• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 18,779 Views, 1,078 Comments

The Serenade of Silver Belles - Your Antagonist

After a falling out with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon discovers she has feelings for Sweetie Belle.

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The Seventh Bell Rings- Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast?

The Serenade of Silver Belles

By: Your Antagonist

Edited By: Starwind Dood, Aziraphael, TheWattsMan, Brony2893, Cpl. Hooves and (The Great and Powerful) Plyxe

Chapter 7- Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast?

Silver Spoon awoke the following morning, feeling more refreshed and well rested than she had in weeks. The filly slowly sat up, stretching her forelegs to the sky as she heaved out a mighty yawn that resonated through every fiber of her waking being. After finishing her stretch, she reflexively reached for a pair of rimless reading glasses that seldom ever saw the outside of her home. Silver Spoon had never been particularly fond of the spectacles as they were far too small, resulting in them sliding off her nose with a rather annoying frequency. Regardless of how she felt about the frames, she’d have to grin and bear it, as her beloved blue-rimmed vision correctors now lay somewhere in the bowels of the Everfree Forest. However, considering how eventful the previous day had been, losing her glasses was a small price to pay.

Pushing the frameless spectacles up the bridge of her nose, the filly gently slid from her bed and set out for the washroom to begin her morning routine. Stepping inside, she was pleasantly surprised to find a fresh bath had already been drawn for her, most likely by her parents. Deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth, she immersed herself in the warm bath, relaxing contentedly while the soothing waters cascaded over her, rejuvenating sore muscles and undoing stress as it went.

Whilst indulging in her state of bliss, Silver Spoon noticed there were three rubber ducks floating about in the water. “Geez, mom, you don’t have to put toys in the tub for me, I’m not a foal anymore…” she grumbled as she reached out and plucked the ducks from the water. Pushing her glasses back to the bridge of her nose, she held the family of plastic waterfowl up for inspection. Something about the bath toys caught her eye: their color. One of the ducks was white, while the other two were purple and pink. Any other day this might have gone unnoticed by Silver Spoon, but because of the events of the prior evening, all she could think of when she looked at the ducks was a certain two-tone–maned, white-coated unicorn.

Silver Spoon set the ducks loose in the water, giving them a gentle splash to get them moving as she leaned the back of her head against the tub and slowly submerged her muzzle in the water. Beneath the surface however, her cheeks began to glow red as she recalled how friendly Sweetie Belle had been towards her the whole day. How quickly and impulsively Sweetie Belle had convinced her friends to induct Silver Spoon into the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Well, she is really nice isn’t she?” Silver Spoon asked herself, while she stirred the water with a hoof.

The way that the unicorn would grab her hooves and hold them tight without hesitation.

“I’m sure she’s like that towards all of her friends…” Silver Spoon reasoned as she splashed water at the white duck, which had drifted quite close.

How easily the filly had just fallen asleep, nuzzled against Silver Spoon’s belly.

“Maybe she was just tired?”

The soft press of Sweetie Belle’s warm lips as she planted a grateful kiss on Silver Spoon’s cheek.

“She was just showing her gratitude for me saving her life, right? Right?”

Silver Spoon sighed, closed her eyes and tried to focus on the temperature of the water. Yet all that she could think of was the possibility that a certain somepony might have—dare she believe it— feelings for her. She could feel her face growing hotter as she continued to dwell on and mull over the subject, before she finally worked up the courage to ask herself just what was on her mind. “But… what if… what if she likes me?”

“Silver Spoon?” a mare’s voice called from outside the bathroom, instantly startling the bathing filly. “Darling, are you alright? Who are you talking to in there?”

“Uh, I uh— nopony, mother!” Silver Spoon stammered.

“Well, hurry up in there! Your breakfast is getting cold, and some of your little friends came over to see you.”

“They came over this early in the morning?” Silver Spoon took a moment to silently commend the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She could barely stumble through her basic hygiene at this hour and yet the Crusaders— as she imagined them— were bright-eyed, bushy tailed, and raring to go.

“Yes, dear. They’re in the kitchen, and it would be unladylike to keep them waiting, you know,” the mare spoke.

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes as she responded with a half hearted, “Yes, mother.” The filly fumbled around for the plug of the bathtub, and yanked it out upon locating it. As the water drained out, she reached for a nearby towel and went to work drying herself off as she stepped out of the tub. As soon as she was dry, Silver Spoon stepped over to the sink to embark on the most awkward task to ever specifically ruin the mornings of earth ponies Equestriawide: brushing her teeth.

Silver Spoon retrieved her toothbrush and a half-empty tube of toothpaste. “Alright, let’s do this.” Three minutes, several shed tears and one broken tooth brush later, Silver Spoon admired her pearly white teeth in the bathroom mirror. Satisfied with the results and reluctant to give a repeat performance, she left the bathroom and made her way to the kitchen. As she entered the dining room portion of the kitchen, the first thing she noticed was the heavenly aroma of freshly prepared french toast wafting through the air. The sweet scent of the breakfast pastries easily whet Silver Spoon’s appetite and enticed her to venture further into the kitchen where she could hear her mother chatting idly with a gigging filly.

“—mmm… that smells absolutely delicious, Mrs. Spoon. I wish my parents could cook as well as you!”

“Oh, stop it, you,” Silver Spoon’s mother chuckled. “Would you like some? Silver’s father isn’t going to be around today and I’d hate for this all to go to waste.”

“Oh, I’d hate to impose…”

“Please, my dear, I insist! Your little friend can join us too. How does that sound?”

“Well… okay!” The filly piped up.

Silver Spoon had been hoping to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders littered around her mother as she trotted around the corner, but was stunned into a flabbergasted silence by the most unwelcome presence of Diamond Tiara and a particularly nervous Featherweight.

“Oh, good morning, Silver Spoon! How are you?” Diamond Tiara greeted through the most ersatz smile Silver Spoon had ever seen.

“Uh… heh heh, um… hi, Silver Spoon,” Featherweight mumbled sheepishly, doing his best to avoid making direct eye contact with anyone in the kitchen.

Silver Spoon opened her mouth to chastise the pink earth pony, but remembered her mother’s presence in the kitchen and shut her mouth just as quickly as she opened it. “Good morning, Diamond,” Silver Spoon spat through grit teeth.

“I hope you don’t mind that Featherweight and I dropped in so early, but I needed to discuss something with you in private about that big project for Ms. Cheerilee’s class.”

“Oooh, sounds important. I guess I’ll leave you to it then! Help yourself to breakfast, my little ponies!” Silver Spoon’s mother called behind herself as she trotted out of the kitchen.

Silver Spoon waited until her mother was safely out of ear-shot before setting her stifled anger loose on her unwanted house guests. “Why are you here, Diamond?” she hissed.

“Hmmm? Why, whatever do you mean, Silver Spoon?” Diamond Tiara asked innocently while stacking slices of french toast onto a nearby plate.

“Don’t give me that,” Silver Spoon spat. “Why did you come here?”

Diamond Tiara placed the plate on her back and trotted over to a nearby table. “I’m just here to accept your apology for yesterday, and have some breakfast, that’s all,” Diamond Tiara confessed.

You want an apology? Ha! You can’t be serious,” Silver Spoon snorted as she pushed up her glasses.

“I’m, uh, afraid she is,” Featherweight said, a shaky timidity dominating the colt’s voice.

Silver Spoon cast her unimpressed gaze over to the nervous colt who had unwittingly placed himself directly in the path of Silver Spoon’s fury. “Really now?” Silver Spoon stalked over to Featherweight, successfully invading and destroying any semblance of personal space, “And just why exactly should I apologize to her, huh?” she asked, her words almost physically dripping with venom as she glared daggers directly into Featherweight’s eyes.

Faced with the direct and unbridled wrath of an angry Silver Spoon, Featherweight instinctively began to backpedal out of fear. Needless to say, for every step he took backwards, she took two forward until she had literally backed him into a corner. Even though he was physically taller than Silver Spoon, Featherweight felt incredibly small under her wrathful gaze. “Well, that it is— I… uhh…”

“Well? Spit it out already, you spineless ostrich!” Silver Spoon held her icy glare over Featherweight a moment longer, awaiting a response. Yet all she received from the quivering pegasus was incoherent jabbering. The infuriated filly wordlessly shook her head and turned her back on the pitiable pegasus. There was much bigger game to attend to.

Silver Spoon met Diamond Tiara’s amused gaze with her own irritated glower. “Well, Diamond?”

Diamond Tiara chewed and swallowed the mouthful of pastry she had been entertaining herself with as Silver Spoon stomped towards her. “Well, what, Silver?”

“What do you want?” Silver Spoon didn’t ask the question so much as she growled it.

“I already told you,” Diamond Tiara said. “All I want is a teensy weensy little apology for how you treated me yesterday. If you do that, then I’ll forgive you for your behavior.” Diamond Tiara reached for another piece of toast and took a demure bite out of it before returning her attention to Silver Spoon, who was absolutely dumbfounded.

“Forgive me for my behavior?”

“Yes, that’s what I said.” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes and giggled. “I’m even willing to overlook the fact that you consorted with the blank-flanks. All I need to hear are those two simple, little words, and we can forget that this whole thing ever happened. I might even leave Blanky-Belle alone for a few days, just for you. Well, maybe. Now go on Silver Spoon, you know what those two little words are, don’t you?”

Silver Spoon nodded in response.

“Good, now say it.”

Silver Spoon pushed her glasses up before she looked into Diamond Tiara’s expectant eyes. “Get out.”

Diamond Tiara shook her head and sighed. She’d have been lying if she said she wasn’t expecting that response. “You know something, Silver Spoon? This reminds me of something,” she finished with a smirk.

Silver Spoon rose a bemused eyebrow at the pink filly. “Reminds you of what?”

“Oh, nothing special, just a little something that happened a year or so ago on Hearts and Hooves Day.”

Silver Spoon felt her blood run cold at the mere mention of the occasion.

Diamond Tiara took note of her counterpart’s sudden loss of bravado and continued with her story. “Oh, I see you remember this as well; probably even better than I do. Hmmm, what happened again?” Diamond Tiara playfully scratched her chin. “Oh yeah, now I remember!”

Silver Spoon ground her teeth together waiting for Diamond Tiara to continue the story.

“I remember you needing to talk to a certain somepony about something after class, in private no less.”


“Oh, right, and you couldn’t do it alone, could you? Nope! As I recall, you needed a friend to be there to give you support. Now just who was that friend? Could you remind me?”

“You know full and well it was you!” Silver Spoon snapped.

“Ah, that’s right, it was me wasn’t it? And what did we do from there? We went out to the back of the school and waited for that certain somepony to show up. I kept wondering if it was going to be Shady Daze, Rumble, or maybe even Pipsqueak, but imagine my surprise when—”

“Stop it…”

“—it turned out be—

“Shut up…”

“—somepony who wasn’t even—”

“Shut up!”

“—a colt.” Diamond Tiara finished with a cynical grin. “I’m certain Dinky had no idea what was in store for her either, when she came out looking for her secret admirer,” Diamond Tiara chuckled.

“Shut up! Just shut up and get out!”

“Oh, but don’t you want to hear the rest of my little story?”

“I know the rest, and I know what you did! I know all too well how you made her life a waking nightmare!” Silver Spoon yelled. “Now take your stupid lackey and your stuck-up attitude, and get out of my house!”

“Tch, fine then. If that’s the way you want to be.” Diamond Tiara turned to Featherweight who, up until this point, had been all but forgotten. “Featherweight, come on, we’ve got homework to do anyway. Thanks for breakfast, Silver!” In typical Diamond Tiara fashion, she just had to have the last word.

“C-coming, Diamond Tiara!” Featherweight cantered after his mistress, taking care to avoid Silver Spoon’s loathsome glare.

Silver Spoon followed the pair to the front door, and slammed it shut behind them as soon as they had vacated the premises. The moment the door closed, however, Silver Spoon’s strong front crumbled, and she along with it. The filly put her back to the door and sank to her haunches, silently cursing Diamond Tiara, utterly drained of any enthusiasm the night prior had afforded her. Vivid memories of that Hearts and Hooves Day flooded her mind, burdening her conscience with an overwhelming sense of guilt she thought she’d rid herself of a year ago.

Her melancholy, however, only lasted a mere minute as her saddening solace was interrupted by a knocking at the door. Silver Spoon took a deep breath, to steady herself. “Why are you still here? I already told you to go away, so just leave me alone!”

“What? So we came all this way to apologize for yesterday just to be yelled at? Ugh! Come on Apple Bloom, let’s go to the library; I think the Saturday morning comics are in, anyway.”

That wasn’t Diamond Tiara’s voice. Silver Spoon scrambled to her hooves and hastily swung the door open to reveal a fuming Scootaloo and concerned-faced Apple Bloom standing in the doorway. “Ah, wait, wait! I’m sorry, please don’t go!” Silver Spoon pleaded.

“What? But you just told us to go away! And what was that about, anyway?” The hot-headed pegasus pressed. “I mean, I can see how you’d be mad about yesterday but—mmph!” Scootaloo quickly found her ranting cut short as Apple Bloom’s hoof planted itself firmly in the pegasus’ open mouth.

“Never mind her, Silver. She’s just a mite cranky about having to get woken up so early is all. Did somethin’ happen?”

“Well, I’d really rather not talk about it…”

“What!? Oh come on! So first you yell at us out of nowhere, and now you’re not even going to tell us why?”

“That’s alright, you ain’t got to if you don’t want to.”

“Thanks, Apple Bloom.” Silver Spoon was thankful that Apple Bloom didn’t press her any further. “Say, how did you two find my house, and where’s Sweetie Belle?”

“Well, I was just about to get to that but then this one started shootin’ off her mouth.”

“Whatever…” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Anyhow, we saw Sweetie this mornin’ but she told us she wouldn’t be able to come crusadin’ this weekend. Said she had to somethin’ real important she needed to do today, and she always spends Sundays with her folks.”

Silver Spoon pushed her glasses up to hide her disappointment at the news. She had really been looking forward to seeing Sweetie Belle again, especially since she had so much to discuss with the unicorn.

“Don’t fret, Silver, you’ll see her in class Monday,” Apple Bloom said. “In the meantime, me an’ Scoots were wonderin’ if you wanted to come crusadin’ with us.”

After we go check out the Saturday morning comics, right?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah, yeah…” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes at the anxious pegasus. “So what do you say, Silver Spoon? Are you in?”

The gray earth pony cracked a smile. “Sure, but first, would you like to come in for some breakfast? I’m afraid my mother made far too much french toast for one pony to eat, and it’d be a shame to see it all go to waste…”

Would we?” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom asked in unison. An instant later, the two had burst into Silver Spoon’s home, gawking and guffawing at the intricate decorum of the mansion-esque homestead while Silver Spoon led them, grinning, to the kitchen. Regardless of how miserable Diamond Tiara’s presence had made her morning, Silver Spoon had a feeling that with a little help from her new friends, she could still make something out of her Saturday.


“Uhh, uh sorry Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom did it!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

After they left her house, of course.

Meanwhile, in another province of Ponyville proper, Sweetie Belle found herself trotting down the quiet forest-side dirt road that would eventually deposit all of its travelers to one of two places: the secluded cottage of the most socially inept pegasus in Equestria, or the express entrance to the bowels of the Everfree Forest. It went without saying that Sweetie Belle hadn’t just sacrificed her Saturday to chat idly with Fluttershy while they sipped tea and discussed the finer points of tending to animals, and the stuffed saddlebags on her rump only served to drive that point home further.

After what seemed like an hour’s worth of travel, Sweetie Belle finally found herself staring into the less-than-inviting maw of the forest. Swallowing back a heavy lump that had formed in her throat, she bucked her saddlebags up higher on her flank. “Well, here goes nothing,” she said to nopony in particular before she took her first steps into the thick foliage, and immersed herself in the darkened woodland.

Chapter 7 End.