• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 3,355 Views, 83 Comments

Super Mare-io Odyssey: A Story Untold - Cool_Quick

A collision on the Odyssey lands Mario and Cappy in Equestria, where things quickly become interesting.

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The Time is Dragon On

The coffee machine dinged. Cappy flew over to it, and inhaled the sweet aroma of freshly brewed joe. Yep, it’s a wonderful odor.

We had just left the Luncheon Kingdom, and were on our way to Bowser’s Kingdom to finally get Peach and Tiara, Cappy’s sister, rescued. Still, heroes have to have their coffee to function like everyone else.

I leaned back in the chair, listening to the Odyssey’s humming engine as I sipped my coffee carefully, trying not to burn myself. Cappy sat, or rather, floated across from me, somehow able to sip coffee without a mouth. I have no idea still how he can do that, and probably never will.

Just as I closed my eyes, the Dorrie plushie I had bought back in the Lake Kingdom fell to the floor for the fifth time that day. It was really lightweight, so any kind of abnormal movement in the Odyssey would cause it to collapse off the shelf.

I leaned over and picked it up, putting it back in its place as Cappy looked out the window. The clouds were apparently coming in, as the sunlight quickly began shrinking out of the Odyssey like a Piranha Plant fleeing from a fireball.

I closed my eyes again, and then Cappy said, “Um, Mario?”

He sounded a bit worried, but I simply thought at first that there was another bird trying to take a crap on the ship again. So, you can excuse my ignoring him at first. I even pretended to snore.

“Mario!” Cappy exclaimed, tapping me in the head. I yawned loudly, and blinked at him.

“Cappy,” I said. “I’ll clean off the ship later.”

“Mario, we may not have a ship if you don’t move.”

My curiosity was piqued now. I peeped out the window, hoping to see something cool.

I wish I hadn’t.

“Mamma mia,” I moaned at the sight in front of me.

Out the window was the largest dragon I had ever seen. It was black, with orange beady eyes that looked with hatred at our puny little ship. Its wingspan had to have been the size of a ten story building, and its head was the size of a school bus. Just a bit big, if you catch my drift.

“I think I’d-a better move-a.” I said. My Italian accent always came out more when I got nervous.

I rushed out the door, and looked up with what I hoped was defiance at the figure riding the dragon. It was none other than my nemesis, Bowser.

“Bowser,” Cappy exclaimed.

“That’s my name,” Bowser rumbled. “And your names will be ashes once my new friend here is done with you!” He laughed heartily, his deep booming guffaws shaking the ship.

“Why don’t you just take me on yourself?” I yelled.

That was a mistake.

“Are you calling me a coward?” he asked in a dangerous voice.

I knew there was no backing out now, so I swallowed and said “Well, you are a coward. Hiding behind your dragon like a little boy hides from his mom.”

Bowser roared with rage. “Alright, my sweet.” He said this to the dragon. “Show them how you destroy pesky plumbers and their friends.”

Twilight Sparkle was panicking. For the seventh time that week.

She was supposed to write a small report on new spells she’d learned, but apparently she needed one more to have a complete report. So she was looking through all of her spell books to find one she liked. This was bad for Spike, mainly because he had to catch the books she dropped, and haul them to the shelf. Most of the books were very large, and weighed almost as much as Spike did.

“Twilight… could you… please… buy… smaller… books?” he gasped as he hauled Modern Spells for the Ages: A Five Volume Collection across the room and tried to pull it up a ladder to the third shelf.

Twilight wasn’t listening of course. “Maybe hypnosis spells? No, too cheesy. Or maybe advanced levitation? No, already did that. Advanced…” her eyes lit up. “Advanced teleportation!”

“Oh no,” Spike moaned as he tried to prevent History of Spell-Casting from falling onto his foot. He knew how badly she’d screwed up basic teleportation at first, and the thought of that happening again on advanced level made him want to hide in his basket for a week.

At the same time, he knew that trying to convince her not to learn this would be like trying to cut through Mt. Everest with a plastic fork. So he kept his complaints down, and settled for merely slamming books on shelves loudly. He called it slam therapy.

“Spike,” Twilight said. “Can you please not slam things?”

“What?” Spike said, slamming How to Make Friends Everywhere onto his own foot.

Twilight ignored the assault of cursing that followed; mainly because she was busy looking at how to cast the spell. “Let’s see…”

She read for about five seconds before the door slammed open.

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she burst inside.

Twilight didn’t even notice.

Rainbow looked at Spike, and the two giggled silently to each other. Spike pulled out a trumpet from the corner, and tiptoed behind the reading Twilight.

“I’m going to try it I guess…” she was saying before a loud blast in her ear surprised even Spike. She gave a loud squeak, and her horn began glowing brightly.

“Oh, no…” Spike and Rainbow said at the same time.


A bright purple beam blew a hole in Twilight’s recently repaired roof, and shot into the evening sky. The three friends watched it sail into the distance, Spike looking a bit sheepish.

“Well,” Twilight said finally. “There goes more bits into repairs.”

She walked inside, not hearing Rainbow Dash add “Again.”

I gulped. Any trace of bravery I might have had was gone in the face of this beast. I prayed to some god out there who might hear my prayer to spare us.

The dragon’s mouth opened, purple flames beginning to rise up from its nose.

“We’re dead,” Cappy declared. “I-it was n-n-nice working w-with you M-mario.”

“Likewise, C-c-cappy.”

As we prepared to meet our fate, something weird happened.

Actually, what had happened was weird.

This was downright bizarre.

A different purple beam, this one more magenta, suddenly hit the Odyssey. Cappy swears I screamed like a little girl, but I disagree.

The dragon and Bowser disappeared, with the last words I heard the latter say being “What in the __?!”

From there, my brain is a little fuzzy. We just seemed to swim in nothing. I knew I still existed, because my body felt like it was getting twisted five directions at once. I could only breathe in short gasps, and my stomach felt like it had been left back in the Luncheon Kingdom.

Because I lost my lunch too.

I had been through thousands of Warp Pipes, but this felt twenty times weirder. It felt like my body didn’t know which way it wanted to go, or even what it was supposed to do. Very bizarre feeling.

Suddenly, things returned to normal, or as normal as Mario’s life can get. I could see Cappy again, mainly because he was clinging to my mustache for dear life whimpering “I’m dead. My life is ended. I wonder what cap heaven will be like. Will they be friendly there? Will I…” Then he realized he wasn’t dead, and cleared his throat, releasing his hold on me.

I looked down at the clouds below me. “I wonder where we are.”

“Pretty, wherever it is,” Cappy remarked. Then, he sniffed. “Do you smell something burning?”

“I think I farted during the flight, so you might smell that lingering somewhere. Hopefully it doesn’t cause any environmental hazards.”

“No, I mean something really burning.”

I sniffed, and smelled burning metal.

“Oh, dear,” I said, turning around.

The Odyssey was burning. And we were descending fast.

We hit a wind gust, and blew crazily. I wished I had brought a fire extinguisher for the thirteenth time that month.

All at once, the clouds disappeared, and below us was a town, and an eerie forest. I tried to steer the Odyssey toward the town, and at first I was successful. Then the wind decided that wasn’t where we needed to go, and blew us backwards into a large tree.

Cappy lost his grip, and went sailing into a small cottage near the forest, hitting the roof with what I imagined was probably a splat.

I wasn’t so lucky. I managed to hang on for a couple of seconds longer, but then the Odyssey hit another tree and my grip was weakened and broken. I felt like a bird for a fleeting moment, and then my body hit the ground.

The last thing I remember was a strange dragon like creature walking up to me cautiously, before turning around and saying “Twilight, come here!” His voice sounded like it was coming from miles away.

“Wh-where’s the meatballs?” I think I mumbled before my vision became dark and all thought was gone.