• Published 23rd Dec 2018
  • 1,302 Views, 148 Comments

Vengeance - xd77

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Chapter 1: Feeling Spread On

Things sure had felt good for the past two months now since Celestia had mentioned that Cozy Glow wouldn't be causing anymore trouble and she wanted to keep it that way for she believed that the Cerberus would be watching her every move and Tirek's as well hoping they would stay in Tartarus for the rest of their days. As for Luna, she felt really good putting her in there with the guards at her side, and she couldn't have felt the same feeling of joy Celestia had. Anyway, Celestia and Luna were livid with comfort and sitting by a fire in their chambers where they would usually spend their sibling time at, plus they had a nice big blanket over them and were drinking hot tea.

"You know sister, it sure has been a perfect change since putting Cozy Glow in Tartarus, we sure haven't had any problems with our magic for over two months." said Luna as she sipped tea.

"Yes Luna, it is, plus it looks like I was right about her not causing anymore trouble, because nothing has been stolen."

"What about Twilight's students?" asked Luna.

"What about them?" Celestia asked back.

"What if the Tree of Harmony gave them the inheritance of new bearers of the Elements?"

Celestia pondered for a moment, "Well, Twilight told me that it was the artifacts that Cozy stole that gave them the power to bring back our stolen magic."

"Well, I am still wondering if the Tree was a part of it?"

"Luna, as long as the Tree of Harmony stays in its place, no form of evil will ever triumph on us or the magic of friendship." she then gave Luna a hug. As they embraced, they heard a knock on the door, they turned to the doors and spoke up.

"Come in." said Luna, and it opened to reveal Zodiac with a not-so nice expression on his face.

"Hey Zodi, how was school today?" asked Celestia.

"Not so good." answered Zodiac.

"Why not, what happened?"

"Did you have a hard test or a bad lunch?"

"Well, technically no, it's about Nathan."

"Is he sick?" asked Celestia.

"No mommy." answered Zodiac, "I'm just worried about him, he hasn't been himself lately, and he was complaining that something evil was watching him and that he felt cold. We went to Headmare Twilight about it, but she reassured him that everything was going to be all right, however, he's still convinced that this evil thing has escaped from Tartarus and is out to get him."

"I'm pretty sure it's just his imagination, you know how Nathan is." said Luna.

"No, I really think he's telling the truth." said Zodiac.

"How can you be sure, Tartarus is locked up sweetheart, nothing could ever escape again." said Celestia as she hugged her son, Zodiac hugged her back and even hugged his aunt.

"Well anyways, for safety concerns, we are spending the night in the school." he said.

"Safety, safety for what, everything is fine." said Luna.

"No, Aunt Luna, I'm getting the exact same feeling Nathan is." he said, "Plus, I'll bet you it's Cozy Glow that is the evil."

"Ok, well if you want to spend the night at the school with them, go ahead, but I can assure you that you will be just fine."

"No mom, I can assure you we are not fine." said Zodiac, "Just keep your eyes peeled, I know she's out there." he then went out into the hallways to his quarters to pack up his things since he was going to be staying in Ponyville for the night.

"Wow, I've never seen him that worried since Cozy's clone of Neighsay trapped him in Tartarus." said Celestia.

"Well the only thing that matters is that we're safe." said Luna as they returned to their fire warming.

Meanwhile, as Zodiac walked through the hallways heading to his bedroom, he suddenly dropped on his hind hooves and clutched his head with his forehooves as if he was having a really bad migraine. But this was no migraine, he too was now getting the feeling Nathan had and it was filling his head really bad.

"She's........" he gasped in horror, "She's back, and she's got Tirek with her. Oh, I've got to hurry and get back to the others!"

Back in the forests of Equestria, Cozy and Tirek had managed to approach the location where the Tree of Harmony rested at and there it was, glowing with all the power to protect Equestria from certain destruction that dared got in the way. But not this time, for Tirek and Cozy vowed to be one step ahead of everypony that sent them to their rotting prison and take all the magic for themselves for real.

As Tirek and Cozy Glow stared at the tree, they showed far greater determination to take this wretched thing out so they wouldn't have any trouble and so that Twilight and her brat friends wouldn't win.

"You have been the cause of our losses, overpowering of us, and sending us to that reeking prison. But this time, we are one step ahead of you!" said Cozy to the tree, even though it couldn't answer back.

Cozy smiled evilly and turned to her new friend, "All right Tirek, do your thing!"

Tirek opened his mouth and absorbed the energy the tree produced, as he absorbed it, he felt power returning to him like when he stole all the magic from the ponies before. Only, the power in this magic that he was absorbing was a power far greater than anything he felt, a power that could make him overpower Twilight and her friends just like they did to him.

Cozy Glow could see that the tree was losing glow fast, while Tirek was draining its power, Cozy flew up and started removing the elements of harmony from its branches one by one, then she put them in a tote bag she was carrying just as Tirek finished absorbing all the power from the tree.

Once the tree was now weak and powerless, Tirek then formed a powerful mallet from the stolen magic and, with one big swing, knocked it right where it removed itself from its roots and fell down, then it was shattered in a million pieces as Cozy tied up the elements. She then threw them afar to where nopony could ever find them.

"Step 3: Destroy the Tree of Harmony - check!" Cozy said.

"Step 4?" asked Tirek with his new strong voice he regained when he was powerful before.

"Step 4: Kidnap Nathan Cadenza." answered Cozy.

"Oh yeah, that human boy who's the toughest, well let's just see how tough he is in our fingers!" Tirek said.

Cozy Glow scoffed, "Oh please, I've already taken care of that through feeling."


"I've managed to transfer senses of strong fear into him, and soon I'll be making our presence known into the rest of those creeps that defeated us!"

Tirek was pretty astounded at this, "I must say Cozy Glow, being friends with you wasn't a bad idea after all."

"Very lovely to say that Tirek." responded Cozy.

"By tomorrow their magic will fail for good and we won't have any trouble taking Equestria for ourselves!" said Cozy Glow as she and Tirek went into hiding outside Ponyville to wait for their attacking moment. What they didn't know was that the elements of harmony that were condemned in the bag that Cozy threw out into the field suddenly contained a small glow, which meant that there was still power within. But someone who was brave and able to take on the most evil could obtain this power it withheld.

Author's Note:

Oh no, are they really going to win this time since the Tree of Harmony has been destroyed?
And what of this power that the Elements of Harmony is hiding from Cozy and Tirek, who will be the bravest one ever, should it be Nathan?

Find out soon!