• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 3,355 Views, 83 Comments

Super Mare-io Odyssey: A Story Untold - Cool_Quick

A collision on the Odyssey lands Mario and Cappy in Equestria, where things quickly become interesting.

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Ponies. Why'd It Have to be Ponies?

(Ten Minutes Earlier)

“Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow giggled to herself at the foreseen shout from the restroom. She’d stuck a water bucket over the door, and Twilight almost never paid any attention to where she was going.

The Pegasus heard sloshing clops coming her way, and the sounds of Twilight angrily trying to brush her mane in a presentable fashion. When she finally stepped in front of Rainbow Dash, she had managed to poof her mane up into an Elvis pompadour. It looked so hilarious that Rainbow laughed until tears poured out of her eyes.

Spike suddenly burst into the room, panting heavily. He had been out buying some new books for Twilight (like she needed more) and had been going about his usual business of enjoying the night air while shopping when suddenly an airship of the most bizarre fashion came swooping out of the sky like a majestic hawk, before suddenly lurching around and crashing to the dirt like the hawk suddenly forgot how its wings worked.

Immediately, the baby dragon had zoomed down the street to get Twilight, conveniently forgetting the books in the process. Running through the thick crowd of gathering ponies, he burst into the library and ran upstairs, following the sound of laughter which only Rainbow Dash could make.

What’d she do now? he thought.

He pushed the thought aside, and came upon Twilight Presley glaring at Rainbow Dash hoping that maybe she could use the Stare. It just seemed to not be very effective.

“Twilight… there’s a… thing… that… crashed into… the outskirts… of Ponyville!” he gasped, small ineffective bursts of flame coming from his mouth.

At the mention of “thing,” Twilight’s face suddenly brightened. “Come on, Rainbow Dash,” she exclaimed. “Let’s study it for science.”

“First thing she always thinks of with something new seems to be science,” Rainbow remarked to Spike.

“I think her brain was made with chemistry liquid,” Spike said. “And by the way, did you do her hair?”

He said it both with sarcasm and amusement, combined with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

Rainbow chuckled again, trying to wipe tears out of her eyes so she could see the stairs. “Partly, yeah. I gave her the water, she styled it herself.”

“You know I can’t help falling in love with that hairstyle.”

The two friends laughed as they followed the retreating figure of Twilight Presley.

“It sure is nice being a Pegasus,” Rainbow commented as she flew over her 200th pony. The crowd had gotten so thick that trying to move on the ground was very difficult. Twilight got a pass through because she was Princess Twilight, even if her hair was… unusual to say the least. Rainbow and Spike though had to pretty much fend for themselves; with the blue Pegasus carrying Spike on her back.

As they flew over the sea of… it wouldn’t be humanity… ponanity? Maybe? Anyway… sea of ponies, they heard conversations like this.

“I’ve never seen a more bizarre creature in my life.”

“Its clothes, darling!” They knew this was Rarity. “I can’t really say what is wrong with them, but OH!”

“Sugarcube, ah’m never gonna understand what in tha hay is wrong with overalls. Ah personally don’t ave a probm with ‘em.”

“Well, our friends are here at least,” Rainbow commented.

Suddenly a pink blur appeared right in front of her, a party cannon hooked up to its body.

“WHEEE!!” Pinkie Pie squealed, shooting off a round of confetti and making everyone jump.

“Uh, Pinkie?” Rainbow asked. “What are you…?”

“Gettingreadytothrowapartyofcourse!” Pinkie exclaimed. Then she gave a gasp. “OH, you mean ‘what kind of party’? It’s gonna be the first annual ‘Alien Crash Landing in Ponyville’ party!”

“First annual?” Spike repeated weakly.

Pinkie gasped again. “OH, got party plans to make! Byedon’tstartwithoutmebringapplecidertoo!” And she zoomed away with a final confetti burst.

“Hey, guys!” Spike exclaimed from next to Mario, where he’d managed to get to while everyone was distracted by a typical Pinkie Pie Party Planning Prank or P.P.P.P.P. for short. “Twilight, he’s right here!”

Twilight rushed over, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash behind her. They found the creature lying below a tree, obviously unconscious. It was wearing blue overalls over a red shirt, with brown shoes. Its hair was brown, and its mustache was a darker brown.

“My, my,” Rarity tutted. “He’s had quite a crash.”

Twilight’s horn suddenly glowed, and everyone found themselves inside Twilight’s library. Twilight’s mane also magically fixed itself.

“That crowd was getting to me,” was all she said. “Applejack, can you dunk some water on this man’s head?”

“Sur’ thing,” the cowboy pony replied, clopping to the kitchen.

“What are you going to do with it, darling? It’s obviously in very poor condition. I’d recommend getting Fluttershy.”

“Good idea,” Twilight said. “Rainbow, can you fly over and get Fluttershy?”

“Will do,” Rainbow saluted before taking off out the open window.

“Ah’m back,” Applejack announced, bringing with her a bucket of ice cold water.

Twilight took it up with her horn and said “For science.” Then, she dunked the bucket right on the man’s head.

Fluttershy had been having a perfectly lovely evening. She had just gotten a cup of tea, fed all the animals, and was just sitting down when suddenly she thought she heard a distant crashing sound.

She jumped and went into an intense listening position, but heard nothing else. Just as she was settling down again, something hit her roof with a loud “THUNK!”

She gave a squeak, and dove under the couch, managing somehow to keep all of her tea in her cup. Remembering that she had made a New Year’s Resolution to be braver, she came out from her hiding spot and put down her tea. Heading to the door, she started talking to herself.

“Be brave, Fluttershy,” she muttered. “Don’t be scared. It was probably one of the squirrels. Just calm down.” She opened the door, and poked one blue eye out.

There was no one there.

“Hello?” she whispered.

No response.


Still nothing.

Fluttershy slowly opened the door so she could squeeze outside without making a lot of noise. Tiptoeing around to the back, she fanned herself with one of her wings. “Please don’t be a mean creature.”

Meanwhile Cappy was seeing stars. He blinked over and over to rid his sight of them, but they were soon replaced with brighter stars.

“Am I going blind?!” he panicked. “Will I ever see again?” He frantically looked around and saw a house.

“Wait, that house looks normal.” Looking back up, he realized what he had been seeing.

Actual stars.

Cappy cleared his throat, wherever his throat was, and was just turning around when suddenly a yellow Pegasus appeared right in front of him.

“AHHHHHH!!!” Cappy yelled.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!” Fluttershy screamed.

They both dove behind tree stumps, trembling like Chihuahuas that had just drunk 10 Red Bulls.

After about half a minute, they both peeped around the stump.

“Hello?” they said at the same time.

“You can talk?” they said in unison again.

“Who are you?” they said again.

Realizing how funny they sounded, they laughed together.

“Oh, my,” Fluttershy said finally. “I’ve never talked with a top hat before.”

“I’m a Bonnetor, ma’m. From the Cap Kingdom.”

“I have no idea where that is. I’m sorry.”

“No need to be shy Ms…”

“Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said with slight confidence coming back.

“I’m Cappy.”

“Nice to meet you, Cappy.” Fluttershy gave a warm smile, and Cappy found himself liking her already. Her large blue eyes were full of warmth, and she didn’t look like one of Bowser’s cronies. He felt like she was trustworthy.

“Have you seen Mario? Shortish guy about a couple of feet taller than you, wears blue overalls with a red shirt, has a mustache in the shape of a smiley face emoji?”

“I don’t think so,” Fluttershy replied hesitantly. “Is he a friend?”

“Yes, we’re on a mission to save our friends Peach, his friend, and Tiara, my sister.”

Fluttershy wondered to herself how cap reproduction worked. She pushed it aside, knowing that wasn’t important right now. “I think I saw a huge crowd of ponies over there a minute ago.” She gestured with a hoof towards the town. “Maybe your friend caused that?”

“Probably,” Cappy said. “He loves drawing a crowd. Hopefully he doesn’t make crashing the Odyssey a regular way to draw… creatures.”

“Oh, I certainly hope not!” Fluttershy exclaimed. She quickly covered her mouth at how loud she sounded. “Shall we investigate?” she whispered.

“Let’s a go!” Cappy exclaimed. Then he sighed. “I’ve been around Mario too long.”

Just then, Rainbow Dash zoomed up. “Hey Fluttershy, Twilight needs you back at…” she noticed Cappy. “Why does that top hat have eyes?”

“It doesn’t matter right now,” Cappy waved her comment aside. “Have you seen a guy crash…?”

“You mean the guy back at Twilight’s library? The one with the mustache and…”

“That’s Mario!” Cappy exclaimed. “Take us there, please!”

Rainbow Dash gave him a deadpan look. “That’s why I was here in the first place. So let’s get moving already.”

“Come on, Mario!”

“Eat that pasta!”

I was in a pasta eating competition, and Luigi and Peach were in front with Cappy, cheering me on. The other competitors, which included Wario, Waluigi, and Bowser were eating as fast as they could, but I was way faster.

“TIME!” the announcer shouted. “And the winner is…”

His words were literally drowned out by a waterfall hitting me in the head.

A very cold waterfall.

One with ice in it.

My eyes shot open as I gasped and spluttered water out of my mouth and nose. I realized that I had been dreaming.

When I got the water out, though, I realized the dream was much easier to believe. I was seeing the weirdest thing ever, which isn’t easy to accomplish. I had seen plenty of weird things.

This would take the cake (cake sounds good right now).

In front of me were three colorful ponies, one white, one orange, and one purple. Behind them was a purple baby dragon taking a nap. The orange pony was trying to push a water bucket aside, so I knew it was the one who had dunked me.

The purple pony, a unicorn with wings, stepped up and did something that really made me almost faint again.

It spoke.

“Who and what are you?” it asked in a female voice.

I cleared my throat and managed to compose myself. “My name is-a Mario. I’m-a from-a the Mushroom Kingdom-a.” My nervousness was definitely showing. “I’m-a human.”

“We haven’t had humans here in Equestria for thousands of years!” the unicorn gasped.

“Until-a now,” I said.

“So why are ya here?” the orange pony remarked in a southern accent.

“I got hit by some weird purple beam, and then hit a tree and crashed.”

“Sounds like it was your beam Twilight,” the dragon said with his eyes closed. Apparently it wasn’t asleep.

“Go to sleep Spike,” the purple unicorn, Twilight, retorted. “Anyway,” she turned back to me. “Do you have any evil intentions?”

“I’m trying to stop someone who does.”

“I see,” Twilight responded. “Well, I guess we can trust you.” She held out a hoof. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. My friends over there are Rarity, the white one, and the other is Applejack.”

“Thanks for the ice cold bath,” I said sarcastically.

“Ah, don’t be so angry abou’ it,” Applejack said. “We jus’ needed ya to get along and up on yur feet.”

“As soon as possible, we need to get you some clothes!” Rarity greeted.

“I have others,” I said.

“Oh,” was all she had. But then she quickly recovered. “I must inspect them.”

“She’s a fashion designer,” Twilight remarked sidelong to me.

“And beautiful…” I thought I heard Spike say.

“Now, where’s Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?” Twilight wondered.

As if on cue, there was a tapping at the door. I opened it to find myself assaulted with hugs by Cappy.

“You’re alright?!” Cappy asked.

“Right as rain.”

The two ponies behind him, both pegasi, came in. One was yellow with a pink mane, and appeared rather shy, so I assumed this was Fluttershy. The other had a rainbow mane and tail, and had blue fur. Rainbow Dash.

“You must be this ‘Mario’ character,” Rainbow remarked with a yawn.

“Uh… yes…”

“Oh, goodness!” Fluttershy suddenly remarked. “You’re hurt, and badly!” She began directing me upstairs. “Bed, now!”

“Okay, okay.” I opened the door she indicated, and plopped on the bed.

“Anything you need?” she asked.

“Just sleep, now that you mentioned it.” I leaned back on the pillow and watched Fluttershy apparently torn between coming in and leaving. She came in, and sat down next to me. “Is it scary being in a new world?”

“Not as scary as it is thrilling.” I yawned. “But after a while, thrills get rather tiresome.”

“Well, then,” Fluttershy said gently. “Get some rest. You’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.”

“I’m sure,” I replied.

Fluttershy cleared her throat and began singing a lullaby. She had a very sweet voice, one that reminded me of my mother. She used to sing a lullaby to me every night when I was little, back before Bowser and the Mushroom Kingdom. Back when I was carefree and happy.

Back when my parents were alive.

Fluttershy’s voice began making me sleepier, and I leaned back in the pillow. Her hooves pulled the sheets up around my body, just like Mom. I could see her now, tucking me in with a “Good night, Mario. Eat lots of ravioli in your dreams for me.”

Fluttershy finished her song, and left the room, softly closing the door. As I felt sleep overcome me, I thought I heard my mother’s voice once again. “Good night, Mario.”

“Good night, mother,” I said to the stars. “I’ll eat the whole package of ravioli.” I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

End of Day 1