• Published 12th Mar 2018
  • 2,993 Views, 27 Comments

Take My Heart, But Not My Studded Bracelets - Xutiepops

Twilight Sparkle is the new girl at school, she easily becomes one of the most likable girls in the school. Of course, with her luck, she catches the bad girl's eye. So sad for Rarity that she falls in love with a cowgirl brute.

  • ...

Get Ready to Dance the Night Away

Canterlot High was full of pretty girls with lots of different personalities. Shy, bombastic, talented, rude, and intelligent. The school didn't hold too many posh students. Rarity and her side group of friends were really the only ones that had the class that belonged in Crystal Prep. That was obvious.

So who wouldn't love to taint the little beauties? With either games of truth or dare, long nights spent talking, or simple kisses. Everything that wasn't expected, was expected with a side of resistance. Especially when it came to the dirt-hating Rarity.

Rarity has her reasons for being the high class queen of the grade. Well, she first had one of the most pale complexions, giving room for dirt or guck to show up easier. Her love of cosmetics and fashion didn't help her prestigious attitude.

Rarity sighed as she walked through the halls. She was all alone, staring down at her books in her arms. Well, she was staring at what was on top of the books. A brochure for Crystal Prep.

She was doing what she'd never done before: skip class. She needed time to think and she needed it now, she couldn't handle having this in the back of her head.

She opened one of the side doors to the building, landing on the left side that led to the football field. It was the perfect spot. No one went outside or inside during gym, no matter where they were.

She sat down near the door, knowing the school didn't care too much about skipping students. She looked at the brochure again and sighed, hugging it to her chest. She pulled it away and stared down at it.

Flipping it open just gave her way to see how classy the school was. Crystal halls, not tile. Everything matched! This school was a cluster of colors that made no sense! Of course, Twilight always seemed hesitant about telling her friends what Crystal Prep was like, what if she wouldn't get any friends?

And all for class! She wasn't considering it for the better schooling, well, other than the fashion club Siri was in. She was considering it for the chance to belong.

Sure, at Canterlot High she was on top of the ranks for the sophomore years when it came to beauty. But being on top wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to belong. She wanted to have a fashion club, she didn't want to camp out in the corner of the art room.

She wanted to be able to have friends that could shop at higher end stores or appreciate high end drinks. She wanted everything that mattered to her to matter to everyone else!

She sighed and looked down at the brochure. But is all that really worth my best friends? She thought. Another sigh. I mean, Twilight is one of my best friends, along with Octavia, Vinyl, Pinkie, and Fluttershy... and Coloratura. Now another problem entered her head.

How did things go so wrong with Coloratura? She was so nice! They were best friends! How could a stupid farm girl get in her way?

She shook her head and sighed again, curling up to herself. Her mind was rattled with thoughts and regrets, how could she have done this to herself? She'd get so many wrinkles from all the stress!

"Uh, Rarity?" A voice asked. Blush consumed her face as she recognized it as Trenderhoof. She looked up, hoping her makeup would cover how red her face was. A nervous smile instantly covered her face. A confused look sat on Trenderhoof's face. "You alright?"

She nervously fumbled to her feet, dusting off her skirt. She looked at him and smiled nervously again, nodding. He smiled and tilted his head to the side, "Really? I never knew you would be one to skip class."

She fidgeted with her hands. "I- uh... just needed somewhere to think. I have an A in that class anyways," She smiled nervously again. Her heart picked up in speed as he flashed her a witty smile. She had no idea if her face could get any hotter.

He chuckled, "I wouldn't doubt that. You are one of Canterlot High's top students after all." Her heart exploded. Getting a compliment from her crush was the last thing she wanted, but one of the first things she needed.

"T-thank you," she said nervously, staring at her feet. Once silence ensued, she swallowed and forced herself to keep the conversation going. "Are you going to the dance?"

She fumbled to correct herself. "I just mean... going to the dance to have fun. I k-know you're on the yearbook committee and one of my friends told me anyone on yearbook would be too busy taking pictures." She mentally slapped herself so many times, even with his smile staring back at her.

"I wish, but yeah, pictures for me. But at least I get to see the amazing dress you make yourself." His smile was embedded into her mind as his compliment rang in it. Her feet were shaking as she fumbled with her hands.

She was going to thank him again, but he continued. "But I don't mind. I wouldn't have the guts to ask a girl anyways. So, you have a date?"

She shook her head, finally feeling somewhat normal. "Sadly, I don't. But I have my friends if I don't get one by the dance."

"How? I'd expect all the guys to be asking you," shock filled his being. This only made Rarity feel more flattered. "I've overheard so many conversations of guys wanting to ask you."

She laughed nervously. "W-well, only a few have asked, b-but... they aren't exactly my type." The two overheard the bell rang.

"Well, I sure wish I wasn't on yearbook, then maybe I could've taken you," his smile seemed so innocent and platonic, but Rarity didn't see that. Her heart leapt out of her chest as her mind ran. As soon as she saw him walk into the school, she chased after him.

"Are you sure you have to take those pictures? I'm sure the others will get enough," she said loudly. Once he turned back to her, she reserved herself, ready for the 'no'. Her heart raced as her mind cursed her for sounding too desperate.

She didn't see his smile. "Alright. I'm still getting my picture of you, though," he started off, leaving Rarity a mess. She leapt for joy once he turned a corner, screamed into her hands as a smile plastered on her face.

Once everyone came in from outside, she walked out to get her books, bumping into a certain someone. Her face fell, "Oh," left her lips.

Her eyes flooded with the orange complexion and blonde hair. She sighed at the stupid smile on the girls face. "Saw you talkin' to Trender. He your date?" Applejack asked.

Her eyes shot open. Out of disgust of the thick accent and the guess. She didn't even get a chance to reply. "Who am ah kiddin', 'course he is! Fancy likes fancy, huh? Well, congrats."

Rarity stared, totally confused. "Why are you being so nice?" Then, her mind shot with realization. Her face morphed to disgust as she became incredibly annoyed. She put up her hand. "Don't even answer. I should've known. You're trying to make me think you sent Trender after me so I could get a date.

"Then I'd tell him he couldn't take me to the dance because I'm paranoid you did something and I end up with nobody!" Rarity said rudely. Her posture was straight as her arms held her books. Her eyes held hate and annoyance for the girl in front of her. "Honestly, I'm not that stup-!"

"Rarity, why am ah so god darned evil to you?" Applejack's voice cut through the classiness of Rarity's. "All ah've done is try to be nice to you and all you do is make me out to be rude."

She took a step forward, pinning Rarity's back to the wall. "Since all you do is judge books by covers, ah guess ah'll do the same. Y'all are just a rich brat who don't give two fucks 'bout nobody but herself!" Her anger seemed to all be pointed at Rarity, but some of it was pointed at herself.

She rolled her eyes and scowled, stomping into the school, slamming the door open as the bell for class rang. Rarity raced inside, seeing Applejack head to class. She sighed as she followed, her dislike for Applejack rising.

But, she sighed in relief. At least Applejack would try to get on her good side and give her an excuse in class.

Once she stepped into class with Applejack, she didn't get an excuse. She was shocked, her dislike rising as it was Applejack's fault they were late. She scowled as she sat down.

She gasped in disgust once she saw Applejack glancing at Coloratura.

It was expected to see some of the four nicest girls at Canterlot High in one of the priciest stores at the mall. Everyone knew Rarity and Twilight were rich, but everyone knew Rarity was more willing to spend.

So of course she'd offer them the priciest store and plea to pay. And of course, her friends would gladly agree after some fight. And it was even more expected that Rarity would drag them from their afternoon activities for it.

So, as Pinkie bounced out of the dressing room, Rarity clapped. The dress fit perfectly on her. The girl bounced and swayed her purple skirt, the transparent black sleeves and leggings looked itchy, but she didn't bother with them. Her black vest was met with purple poofy shoulders trimmed with pink. Black fishnet covered her legs.

Rarity squealed as she jumped up, racing to the other side of the store and back. She returned with a dark purple feather and a purple choker. She put the two on Pinkie and stepped away, clapping happily at the masterpiece.

Twilight and Fluttershy both questioned dress code and embarrassment of wearing the dress once they saw it. The two looked over Pinkie Pie and smiled, not wanting to let her know how concerned they were over the dress. Pinkie Pie bounced over to a mirror, a smile instantly hit her face.

"Cheese would love it!" She clapped her hands. Fluttershy's face morphed into confusion. Why would Cheese like such a party dress over a ten year old birthday party dress?

She couldn't help but ask. "Uh, Pinkie... why wouldn't Cheese like any of the other dresses you tried?" She felt awful when she saw the blank look on Pinkie's face. She cowered in her seat.

"Oh," Pinkie turned back to the mirror, attempting to hold her hair up in a high ponytail while styling it. "I just... I don't think he wants to see me in a pink, poofy, kiddy dress. Besides, I look better in this one."

"That you do!" Rarity smiled, already looking through racks with green or blue dresses. Fluttershy looked to Pinkie, seeing the look on her face made her question if Pinkie was happy with the dress or not.

But after a while, she smiled to herself. Pinkie was just growing up in a sense, she wasn't disappointed, she was stunned. Fluttershy smiled, "You look great." She stood next to Pinkie Pie with a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not too showy, is it?" Pinkie Pie asked worriedly. Fluttershy followed her eyes to the mirror. She shook her head.

"I don't think so. I think it's just right," Fluttershy smiled happily. Pinkie Pie smiled too, taking in how grown up she looked. She finally felt like she was with her friends, she wasn't the entertainment. She was being entertained by herself. And who knew all she needed to realize that was a little dress?

Rarity rushed over with a solid black, long, and skin tight dress. Fluttershy smiled in relief, knowing Rarity would dress Twilight up in it. She didn't expect it when Rarity lunged the dress at her. Her immediate response was, "Huh?"

The smile on Rarity's face had her answer. "I want you to try it on! You'd look amazing in it! Besides, it's long."

Fluttershy grabbed the dress and held it up in front of her. She followed it all the way down to the floor. It was long. But the back was lower than what she would have liked. And the slit up to her thigh terrified her. But before she had room to disagree, Rarity already shoved her into a dressing room.

She watched the walls, hating dressing rooms. She swallowed and sighed, putting the dress down and starting to take her shoes off.

Twilight was worried about Fluttershy, taking her annoyance out on Rarity. "She's not going to like it. The back's too low and the slit probably goes against dress code!"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Relax, besides, she doesn't have to like it. There's plenty of other dresses here for her to choose from." She turned her attention to Twilight. "She doesn't even have to pick a dress today."

Twilight wanted to groan, but resisted the urge to. "Just don't put all of us in skimpy dresses. You already put Pinkie on the borderline." She winced, hoping Pinkie didn't hear her. Once she realized Pinkie was too infatuated with her dress, she sighed in relief. "Still, you should know Fluttershy wouldn't like it."

"I like it," a voice rang. Three heads whirled to the source, their breaths taken. Seeing the most innocent of the four with a close to backless dress and dress code defying slit made the three speechless.

Twilight imagined being at her doorstep, pushing her hair behind her ear and sticking a black rose to hold it in place. She was surprised when she wanted it, it was one of the first non-platonic feelings she had for Fluttershy recently. Every heart race increase and nervousness she had around Crash disappeared at the sight of her pink hair falling over one eye in embarrassment.

Fluttershy stared at her feet, biting her lip and picking up her foot, laying it on the toes, twisting it around. Her arms latched behind her back, "Is it too much?"

Once no voices were heard, she slammed her hands to her eyes to keep herself from crying. Twilight forced herself to step in. She stood up from the seat she was in. "No, no," she said, walking towards Fluttershy. She moved the girls hands from her eyes, taking in the red face and the scared eyes.

She smiled in bliss, "You look... amazing. I'm sorry, we were just too speechless." Fluttershy hugged her out of her panic reducing to it's normal levels. Twilight hugged her back. "We're sorry, but you really look great." Twilight peaked over Fluttershy's head, seeing how backless the dress was.

It wasn't as bad as she expected, and it certainly was fine by dress code. But she expected it to be a bit much for Fluttershy. She smirked to herself, knowing the girl would wear her hair down or a jacket to accommodate for it.

Rarity followed Twilight's suit. "Yes darling! You look magnificent! I've never seen you look so gorgeous!" She clapped her hands together joyfully. "And you'll look even better with dramatic makeup! Eee!" Rarity almost jumped with excitement.

Fluttershy looked up nervously from her safety of Twilight to see Pinkie Pie bounce next to her. "Yeah! You look suuuuuuuuper good! So many guys'll regret not asking you!" Her bubbly personality shone through and almost demolished Fluttershy's panic.

Twilight smiled down at her, starting to become jealous of whoever Fluttershy was with. "We'll have a great night, I just hope you won't mind being stared at... if you do go in that."

Fluttershy smiled back. She turned to Rarity. "I want this one... if you don't mind getting it," she suddenly felt too greedy and embarrassed over it. She should be more considerate of her friend spending money on her, she didn't even know how much the dress cost!

Rarity chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll gladly get it for you." She smiled at her, once she realized Fluttershy still felt bad, she smiled wider. "Don't any of you worry! The materials for my dress cost more than whatever I'm getting each of you."

She was happy when Fluttershy smiled up at her in relief. She clapped her hands, excited to find a dress for Twilight.

She had been waiting for this moment since Twilight walked through the doors of her school. The purple complexion, eyes, and dark hair with that pop of magenta was the perfect match to a blue color she was dying to see the girl in!

Even if she knew magenta was Twilight's favorite color, she didn't care. A lighter blue than her hair would work perfectly with her purple being. But as she looked through outfits, she was considering the magenta to match the streak in Twilight's hair.

But suddenly, she found the perfect dress. As she held it in front of her, she could see the small details it needed, but loved it as a starter. She started her way over to the three happily discussing the dance. She started blushing as she imagined Twilight in the dress, then, she shook her head.

You mustn't think of Twilight that way! Besides... she's going with Fluttershy and not you! She thought, disappointment filling her thoughts. Suddenly, she got jealous. How come Fluttershy became her best friend and not me? I was there for her since the beginning... what does Fluttershy have that I don't?

The more she thought, the further her light blue nails dug into the dress in her hands. She lightened her grip once she stood in front of her friends. She was happy to see Fluttershy hadn't taken off the dress just yet.

She held the dress in front of her with a smile. Twilight's eyes widened with admiration at the royal blue.

The dress was strapless, which was against dress code, but Rarity could fix that. The dress had a sparkley, black belt around the waist, two layers of royal blue fabric ruffling out from it.

Rarity smiled. "Blue or black heels could work. And I was thinking of adding light blue stars to the bottom of the dress, but if you don't like the idea I won't." She handed over the dress to Twilight, already seeing the worry of the non-existent straps on her face.

She smiled, "Don't worry, darling. I'll sew some straps onto it." Once she saw Twilight's worry of Rarity making them spaghetti straps, she said, "I'll make them somewhat thick. Now go try it on."

She shoved a confused Twilight into the dressing room, leaving Twilight to figure out the mechanics behind a strapless dress. Twilight soon figured out that it needed to hug your figure and started slipping it on.

Of course, her mind ran to the one place it always ran to. Rainbow Crash. Her eyes opened numbly as she made it fit. She stared back at herself in the mirror. She could imagine the speechless expression on Crash's face.

That expression would be met with laughter that would make her correct herself. A clearing of the throat and the extending of the rose would be matched with a determined and serious face. Twilight would smile and thank her, admiring Crash in her own tomboyish dress.

She would say goodbye to her parents, Crash already jumping on the motorcycle. The door would slam shut on her face, after the viewing of thumbs up and holding back tears. Crash would extend the helmet and she'd refuse. Crash would shrug her shoulders as she started putting it on herself.

Twilight would get on and enjoy the ride as she watched the sun set. The more nice she felt around Crash, the tighter her grip would get. Her heart rate would stay content for once. She would finally be on a date with Rainbow Crash. She wouldn't be scared anymore.

As Twilight went over her dream night, Rarity admired her friends. Of course, Twilight had her favorite colors, but picking a more 20s outfit for Pinkie and a classy, sleek black one for Fluttershy made her happy as well. Her two friends looked lovely, she was almost worried Trenderhoof would stare at them instead of her.

She sighed dreamily and fell onto a chair. The idea of Trenderhoof taking her to the dance made her fall in love with him even more. Her freshman year crush asked her to the dance! How lucky could she be?

Once Twilight walked out of the dressing room, she couldn't even think. Seeing a masterpiece and the idea of Trenderhoof left her mind a mess.

Thankfully, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie took her spot. Jumping up from their seats, smiling at the girl and complimenting her. Rarity smiled motherly at Twilight, finally getting up from her seat and clapping.

The three girls turned back to her, confusion on their faces directed towards the slow clap. Rarity smiled, "We all look lovely. We'll be the bells of the ball!"

Pinkie giggled happily, looking down at her dress. She grabbed the hem and swayed it back and forth. "I just hope Cheese likes it. I love it!"

Fluttershy giggled. "Cheese'll love it Pinkie! You look great."

Twilight turned to Rarity. "Thank you for taking us here, Rarity. And for buying, also, I think the dress looks better without stars." Rarity smiled back.

"Alright, I'll give it to you tomorrow, with straps," she smiled happily.

"Is your dress finished?" Fluttershy asked curiously. A smile plastered on her face. Rarity nodded.

"I finished it a week ago!"

Pinkie Pie smiled, bouncing away to the dressing rooms. "Well, I guess we need to get these off. Oooh! I can't wait to show the Cakes! Oh! And Maud!" She bounced inside one, listing random people she knew around town.

Fluttershy and Twilight giggled at her as they walked towards the rooms. Once they were inside, Rarity was alone. She was smiling. She didn't mind being the one that treated the girls, she loved the idea. She was generous after all.

Coloratura peaked into the art room, expecting to find Rarity. Once she didn't, she stared in confusion at the corner. The girls bag wasn't even there. She looked to one of the girls in the room, "Hey, have you seen Rarity today?"

The girl deadpanned at her, her face void of any emotion and her body void of any expression. She blinked, then spoke in a dull voice. "No, haven't seen her." She turned back to her painting robotically. Coloratura stared in confusion at the girl, getting a look at the detailed painting of a tombstone on the canvas.

Even with the dull personality, Coloratura had to compliment her. "Wow! That looks amazing!"

The girl smiled slightly. "Thank you, I've worked very hard on it."

"What's the meaning behind it?"

"There is no meaning, I just wanted to paint a tombstone to try out a darker atmosphere," the girl deadpanned.

"Oh," Coloratura stated. "Well, you're really good at it! I love all the little cracks and you did the moon shine perfectly." Once the girl stared at her blankly, she backed up in her appreciation. "Uh, nevermind... I.. uh... don't know anything about art soooo."

The girl smiled slightly again. "Thank you again. Besides, you're a pretty good critique." The girl stared at the painting. "Any problems you see?"

Coloratura stared at the painting as well. Her eyes scanned over everything, hoping to be of some assistance. Suddenly, she got an idea and smiled slightly. "To give it more of a darker atmosphere you could've backed up the image and added a crow on the tombstone."

Once the girl stared at her, she continued. "It'd give room for the moon to be in there for a better contrast. Plus it'd give way to more skills of light source, composition, contrast, and skill sets." She felt so elated once the girl smiled back at her. "But, it's nice the way it is."

"Thank you. How do you know so much about art?" The girl asked, emotion finally slipping into her voice.

Coloratura smiled. "Rarity taught me a lot about composition and color theory. So I sort of got into art. I never drew anything, but I wanted to understand it."

The girl's smile was slight, but Coloratura could tell she made the girls day. "I'll try redoing the painting. Would you come by later this week to see it?"

Coloratura smiled and nodded. "I'd love to! Well, see you later! It's been fun!"

The girls smile grew. "Thank you again. It means a lot."

"Well, I'll come by again Friday if that's cool."

"Sure," the girl nodded. Coloratura smiled in happiness and pride as she exited the class. But suddenly remembered why she entered the room in the first place. She sighed, wondering why Rarity wasn't around.

"Pretty nice thing y'all did there," a voice rang. Her head exploded with disbelief as the accent repeated itself in her head. She turned to the kind smile and those emerald eyes. She swallowed.

She hugged her books to her chest. "I-It was nothing! Besides, she deserved the compliment, it was a c-cool draw- painting!" Her face exploded into blush as Applejack took a step closer to her, her hands shoving into her pockets. A kind smirk sat on her face.

Suddenly, she sighed, realizing the girl was looking for Rarity. She smiled at Applejack, "Sorry, I couldn't find Rarity today. I guess she didn't stay after like usual." Applejack took one step closer, putting about two feet between the two.

"Actually, ah was lookin' for ya," Applejack smiled. Coloratura froze.

Coloratura laughed nervously. "M-me? W-w-why?" Her nervous smile spread as her mind ran with disbelief and rational embarrassment.

Applejack chuckled at her, which only made her cower in her own hate further. "I wanted to talk to ya. And, well, thank you for defending me all those times 'gainst Rare."

Now Coloratura rolled her eyes at the name associated with Applejack. "Pft, don't worry. You needed it."

"But y'all are always there for me, think it deserves an upfront thanks," Applejack smiled sweetly at the girl. Coloratura couldn't believe what she was hearing. 'Always there'? Why was she getting this now?

"Is that all?" Coloratura asked, anxious to get away and scream her mind out of it's excitement and stress flood.

"Nah, I was wonderin' somethin'," Applejack asked cheekily, a little smirk sat on her face.

Coloratura rolled her eyes with a smirk, loving the adorable way Applejack avoided the point. "Alrighty then, what's that?"

"Got a date to the dance?"

Coloratura's head rang with alarm. Her legs paralyzed with fear as her hands started shaking. She swallowed. Her head shook, "N-no."

"Well then," Applejack's smile stayed kind and confident. It was everything Coloratura could've wanted from the girl. Just a casual surprise out of no where. She was already on the verge of tears as the smile stayed. "Will ya allow me to take ya?"

Her hands flew to her mouth, her books falling to the ground. Her eyes widened at the sudden bang. She zoomed to pick them up, her mouth threatening to open and her eyes threatening to cry. Applejack bent down to help her.

Once the two were up and standing again, Coloratura nodded. "Yeah... yeah, I'd love to go with you."

Applejack's smile was triumphant over the measly one Coloratura held. "Great.... fantastic," the girl's smile seemed so dreamy and fulfilled.

Coloratura sat there for a bit, confusion over taking her. "Hey... why'd you ask me now?"

Applejack sighed. "I knew y'all would ask that." She kicked her foot. "I just kinda got over somebody else, I realized y'all was the girl there for me." Applejack's eyes filled with worry once she saw the girls disappointed expression.

"Hey! Y'all ain't my recoil or something." She put her hands on the girl's shoulders, emotions racing to her mind as she saw the teary eyes look up at her. "Ya just the one I needed to like since the start. Sorry it took me so long."

Coloratura nodded, wiping her eyes off on her pink jacket. "So, you actually like me?"

Applejack smiled, taking in the girl's entire being. That lovely, luscious white hair, her pink jacket, her whole glam-rock style was gorgeous. And the nervous girl definitely set her to be her type. "Yep."

"So, see you at the dance?" Coloratura asked, looking up at Applejack with desperation and fear in her eyes. Applejack nodded.

"And ah'd better see y'all in a cute dress," Applejack smirked. Coloratura giggled and nodded. As soon as Coloratura left, Applejack felt so much better.

She was going to the dance with someone she liked! She didn't have to put up with Sunset now! She had her very own adorable date!

She smiled, trying to fool herself. Trying to tell herself she didn't want Rarity. She sighed. Of course she couldn't fool herself, she was always the honest one.

Comments ( 11 )

Looking forward for more !! <3

Ah man, it's getting sooo good!

The tropes man, the tropes. 5 stars

its an horror visual novel game. like some major f up things and some fourth wall breaks.

This. Is the. Most. Awesome. TwiDash fic. I've. Ever read!!!!
Please please please continue this! I can't wait anylonger!!! Ahhhh

This was a great read! You captured the characters in their best light~ so to speak!

This story made me a harder SciTwiDash shipper! And I guess you can say you made my day 20% cooler.
Thank you!

Ive really enjoyed this so far, are you still working on it? It would be sad to see such a good story die before its conclusion.


I hope this gets updated, it’s a great story!

Bruh I'm so upset about how the story ended. I love the take that this author did with the main seven. I feel like the writing is really good and well paced. but the last two chapters for me basically destroyed me. I was so disappointed with that last two chapters that I don't even know how to feel about the story the ending is everything to me. However it was a great little journey

Uhh R.I.P.?

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