• Published 23rd Dec 2018
  • 1,303 Views, 148 Comments

Vengeance - xd77

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Chapter 6: The Ponies Meet Jesus

As all the now enslaved ponies were strolling through Equestria in shackles, upon orders of the new tyrannical rulers. They had begun tearing down ancient magical artificial statues and monuments because Tirek and Cozy Glow wanted sculptures of themselves. Tirek and Cozy Glow figured that since they were in control now that they should be remembered and worshiped, therefore, the reason behind their sculptures.

Inside the now vandalized throne room, the student seven were chained to the ceiling, the mane six along with Spike and Starlight were imprisoned in the dungeon, and the three alicorn princesses were tied up to a pole. It was considered hopeless for them after all because they were all now slaves to two of the most evil creatures to have been around in Equestrian history. Anyways as Cozy Glow sat on what was supposed to be Celestia's throne, Tirek sat on Luna's as they stared down at their prisoners with glee.

"Oh Tirek, I believe this is the most glorious victory we have ever experienced in our lives." Cozy remarked as she flew up to the tied up princesses and spat on Celestia.

"So much glory and power is officially ours now!" Tirek exclaimed.

"You may have won this time, but we can promise you Nathan is still alive." said Luna.

"Oh don't get your hopes up too high you filthy night crawler!" Cozy said slapping Luna in the face.

"He's not dead Cozy Glow, I can tell you he's not!" yelled Smolder, Tirek boiled with rage at every creature and pony talking about Nathan. So he undid the shackles on Smolder and then pinned her to the wall causing a goose egg the size of a softball to form on the back of her head and making her friends gasp in shock.

"Listen you stupid lizard, me and Cozy Glow have had it with you all winning all the battles. But thanks to our new friendship, it's you all that have lost. So I don't want to hear another word about that little brat human friend of yours, he has been devoured by the manticores, accept it!"

"Plus, we make the rules now, so we order you to not even mention that little fool's name!" replied Cozy.

"Now we are going to check on the results of our new statues, so we will be back in a few hours." Tirek said as he and Cozy Glow went out the doors and slamming them shut behind them.

Meanwhile, in the dungeons below Canterlot, the mane six along with Spike and Starlight sat in a cell in shackles of their own. For they had suffered some very bad torture of their own, Tirek had abused them badly while Cozy Glow managed to drain all the power of friendship from them. They were now officially weak and powerless to do anything, all they could do was accept the fact that they had lost big time.

"Nathan was right!" whined Rainbow Dash as she bucked a rock that sat in their cell.

"How could we have been so blind?!" asked Starlight with tears going down her face.

"Oh, let's just deal with the facts, we lost this time. And we're completely powerless to do anything!" informed Applejack.

"And Nathan is dead." said Spike.

"Tirek and Cozy Glow have enslaved everypony." said Rarity.

"All the magic is gone." said Fluttershy.

"The Tree of Harmony is destroyed." said Pinkie Pie.

"And the Elements of Harmony are gone." remarked Twilight. They had all accepted defeat and that they lost forever. But, what they didn't know was that Nathan was actually alive and didn't even have a mark on him since he had faith in Jesus, only this time, without warning, they were about to experience the Lord first hand as well and be blessed with a miracle.

As they sat there in there shackles, there was a sudden rumble as if a tremor was shaking the whole dungeon. Just then a flash of light brightened the whole cell, causing the mane seven and Starlight to shield their eyes. Then a silhouette of a man appeared in the light.

"Do not be afraid, you will be fine." it said with a deep voice.

"Who are you?!" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I am Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I have been sent by the Lord God to help save you."

They were all puzzled, they had learned about this from Nathan's church lessons and how he told them that he was a strong believer, but they never would've thought Jesus would exist in Equestria.

"You were sent here to help us?, but we thought you only existed on Nathan's world." replied Twilight.

"Yeah, we never thought you would hear about us." said Starlight.

Jesus put a hand of comfort on Twilight, "The power of God exists in every universe and in every world. He is the only God who is the Father almighty, and He has sent me from the kingdom of Heaven to save your world from utter destruction."

"So how are you going to get us out of here?" they all asked.

Suddenly a low rumble shook the entire cell, causing a small earthquake. Now they thought that Tirek and Cozy Glow had managed to shake the outside with the stolen magic, but in reality, it was God using His almighty power to free them of their shackles. And before they knew it, the cuffs and restraints they were in, were now removed.

"You....You really are the Son of God." said Twilight, who with everypony else had been delighted by this sudden encounter with glory.

"The light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it." replied Jesus, "Now the power of God shall begin through me and you all. Due to your friendship and trust in each other, He will grant you a far even greater power than friendship itself."

"What power is that?" asked Spike.

"The power of glory!" remarked Jesus, just then a hole blew through the wall and in came two fiery chariots being controlled by angels along with an army full of them. Then the mane eight then floated up and glowed.

"Now the glory of God embarks through your souls, with it, we will all defeat the evil that has brought this oppression upon your world once and for all!" said Jesus, then they went back down to the ground and fled the cells of Canterlot to come up with a plan.

As for Nathan, he had managed to come closer to the location where the elements of harmony had been thrown.