• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 18,779 Views, 1,078 Comments

The Serenade of Silver Belles - Your Antagonist

After a falling out with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon discovers she has feelings for Sweetie Belle.

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The Epilogue of Silver Belles- Wish Fulfillment; Literally

The Serenade of Silver Belles

Written By: Your Antagonist

Edited By-: Starwind Dood, Aziraphael, TheWattsMan, Brony2893, Cpl Hooves, Plyxe

The Epilogue of Silver Belles- Wish Fulfilment; Literally

Since they had departed the schoolhouse, Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon had spoken nary a single word to each other. Silver Spoon’s silence stemmed from the fact that she had been so wrapped up in thinking of how everypony would look at her the next time she stepped hoof in the classroom. She could almost hear all the mocking jeers, feel all the disdainful leers of her classmates as they teased. At the very least, she could take solace in knowing that the one responsible for this whole ordeal would be getting her just desserts in spades. But even that small comfort failed to grant her panicked mind any peace as she recalled that Ms. Cheerilee would be visiting later to inform her parents of all ponies that their daughter had an abnormal but perfectly natural interest in fillies at her age. What were they going to think? How were they going to react? These questions had successfully invaded every inch of brainspace the filly could spare and ultimately drove her mood into the ground.

In contrast, Sweetie Belle had been straining her brain thinking of a way to inject some of her own optimism into her downcast special somepony. Her thoughts wandered from Sugarcube Corner, to prying the name of that cafe Silver Spoon had been talking about from the earth pony’s mind, but simple distractions like those weren’t going to raise her filly-friend out of this depression. The only option left to her was to approach it directly. “Hey, come on Silvy, it’s not like it’s the worst thing in the world.”

Silver Spoon hung her head, too dejected to debate her companion.

“Maybe nopony really cares?” said Sweetie Belle. “Why, maybe they’ve already forgotten about it by now!”

“If that was something you could just forget...” Silver Spoon muttered. The initial shock and awe of the situation had worn off and left her with a hollow, naked sensation as though everypony they passed on the road was glaring at her with prejudice and disdain. “I just want to go home and lock myself away from everypony for a few days. I don’t even want to think of what my parents are going to say...”

Sweetie Belle had heard enough of her companion’s griping, and wasn’t going to have more any of it. With a hop, a skip and a jump, she leapt in front of Silver Spoon, puffed out her cheeks and gave the earth pony the most stern look she could manage. Needless to say, this grabbed the metallic filly’s attention immediately. “Sweetie Belle?” she asked weakly.

The unicorn did not respond, she only continued to glower.

“What are you doing?”

Still more silence, and an intensified scowl as Sweetie Belle stepped forward.

“Sweetie Belle?”

Another two steps forward and further puffing up of Sweetie Belle’s rosy cheeks served in place of words, but only added to Silver Spoon’s confusion.

“Why are you doing that; you look ridiculous.” Silver Spoon couldn’t help an estranged smirk that had begun tugging at her lips.

Sweetie Belle continued to trot slowly forward and had now begun to scrunch up her face as much as she could manage, adding to the already ridiculous arrangement of her features.

The smirk on Silver Spoon’s face had evolved into a full on puzzled grin, complete with a few breathy giggles. She honestly had no idea what Sweetie Belle was trying to do but she couldn’t deny that she was thoroughly entertained.

The closer Sweetie Belle drew, the tighter and more ludicrous her face became, and in turn so did Silver Spoon’s grin. It grew and grew until at long last, Silver Spoon couldn’t help but full on laugh at her filly-friend’s expression. “Wh-what are you doing?” she managed to choke between chuckles. By this point, Sweetie Belle was within sniffing distance of Silver Spoon, but didn’t bother to break character. The unicorn leaned in incredibly close to Silver Spoon as though she were going to kiss her, but instead, tilted her head down slightly and gently poked Silver Spoon in the nose with her horn. “Ow, what was that for?” Silver Spoon rubbed at her nose, her lips still drawn up in a goofy-grin.

“Smile,” Sweetie Belle said, pouting. “If you don’t smile, then I’ll poke you again.”

“Alright, alright, you win.” Silver Spoon chuckled.

“That’s more like it,” Sweetie Belle said, her face loosening up slightly. “Now, come on.”

“Come on? Where are we going?”

“You said you wanted to be alone right?” she said with a sly grin replacing her look of annoyance.

“Well, yeah...”

“Well, it’s boring to be alone by yourself, so I figured we could go somewhere and be alone together. Now, come on,” she said bossily.

The two didn’t have to walk particularly long to get where they were going, but sure and soon enough they ended up just outside of the Ponyville library. Pushing the door open ever so gently, the two were pleased to find the place empty save for Spike, who had curled up under the pages of a particularly large reference book that fit over him somehow just snugly enough to cover his feet. Taking care to step softly, they maneuvered through the rows of shelves, pushing on each of the books until they’d found their hidden alcove, which they hopped inside and covered up as quick as whip. As they were overall exhausted from the events of their thanklessly stressful day, Sweetie Belle didn’t bother with her light spell on this occasion and Silver Spoon didn’t particularly care to indulge in conversation at the moment. They’d overcome so much in such a short time span and they still had so much to worry about on the outside, but for the moment, they were content just to be with one another. They could deal with life later.

It hadn’t taken long for the two to get comfortable with each other in the tight crawlspace, and it had taken Sweetie Belle even less time to fall asleep, the outline of her blissfully grinning face just visible to her significant other even in the faintly lit alcove. As she watched the sleeping form of Sweetie Belle nuzzle deeper into her bosom, a particularly odd notion worked its way into Silver Spoon’s thoughts and made her giggle. “Heh, I guess Scootaloo’s mother was right,” Silver Spoon said softly, “My wish really did come true.” With that, the earthpony allowed herself to be taken by the welcoming caress of a peaceful slumber.

(This story isnt over, as there's still loose ends and another untold tale to trail, but for these two love-struck little ladies this is...)

The End

Author's Note:

Aside from the little 'extra' on the next page, we're very much done here fillies and gentlecolts, but don't fret. If you liked the ship-pairing and long to see more, perk up your ears and just listen for the song of those Silver Belles ringing in the distance... or just scroll down to see more Silver Belle shipfics. You could do that too.

Turning Winds- The unofficial prologue to 'The Serenade of Silver Belles'. In the midst of a silversmithing session, Silver Spoon reflects upon her destructive relationship with Diamond Tiara and ultimately resolves to get something off her chest. Something that's been a long time coming.

Whispered Words- Years have passed since the Cutie Mark Crusaders discovered their special talents and the trio now find themselves facing their biggest challenge yet: High School. However, as the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same, and no pony aims to prove that adage more so than the socially abrasive Diamond Tiara, but Sweetie Belle has a hunch that Silver Spoon might not feel the same way.

Cutie Mark Crusader Camping Trip- In an attempt to clear the air between the Cutie Mark Crusaders Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Cheerilee makes the mistake of putting the five together in a group during a weekend camping trip. Little does the teacher realize just how much success her scheme is about to yield.

Finding Sweetie- The Original Silver Belle shipfic: Finally in college, Sweetie Belle finds herself dorm-mates with the last pony she ever expected to or wanted to see again in her life, but time and experience will show her that the world isn't lain out in black and white and there are somethings you just can't learn from a class.