be willing to apologize and repay in return for your neutrality.”

“It’s not about me, it’s about all the ponies you hurt. Criminal organizations grow in strength at the expense of weak and innocent, which is why I’m more than willing to take them down!” She pointed at what was left of the burning building out the window. “So many lives would have been lost if I wasn’t there to help, and I fear that not everypony made it out safely.” She pointed at him accusingly. “I’ll use all of my power to take away yours so you can’t ruin any more lives.”

Gambino raised an eyebrow. “While I find your motivation to be a bit of a cliche and over-idealistic, I can’t deny the determination and willpower I see in your eyes. You’re not somepony trying to play hero. I can tell that you’re emotionally invested in taking me down.” Gambino crossed his forearms. “Still, defeating me wouldn’t bring you any benefits. Would you agree to remain neutral or side up with me? I can give you riches and a position of pow–” He failed to finish as the critter’s tail slammed into the floor with great force and a loud thump. His attempt of negotiation did little but enrage the intruder further.

Tombstone approached his boss and took a fighting stance in front of him, ready to defend him with his life.

Gambino rubbed his cheek and said, “I see how it is, but before I unleash my power against you, would you tell me what kind of being are you. I have studied the royal archives in Canterlot quite intensively, so I know numerous species that live in Equestria and on the borders. You, a being called Raichu, don’t seem to be from around here.”

Nica stomped. “I see no reason to tell you anything, and even if I wanted too, I am still recovering my memories. There’s much I still don’t know about where I come from and myself.”

“Wait… recovering memories?” His horn lit as he performed a quick scan of the critter in front of him, who took a fighting stance in response but didn’t attack. “So your memories were also tampered with…”

“What do you mean, also?” Nica asked, blinking in confusion. Her tail raised threateningly.

“It matters not. Maybe I will tell you if you defeat me,” Gambino said before vanishing in a flash of teleportation, reappearing behind the critter. He shot a beam of magic towards the back of Nica’s neck, damaging the collar by accident as it fell onto the floor. He smirked before grabbing the creature with his levitation and throwing her against the reinforced glass. He grit his teeth, putting all his power into his horn before unleashing a powerful beam, which pinned Nica against the glass while continuously burning her belly. A loud painful "chuuuuuu..." filled the room.

One crack, a second crack, the reinforced glass broke as the long-tailed creature fell from the thirtieth floor. Despite the long distance, a thudding noise reached his ears. As he approached the window to see if the intruder was flattened, his ears picked up an odd noise, as if “Rai” was being repeated over and over, followed by the noise of broken walls.

He flinched out of reflex as Nica pierced the floor before him, and he could see an aura of electricity surrounding the intruder. He raised a barrier, yet it broke the moment his opponent tackled it. A bright explosion blinded him as he felt electricity go through his bones and muscles, only for him to be pinned to the floor by much smaller being.

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