• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

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Sisterly Love

(Canterlot at Night)
Luna couldn't concentrate. She had, for the time being, avoided entering anypony's dreams, for fear that her own fears would infect them. Instead, she sat in her room, alone with her demons. She took in the room, looking for distractions, finding one in the form of the word of the day on her computer. She found this desperately boring, but it was still effective in helping her not think of him. She opened to a page and read:

Fangea is a world of fandoms united. In this world, all the characters, big or small, live, play, work, and grow together. As was the case before the Fangeic Cataclysm, an event both before the canon of the various worlds and after the canon when all of the separate fandoms merged into one planet, there are intense battles of good vs evil, made more world-shaking by the various villains working together against the heroes. Everyone thinks that Fangea is a good thing, even if they aren’t satisfied with their individual lives, and those that can remember a time before Fangea say it is better this way. But now, the denizens of Fangea are afraid, because of a grim prophecy of a dark power returning. The first time this power struck, it nearly destroyed all of the worlds and was only stopped by the actions of legendary heroes, who are long gone now. If the Darkness was to return, who could stop it?

"Great," she thought. "Even the dictionary's tainted by the prophecy." Luna tried to stop her mind wandering down forbidden paths and instead remembered when the prophecy was first given three months ago.


(Beerus's Madness)
Canterlot, Equestria
3 months ago.

Luna had been playing a video game in her room at Canterlot Castle when she heard the commotion outside. She had walked out for an apple when she saw Celestia, Cadence, and Twilight looking very relieved. "What's the uproar," she had asked.

"Lord Tirek escaped Tartarus again, but we were able to recapture him," Celestia had explained.

"I want to know who let him out. How could they have opened the portal?" Twilight had wondered.

"What I want to know is: why didn't he try to get any power?" Cadence had said.

"Can you catch me up? I'm kinda lost," Luna had said.

"Yesterday Lord Tirek escaped his confinement in Tartarus but didn't try his usual antics. In fact, he went past several ponies of each kind and ignored them all, even Discord, who reported his passing to the Equestria Royal Guard, who caught him before he boarded an apparently prepared ship bound for Super Smash Bros," Celestia had said. "They are bringing him here as we speak."

"Well, that's good. What could his motives have been?" Luna had wondered as the group made their way to the courtroom of Canterlot Castle. Inside, they saw four royal guards around a cage holding the most despised creature in all of Equestria- Lord Tirek.

“Do we really need to waste time talking about your crimes?” Luna had said to Tirek.

“It’s just a good thing we got him before he could take any magic,” Cadence had said.

“Why does he even try anymore?” Spearhead, a post-Royal Guardspony, newly self-appointed artist, had said.

“I would like to think that myself,” Twilight had said. “After two unsuccessful attempts to take over, wouldn’t he have learned by now?”

“Attempts to take over?” Tirek seemingly had asked. “This, and my prior attempt have merely been a test, practice for a true conquest which is to come, and all of Equestria failed.”

“A test?!” Twilight had asked, mortified at the idea she failed a test.

“What true conquest? By who?” Shining Armor had said. “The changelings? King Sombra?”

Tirek chuckled. “You actually think those insects are who I speak of? No, I speak of ancient evil from outside this fandom, greater by far than all the powers of Tartarus COMBINED!!! An evil… who SWIFTLY COMES!!!!!!”

Tirek’s eyes then turned completely white and glowed with significance. “When the lord of Undertale is found, a knight clad in green and caped in crimson shall come from behind the unpassable wall. Then shall the adherents unite and slayeth the serpent, and the Darkness shall rule the fandoms, and seeth himself reflected in his domain. Guard well thy lands, O skilled warriors, for the lord of Undertale ascends! Make swift thy actions, O high leaders, for the green knight swiftly cometh! Make sharp thy swords, O many fandoms, for the day of Darkness is at hand!!!”

Then the glow in Tirek’s eyes faded, and he went quietly to Tartarus.

(End of Flashback)

(Canterlot at Night)
Luna was shaken from her reminiscence by a knock on her door. "Luna? Are you there? It's me, Celestia. I want to talk," the knocker said.

"Come in," Luna said.

Celestia walked in and sat down on a bean bag facing Luna. "Why aren't you observing the dreams of Equestria's citizens?" she asked.

"I didn't want to taint them with my own worries," Luna responded.

"I know your worries, but hear me out. Imagine if everyone in Equestria knew of the severity of Tirek's claims. What would happen? Do you think everypony would just carry on with their lives?" Celestia asked.

"...I guess not," Luna said.

"I'm just trying to keep everypony safe and happy. Please, help me, and don't bring this shadow to Equestria. Stop pursuing plans to stop the prophecy while within these borders. And I'm going to have to stop your bounty hunter because you paid him with Equestrian currency. However, if you decide to continue while outside Equestria, I won't try to stop you." Celestia left the room.

"So I can keep going with my plans, I just need a new helper and a base outside Equestria, but where... I can pay Serif in Smash Gold, but from where..." Luna thought, then it came to her. She powered on her computer, then started to type an email.

Whis, remember that time you said you would do me a favor?...

(Return of Palutena)
Far away from Equestria, an angel flew in the clouds. He had large, blue eyes and fluffy, brown hair, with a small cowlick poking out from the back. He wore a chiton decorated with red and gold hems along the bottom, which were fastened on the shoulder by a golden fibula with a red gem in the center. He wore this outfit with a brown belt lined with silver and a gold, triangular buckle on his waist, The angel had a pair of bronze and gold cuffs around his forearms, and singular gold rings on his upper left arm and right thigh. His brown sandals were decorated with crossing beige bands, and were edged at the top with white wool. His name was Pit, and he lived in Skyworld, in the Kid Icarus fandom, part of the United Fandoms of Super Smash Bros. He was flying around a tall stormcloud, glad that he had won the Wings of Pegasus indefinitely in a Smash tournament when he heard Palutena’s voice in his mind. “Pit! Piiiiiiiiiit! Come hooooooome,” She thought to him.

“Ugh, you don’t have to call like that, I can hear you in my head!” he thought back.

“Hee Hee! There’s a visitor that wants to see you. Get your head out of those clouds and fly on over!” Palutena thought.

“You know, you’re really get pushy Palutena! You almost sound like me at times!” The Goddess of Nature, Viridi said to Palutena with a bit of snark as Pit came flying in.

“Alright what’s up,” he said.

“Do you know Princess Celestia?” Palutena said.

“Yeah. She was at that party a few weeks ago,” Pit answered.

“Well, there’s something she wants you to do,” Palutena said.

“Really? What’s that, Lady Palutena?” Pit asked

“It’s not hard, and not too big a deal. If you want to say no you can,” Celestia said.

“Actually, I’m kinda bored right now. A task would be most welcome!” Pit said.

"Well, you see, it's like this: ever since Lord Tirek gave that prophecy 3 months back, Luna's had an unhealthy interest in the Entity of Shadows. I'm fine with her researching, but not dragging any part of Equestria into her problems. The problem is she paid a mercenary 50,000 bits to investigate some things about the Entity," Celestia explained.

“Ugh, I swear, ARE LUNA AND I THE ONLY ONE SEE THE SIGNS OF THE ENTITY OF SHADOW’S RETURN?!” Viridi said before she was petting a new baby Cragalanche, who was made of solid stone and was pure silent

“As I was saying-" Celestia tried to continue.

“Celestia, with all due Respect, YOU ARE NOT TAKING ACTION ON A MATTER THAT IS NOT JUST MERE RUMOR, AND COULD DESTROY ALL OF THE UNITED FANDOMS AS WE KNOW IT!! This is literally what was prophesied long ago! Once the Lord of Undertale has been born, it will not be long before the Entity of Shadows will return. However, following his return will be a Knight Clad in Green and a red cape to defeat him!” Viridi interrupted.

“Thank you, Viridi. You may leave,” Palutena said.


“You are dismissed,” Palutena said, before closing the connection.

“As I was saying, I don't want any part of Equestria darkened by the prophecy's influence. As such, I told her she could not send equestrian citizens to investigate, so she spent 50,000 bits on hiring a bounty hunter to check it out. I need you to deter this bounty hunter. Use force at first, then present a higher paying job. He’ll likely forget about Luna. Then try to reclaim the bits. That's the important part. If he's determined, convert them to Smash Gold, just get them back,” Celestia said.

“Alright, then. I might as well… Even though it sounds kinda awful letting those 50,000 bits go to waste for nothing…” Pit said, not fully aware of all his options.

“Thank you, Pit. And remember, if he wants to keep the job, just turn the bits to Gold,” Celestia clarified.

“Off you go!” Palutena said.

(7 Hours Later)

(Hyrule Wariiors Mysterious)
Pit followed the trail until he came to a hole in the unbreachable wall that held in Fangea's atmosphere. "Oh my gosh! There's a hole in the sky! And it looks like the mercenary flew through it!" he said, flying through himself.

Down below, in Equestria, someone else was watching the hole-a small, blonde-haired gray horse. "Oh wow, that angel's really brave. flying through a hole that could easily be dangerous." Derpy Hooves, for that was her name, looked at a clock that was next to her drone controller. "Buck! I didn't see the time! I know what I'll do." She took some string and tied it to the forward button of her controller and made the drone fly through the hole. "There! now when I get back from my deliveries, I can see what happens!"

(Later That Same Evening)
"Ok! All finished!" Derpy said, re-entering her house. "Let's see what happened." Derpy viewed the drone's footage through the controller, as much as she could before it ran out of battery. The drone had managed to find the ship before the angel and fly in through an open docking bay. What she saw surprised her, for it was strange indeed.

Author's Note:

D30's comment: You may ask: Why is Celestia being so belligerent? Well, friends, lets just say that great and terrible things are ahead.:fluttershbad:

Sword's comment: *No comment because he's currently gagged and tied in my brother's closet.*:facehoof: -D30

Fandoms added this chapter:
Kid Icarus
Dragon Ball Z