• Published 1st Feb 2018
  • 1,514 Views, 16 Comments

Fluttershy Goes Loopy - NightCoreMoon

Applejack is in the middle of a normal day with her family when Fluttershy stops by for a visit. Applejack is in the middle of a normal day with her family when Fluttershy stops by for a visit. Please help me. Applejack is in the middle of a normal d

  • ...

Breakfast at Applejack's



In an instant Applejack found her hooves on the ground, hat slung over her head, with a smile on her face. The morning sunbeams cast themselves over the farmer’s simple bed, angled in just such a way that would punish any slothful ponies who tried to get five more minutes of sleep.

“Thank ye kindly, Cooper!”

The rooster simply winked in response before fluttering out of view from the bedroom window. A few moments later, another crow could be heard, and by that time Applejack was already tying her hair up in its signature style, red elastics doing their job as always. A brief glance at the mirror indicated that, yes, she looked the same as always. She brushed a smidge of dust off her orange coat before turning to leave her room.

The floorboard creaked, indicating to the awake members of the household that all was well. The window ahead revealed the wide open space of snow-covered farmland and the awaiting chores it represented. Applejack cracked her neck to either side before flinging it open and sticking her head through it. Feeling the cold winter breeze in her long blonde tresses, she chuckled to herself.

“It's a good day for shovelin’!” She cried to the wind.

Behind her and to the right, another door opened. Behind it was a frizzy-maned groggy-eyed clearly-didn't-get-enough-sleep-last-night filly. She was rubbing a hoof in her tear ducts before flinging away a piece of grime it had collected.

“Do y’all gotta be so loud?” She asked.

“Of course I do, Apple Bloom!” Applejack heartily replied, ruffling her red locks. After having her hoof batted roughly at to the side, she continued. “I swear, y'all are more related to Rainbow Dash than to us with how bad you are with mornings.”

“Yeah yeah, sis,” she muttered, trying to pat down the wild mess of her hair as she headed to the stairway. “Maybe I should switch places with Scootaloo.”

Applejack laughed at this. “Well now, that's a great idea! Maybe then your chores would be done on time!”

Apple Bloom merely stuck her tongue out at this before heading downstairs, older sister in tow. The pair reached the bottom floor to the delicious smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. The young filly darted to her place on the dining room table while Applejack stepped outside. She headed to the porch, to find that the milkmare had indeed visited.

She reached down and grabbed the handle with her mouth. Once the package was secured she turned back around and headed inside, the six glass bottles safely inside the case they sat in, clinking ever so gently against each other. Applejack set the milk at the center of the table.

At this time the matriarch of the apple family clan, Granny Smith, made her appearance. Performing the awkward and jilted dance she did every morning to loosen every joint in her arthritic body, she finally sighed in relief once the task was finished. “Mornin’ everypony. Did y'all sleep well?”

Applejack nudged Applebloom, who lightly sighed before the duo parroted “Yes!” in unison.

“Eeyup!” cried Mac through the tongs in his mouth, before turning over a piece of hay bacon.

“We always do, Miss Smith,” shyly stated the pink-coated earth pony leaning on him, bringing a light blush to his cheeks. She turned her head to face the older mare, fluffy purple mane tied neatly in a bun. “And you?”

“Now, I told you, Sugar Belle, y'all can just call me Granny. Yer foals are gonna do the same thing soon enough, after all.”

She lightly smiled and brought a hoof to her belly as Mac leaned his head over hers. Apple Bloom made a fake gagging motion, which quickly turned the proud grin on Applejack’s face into a severe look of disapproval. Granny Smith, unfazed, took her own seat at the table.

“Bark, bark!” Winona yelled, pawing gently at the front door.

“What is it girl?” Applejack asked, stepping to the dog. “Is somepony here?”

The brown furred puppy whined as she sat down, tail wagging constantly, glancing between her master and the unexpected guest behind the door.

Applejack reached her hoof to the door and pulled it open, revealing the reason why Winona was so excited.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in.”

“Oh, um... thank you.” The timid mare took a few light steps into the house before reaching her hoof over to pet the dog. A small smile came to her face as she did so. “It smells lovely in here.”

Mac merely nodded in thanks, while his marefriend voiced it. They fully turned the stove off before beginning to move the food from its cooking pans to its serving plates. Hay bacon, hash browns, eggs, grits, gravy, and hotcakes made their way to the table, where biscuits had already been set.

“You're welcome to eat with us if you’d like,” Applejack indicated, helping move the dishes. “There's always room for one more at our table.”

“Oh, I... um...” after a moment’s deliberation with herself, Fluttershy ultimately decided to listen to her nose, the saliva welling in her mouth, and her growling stomach, rather than the anxieties. “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Applejack.”

“Ain't a problem at all! Help yourself to anything ya like. Except the eggs. I know how y'all are about those.”

She merely nodded and removed her long purple scarf, setting it over the coat rack. She then took a place at the table next to Apple Bloom, who flashed her a friendly smile. It was returned. She also began petting Winona with a wing behind the chair, respectful of the “no dogs at the table” rule but also respectful of the “always pet a dog when it wants you to” rule.

“So what exactly brings ya here?” Applejack asked, taking a seat next to her friend. “Y'all know you can just come over for a hot meal whenever, but that ain't exactly your thing.”

“Oh! Yes, there is something, actually... sorry...”

The earth pony nodded. “It's okay. A helping hoof is always within reach. Is everything okay at home?”

Fluttershy nodded yes, but after a moment of deliberation she nodded no. “Well, I’m okay, and so are Angel, Harry, Hummingway, and all of the other animals. Except for... one.”

“Ah...” she nodded. “Phil ran away again, huh?”

“Yes, unfortunately,” Fluttershy responded glumly. “No matter how many times I manage to wrangle him up again and warn him about the dangers of leaving the cottage and remind him of how important he is to the town, he always just slips away again!”

“That wily groundhog...”

“I was worried that he might end up in your fields again,” the pegasus continued. “And that's why I came here first thing in the morning, to warn you to be on the lookout.”

Applejack nodded solemnly. “We appreciate that, sugarcube. But honestly, today’s a bit of a slow day. Tuesday ain't busy for most ponies, and this time o’ year we can afford to slack just a bit. Just don't tell anypony else that. We can help y'all look for him if you want.”

“Really?” She asked. “I mean, I would appreciate the help if you can spare it. Especially since tomorrow is when he's supposed to see if it's time to wrap up winter.”

“That's why it's in our best interest to help find him. The quicker he sees his shadow, the quicker we can get back to work.”

Fluttershy bit her lip at this. “Actually, if he sees his shadow, then that means there's a longer window.”

“Now that don't make sense!” Apple Bloom cried on her other side. “If he sees his shadow, then that means the sun’s out and there ain't no clouds in the way, and if there ain't no clouds then we should use the opportunity to clear the snow an’ everything!”

Granny took a biscuit and put it in the filly’s mouth. “Don't question it,” she whispered. “Groundhog Day is important to this town.”

“Well either way,” Applejack continued. “I’ll help y'all find Phil.

Fluttershy nodded. “Thank you.”

“Right after breakfast.” The family and friends all linked their hooves together and bowed their heads for a moment. “Alright, dig in everypony!”


“I can't believe we searched the entire orchard up and down twice and didn't see hide nor tail o’ that varmint!”

“He's not a varmint!”

Applejack opened her mouth as if to counter the point, but relented and sighed. “Sorry, sugar. I’m just worried is all.”

“He’ll be fine,” Fluttershy assuaged, setting a comforting hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “He's got thicker fur than ponies and twice the body fat. The cold won’t bother him a bit!”

“I know,” the farmer replied. “But it ain't Phil that I’m worried about, it's you.”

“What?” She asked, incredulous. “Why?”

“This is important to you,” Applejack answered. “You're a natural caretaker, so of course you volunteered to care for him this year, even though y'all know how slippery he is. I'm worried you're gonna feel like it's your fault if you don't find him in time for the festival tomorrow.”

“But... I'll be f-fine...”

“I know you. You're one of my oldest friends, aside from Rarity and Pinkie. I've known you for longer than I've known Rainbow, and way longer than I’ve known Twilight and Starlight. I know y'all have a penchant for worryin’ about stuff and feelin’ like things are your fault. It took me a while to really understand it but I do now. And I don't want y'all tearin’ yourself apart because of this. And that's why I wanna find him so bad, because that'll take a load off your shoulders, ya know?”

Fluttershy was silent for a minute before she shrugged. “Okay.”

Applejack grimaced before hugging her friend. “Promise me y'all ain't gonna beat yourself up over this. He always runs away and he always turns up sometime or another. It ain't any reflection on y'all as an animal caretaker.”

“I won't.”

“Alright, that's good. Y'all sure you're okay?”

She nodded.

“I'm gonna believe you. Let's get back to the house, I’m sure y'all are freezin’.”

“I guess I am a little bit chilly,” she answered, visibly shaking, and with the tips of her ears faintly tinted blue.

“Come on,” Applejack said, waving her friend forward. “I’ll make you some hot cocoa and we’ll set you up in front of the fire. Don't wanna end up a Fluttershy-cicle.”

Fluttershy giggled at the pun. “That sounds nice.”

As the pair made it to the house, Sugar Belle was there to greet them. “Any luck?” She asked.

“Nah,” the earth pony answered, stomping the snow off her hooves before stepping inside. “The varm- the little guy’s nowhere to be found.”

“I might have to ask the weather patrol to help look for him if he doesn't show up soon.”

“Not that they're doin’ much right now anyway. I'm sure Rainbow’s itchin’ to go do somethin’ other than file paperwork.”

Fluttershy nodded, wiping her own hooves before stepping inside the house. Sugar closed the door behind her, and accidentally brushed up against her.

“Oh my goodness!” She cried, startled. “You're as cold as ice!”

“I'm fine.”

“Yeah, that happens to pegasi,” Applejack explained, preparing a tea kettle. “Somethin’ about circulation, hollow bones, an’ flight magic. Can y'all set her up by the fire with some blankets, Belle?”

She nodded. “Sure. Come on, Fluttershy, let's get you warmed up.”

“Th-th-thank you...” she muttered.

Sugar Belle busied herself with setting more wood on the fire, fetching blankets, and making sure that Fluttershy was feeling okay. She was repeatedly assured that, yes, everything was fine. After a few minutes, the harsh whistle of a tea kettle came in piercing from the kitchen. After another moment, the noise went away, and Applejack came trotting into the room on three legs with a steaming mug on the fourth.

“One hot cocoa for one chilly filly. Here ya go.”

“Thank you, Applejack... and you too, Sugar Belle.”

Fluttershy sat enraptured with the tongues of flame that occasionally licked out. She sipped at her drink, content.

“I'm gonna go get the rest of the family,” Applejack stated, heading hack to the door. “It's almost lunch time anyway. Are y'all stayin’ for that too?”

“Sorry, but I can't,” she answered. “Discord and I are having tea soon.”

“Right, it’s Tuesday...”

“But thank you for the offer!”

“No thanks necessary, ‘Shy. Drop in any time. I love havin’ y'all over.” Applejack tilted her head to the side and smiled. “And from the looks of it, so does Winona.”


Fluttershy turned and began petting the dog again, a happy grin plastered to both of their faces.

“I'm leavin’, be back soon.”

Sugar Belle waved, and she was the only one to do so. Fluttershy didn't notice, as she was too busy rubbing a puppy’s belly. Sugar chuckled at this before turning to face the stove. Mac would want some hot cocoa too...

Eventually, Fluttershy indicated that she was at least warm enough for the fly home, and bid Sugar Belle farewell, expressing to share the sentiment. And so she did.

The rest of the day was full of lunch, the chores that were neglected for the first half of the day, dinner, and then preparations for sleep.

It was a good day.



“Thank ye kindly, Cooper!”

“Ooohhh, not already...” Apple Bloom murmured.

The filly tried desperately to cram her eyes closed for another few seconds in the hopes that they had the potency of several cups of coffee. Unfortunately, they did not, and a moment later her ears were assaulted by yet another-



Apple Bloom rolled out of bed, landing on the floor with a loud thump. She lay there staring up at the ceiling for a few moments before sighing and bringing herself to her hooves. She glanced at her dresser, at her ribbon, and decided that putting it on was just too much work this morning. At least before a hot breakfast, a hot bath, a nice long four hour nap, and for winter to wrap up already.

Outside, Applejack’s floorboard creaked. It was a horrible noise that caused physical pain to the young filly’s ears. Yet it was a tradition older than even herself. That didn't mean that she had to like it. Apple Bloom sighed and began the slow dirge to her bedroom door.

“It's a good day for shovelin’!”

The filly shoved the door opened, and began digging in her eye for a lovely present that Luna left her. Her sister turned to face her as she flung away the sand. “Do y'all gotta be so loud?”

“Of course I do, Apple Bloom!” Applejack heartily replied, ruffling her red locks. She shoved the hoof away, glad she didn't bother spending the time to brush. “I swear, y'all are more related to Rainbow Dash than to us with how bad you are with mornings.”

“Yeah yeah, sis,” she muttered bitterly, trying to pat down the wild mess of her hair as she headed to the stairway. “Maybe I should switch places with Scootaloo.” At least then she could sleep however much she wanted to and not be held to such an inhumane standard of waking up before noon.

Applejack laughed. “Well now, that's a great idea! Maybe then your chores would be done on time!”

Wow. Rude. Not incorrect, but still. Apple Bloom had no good comeback for this so she stuck her tongue out and headed down the stairs. Once on the ground, all bitterness had evaporated as the savory scent of fried hay bacon reached her nose. She darted to the table and sat waiting, letting her senses become enveloped by breakfast.

She glanced over and watched as her future sister in law kissed her brother on the cheek. Gross. At least it wasn't on the lips. Double gross. Romance was not exactly high on the list of things she liked ever since the love poison debacle on Hearts & Hooves Day so long ago. Some scars never healed.

Applejack came back in with the milk before Granny Smith came around the corner. You could hear her before you could see her, bones clicking more than the shoes of her ex boyfriend, Tender Taps. He was a good dancer and all but he was awkward and wanted to move too fast. Still a good friend though.

“Mornin’ everypony.” She greeted. “Did y'all sleep well?”

Apple Bloom had half a mind to tell the truth and indicate that no, she did not sleep well, but at a nudge from her older sister she sighed and said “Yes!” alongside Applejack.


“We always do, Miss Smith,” Sugar Belle stated. For some reason Mac blushed. “And you?”

“Now, I told you, Sugar Belle, y'all can just call me Granny. Yer foals are gonna do the same thing soon enough, after all.”

Oh yeah, she was pregnant. Twins, apparently. Apple Bloom knew, of course, how babies were made. But she didn't have to like knowing that her brother had done... that... with someone. Gross. Sugar Belle was a nice enough pony though. And it would be cool to be an aunt just like Princess Twilight. But still...

They were being super affectionate again. Ew. She gagged, only to look right into the disapproving gaze of her older sister. Luckily she didn't say anything because Winona started barking and pawing at the front door.

“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal Fluttershy, who looked... very confused, to say the least.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in.”

“Uh... I... okay.” Fluttershy took slow, trudging steps into the house. Her hoof absently started petting Winona. “It... smells good.”

Mac nodded, and Sugar Belle thanked her. They started moving the vast array of food to the table, and Apple Bloom licked her lips in excitement. There was one good thing that came from when Sugar Belle stayed the night with Mac, and it was her shared contributions to the culinary aspect of their family. Anypony who could cook as well as she could was forgiven of all transgressions.

Applejack started helping too. “You're welcome to eat with us if you’d like. There's always room for one more at our-”

“...at our table.”

“Eh heh heh... yeah, I can be a bit of a broken record at times.” Applejack offered a sheepish grin at this. “But yeah, help yourself to anything ya like. Except the eggs. I know how y'all are about those.”

Fluttershy opened and closed her mouth several times in quick succession. Her eyes were darting around, and she wasn’t moving. Her wings started rustling uncomfortably.

“I mean if y’all want some you can, but I was just sayin’ that-”

“Was I here yesterday?” She asked.

“Uh. No,” Applejack answered. “I don’t think you were. Unless you did come and we missed you. In which case I’m sorry if that happend. Any of y’all see her yesterda-”

“So,” Fluttershy uncharacteristically interrupted. “You’re saying that I didn’t come eat breakfast with you, and then we didn’t go searching for Phil, and then you didn’t make me hot cocoa and sit me in front of the fire?”

Applejack pursed her lips. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes slightly. Food was right there but it was out of reach for as long as they were talking about stuff. Fluttershy was being weird and even though she was nice, sometimes she was just... a lot. It wasn’t exactly her fault, but it had to be somepony’s that the filly was still starving to death.

“That don’t ring a bell at all,” Applejack stated bluntly. “But what was that about Phil, is he missing again?”

Fluttershy gaped and stared at the wall, nodding absentmindedly. “Yeah, he’s... I... okay.”

“Come again?”

Fluttershy nodded quickly and focused back on Applejack. “What day is it today?”

Applejack cocked her head to the side. “It’s Tuesday. Groundhog’s Eve. Are you feelin’ alright, darlin’? And is Phil okay?”

Fluttershy set a hoof on her forehead and took a deep breath before exhaling it. “I had a really vivid dream last night where he was gone,” she began. “And I came here to ask you for help looking for him. You made breakfast, exactly all of these things this morning. We looked for Phil, because yes he’s missing again, and then I was freezing so you warmed me up. And then... I went to have tea with Discord. And I talked to Rainbow and the other weatherponies, and to the Mayor, and Doctor Fauna, and Twilight and Rarity and Pinkie Pie and a lot of others. Telling them that we might have to postpone Groundhog’s Day and delaying the Winter Wrap-Up and disappointing everypony and letting them all down...”

By the end of her speech she was on her knees on the ground, crying.

“Hey now,” Applejack cooed, settling down next to her, and began gently rubbing her back with a hoof. “It was just a nightmare, hun. It’s just your brain bein’ all anxious about havin’ such a big responsibility on your shoulders an’ scarin’ you. And yeah, maybe Phil’s gone right now just like in your dream, but he’s always runnin’ away. He always turns up eventually though. It ain’t your fault if he does, and if he doesn’t show up in time, that ain’t your fault either. He’s a wily varmint, and everypony in town knows that. Ain’t nopony gonna be disappointed in you because of somethin’ that he does. We all love you, y’all are one of the kindest ponies anyone could ever know. And I hate seein’ you upset like this.”

“I’m... sorry...” she choked out between sobs. Apple Bloom regretted being upset with her for delaying breakfast.

“It’s okay, sugarcube,” Applejack soothed, nuzzling the side of the crying pegasus’ head. “It’s alright. Everything’s gonna be fine...”

They lay there for a minute as the tears slowed and finally stopped. Fluttershy wiped her eyes and stood up, sniffling.

“Feelin’ better?”

She merely nodded.

“Alright, good. Let’s get this scarf off,” Applejack pulled it off with her mouth before flinging it over to the coat rack and turning back to her friend. “And then we’ll get some good food in you, and then we’ll help you find Phil, okay?”


“Alright, good. Come on now, darlin’, sit down right between me an’ my sister. The no dogs at the table rule is down for now.”

“Thank you Applejack... I really appreciate this.”

She merely waved it away. “What are friends for?” She asked.

The family and friends all linked their hooves together and bowed their heads for a moment. “Alright, dig in everypony!”


“Oh my goodness!” Sugar Belle cried. “You're as cold as ice!”

“Yeah, that happens to pegasi. Somethin’ about circulation, hollow bones, an’ flight magic. Can y'all set her up by the fire with some blankets, Belle?”

“Sure. Come on, Fluttershy, let's get you warmed up.”

“Th-th-thank you...” Fluttershy muttered.

‘Just like yesterday...’

“One hot cocoa for one chilly filly. Here ya go.”

“I- Thank you. Applejack... and Sugar Belle.”

“Y’all feelin’ alright?”

“Yeah, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Sugar cried.

The fire did nothing to cool the chill running up Fluttershy’s spine. Maybe she did? She couldn’t shake an overwhelming sense of dread, feeling that something was slightly wrong.

“Do ya need me to stay with you?” Applejack asked.

“No, I’ll be fine... you need to get everypony because it’s almost lunch time.”

“It ain’t that la- oh, you know what, it is. I forgot how good your sense of time is. But yeah, I’ll be right back.”

“Actually,” Fluttershy said. “Discord and I are having tea soon, so I’ll be gone before you return.”

“Right, it’s Tuesday... well, that just means y’all gotta stay some other day and have lunch with us.” She walked over and hugged Fluttershy through the blankets. “Drop in any time. I love havin’ y'all over.” Applejack tilted her head to the side and smiled. “And from the looks of it, so does Winona.”


Fluttershy turned and began petting the dog, grinning.

“I'm leavin’, be back soon.”

Sugar Belle waved. She started making cocoa for Mac until Fluttershy made her way to leave. The family got together and ate lunch, did their chores, and got ready to go to sleep.

It was a good day.


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Mac glanced over to his sister, then back to the skillet, then to his fiance, then back to the skillet.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in.”

“I... you... all right.” She attempted to flip the scarf off her neck and onto the coat rack, but missed spectacularly.

“Nice toss... You’re welcome to eat with us if you’d like. There’s always room for one more at our table.”

“What are you doing?”

Applejack glanced between the suddenly angry pegasus and the plate of eggs on her hoof. Oh.

“You don’t gotta eat any eggs if you don’t want to. In fact, if it bothers you then we don’t have to eat any eggs at all.”

“But-” Mac’s protest was cut off by Applejack’s hoof.

“You think I care about the eggs?” Fluttershy inquired, adopting a wide stance that was aggressive for her. “What are you doing!?”

Applejack slowly set the plate on the table before putting out a hoof for peace, unaware of whatever transgressions she had just committed against her friends’ ancestors.

“Now, ‘Shy-”

“Did Rainbow put you up to this!?” She yelled. “Her and Discord think that a prank like this is funny? I can understand them trying to do something like this, and surely there was some incentive good enough for the others, but I expected better from you, Applejack! Did your words these past two days mean nothing!?”

“I didn’t even see you these past two days! What are you even-”

“I told you my feelings about this! I told you that I’m scared of disappointing everypony on Groundhog’s Day, but you said that it was fine. You said that nopony would be upset with me for failing. And you’re right. Element of honesty. You’re not upset with me, you’re getting together and pretending that every day is Tuesday to point and laugh at me! Stupid gullible Fluttershy! Well congratulations! You win! Phil is gone because I’m not good at what I love to do!”

“Fluttershy, calm down-”

“NO! This is really mean! Every single pony in town, Discord, Rainbow, the Mayor, Doctor Fauna, even Rarity! You’re all in on it! You pretend that you don’t remember what happened the day before and then you pretend to offer me comfort and support! Is this all just some big joke to you!? Are my life and my emotions just some plaything for your own amusement!?” She wiped her eyes. “Well, I’m not dealing with this today. If you all want to prank me so bad, good luck doing that when I’m with my mom and dad!”

And with that she turned and took off towards the skies.

Applejack took her hat off and stared at the ground.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “What’s up with that pony... Can we eat now?”


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Fluttershy opened the door, much to the surprise of the entire apple clan. However, what was more shocking than her breach of etiquette was her mane style.

“Fluttershy!?” Applejack cried, incredulously. “What happened to your hair!?”

“Oh, this?” She asked, flippantly. “I shaved off half of it. I’m here to tell you that the prank is over. I’d like to see you glue the hair back on while I sleep. I am impressed though, that you managed to move me from my bed at my parents’ house to my cottage overnight. That certainly took some guts and skill. At least you all have some redeeming qualities. Integrity and honor and friendship notwithstanding.”

“What are you-”

“It’s over. The prank is finished. You can all get moving along now. No more pretending that it’s Tuesday over and over again. We can wrap up winter now. There’s no point making all of the critters suffer because you all care about a sick, twisted practical joke more than me. So if I wake up with my mane ruined tomorrow and you still pretend that nothing is different, you can bet that I’m not going to be here the day after.”

“Flutter-” SLAM! “...shy...”


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”






“That does it. Thank you for fixing it but please, just stop this... I’m tired. I get it, this is so funny, watching me slowly lose my mind. Eating myself up with guilt. Rubbing my failures in my face. Everypony who I once thought were my friends pretending that I’m living the same day over and over again. Doesn’t it get tiring? Eventually things will change that you can’t fix. Sugar Belle will have her babies. Winona will get older and deteriorate. Granny Smith will die.”

“Now hold on a second-”

“No. I’m done holding on. What do I have to do? What do I have to say? What do I have to give up? I refuse to play along. And until you all apologize for hurting me, I’m done with all of you. Good bye, Applejack.”

“Dammit Fluttershy, don’t you walk away from me!” Applejack shouted. “What in Tartarus has gotten into you? I saw you just a few days ago and you were excited as can be about lookin’ after Phil. What, did he run away or something?”

Fluttershy just stared blankly at the farmer.

“Fuck off.”

And with that, she flew away.


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal a very muted-looking Fluttershy.

“Are you all right sugarcube?”

“I’m sorry for what I said yesterday.”


“Yeah, I know that you’re still pretending you have no idea what I’m talking about. But I truly am sorry. What I said to you was uncalled for. In a way, this is funny. What even is it by now, Sunday? Monday? I’ve lost track. And that’s what’s so funny about it. I always knew that you were all pointing and laughing as soon as my back was turned. And now I can laugh along with you. Ha ha ha. Look at Fluttershy, she hasn’t eaten or bathed in days. What a loser.”

“You haven’t eaten?” Applejack inquisited. “If you’re hungry just say so. We ain’t got no problems with feeding you. Here...” she turned to grab the serving platter of biscuits. “Go on, have one.”

“I’ve had enough biscuits, Applejack.” She stated, ignoring the delectable aroma. “But thank you for offering them anyway. I’m gonna go home now. I’ll stop coming here. I’ve clearly bothered you enough over the past few years if you’re willing to live this lie just to hurt me... and it’s working, by the way. You know, I can’t even cry anymore? The only one who still cares is Angel. And when he eventually passes, I... don’t know what I’ll do. I can’t come back here. I could start over somewhere else, but I can’t trust that somepony won’t just fly me back to my cottage in the morning. Although there is someplace I can go that I can’t come back from...”

“Fluttershy, what are you talking about?”

She suddenly smiled. “I have no idea! But you know what, I will take a biscuit. I’ll be by tomorrow. I have a plan. Oh yeah, and don’t worry about the day after, you can stop doing this then. You all can... See ya!”

And with that she flew away.

Applejack put her hoof on her forehead. “I don’t even wanna know...”


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal Fluttershy. She had her hair up in a butterfly clip and enough bobby pins to rival even Rarity. Her makeup was a lot heavier than her normal, very thick on the mascara. She was wearing tall socks replete with lace on the edges. She looked absolutely stunning.

“Fluuhhh... um... hey?” Applejack weakly asked.

“You probably weren’t expecting this,” she whispered with a coquettish wink as she stepped inside, brushing her wing gently along Applejack’s flank until the lingered over the cutie mark. “But I figure I should go out with a bang. And you, Applejack? What a bang indeed.”

“Apple Bloom, go to your room.”

“But Appleja-” she was interrupted by the biscuit Granny Smith shoved in her mouth. Disgruntled, she went upstairs.

“Oh yes, send her away. Even the youngest of the actors can’t pretend about some things. After all, the only pony we should psychologically damage is Fluttershy. Celestia forbid we scar anypony else, right?”

“I’m confused, worried, a little aroused, and very hungry,” Applejack said absentmindedly. “Did sometin’ happen? Are you okay?”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Shut up and kiss me,” she said, leaning in.

“Mac, honey, you better not be looking!”


“I knew she was a fillyfooler... crazy young’uns.”

Fluttershy pulled away, a strand of saliva connecting the two mares’ mouths. “That was lovely,” she muttered, licking her lips. “At least somepony will have something to remember me by. So long, Applejack...”

She gave Winona a pet as she went out the door, swinging her hips in a sultry fashion and winking over her shoulder. Applejack merely blushed as solid crimson as her brother.

It was a weird, but otherwise good, day.


Breakfast passed without incident for the apple clan. Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle cooked, the rest ate. Winona had some scraps. Chores were also done normally. The only divergence that occurred was at lunch.

“What are those weird lookin’ clouds?” Apple Bloom asked, awestruck by the view in the window.

Applejack stepped to her sister’s side and her eyebrows immediately shot up. “That’s definitely Discord’s doing...”

The pink fluff was interlaid with black lines, black lightning arcing between each one. A vortex of sorts was open in the middle, navy blue with a white center. It looked like the end of days, but surely he was just having a bit of fun in the sky. If something were truly wrong, Twilight would have arrived earlier with the elements of harmony in turn. Still, it was unsettling.

“Isn’t he dangerous?” Sugar Belle asked, shuddering at the name. “Should we be worried?”

“Discord’s harmless now,” Applejack assuaged. “He’s learned from his mistakes like trying to rise against the Princesses, three times now, and almost throwin’ a friend of Fluttershy’s into another dimension. Speakin’ of, I hope Phil ain’t givin’ her too rough a time.”

“Didn’t he run away from Doctor Fauna last year?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yup. That varmint’s a hoofful for anypony who cares for him. Always runnin’ off somewhere or another at the worst time. Wait, is that Rainbow Dash?”

The girls squinted to see a rainbow contrail heading directly into the vortex before disappearing.

“Why’d she fly into that thing!?” Sugar exclaimed, full of concern.

“She’s probably bored,” Applejack answered with an apathetic shrug. “She’ll be fine. She does dumb stuff like that all the time. There ain’t much weather to do nowadays since all the rain’s on the ground, and she hates doin’ paperwork.”

“They still have her doin’ weather?” Apple Bloom asked. “I thought she was a Wonderbolt now.”

“It’s her contribution to society,” Applejack began to explain. “We farm food, Fluttershy cares for animals, Rarity makes dresses, Pinkie Pie makes pastries... everypony does their part. From each of their ability to each of their need, or somethin’ like that. It’s just the way the economy works.”

“Oh... I don’t get it but okay.”

“That’s similar to how Starlight Glimmer ran things when I lived with her. Except she kind of... took everything but didn’t give anything back to us.”

Applejack nodded resolutely. “That’s what happens when one pony tries to run everything by herself. That’s why Princess Celestia puts other ponies in charge of stuff, because she’s worried about takin’ over everything. Luckily Starlight’s good now.”

“Yeah... I’ll take your word for that.”

“Look!” Apple Bloom shouted. “Rainbow’s comin’ this way!”

She was indeed. The cyan pegasus was flying in, straight at the house, but... at a significantly lower speed than she usually did. Her contrail wasn’t even appearing. She must have been tired or something, maybe that vortex had a strong magnetic field or something? Twilight would know better than the three farmers.

“Y’all stay in here,” she warned. “In case it’s dangerous or somethin’. I’ll go talk to her.”

Applejack slowly opened the front door and, upon seeing that nothing terrible was happening, left the house. At this point Rainbow was on the ground, and walking. Her head was drooped low to the ground, and her wings stayed unfurled. Something was wrong.

“Hey, Rainbow!” She cried. “That thing up there didn’t tire ya out, did it?”

No response came.

“Something wrong?” she asked. It was only then that she noticed the crumpled piece of paper in her mouth, and the tears falling to the ground. “Rainbow!?”

She spit the paper onto the ground before turning her head up slightly to meet her friend’s. Magenta met green as she sat down. Rainbow slid the paper to her before laying down fully.

Applejack stepped to the paper and hesitantly picked it up.

“She wrote this before she...” Rainbow either couldn’t or wouldn’t finish the sentence.

Applejack sat down and pulled her hat off before reading, having a faint feeling that she knew what was written on the paper, but hoping to Celestia that she was horribly off the mark. But unfortunately, her assumption was correct.

Dear everypony

Good job. You won. Your prank worked with flying colors! Every day is exactly the same, and I’m the fool who thought I was going crazy. Turns out I wasn’t going crazy at all, but finally realizing that I didn’t have any friends after all. Not really. Rainbow doesn’t respect me, Rarity patronizes me, Discord takes me for granted. Every single pony I know and love has been lying to me this whole time! Pointing out my insecurities and rubbing them in my face to satisfy your own sick sense of satisfaction. Well I’ve had enough of it. There isn’t any point going on anymore if all my friends and even my family are in on this sadistic torture. For weeks now it’s been going on, and you’ve all been delaying the Winter Wrap Up and hurting the poor innocent creatures in the hibernation dens because it’s so much fun to make Fluttershy feel bad and hate herself and cry herself to sleep every night. Well I’m taking away your fun. There’s no point continuing to make me miserable if I’m dead. At least then the animals will stop suffering. At least I can better the life of a living creature who deserves it, rather than all of you

Ḿ ͠O͢͟ ̀͟N͜͡ ̶͜S̢̀͘ ̵T ̴͘͜E͜ ̶̀R ̷̀͟Ş̕

I don’t know what I did to deserve this. I was always so nice to everypony. Maybe it’s because of my assertiveness training. Do I deserve to be treated like this because of that week no matter how much I regretted it and tried to make it up to the friends I hurt? I suppose so. If that’s what the reason was, then it’s a good enough reason for me. I don’t care anymore. Whatever the reason was to drive me to suicide that you all saw fit, it’s good enough for me. So I’m doing it. The rope is ready. And so am I.

Love Hate


Applejack looked up from the paper, the note, to Fluttershy’s best friend. Rainbow was unmoving, still... empty.

“Tell me this is a joke!”

Rainbow didn’t respond.


“I wish I could...” she brought herself to her hooves. “But I’m not. Discord was holding her body when I got there, and he... handed me this. I’m sorry.”

“I... you... but why?” Applejack could no longer see. “What happened? She was fine the other day!”

“I dunno... I saw her yesterday and she was happy. Maybe... maybe she was just pretending to be happy...”

Applejack threw her hat on the ground and screamed at the air until her lungs were spent.

Rainbow stepped forward and hugged her as she dissolved into sobbing. After a minute, she joined in. The two commisserated in grief over their lost friend.


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal the smiling face of one of her best friends.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in.”

“Thank you!” She exclaimed, stepping in and giving her friend a hug. “I had a really bad dream last night but I’m okay now. What day is it?”

“Uuuhhh... Tuesday. Groundhog’s Eve. What’s that about a bad dream?”

“Oh good! And that’s nothing, don’t worry about it. I just wanted to come in and say hello. Oh, I’m sorry actually... am I interrupting you?”

“Nah,” Applejack indicated, waving it off. “You're welcome to eat with us if you’d like. There's always room for one more at our table.”

“Oh!” She whispered. “That would be wonderful. Are you sure I’m not imposing?”

“Of course not! Silly filly... Y’all never impose. We love havin’ you over.”

“Well in that case, I believe I will. Thank you very much.”

“Ain't a problem at all! Help yourself to anything ya like. Except the eggs. I know how y'all are about those.”

Fluttershy shrugged off the scarf and deftly tossed it over the coat rack, landing neatly on top. She cracked a smile at this. “Actually, I might try some eggs if that’s okay with you.”

Applejack raised her eyebrows at this. “Um... okay.”

“Hi Winona!” the pegasus cried, petting the dog. “Who’s a good doggy!?”

The good day ended with Fluttershy vomiting after taking one bite of eggs.


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal the smiling face of one of her best friends.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in.”

“If you say so, Applejack,” she answered, stepping in. She shrugged the scarf off her neck and deftly flung it onto the coat rack. “Hello Winona!” she cried, petting the dog. “It sure is cold outside.”

“Ain’t that so every winter?” She teased. “Anyway, you're welcome to eat with us if you’d like. There's always room for one more at our table.”

“Why thank you. I’d love that; your family always makes the best food.”

“Aww, shucks. Help yourself to anything ya like. Except the eggs. I know how y'all are about those.”

Fluttershy made a face at this. “Yeah, I think I’ll pass on the eggs. But those biscuits look amazing!” She took a seat at the table and locked hooves with Applejack and Apple Bloom.

They all bowed their heads for a moment.

“Alright,” Applejack cried. “Dig in everypony!”


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal the nervous face of one of her best friends.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in. You feelin’ alright?”

She nodded. “Thank you. It’s nice to see you too. And I actually have a question...”


“Just out of curiosity, if I asked you to be my marefriend, would you say yes?”


“...is that a no?”

“Uh... I mean... I’d go on a date with ya but doesn’t that seem a bit quick and off the bat?”

Fluttershy nodded at this. “You’re absolutely right.”


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal the smiling face of one of her best friends.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in.”

“Hi Applejack!” She greeted in a chipper manner. “I can’t stay long, because I have to go look for Phil. He ran off again.”

“That wily varmint.”

“He’ll turn up sooner or later. Anyway, I know it’s short notice but if all goes well then we can wrap up winter the day after tomorrow, and if that happens, then... would you like to go on a date with me the first day of spring?”

Applejack raised her eyebrows. “Uh... I... Um... did Rainbow Dash put you up to this!?”

She nodded. “Nope. I just wanna go on a date with you. That is, if you want to.”

Applejack turned around to four supportive grins. She turned back to face the pegasus. “I’d love to.”


“What is it girl? Is somepony here?”

Applejack opened the door to reveal the smiling face of one of her best friends.

“Fluttershy!” She cried, waving the pegasus into the house. “Always a pleasure to see ya! Come in, come in.”

“Hello Applejack,” the pegasus greeted, giving her friend a hug. “It smells lovely in here.”


Author's Note:

Here's this I guess. I'm starting a lot of new stuff and ignoring my old stuff but writing is HARD. But yeah, here's this. Happy Groundhog Day Eve.

Comments ( 16 )

Anypony know the Doctor’s number?

I got a bit worried, groundhog day is a done deal in fics. That said, I am loving the outsider perspective instead of us seeing it from the looper's point of view. Looking forward to more!

there are no phones in equestria, silly

yeah, I did draw inspiration from the best night ever and hard reset and that one equestria girls time loop fic that I can't find, and I wanted to avoid the tropes that would be boring to deal with, so thanks ^.^

My point is, anyone know where the Doctor is these this day?

I love the topic (Time loop from a non-looper's perspective), and think you could really go places with it.

The writing itself, however, has a lot of room for improvement For one, I think you could have extended what happened in this chapter into multiple, deeper chapters if you'd done some more showing rather than telling, especially because in this kind of story showing is important for hinting at what's going on from Fluttershy's perspective. Second, the dialogue is sometimes hard to follow. For example, I have no idea if Applejack told Fluttershy to fuck off or vise versa. Third, the characterization seemed a bit off, particularly in the "fuck off" scene. Now, there's a pretty clear reason why Fluttershy is acting "off"-- though I wish there had been more build up to it-- but I'm unclear as to why Applejack reacted so badly to Fluttershy acting crazy. If anything, I would have assumed she'd be concerned about Fluttershy's health. Giving deeper descriptions and explanations would have potentially remedied this by giving us more reason to believe Applejack would react the way she did.

... I should also say that I don't think this story is bad by any means. In fact, you've got my thumbs up on it. It's just that I think there's a lot of potential that hasn't been reached yet that could really make this story great rather than just good.

On a separate note, if you want your stories to be recognized and appreciated, add them to some groups! I have a strange love for time loop stories, yet I only discovered this story on accident. If it had been in some relevant groups (Time Travel, Time Loop, etc.), I and others who would be interested in reading it would have found it a lot sooner.

oh hell yes CC is what I live for

this was honestly just an experimental palate cleanse for my other works, and that's why I didn't expand on it. I wanted to do other stories in on this time looping event from the perspective of multiple characters but applejack was the central focus for this one in particular. dialogue, yes, I'll take that; I don't want to be like "x said this and y said that and x said this and y said that" because I've got a huge irrational nervous tic about reusing the same word multiple times on the same page, but I'll put more work into explicity. explicitness? being more explicit. but yeah, it was fluttershy who said that. I as the actor must have assumed there was enough context, so I'll try to be more objective in the future. to be honest I did rush this, it only took me a few hours spread out over a few days.

I do have a problem with unsatisfactory work sometimes, where I look at it and I'm just like, how do I make this BETTER??? I mean I can read other people's fics and be like "this can be improved, that can be tweaked, this needs less, this needs more, this is clunky" etc etc, it's just hard to do to my own.

and to be honest I've tried the groups thing but it won't do it for me. I try to click it and it just freezes and says it did it but it never does do it. maybe I'm doing it wrong. oh well.

anyway, thanks for taking the time to be critical. i always appreciate comments but I get a few that I'm like. I'm glad but you liked it and want more but uh, was there anything specific or...? but things like this that tell me how to do things better, I'll always appreciate, even on the things I put less effort into.

I actually had problems with the group thing myself. I can't seem to add stories from the group pages themselves, but if I join a group I can select to add a story to that group from the story's page, and for some reason that works for me. (It's a plus button under the chapter list, next to the download button. I never noticed until a few weeks ago.)

I also hate having too much repetition. That's actually one of the virtues of showing and not telling. With telling it's a lot of "X said 'blank', Y said 'blank'", while showing is somewhat more flexible with how you can indicate who's speaking (if you surround a quote with an action, the person taking the action is usually assumed to be speaking the quote) and also allows you to put more words between each time you have to use "said". Though it also does take quite a bit of effort to make sure you're not just wasting words, which is probably why I take so long whenever I try to write anything.

Will there be more? :)

This was quite lovely! Wish there was more!

Sugar belle is a unicorn.

wait are you serious
please shoot me in the face

So did the suicide not stick because of the time loop, and waking up in her bed after dying clued her in that it wasn't something as simple as a prank? Or did the suicide stick in spirit but not in body, so now Fluttershy is some facsimile of the everlasting kindness she likes to be without the negative emotions? In short, in those loops after the suicide is that Fluttershy? Or is that Kindness? Twilight did say at the climax of the show pilot that Fluttershy embodies the Spirit of the Element of Kindness, so...hmm....

I've never seen groundhog day, so I don't know how death would affect a looper in this form of the time loop trope.

Well...uh...that happened.

Interesting perspective but no.
In Groundhog Day, eventually Bill Murray attempted suicide to get out of the time loop multiple times but each time he died he just woke up again the next morning. Sorta like the Tuesday episode of Supernatural, the Happy Death Day film franchise, and Hard Reset (a fanfic on this site). Dying just resets the time loop. When she died and came back it's implied that she realized oh shit it's a time loop and my friends don't actually hate me after all, but the way this story is planned to be structured I only tell the story from everyone else's perspective. I might do the chapter from her perspective at the very end though just for clarification's sake.

“We always do, Miss Smith,” shyly stated the pink-coated earth pony leaning on him, bringing a light blush to his cheeks. She turned her head to face the older mare, fluffy purple mane tied neatly in a bun. “And you?”

Damn, just say Sugar Belle, it’s not that hard; I thought that was Pinkie Pie at first and cue the confusion (Sugar Belle is a unicorn).

“Bark, bark!” Winona yelled, pawing gently at the front door.

Just a nitpick, but barking doesn’t need to be dialogue.

Applejack nodded solemnly. “We appreciate that, sugarcube. But honestly, today’s a bit of a slow day. Tuesday ain't busy for most ponies, and this time o’ year we can afford to slack just a bit. Just don't tell anypony else that. We can help y'all look for him if you want.”

Tuesdays, it’s always Tuesdays :facehoof:

“Yeah, that happens to pegasi,” Applejack explained, preparing a tea kettle. “Somethin’ about circulation, hollow bones, an’ flight magic. Can y'all set her up by the fire with some blankets, Belle?”

Probably nitpicking again, but feathers are good at keeping animals warm because they trap air close to the body, creating an insulating layer.

Oh yeah, she was pregnant. Twins, apparently. Apple Bloom knew, of course, how babies were made. But she didn't have to like knowing that her brother had done... that... with someone. Gross. Sugar Belle was a nice enough pony though. And it would be cool to be an aunt just like Princess Twilight. But still...

I feel you, Apple Bloom, I feel you.

Applejack cocked her head to the side. “It’s Tuesday. Groundhog’s Eve. Are you feelin’ alright, darlin’? And is Phil okay?”

"Darling" is not a very Applejack thing to say.

‘Just like yesterday...’

Single quote thoughts, not normally a good idea but you seem to have separated them enough from the actual dialogue to not get jarring.

“Fuck off.”

:pinkiegasp: Where da profanity tag mate?

It was a weird, but otherwise good, day.

:twilightblush: Hahaha... ha... ha :twilightoops:

Time loop from an outsider perspective, nice. I feel like Applejack under reacted to Fluttershy’s behaviour in the later loops, and the ending is very vague, like did Fluttershy just give up and choose to live in the loop?

This gets a GOOD.

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