• Published 12th Mar 2018
  • 2,993 Views, 27 Comments

Take My Heart, But Not My Studded Bracelets - Xutiepops

Twilight Sparkle is the new girl at school, she easily becomes one of the most likable girls in the school. Of course, with her luck, she catches the bad girl's eye. So sad for Rarity that she falls in love with a cowgirl brute.

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Kick Your Feet Up When The Teacer Tells You No

They got to English on time, almost early, as they got a head start to fight through the halls. The two smiled, nervously and proudly at the teacher as she smiled.

"So, you're Twilight Sparkle? I hear you got good grades at your old school, I expect nothing else!" The teacher, Mrs. Cheerilee smiled happily. Twilight smiled nervously back, recognizing she wasn't going to be in one of the easiest classes.

"I'm Mrs. Cheerilee, and I teach English full time, but I can tutor you for history as well. The history teacher is kind of mean, so I understand if you want my help," she giggled as students piled in. Twilight got glimpses of confused and excited faces.

She was nervous when she saw the classroom, desks were pushed together in groups of four, meaning she'd have to work with people. She was happy to see that boys were with boys and girls were with girls. She was too nervous to even think around a boy.

She saw a table had five desks with three girls that looked nice enough. One had mint skin with almost white hair, her hair had a streak of purple, and a lighter purple. She was heavy on studded bracelets and studs in general. A studded choker and belt laid over her magenta-purple leather jacket.

Out of the other two, there was one with milky white skin like Rarity. But she had blue hair with lighter blue streaks in it. The other had brown-grey skin with long, brown hair. The two seemed like polar opposites. One was jamming to her headphones and the other sat with class and good posture.

Twilight decided that sitting there wouldn't kill her. She turned back to the teacher, listening to her for sure this time as other students filed in.

"I think there's an empty seat next to Pinkie Pie, you'll know her when you see her," Mrs. Cheerilee smiled. Rarity gave Twilight a reassuring rub on her arms and went to sit down next to the heavy studded girl.

Twilight watched nervously as students piled in, one empty seat seemed fit at almost every table, just because people were up and talking. She assumed she'd be to next to a girl, but the girls seemed so... talkative... and unfriendly. Ugh! She missed her friends!

She wanted to laugh with Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap at how lucky they were to sit near each other, while Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare sat across the class room from the other.

The girls at Crystal Prep had their own friend groups, but they were open to adding a new member to them. Here, the friend groups seemed finalized, even Rarity's!

She watched as girls fled into the room as the bell was close to ringing, who was this Pinkie Pie? Suddenly, a girl bounced in happily with a nervous girl standing behind her.

The pink girl bounced with curly, big, hot pink hair. She wore a candy-pink shirt with poofy sleeves, dark pink suspenders came up from her poofy magenta shorts. She had pink converse with blue and pink socks that ended close to the bottom of her shorts.

"Oh," Twilight muttered, knowing that this girl was Pinkie Pie. Then, she noticed the timid girl who sat in the seat across from her.

The girl had beautiful yellow skin, with long, pastel pink hair. She wore a flower crown, and has a big yellow sweater that hung off one of her shoulders. She wore white leggings with yellow converse.

Twilight sighed and started over to Pinkie Pie, taking a seat next to the bouncy girl. These two seemed like the rest, eager to not be friendly. She could almost imagine Sour Sweet in the timid girls place, and Sunny Flare next to her, gagging at Lemon Zest's terrible taste in ear-ruining music.

Surprisingly, Pinkie Pie gasped loudly and stared, appalled at this new girl. Twilight stared in confusion at this reaction as the bell rung. The girl covered her mouth with her hands, her smile seemed evident, even with the hand covering. The two turned to Mrs. Cheerilee with the rest of the class.

"Alright students, today we'll have a competition!" Mrs. Cheerilee said happily, much to the classes happiness as well.

Twilight watched as students exchanged cocky glances, and happy expressions. She missed having class competitions at Crystal Prep. She'd exchange that cocky glance with Sour Sweet and Indigo Zap.

Mrs. Cheerilee started walking around, dropping a sheet of paper at every table. "Okay, so the rules are simple. Try to figure out the code by following the directions and seeing how many verbal's are in a sentence.

"If you think you have the code, bring the sheet to me and I'll check it," she passed out all the papers and headed back to the front of the class. "Whoever can get the code correct first, gets the prize." She pulled out a black, locked chest. More cocky glances were exchanged.

The teacher smiled brightly at the competitive spirits. "Alright! Write all names on the paper and turn it in at the end of class." She gave the class a few seconds of anticipation for the go to start. She smirked. "And g-!"

The door slammed open, Mrs. Cheerilee stared, clearly annoyed at the three late girls. She raised and eye brow and crossed her arms. "Mind explaining to me why you three are late?" She asked, her usual nice attitude fell to rude and strict.

Twilight was scared, there were two empty desks at the groups of girls around her table. But one was at hers! She'd have a complete jerk at her table.

"Sorry, Cheers," one of the girls rough voices said. It was most definitely feminine, the high pitch gave it that. Though, the annoyance and pride that sat behind it gave it so much power.

Mrs. Cheerilee didn't lighten up. "Detention, this afternoon. Now, take your seats." She sat her hands on her hips as two of the three groaned. The feminine power didn't, instead, she sat down at her seat in front of Twilight.

The girl had rainbow colored, spiked hair that laid over her cyan blue skin. She wore a white baseball tee with the letters 'MIS' on one side of the buttons, and 'BHV' on the other side. She wore black converse and dark blue jean shorts. She threw her black book bag next to her chair as she took a seat.

The timid girl cowered as the brute took to her seat roughly and without care, pushing it closer to the timid girl with her weight.

"And start!" Mrs. Cheerilee yelled, allowing conversation to out break. Pinkie Pie grabbed the paper and started writing on it.

"Piiiinkiiie Piiie," she sounded out as she wrote her own name on the pink sheet. She giggled, "hehe, this sheet is pink!" The timid girl giggled at the silly statement. The brute rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, looking to one of the other girls who followed her in.

"Fluuuutttteeerrshhhyy," she sounded out after she pointed her pencil at the nervous girl. She pointed to the brute, whom snatched the paper and the pencil, writing her own name and sliding it back to Pinkie Pie. The studs on her studded bracelet shone in the rising sun outside.

Pinkie smirked and erased it, earning a groan from the brute. "Raaaaiiinnnbbooww Crrraaashh," she sounded out with glee.

She pointed her pencil and turned to Twilight, expecting to get a name to write, as she forgot who was there. Once she saw Twilight, she gasped loudly, only for Twilight to cower at the new found attention from the other two at the table.

"You're new!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily.

"Pft, duh!" Rainbow Crash said rudely and looked towards the girls who followed her in again. Pinkie puffed out her cheeks and pouted at the insult.

"Meanie," Pinkie Pie muttered rudely and looked to Twilight with a smile. "Hiya! Name's Pinkie Pie!"

Twilight smiled, maybe she was wrong. Maybe they were willing to open up friend groups for her. "Twilight Sparkle." For some reason, the brute's head turned to her, and the brute's eyes never seemed to leave her.

Pinkie Pie smiled and turned back to the paper, "Twiiiiiliiiighttt Spaaaarrrkllle." She went back and made all the dots in the i's hearts, like she did with her own name.

"Twilight Sparkle," the brute muttered and looked back at her friends. She seemed content after saying it, well... she seemed bored... maybe relaxed even. Before, it was as if she was pent up on anger. Her shoulders scrunched up and the grip on her own arms hardened and loosened.

Now, her shoulders relaxed and her grip didn't change. Though, the only non-content thing about her were the constant glances she threw towards Twilight while the book worm wasn't looking.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were nice, even if they didn't win the competition, it was still fun. The two forced Twilight to sit with them at lunch, even Fluttershy demanded it. Which made Twilight happy, she usually wasn't wanted, and was worried people only asked to be around her for the sake of being nice. But demands didn't mean nice.

Demands meant wants. And Twilight felt wanted after that, it only made her happier, especially after losing her friends.

So Twilight sat at lunch with the girls. She was happy to see Rarity sat with her clique right next to them. The fashionista clearly wanted to be Twilight's friend, and still wanted to be affiliated with her friends. So, she joined in on the conversation every now and then, much to Pinkie and Fluttershy's happiness.

"So! What was Crystal Prep like? We haven't seen them yet, we would've last year, but grades were too low to compete against them in The Friendship Games," Pinkie Pie explained. Rarity laughed.

"We got rained out darling, by the time the rain let up, end-of-the-year-tests were only a month away," Rarity explained. Pinkie Pie giggled at her own mistake and hit herself on the head, only for Fluttershy and the studded girl -whose name was Coloratura- to laugh at her. Twilight smiled at the silliness.

"Well, it was nice, inviting, challenging, fun... especially with my friends," Twilight said happily as she stared down at the table. Sorrow and happy memories flooded her once content mind.

She remembered worrying over if she was spending too little or too much time with a certain person, once it was revealed, they all laughed at her and assured her that it didn't matter how much time they spent with her. They liked being around her, just in general.

Just being in the same room as her made them happy, and it felt like they had spent hours together when they just took a test next to the other. Twilight smiled sadly at the table.

Rarity and Pinkie felt the sad tension as Coloratura, Vinyl, -whose name Twilight learned belonged to the punk look-alike to Rarity- and Octavia -who Twilight learned the name belonged to the classy Victorian beauty- went back to talking.

The two were surprised when Fluttershy was the one to console her, "Maybe you should tell us about them. Maybe it'll make you feel better."

Twilight smiled at her. Rarity rolled her eyes, "Oh please, that just gives Pinkie leeway to compare us to people we don't even know."

Twilight shook her head, already happy to be around these girls. "I don't think they would remind any of you of yourselves. They aren't like any of you at all."

Pinkie slammed down her now empty milk carton on the table, revealing a milk mustache. Fluttershy giggled and pointed at it, only for Pinkie to keep her determined stare at Twilight as she licked it off.

Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy burst into laughter, Pinkie soon followed. Twilight was so happy, yet something was off. And she knew exactly what it was.

There wasn't the silent judgment and the spoken sarcasm with every word that sat at the end of the table. There wasn't the competitive spirit that had food eating contests with Sour Sweet.

There wasn't the head banging person next to her with her music playing so loud she could hear it. There wasn't the chill observer who struck up conversation with her. And there most certainly wasn't the personality switch every two seconds.

But the laughter soon ended as a hand slammed down on the table. The girls eyes shot open as their eyes followed the cyan hand up to the brute Rainbow Crash. Rarity and Pinkie Pie instantly made faces of disgust, while Fluttershy and Twilight seemed scared.

Twilight noticed the two standing behind the girl, the same two that followed her into class earlier in the day.

One had orange-yellow skin with fiery red and gold hair. The girl wore a red and black flannel, the sleeves cut off cleanly. Underneath the flannel designed tank top was the black skirt that looked like the same texture as a rain coat.

Twilight could remember seeing the girls red heels from earlier, but she barley noticed the black, leather jacket that hung around her waist.

The other girl had orange skin with golden hair, shaved off on one side and pulled into a ponytail near the end on the other. Her face was littered with freckles, as were her arms. She had a flannel type shirt like the other girl, sleeves cut off. Her shirt was orange, with lines of red, green, and white. A black tank top was obvious underneath it.

She had a studded belt, and a studded bracelet on both wrists, her ear had gauge earrings and she wore blue jeans with brown boots. Her eyes lingered on Rarity before moving back to Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, the brute looked at Twilight and spoke, "Hey egghead, come with us." Pinkie Pie and Rarity instantly stood to defend her, Fluttershy followed short after, nervous about being so close to the three, as she sat at the edge.

The three brutes looked at the three with suspicion, wondering why their order was questioned. Rarity crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, "There is no way we would let her go with you ruffians!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie fought, hands balling up into fists. Her cheeks puffed out in anger, "Especially after making fun of her!"

"I-I agree with them," Fluttershy shuffled nervously. Now Twilight saw it, she saw her friends in these girls.

She saw Sugarcoat in Rarity, arms crossed and eyebrow raised in suspicion. Her whole posture and stance matched the confident Sugarcoat who always had the right answer, no matter if she was wrong.

She saw Sour Sweet in Pinkie Pie. The anger fueling, the happy voice switching in and out of anger and glee, the frustration causing her to lose track of things she made sure she never lost, causing her to stay on mad-mode.

She saw Lemon Zest in Fluttershy, not because Lemon Zest was nervous, and definitely not because Lemon Zest was quiet. No, she saw the girl who usually never got involved in these type of things, unless it was for her friends.

She smiled up at them. She didn't want to leave her friends from Crystal Prep, but at least she got the next best thing when it came to them. She couldn't wait to read or hear about the protest to her opinions.

"I don't really think it's your place to decide," the fiery haired girl stated, smirking at the three, especially Fluttershy who cowered under the attention.

"Yeah, let the dor-" she saw the hateful stare from Rarity and sighed, "-let the girl make the decision." The freckled girl stated. Now Twilight was curious.

So curious, that she didn't realize the six staring at her. She finally looked at Rainbow Crash, that pink stare cutting into her. The questions running as to why the brute wanted to see her.

"So?" Rainbow Crash asked, impatience taking over her calm state. She pushed herself from the table and crossed her arms. Twilight could see curiosity etched into those pink-red eyes. She felt as if her eyes mirrored it as she stared at her.

"I- uh," she stammered nervously and looked away, feeling as if she could speak without matching the girls stare. "I think I'll stay here.... with my friends." She glanced up and saw three faces staring at her with smiles. Two of the brutes looked annoyed, and one seemed almost furious.

Of course, the furious one was Rainbow Crash. "Fine, egghead." Her anger deflated into calm as she held up her hands, as if caught by the police.

The fiery one and Rainbow walked off, while the freckled one stayed and watched Rarity take her seat. Pinkie and Fluttershy followed suit.

"Hey, Rare..." she said nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. Her thick, southern accent was quiet evident as she spoke the nickname. Rarity seemed repulsed by the idea that Freckles was calling her by that.

"My name is Rarity, my friends call me 'Rare'," she said rudely and looked away from Freckles. The punk blushed and looked away too.

"Uh, yeah, sorry," she said. "Ah was just wonderin' if-"

"Go follow Rainbow Crash now, darling," Rarity's gaze narrowed on her with hate. "I'm afraid we've heard that brutes ruin appetites."

Freckles seemed so offended, so shocked. But she didn't lose her cool like Twilight expected. She simply nodded hesitantly and took off with a half raised hand, meant to symbol a wave goodbye.

Rarity scoffed at it and growled, turning to Coloratura and Octavia. Now, Twilight's curiosity was at it's peak, if she didn't get any answers soon, she'd explode!

"Who are they?" She asked, happy to get the lunch subject off of her. She looked at Rarity, "And what did one have to do with Rarity?" She looked to Pinkie Pie for answers, who smiled with icing from a doughnut on her face.

"Those're Rainbow Dash -though she goes by Rainbow Crash-, Sunset Shimmer, and Applejack! The school's punk rock back, the Rainbooms!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "They're a pretty good band, if they weren't jerks and total dirtbags," she laughed.

Rarity rolled her eyes, "The cowgirl is Applejack, the fiery-haired-one is Sunset. They're total rebels and brutes. They're jerks, and they think they're worth so much just because they can kick their feet up after the teacher tells them not to." She stuck out her tongue and pointed at it.

"Hey, Applejack isn't so bad," Coloratura said defensively, her cheeks turning crimson. Pinkie Pie just laughed at her, though Rarity was too confident in her own belief to recognize her friends obvious crush.

"Yes, well, 'isn't so bad' doesn't make a person nice, does it?" Rarity asked harshly. Coloratura growled and stood up, she walked away and to a different table with some other girls. Rarity huffed.

"Well..." Twilight started, trying to lighten the tension. "What do they want from me? I mean... I shouldn't really matter... should I?" She fidgeted with her hands in her lap. She sounded so conceited and arrogant! She didn't want her friends to think of her that way.

Pinkie's smile and Rarity's calm one only made her feel better about it. Even if she still felt conceited and arrogant. "Maybe they just want to teach you not to mess with them, that's my best bet." Rarity decided, taking a sip from her juice.

"Maybe they wanted to force you to do their homework," Fluttershy hugged herself nervously. Her eyes widened as she kept her mind running, "and if you don't, then they'll beat you up like they did Snips and Snails when they cheered for Crystal Prep's soccer team and not CHS's!"

Pinkie Pie giggled at the nervous girl as she ranted things. The more her mind ran and worked with her mouth, the more unbelievable the theories became. Twilight smiled at the girl. Maybe Rarity was right.

"Or maybe!" Pinkie started, signaling Fluttershy to stop. Fluttershy flushed pink as she listened. "Rainbow Crash has a super big crush on the new nerd and wanted her to join the Rainbooms!" Pinkie smiled brightly.

Rarity and Fluttershy burst into howls of laughter after hearing it. Rarity covered her mouth and Fluttershy hid her face behind her yellow sleeves. Pinkie seemed utterly confused, as did Twilight.

"Ooohohoho, please darling!" Rarity laughed as she wiped tears from her eyes. "Don't make such jokes! My stomach hurts!" She whined, then burst into laughter again.

"That was pretty funny," Fluttershy laughed.

Pinkie and Twilight stared at the two, confusion masking their faces. "Is it really that unbelievable?" Twilight asked. Rarity nodded.

"Rainbow Crash is the jerk of the school, like she would settle for -no offense- but... a girl like yourself," Rarity smiled. Twilight's confusion was masked with frustration, her expression and crossed arms made Rarity explain further.

"What I mean is darling, is that she would probably want some body adventurous, and I doubt she would like a seemingly goody two shoes to try and change her ways," Rarity explained. She stood up with her tray as the bell rang. Pinkie and Fluttershy followed suit.

"Yeah, and Rainbow's only been with guys before, and they weren't very nice either," Fluttershy added, the three started away as Twilight stood with her tray.

She was so confused, offended, and angry. She wasn't a 'goody two shoes', she could be a rebel, she just got good grades.

She wanted to cry as she stared down at her tray. Was she really that nerdy?