• Published 30th Sep 2017
  • 13,532 Views, 1,310 Comments

Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 31 - Finally in Canterlot

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 31

Finally in Canterlot

“Please… stop crying…” Nica said again as her heart-beat increased in speed. She licked Fluttershy’s muzzle and gently nuzzled her cheek, wishing for nothing more than to put a smile on her face.

“How can I stop when I see you covered in bruises and bandages. Why would you torture yourself like that? Why would you put your life at risk?” Fluttershy asked, her voice hoarse from her sobbing.

“To be honest… I’m not sure… I thought a bit of training wouldn’t hurt, and when I started, I couldn’t stop. I don’t remember what happened afterwards,” Nica said, struggling to resist the pressuring aura of the kind pegasus as her ears were still drooped. “I suppose training this hard is a price to pay to keep myself in shape. I need to stay tough and keep my reflexes and reactions at their best to protect those I care about. I don’t mind the pain as long as it helps everyone else.”

Fluttershy pressed Nica into the fur on her chest with soft feathers of her wings. Tears slid down from her eyes onto the pokemon’s shoulder.

“Please, don’t feel sad. I’m used to the pain, I don’t mind it,” Nica said, yet her words didn’t seem to put Fluttershy’s worries at ease.

“B-but… this is just cruel... and unfair,” Fluttershy said between sobbing. “You can’t put the well-being of everyone else over your own. I don’t approve.”

Nica sighed. “But… I want to…”

“Because of your training, you ended up in the hospital, unable to help us to deal with Chrysalis in Canterlot,” Fluttershy pointed out, staring at Nica with narrowed eyes. “No more training until Equestria is safe, alright?” The Raichu nodded hesitantly. “Good, now back to the hospital bed. You may be recovering incredibly fast, but you still need more rest.”

“N-no…” Nica started struggling, pushing herself free from Fluttershy’s embrace before landing softly on the grass. She stood on her feet while pointing at the castle in distance. “I regained more than half of my strength, I’ll be alright. I’m good at facing danger while hurt and tired.”

“I won’t allow it, go back to bed and rest!” Fluttershy commanded.

“No! I made a mistake and now I need to make up for it. I need to help!” Nica shouted.

Fluttershy landed with a weak thud. “I really don’t want to use it against you, so please, I beg you, just listen to me and rest.”

Nica held her forepaws together in an apologetic gesture. “I’ll beg for your forgiveness as much as you want, but I would never forgive myself if I didn’t help when I’m needed the most.”

Fluttershy gulped. She spread her wings and her eyes became wide.

Nica kept looking at Fluttershy in confusion, only to feel a powerful force assaulting her mind. She took a step back as she was unable to break eye contact while drops of sweat slid down her face.

“Return to the hospital bed and rest until your wounds are fully healed! Am I clear?”

The long-tailed critter clenched the bronze tip of her forepaws and narrowed her eyes. Her head started shaking with each movement as she forced herself to meet Fluttershy’s stare with her own. She stomped and shouted, “N-no! I r-refuse!” After several seconds of struggle as she overcame the overwhelming stare with all of her willpower, she leaped towards Fluttershy’s neck and embraced it while nuzzling her chin. “I’m really sorry Miss Fluttershy, but this request I can’t fulfill. As much as I hate to make you sad, being useless is something I hate even more.”

She released the pegasus’ neck and ran towards Canterlot as tears formed in her own eyes. Why was she forced to make such difficult and painful decisions? She could ignore physical pain. Being smashed against the stone, being slashed by claws or crushed under several tons of weight, all seemed so insignificant when compared to pain she felt upon refusing Fluttershy’s request. She grit her teeth. Making Fluttershy sad was horrible, but the risk of not being in Canterlot when her friends are dealing with a threat was even worse. Stupid training. I couldn’t pick worse timing. Tears started sliding down her cheeks while wind flapped her ears and tail.

“Wait, please…” Fluttershy called.

Nica didn’t dare to glance behind, already suspecting that her caring and compassionate friend was trying to catch up with the help of her wings. “I understand your concern, Lady Fluttershy, but you need to understand that I’m a pokemon. We’re tougher and more adapted to injuries than creatures from this world. I beg you, don’t keep me from protecting our friends!” Nica shouted and closed her eyes, running blindly over the hills.


Nica opened her eyes and glanced at Fluttershy, who maintained a firm stare.

“But on one condition,” Fluttershy said.

The long-tailed critter slowed down and looked up at the pegasus curiously. “Anything.”

“Rest on me while I get you to Canterlot. If you’re so determined to help that you can even overcome my stare, at least save your strength.”

“Thank you!” Nica nodded before leaping onto Fluttershy’s back, perching herself on her soft fur. “How’s everypony. Are they safe? What kind of threat they're facing?” She carefully lowered her cheek onto the pegasus’ neck and relaxed herself, her tail and limbs flapped motionlessly on the wind.

“They’re safe and healthy, you don’t need to worry about them,” Fluttershy said encouragingly before wiping the remaining tears from her face. “Pinkie Pie, Daring Do and Quibble joined us in Canterlot an hour ago, and we’re still waiting for Thorax. His brother Pharynx and his changeling friends keep Chrysalis trapped in the crystal mine. We’re unsure if Darkrai is coming and how long till he reaches Canterlot, but for now we’re safe.”

Nica sighed in relief, now observing the calming scenery from her soft perch. The beauty of multicolored flowers, sea of green trees and colorful houses of Ponyville. The fresh air and clear sunny sky. Even if it wasn’t her real home, even if her trainer and her team weren’t here, she had new friends she wanted to protect. “When you said that Chrysalis is trapped, you didn’t mean she was defeated and imprisoned? Right?” Nica asked, not bothering to move her head from the fluffy neck-pillow while one of her oddly-shaped ears was hidden among the yellow fur.

“Sadly no. Chrysalis can’t escape, but we’re unable to capture her. She has some sort of magic-repelling armor or something that makes non-changeling magic useless,” Fluttershy explained in calm voice.

Non-changeling… no wonder they need Thorax help if Pharynx can’t handle her on his own. Wait… pokemon power is different than magic in this world, I shouldn’t be affected by Chrysalis’ armor. She pressed her paws against Fluttershy’s neck as her bronze patches sank into the yellow fur. She peeked from behind the pegasus’ neck at the castle on the horizon. “Can you fly to where Chrysalis is hiding?”

“What… why? We should regroup with our friends first.”

Nica shook her head. “There’s no time. Just leave me at the mine and I’ll deal with Chrysalis’ armor. The faster we imprison her, the better.”

Fluttershy sighed and lowered her head. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? Chrysalis is very powerful and you’re not at your full strength.”

Nica sat and shook her forepaw dismissively. “I’ll be fine. I trained Twilight in self-defense on many occasions. My skills were more than enough to handle her overwhelming power. Besides, I’ll have Pharynx on my side.”

“If you say so, but please, if it gets too rough, just withdraw. Don’t push yourself too hard,” Fluttershy said in a pleading voice.

Nica looked to the side at the nearby clouds as her ears drooped. According to her memories, ever since she evolved into Raichu, pushing herself too hard became everyday’s occurrence. The fact that once she arrived in Equestria she was met with kindness and friendship from ponies, rarely getting hurt, most likely affected her skills and durability in a negative way.

“Pretty please…”

The long-tailed critter sighed and rubbed her forepaw. “I… can’t make any promises, but if nopony will be in danger… I won’t take unnecessary risks.”

Fluttershy looked back at her with a cheerful smile. “Thank you.”

Spike walked through the crystal cavern under Canterlot, wary of his surroundings. Despite the presence of somewhat tasty crystals among the stone and Royal Guard in their presentable armor patrolling the area, the darkened atmosphere filled him with dread.

Once he was near the tunnel leading to Chrysalis, he peeked from behind the wall, his eyes now on Pharynx. In terms of body-shape and features, this changeling looked like a bit smaller version of Thorax with three identical white patches on his neck. However, Instead of bright-green, most of his body was dark-green, while his armored back and chest were dark-violet. Though, his light-violet eyes, thin red tail and wings took away some of the intimidation factor.

The tall changeling was pacing back and forth, accompanied by four other changelings of similar color, each wearing a dark-violet helmet and additional armor on their legs and chest.

Spike narrowed his eyes, examining each changeling guard. Unlike the reformed changelings he saw at the award ceremony, these seem to be much taller and darker, similar to Pharynx but without extra horns. Now that I think about it, only Thorax and his brother seem to have three horns. Is this a symbol of leadership?

“Are you going to hide in there for the whole day?”

Spike flinched and yelped before running from behind his cover. “S-sorry. The captain Iron Hammer was getting anxious about the situation and I volunteered to check it up. So…” he tapped his fingers together nervously, “...any changes?”

“Changes? Changes! That coward of a queen still sits with back against the corner, cornered like a rat, and doesn’t dare to make a move.” He stomped, causing a few cracks to spread on the crystalline ground. “Her magic is too strong for me to break through, even with help of my personal guard, and I can’t sneak up on her. I could transform into a massive beast to break her defenses, but it would drain my magic quickly, leaving me vulnerable for a counterattack.” He turned around and pointed at the nearby wall. “I was considering to dig through and ambush Chrysalis from behind, but breaking all those crystals and stone would make too much noise. Why is it taking my brother so long to get here?”

“He’ll come, have trust in him,” Spike suggested.

“I know, I know. Ever since Thorax took lessons from the Dragon Lord, he became more dependable, and thanks to Nica we managed to make some solid compromises. Our hive has been growing stronger ever since.”

“Well… about that,” Spike said as he rubbed the back of his head, searching for words. “Can you tell me more about what she did during her friendship mission?”

Pharynx glanced at Spike curiously.

“I mean… more than two weeks ago the map chose Nica to solve a friendship problem. It took her an entire week to resolve it, and I didn’t get the chance to ask about her adventure,” Spike said, struggling to keep an even look with the taller changeling.

“Wait, you’re Spike, Thorax’s friend from the Crystal Empire,” Pharynx said before displaying a warm smile, his voice no longer harsh and serious. He approached and grabbed Spike by his shoulder who yelped in response. “Thanks for looking after my brother and befriending him with the ponies. We’re no longer suffering any hunger issues ever since he overthrew the queen, and I get the impression that it’s thanks to that friendship and stuff.”

“Y-you’re welcome,” Spike said as he struggled to free himself with no effect.

Pharynx glanced at his subordinates and ordered, “Go check on Chrysalis and keep your eyes open. I need an opening to talk with Spike.”

“Yes sir!” Each changeling saluted before flying deeper into the tunnel.

Pharynx looked at the ceiling and spoke up, “To be honest, ever since Chrysalis’ defeat, the hive was in a big disarray. Some changelings supported change, but most were against it and didn’t respect my brother. I tried to keep changelings from rebelling and my brother wasn’t making it easy.”

“Weren’t you against the change as well?” Spike asked.

“Of course I was against it. My brother’s idea compromised the hive's security and weakened our race. I was absolutely livid, but I couldn’t deny that hunger was no longer an issue, and I remained loyal to my brother and the hive,” Pharynx said before releasing Spike from his hold. “Though, I can’t deny that all the stress and chaos got into me. I was trying to toughen those changelings who got too soft, but in the end I was just acting like a big jerk.

Spike sat next to the changeling, deciding to listen in silence.

“When I met Nica for the first time, I was fooled by her looks. I thought she was a small useless worthless critter, but to be honest, I thought the same of most non-changeling species. I was caught off guard when she challenged me to a battle to earn my respect. What’s more, she did so while not remembering any of her attacks. She took heavy risk, hoping she would regain her fighting abilities in the heat of combat.”

Pharynx lowered his head, closed his eyes and chuckled. “The moment she remembered how to use ‘Thunderbolt’, the battle quickly became one-sided. She relied greatly on agility and reflexes to counter everything I threw at her, no matter if I shapeshifted into a Chimera or a much larger beast.”

“It must’ve been hard on her,” Spike said, now making eye contact with the changeling. “While she was living with us at the castle, I noticed that she didn’t care much about getting hurt, but she was afraid of hurting others, not to mention all the drama she went through when she accidentally hurt fillies and colts at the school with electricity.”

Pharynx sighed. “Yes, I know. Day after day Nica went on a patrol with me, trying to gain my trust. She listened to my and Thorax ideas and did her best to convince us both to make a compromise. There was one time when she felt depressed due to what she did to the young ponies.” He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. “It was the first time I was concerned about someone’s feelings. I told myself that it’s just to keep high morale of an ally, but in reality she was changing me.”

Spike smiled. “So this is how she solved the friendship problem. She gained your trust in battle and was spending time with you, trying to open you to the idea of compromise. No wonder it took an entire week.”

Pharynx shrugged. “I suppose I needed a companion to talk with and she showed me that stuff you ponies value isn’t complete garbage… oh, and she also started teaching changelings self-defense. It’s thanks to her that Thorax agreed to keep some of our fighting force. Many changelings who were willing to defend the hive transformed into a bit taller and darker form than the others.”

Spike gasped. “Oh, so that’s why your guards are taller and different than the changelings I saw at the award ceremony.”

Pharynx grinned and patted Spike on the shoulder. “They’re not just taller but also stronger. Without the need to feed on other creatures, they can use more powerful spells frequently without hunger getting in the way. They still lack proper training, though. There wasn’t much I could teach them in nine days.” He stood up and pointed at the tunnel ahead. “To be honest, if Nica and Captain Iron Hammer didn’t get the idea to ask me and my changelings to help training your pathetic excuse of a Royal Guard, I wouldn’t find out that Chrysalis was disguising herself as one of them. I wish Nica was with us and...”

Pharynx looked around nervously before jumping in front of Spike, taking a fighting stance. “Hide behind me, someone is coming.”

Spike peeked from behind changeling’s legs, his worried stare replaced with a big smile. “Fluttershy!” He rounded the changeling and ran towards the pegasus.

“Spike!” Fluttershy shouted, snatching Spike into a hug.

Pharynx observed the pegasus with narrowed eyes, only for his expression to soften. “Nica, is that you?”

The long-tailed critter peeked from behind pegasus neck and waved cheerfully. “Hey Pharynx. She didn’t injure you, did she?”

Pharynx poked his chest and raised his head pridefully. “Injure me? Are you kidding? Ever since I changed into this taller form, I got way tougher. If not for the boost that Chrysalis got from secretly draining magic from the princesses, I would have overpowered her already.”

Spike waited for Fluttershy to release him and waved at Nica. “You sure took your time on your adventure. Are you back to help us?”

“Of course I am!” Nica shouted enthusiastically before leaping from Fluttershy. “Spike, you and Fluttershy should leave and wait with the Royal Guard at the entrance, I don’t want Chrysalis to hurt you in the heat of battle.” She held her forepaws together in a pleading gesture while giving him a puppy stare, her ears drooped. “Leave… pretty pleaseee...”

Spike sighed. “Fine, fine. I wasn’t planning to be anywhere near Chrysalis anyway. I’ll message…” he paused and pointed at random spots on the pokemon's body. “What’s up with all those bandages?”

Nica smiled sheepishly, rubbed the back of her neck and blushed. “About that… I’m still hurt from my extreme training regime…” She chuckled. “But don’t worry, I can fight effectively even when hurt.” She clenched a bronze tip of her forepaw and added, “With Pharynx by my side, we’ll deal with Chrysalis with no difficulty.”

“Finally I can team up with a competent warrior,” Pharynx said before grinning. “Want me to shapeshift into Raichu and perform a team attack with you?”

Nica shook her head. “I would prefer if you used a form that can help us break Chrysalis defenses. I may be skilled and fast, but my attack power can barely break Twilight’s barrier. If you can make an opening, I can go for Chrysalis armor directly.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Pharynx said with a firm nod before pointing towards the tunnel. “Let’s not waste time and attack immediately.”

“Wait!” Fluttershy shouted, catching everyone’s attention. “I mean…” She curled slightly, “wouldn’t it be better to wait for everyone to join us?”

Pharynx looked down at Nica and said, “The last time we trained together, you remembered ‘Thunderbolt’ and ‘Volt Tackle.' Have you gained any more skills and moves ever since?”

Nica nodded and stomped. “Of course I did. I recovered a lot of my memories and got more comfortable with fighting.” She tapped her forepaws together. “I mean… I still don’t like to hurt anyone, especially those weaker than me, but Chrysalis hurt many ponies in the past.” She clenched bronze tip of her forepaws and narrowed her eyes. “I won’t hold back against her.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. Let’s move out,” Pharynx said before flying up, and next towards the tunnel ahead. “I’ll lead the way.”

Nica turned around and waved her bandaged forepaw. “Miss Fluttershy, Spike, stay safe. Once we’re done, Chrysalis will be a danger to you no more. ”She untied the electricity-absorbing collar from her neck, picking it up with her tail before tossing it carefully towards the young drake.

Spike looked at the collar in his claws and then looked ahead as the wounded Raichu vanished in the darkness of the tunnel. Upon hearing whimpering noise, he looked at Fluttershy and gently stroke her foreleg. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, she’ll be fine.”

Fluttershy looked down with worry visible on her face. “I hope so… It’s bad enough that she hurt herself during her training. If something bad happened to her, I wouldn’t forgive myself.”

Spike smiled encouragingly and said, "Don't worry. The one we should worry about is Chrysalis. That big bad mean queen is so getting what's coming to her."

Fluttershy smiled weakly, encouraged by Spike's words.

Author's Note:

The confrontation Nica/Pharynx vs Chrysalis will take place in chapter 31.5 which I will upload tomorrow.

On a side note, with PegaVincent's help we fixed all Dash's lines in chapter 29. For everyone who found Dash's dialogue in chapter 29 to work poorly (too rich vocabulary, her saying stuff that didn't seem like Dash at all), feel free to check chapter 29 again to see if our improvements fixed the problem.

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