• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 16

Why are ponies so colorful? He thought to himself as several of them trotted past. I wonder if they all have a different taste.

When he noticed a unicorn watching him for a long time, with a mixture of surprise and awe, he tried to ignore her. But when she started to follow behind him and Ocellus a little too closely it made him uncomfortable. He couldn’t really do much about it though, stuck sitting in the ‘saddle bag’ that the older changeling carried him in. Then he felt something in the bag brush against his hoof, some kind of soft pink rectangle. He threw it at the pony, getting her right on the muzzle.

Apparently she got the message and stopped following them, choosing instead to gallop off in the opposite direction.

“It’s not nice to throw things at others,” Ocellus scolded him. “If you can’t behave yourself I’ll have to take you back to my room.”

“But that pony wouldn’t stop watching me,” he said back to her. “I didn’t like it.”

“Well, the next time some creature does something that you don’t like, just ask them to stop,” Ocellus explained as she passed through a doorway.

The new room that he just entered was very wide with three olive green walls. The entire opposite end of the room was open to the big outside cavern. Green flowery plants growing out of cylinders were dotted about the floor and weird objects filled large wooden shelves. Tiny chirping birds flew in and out from painted boxes that hung from the ceiling.

Standing in the middle of a circular rug, with different sized pillows grouped around her in a semicircle, was a light yellow Pegasus with a soft pink mane. Next to her was a large square object covered by a blue blanket that would occasionally shake.

“Good morning everyone,” the pegasus said in a delicate voice, “how are you all doing to–”

The yellow mare stopped talking mid-sentence with her mouth still open slightly as she looked directly at him. He lowered himself down, only just peeking back at her from over the rim of the bag.

“Ocellus, what is that you have with you?” the pegasus asked while cautiously walking closer.

The older changeling lowered herself to the floor and slid out from under her saddle bags.

“She’s a changeling nymph,” Ocellus told her, “she just emerged from her cocoon this morning.”

“Is… she, your daughter?” the pegasus questioned softly after a moment of silence.

“What? No!” Ocellus stammered out, a furious blush growing on her face as her griffon and dragon friends snickered.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry!” the mare said, her voice only slightly louder, as a blush covered her own cheeks. “I didn’t mean to imply anything, I just don’t know anything about changeling reproduction.”

“Yona found cocoon in tree,” the yak chimed in. “Gallus got cocoon down for Yona.”

“Oh dear,” the Pegasus said, “you really shouldn’t disturb cocoons, it can harm the creatures inside if you’re not careful.”

As the group began to explain the events of the morning to the pegasus, he let his attention drift over to the shrouded box. There was a smell coming from it, something he never smelled before yet was so very familiar. He tipped over the bag and began to wobble over to it but the yellow pegasus stopped him.

“Wait a moment please,” she said. “That’s for today’s lesson, um... oh, what should I call you?”

“She doesn’t have a name yet,” Ocellus told her.

“Let’s call her Trouble,” Gallus suggested.

“How about Ruin?” quipped Smolder.

“Why Ruin?” Silverstream asked the dragoness.

“Because that’s what she did to you and Yona’s room,” Smolder answered with a chuckle.

“How about we call her Mischief?” asked Sandbar.

“I don’t like any of those names,” he told them.

“I don’t like them either,” the pegasus said and then looked down at him. “Maybe we could just call you ‘Pepper’ for now?”

He shrugged at her.

“Okay then. Pepper, my name is Fluttershy,” the mare introduced herself, “and it’s nice to meet you.”

A silent moment passed before Ocellus leaned over and said something into his ear.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” he repeated back to the pegasus.

“Very good,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Now then, let’s start today’s lesson. Every creature please take a seat.”

“Take it were?” he turned around and asked Ocellus.

“She means sit down,” Silverstream said before plopping her rear on a pillow, “like this.”

Ocellus sat down on a big burnt orange cushion and pulled him over so he was sitting in front of the older changeling. The others then quickly found their own places to sit.

“Our guests for today’s class are very energetic, friendly, and playful.” Fluttershy explained to the group. “Now I want to give all of you a little warning; while they are very well behaved, sometimes if they get too excited there is a chance they might nip at you.”

Fluttershy lifted the piece of fabric away with one of her wings. What he saw in the cage made him gasp out loud and caused his mind to delve deep into itself.

He was in another place now, in a different room, in front of a bright rectangle with moving images on it. There was also a long black board, sitting below the rectangle, with little white symbols written on small squares. Then a little oval shaped head popped out from between the board and the rectangle.

Its face was covered in off white fur with a band of chocolate brown that created a mask around its black eyes. Two small half circle ears poked up from its head, both covered in a velvety cream colored peach fuzz. It opened its mouth, showing off four little sharp pearly fangs, while it turned its head from side to side. Then just as quickly as it appeared, it retreated away.

His vision moved, turning away from the rectangle to look down at the carpeted floor. A long creature on four legs zipped out from under a dresser, hopped around in a circle with its back arched up and mouth wide open, then it raced away under a bed.

“What are you doing, you little carpet shark?” a voice asked the little creature. “Do you want a treat?”

The creature re-appeared followed by a second one with pure white fur and pink eyes. They made a little chuckling sound that he somehow knew meant that they were happy.

“Those are ferrets!” he said loudly, causing his voice to squeak, and the older changeling sitting behind him to jump in her seat.

“Well, yes, that’s correct,” Fluttershy said, stuttering slightly.

He slipped away from Ocellus, tripping over his own legs in the process of trying to get closer to the cage.

“Ferrets are part of the mustelid family and are related to weasels, minks, fishers, ermines, badgers and wolverines,” he started to babble out to the confused onlookers. “Oh! And also otters and pine martins.”

“What’s mustelid family?” Silverstream asked Fluttershy.

“I’m not sure,” the yellow pegasus said, “but all those animals are very similar to each other in many ways. They all tend to have elongated bodies and short legs. Weasels and ermines are smaller than ferrets while otters, badgers and wolverines are much larger.”

“They also all have scent glands in their bottoms,” he added, “which can produce a smell similar to a skunk.”

“Uh… they won’t spray us will they?” Sandbar asked as he looked at the Ferrets warily.

“Oh no, they don’t spray. They use it more for marking territory,” Fluttershy explained, “while a skunk uses their scent glands as a means of defense against predators.”

Fluttershy used the tip of her wing to unlatch the cage door, setting the three ferrets free. Each one waddled out, sniffing around the ground before they started to explore their surroundings.

“Remember to be gentle now,” Fluttershy said to the ferrets, who appeared to nod back in understanding.

These ferrets were much bigger than how he remembered them from his vision. They were just as big as he was and so when one pushed against him, to curiously sniff about his chitin, it caused him to stagger on his unsure legs. Remember something else about the ferrets, he firmly planted his back hooves on the ground and pushed over the ferret so it would roll onto its back.

“Oh, you have to be gentle too, Pepper,” the pegasus said.

“I am,” he told her while rubbing his front hooves up and down the ferrets belly quickly, “this is just how you get them started,”

“Started?” Smolder asked, looking over at a shrugging Gallus.

When he stopped the ferret immediately hopped to its feet and started to jump about crazily with the fur on its tail frizzed-out.

“That’s the weasel war dance,” he said while looking back over his withers at the others. “Ferrets do that when they are having fun.”

With a big smile on her beak, Silverstream rolled one of the ferrets over and vigorously started to rub its tummy with the palm of a talon. Once she stopped, the ferret began to spring around in a frenzy before darting toward Yona and clambering up her thick fur. The yak stood frozen in place as the little creature reached her back and continued to hop around.

“How do you know all this?” Ocellus asked him with a look of trepidation.

“I don’t know,” he said with a shrug before being bowled over by an excited ferret. “I just do.”

“You okay there Ocellus?” Sandbar asked her.

“Yeah, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Gallus chimed in.

“I’m sorry, I’m just a little overwhelmed,” Ocellus admitted as she trembled slightly. “My younger siblings were nothing like her at that age, they couldn’t even talk yet...”

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