• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

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A Shot of Crisis

(Vs Ridley Brawl)
3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!!
Immediately Delta was navigating through the attack drones and giving Eddie directions on how to speed past them, but more attack drones joined the fray. The ship took quite a beating from attack drones using drill-like weapons in swooping maneuvers. In the distance, Daphnes saw a massive bubble of hexagons that the drones were flying out of. The Heart of Gold was flying right toward it!

Elsewhere, in the drone control center, Geek Police Officers flew the attack drones like they were playing a video game, all the while reporting to their leaders the status of battle.

“They’re headed right for us,” an officer said.

“Then let’s hit them with everything we’ve got,” Professor Pig, leader of the Geek Police and an ace minecraft player, said.

In the bridge of the Heart of Gold, all was chaos.

“We can’t go through much more of this,” Eddie reported.



“Hey, something just occurred to me,” Serif said. “If the drones are coming from that bubble,” Serif continued, pointing at Daphnes’s infiniverse, “Shouldn’t we be flying away from it, not toward it?”

“Right. FLY AWAY!!!” Eddie said, as the ship reversed itself and went full steam ahead away from Daphnes’s Infiniverse.

“They’re flying away.” Another officer said. “Should we let them?”

“You crazy?!” Professor Pig said. “So he can make those people and others lose their lives as he did to the Lord of Marvel? So he can cause untold death and destruction to that infiniverse? So he can decimate their worlds by killing everyone that makes him mad, which would be anyone who does anything?!?!?! I think not. Keep fighting, this time to capture.”

“They’re still fighting!” Pit said. “What is their problem?”

“I think we should fire straight at the drones, They’re not going to take any of us alive!” Daphnes said, before firing an ancient arrow at one of them by jumping out, and destroying one of the drones, only to be shot in the arm.

“Yeah, that ain’t gonna work. The cannons are through the doors, ladder in the middle,” Serif said.

“Great. We’ll get down there,” Pit said. “C’mon, Daphnes,”

“Right, to the cannons!” Daphnes said before both he and Pit went to the cannons.

“Dorsal or ventral?” Pit asked.

“You take dorsal, I’ll take ventral!” Daphnes said.

“Sounds good,” Pit said, climbing up the ladder as Daphnes climbed down. Once they were in the cannon seats, Serif’s voice came on the P.A.

“The controls are pretty straightforward. Swivel your chair to move, triggers to shoot. Once you see a triangle in between your two grids on the display, they’re in your line of fire,” Serif said.

“Good to hear, I’ll make sure to aim for the ones hitting below, the ones hitting from above are your job, Pit!” Daphnes said, before firing at multiple drones.

Ha! I got him! I got one!” Pit shouted from above.

“Great, kid. Only too many more to go!” Serif replied.

“Gotta keep shootin’,” Pit said, as he destroyed many drones, but one got a hit. “Wait a minute, this slider… It says different kinds of ammo!” Pit said to Daphnes. “Scatter shells, precision missiles… Whoa! he’s got SMART BOMBS?!?!”

“Right, Switching to Smart Bombs!” Daphnes said, before shooting a Smart Bomb at a quarter of the fleet and wiping them out. “I’m getting the hang of this” Pit said, destroying a combo of 68 drones with automatic fire.

In the control center, consoles were deactivating like a blackout. Within a one-minute span, all who was left was 20 drones.

“Dang it! We’re losing too many Drones!” one officer said.

“We’re already at 15!” another said. “No wait, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! The only one left is Marv!” All the officers gathered around Marv’s console. “Cmon, Marv! You can do this! Remember! You want to win that arguement!” an officer said. Daphnes turned his cannon, pulled the trigger, looked at the digital representation of Marv’s face, and Marv’s screen went dead.

“NOOOOOOO,” The officers said in unison.

“Alright, that’s it!” Professor Pig said. “Move over! Here I come, DAPHNES!!”

“ALRIGHT! WE GOT THE LAST ONE!” Pit said happily.

“Don’t be too sure until they unveil their trump card. I know they have one last drone up their sleeves, and it’s one that's not a drone but a piloted ship, and they’re not using yet because Pig hasn’t told them about it…" Daphnes looked out his viewport in worry. "And right on cue, it’s coming.”

(His Highness's Theme)
“Wait, what’s that? Oh crap,” Pit said as a much bigger ship flew out of the bubble, this one piloted by Professor Pig himself.

“You are NOT going to hurt more innocent people!” Professor Pig screamed.

“This is different from what he usually does… FIRING ONE OF THE SMART BOMBS!” Daphnes said, before firing a Smart Bomb at Professor Pig’s ship. To everyone’s surprise, it had no effect.

“Like my upgrades, Daphnes? That’s right, I upgraded my ship since it beat you and Nashi who, by the way, we locked up too,” Professor Pig gloated.

“You monster… GIVE HER BACK OR I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN HEAD ON!!” Daphnes shouted at Professor Pig.

“Why do I have no clue what any of what you just said means?” Pit asked.

“Nashi’s my girlfriend, She gets her power as though she's the daughter of Natsu Dragneel and half demon.” Daphnes said. The two cannons fired and fired and fired, but their attacks had no effect. Suddenly Daphnes saw something- a bright, glowing object in the distance.

“Serif! The opening!” Pit shouted.

“I see it. Full steam ahead!” Serif shouted.

“I don’t think so,” Professor Pig said from the cockpit of his ship. Suddenly the whole ship shook.

“WHY AREN’T WE MOVING!?!?!?!” Serif yelled.

“Tractor Beam! He’s pulling us in!” Pit said.

“Not just a tractor beam,” Serif said. “But one that pulls us into a cannon!”

“Recognize my new toys, I see. You’re MINE!” Professor Pig said as he primed the cannon the tractor beam was dragging them into.

“Serif, do we have anything that has enough force to destroy his shields and his ship?!” Daphnes yelled, scared for himself and his colleagues.

“Nada. Our strongest stuff failed to even make a dent,” Serif said.

“Well, it was nice knowing ya,” Eddie said, as the Heart of Gold was dragged closer and closer to the barrel of Professor Pig’s cannon, whilst both cannons were ready to fire directly at them.

(SSBM Menu Ver 2 SSB4)
“Wait a minute, I have an idea! Eddie, open the airlock to the hangar that the ship we found you in!” Serif said, referring to Daphnes.

“No, bad Idea. It still will go through infiniverse walls!” Daphnes yelled.

“Well then GREAT IDEA! It’s probably strong enough to jam the motors of that cannon!” Pit said hopefully.

“I still need it!” Daphnes said desperately.

“Probability of success is near 5%. Infinite Improbability Drive changes probability to 100%.” Delta said, before Eddie started to open the hangar bay. Daphnes saw the ship fly out the doors and into the cannon.

“IF YOU DO THAT YOU’RE GOING TO BURN MY CHANCE OF SUCCESS TO GET BACK!” he screamed. Too late- the ship was ground to scrap in the cannon’s motors, but when that happened, too much duress was placed on the ship’s cannon, rendering it unable to fire. It also placed duress on the hull of the ship, causing weak points to appear. It also caused the tractor beam to deactivate.

“Now! Let’s escape!” Daphnes shouted.

“Escape nuthin’. We’re winnin’ this!” Serif said.

“It’ll take no damage like it did last time! We’re making a tactical retreat!” Daphnes said.

“It’s got weak points this time! We can do this, it’s just gonna take some fancy flyin’. Ventral cannon, you ready?” Serif said.

“Don’t do it! We need to retreat NOW!” Daphnes barked.

“Wait, the main cannon’s GONE! And the hull’s starting to tear! I’m in!” Pit said, seeing a ray of hope.

“Great, we’ll just have to do it upside down,” Serif said.

“Even when this ship falls, I’ll still take you down, one by one, until your all nothing but scrap metal!” Professor Pig shouted.

“Improb drive, ENGAGE! Upthrust!” Serif yelled.

“Engaging Infinite Improbability Drive. Allowing forward thrust,” Delta reported. The Heart of Gold flew above the other ship and, upside down, blasted down all of the weak points in the ship’s hull, except one near the hangar.

Finally, Pit shot a smart bomb in the center of the weak points. The resulting explosion left Pig’s ship with just the cockpit. That’s when Daphnes realized that this wasn’t like the times in his Infiniverse. This time there was no Pig beating him or Captain Wilson stopping him- no, this time, once and for all, he had beaten Professor Pig. Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule I, along with Serif the Skeleton and Pit of Skyworld had WON.


Then the Minecraft lord hailed them. “You wanna talk about this?” he asked desperately.

(Quiet Water)
Pit escorted Professor Pig into a meeting room designed for the occasion by the improb drive. Professor Pig sat in one of two plush armchairs by a roaring fire, and Serif sat facing him in the other.

“Talk,” Serif said.

“Do I need to? You’re the one I want in custody, Daphnes. After killing Marvel Lord, blowing up a planet, etc, etc! AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT FOR A SINGLE SECOND!” Pig ranted.

“Crash Bandicoot Woah! Slow down, Turbo! I’m the captain of this ship, and I’m clueless. All I know is the kid’s tough, and he’s a good gunner. Start at the start,” Serif said.

“Daphnes originally started off simple and unnecessarily over the top. Eventually, he hit me on the head a lot, and decided to torture everybody by hitting them! And worst of all, when Potter Lord died, HE HAD SOMEONE JUST DECIDE TO BLACKMAIL A LOT OF LORDS INTO VOTING FOR HIM, ONLY TO CALL IT OFF THE NEXT DAY AFTER THE VOTES WERE IN HIS FAVOR!” Professor Pig said.

“And yet, what you said is wrong. I wasn’t wanting to gain votes that way… Someone else voted for me and blackmailed them so that way you would lose and be banished. I may not have been wanting to be banished, but at least I never wanted to blackmail anyone!” Daphnes responded.

“STAY OUT OF THIS!” Professor Pig snapped at Daphnes.

“So you got a guy that hits things and blackmails people?” Serif asked.

“Pretty much, yeah. Now I ask you if you really want someone like that on your ship and in your world, and DON’T let Daphnes OR THE ANGEL answer,” Professor Pig said.

“What have you got against me?” Pit said.

“One of the main things Daphnes hurt people for was sharing mildly inappropriate memes and jokes. WE WERE JUST HAVING A GOOD TIME! And here he comes, being a righteous jerk and yelling at us!” Professor Pig explained.

“Not cool, man. Not cool,” Daphnes said.

“I’m with Daphnes. Not cool, Pig” Pit said.

“Now skeleton, do you really want this dangerous criminal in your world?” Professor Pig said.

“Can I say something crazy?” Serif said, with a subtle smirk on his face. “HECK YEAH!!!”

(SSBB Classic Clear)
“What?! I thought you were going to throw me off and abandon me out there after what you heard of me!” Daphnes said, shocked and taken aback by Serif’s choice.

“Nah, fam. I like ya too much,” Serif said.

“I just… I can’t…. Thank you so much,” Daphnes said, before hugging Serif, with tears in his eyes.

“Fine. When all your bones get broken because you made an Illuminati joke, it’s your fault!” Professor Pig said, before vanishing.

“We should probably head home too,” Serif said, then flew the ship into the shining aperture, heading back to the infiniverse of the GotRT. A world of combined fandoms. A world of one planet. A world that is known as Fangea.

(SSBB Main Theme (Audi Famam Illius))
Immediately Daphnes felt a change inside him. It felt like… a power was coming to the surface. It burned through Daphnes’s insides, coursing through his veins, burning away the restrictions placed on him by the Geek Police. It changed his outward appearance as well, burning away his prison clothes and creating a new outfit on his body. Daphnes now had a silver pauldron with the Hylian Crest on it, a belt for his Sheikah Slate, more Adventure Pouch Slots, platinum gauntlets, chainmail, A new green tunic designed off of the other Heroes of Hyrule combined, and a new cape design, with the Hylian Crest on the back. His sword, one he forged long ago, had also been changed to fit his new design and looked exactly like the True Master Sword the Hero of the Sky wielded. His Shield also was re-designed to have a more defensive look, and had a new feature, Absorbing attacks, and adding them to his own. Then a great flash of light burst out from inside him, and he came to himself back in the Heart of Gold, wearing his new outfit.

(Mysterious Hyrule Warriors)
Derpy saved the footage of this whole happening to her computer. She then re-watched the footage as the prisoner was turned into a green-clad hero. Wait, green-clad hero? Hadn’t Lord Tirek prophesied about a green-clad hero coming after the lord of Undertale and before a great Darkness? And wasn’t this Darkness unleashed by a ritual? And weren’t there rumors about people collecting the things needed to accomplish said ritual?

“There’s too much correlation to ignore," Derpy thought. "Something’s coming, or my name’s not Derpy Hooves. Something big. Something… evil...”

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: If you’re confused, just forget about the whole thing between infiniverses with Prof. Pig.:derpytongue2: It correlates to a story my high school friend wrote which I will try to find a link to. I will write about it later and answer individual questions in the comments if you ask, but for now, there are more important things in the world of Fangea.:eeyup: And also, what is this Fangea place?:applejackconfused: Well, it originally was the fandoms we all know and love, each in a separate world. However, a world-shaking disaster called the Fangeaic Cataclysm combined all the fandoms into one planet, with fandoms like Metroid, Star Fox, Star Wars, and anything in space, changed so that they were actually high in the sky, so high it feels like space.:moustache: The impassable wall Serif went through was the uppermost part of the atmosphere, and usually, it is impassable, but some higher power wanted Daphnes to come through, so it had a hole in it temporarily. :eeyup: Also, I am writing my crossover as if it were part of the greatest crossover of all time :twistnerd: :pinkiecrazy::rainbowwild::yay::raritystarry:(which I will never be involved in except as a player:raritycry::fluttercry::applecry::fluttershysad::raritydespair:)

Sword’s comment: While Fangea has some old mysteries already discovered, it also has ones that will be discovered in time.

"Gameplay" info:
Daphnes joined your team!
Serif joined your team!
Pit joined your team!

Current Playable Characters: 3