• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 36

Three flat pieces of slate levitated behind Mosquito as the attendant trotted through the entryway and into the chamber. Pupa, who had just awoken a few moments ago but felt content enough to just relax at the moment, curiously peeked her head out from under a large pillow. Just a few steps away, a still sleeping Sandbar laid curled up on another large pillow with a ragged blanket draped over top of him.

“Good morning my queen,” Mosquito greeted an already awake Chrysalis, who has been talking quietly with Odonate about the completion of the hives defenses. “I’ve prepared the special meal you’ve requested.

“Wonderful Mosquito,” her mother said and looked over at the slumbering pony with a wolfish grin. “Pupa, would you mind waking up our guest?”

The nymph nodded with a smile and slipped free from the pillow pile. With catlike movement she prowled over to Sandbar, crouched close to the cavern floor and wiggled her rump in preparation to attack.

“Sandbar!” Pupa shouted while loudly buzzing her wings.

When the colt leapt into the air from shock, the nymph gripped the edge of his blanket with her magic and yanked it away from him. The action caused the pony to barrel roll several times in midair ending with him dazed and confused when he crashed back down onto the pillow.

“Whazat?!” slurred the dizzy colt.

“Time to get up,” the nymph said, pulling on his tail with her teeth.

With a groan, Sandbar staggered to his hooves and stumbled from side to side until his equilibrium settled again.

“Come here colt,” commanded her mother in a tone friendlier to the pony than normal. “Mosquito has brought us something to eat.”

“Oh thank you!” said Sandbar, the mention of food seeming to sober him up quickly. “I’m starving.”

With haste the pony galloped over to the trio of older changelings. Pupa, still gripping his tail in her teeth, used her wings to glide through the air behind him like a kite.

“What are we eating?” the colt asked, appearing more excited than Pupa had ever seen him. “Pancakes, Hayburgers, Carrotdogs?”

Mosquito lowered the three makeshift plates to the cave floor, one in front of Chrysalis, one Pupa and lastly Sandbar. Each platter contained a variety of wiggling grubs, dried grasshoppers, berries and pieces of fruit, all mixed together. The meal seemed so enticing to the nymph that when she looked, smiling, over to Sandbar, his disgusted expression confused her greatly.

“What’s the matter?” she asked the colt.

“Yes, is there something wrong?” her mother also questioned him. “I thought you were starving?”

“It’s just that ponies, uh, don’t really eat bugs,” Sandbar muttered.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to learn about changeling culture?” questioned Chrysalis. “And Mosquito put so much work into this fine meal, you wouldn’t want to disappoint her would you?”

The attendant, who had remained standing just off to the side with Odonate, gave Sandbar a fine toothy grin when he looked over at her.

“Everything is fresh,” Mosquito informed the group, “the grubs aren’t the kind that bite and I made sure nothing was poisonous.”

“There, see?” her mother said, levitating a large tan grasshopper in front of Sandbar’s muzzle. “Give it a try.”

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of the colts head as he stared at the floating insect. Pupa joined her mother and levitated a bright purple berry alongside the grasshopper.

“Say Ahhh,” the nymph instructed, looking hopefully up at Sandbar. “They are good together, one is crunchy and the other is sweet.”

When Sandbar glanced back down at her she could sense a hint of compassion from the pony; and so after taking in a deep breath, the colt opened his mouth to allow both items entry. Then, with more effort than Pupa thought it should take, Sandbar started to chew. Before he could finish and swallow she had already levitated a juicy grub up before his snout.

“Mmmmm, ish good,” he said with his mouth full and a tear in his eye.

Once Sandbar began to eat on his own, without her coaxing, Pupa enthusiastically dug into her own mean, while her smirking mother took her time with hers. A beaming Mosquito clapped her front hooves together and Odonate just let out a single humored snort.

After the wonderful meal, Pupa sat before her mother and listened while Chrysalis instructed her on the different ways she could tweak her levitation magic. Sandbar was absent, having been instructed to go help Mosquito organize the attendant’s storage room.

“Pupa, instead of manipulating the entire item as a whole,” her mother explained as she motioned to a small wooden chest equipped with a padlock, “you’re going to focus on moving only a smaller piece of it. Within that lock are tumblers, which you can think of like crooked little teeth that need to be straightened out. Once they are lined up the lock can be opened.”

Chrysalis’s horn began to glow softly and instead of the entire padlock glowing, a faint green light emitted just from the keyhole. After only a few seconds Pupa heard an almost inaudible click and the shackle popped open.

“Learning this ability is extremely advantageous to our kind,” Chrysalis said before using her hooves to press the shackle back into the lock’s body. “We need to be able to go where we’re not wanted in order to survive and no amount of security should be able to stop us. Now let me see you try.”

With a determined nod, the nymph focused her full attention on the task set before her. First she did what she knew how to do already and lifted the lock in a magical grip. Then she attempted to shrink the magical field around the object by picturing it growing smaller. Suddenly a wave of feedback shot painfully through her horn, reminding her of that feeling you get when you bang your elbow in the wrong place. She cringed away, releasing the padlock from her magic, and looked at her mother for an explanation.

“You have to focus the magic inside the lock,” said Chrysalis. “What you just tried to do was bring your magic from the outside of the object to the inside. If the item had been made of something much weaker, like pottery and not iron, you would have simply crushed it.”

“But why did it hurt?” Pupa asked, rubbing her head just below her horn as the painful tingle faded.

“Simply put, the lock is made of metal and the metal is stronger than your magic,” her mother informed her. “You attempted to do something with your magic that it’s not powerful enough to do and so it turned back on you.”

“Oh,” the nymph whispered and looked back over at the padlock.

“Good, now try again,” Chrysalis instructed.

Once again the nymph regarded her target and, as a way to mark its spatial location in her mind, briefly enveloped the entire lock within a magical aura. Her mane slid over one eye as she slightly tilted her head and probed at the opening of the lock with her magic, trying to feel for the ‘teeth’ within.

“My queen,” Mosquito's voice called out from off to the side and caused the nymph to lose her concentration. “I’m so sorry to interrupt.”

“What is it Mosquito?” her mother asked the attendant who was standing at the cavern entrance with Sandbar at her side.

“The larva are hatching,” said Mosquito.

A jumble of emotion could be felt coming from her mother and Pupa could only watch her parent silently as Chrysalis sorted them out.

“Do you want to see the larva Pupa?” her mother questioned in a subdued tone.

“Would it be okay?” the nymph asked.

“Yes, of course it is,” said Chrysalis. “Go along with Mosquito for now and I’ll be along shortly.”

A large crowd of changelings had already gathered within the nursery by the time Pupa, along with Mosquito and Sandbar, reached the chamber. Most of them stood in pairs, watching different groupings of eggs and waiting, while others interacted with the newly hatched larva.
Thinking back on her own time as a larva, Pupa was a little confused about how different things were now. There was no gathering when she hatched, only Katydid, Lacewing and her mother.

“Mosquito?” the nymph asked, “why are there so many changelings here?”

“They’re here to see their young, your highness,” the attendant explained. “Would you like to see my egg?”

“Sure,” chirped Pupa.

The group weaved their way over to a single periodically twitching light green egg and Mosquito gently rested one of her front hooves against its shell.

“Can I touch it?” the nymph asked as she timidly steeped closer.

“Yes, but please be very careful princess,” the attendant said.

With diligent control, Pupa placed a hoof against the shell and traced it along one of the darker green streaks that ran over its surface. It was surprising to the nymph at how much warmth the egg gave off and she quickly pulled her leg back, afraid of causing any harm, when she felt it move.

“Can I touch it too?” Sandbar asked Mosquito.

Some of the closer changelings in the room looked warily over at the pony among them and Mosquito seemed to really mill over the question in her mind.

“Just for a second,” the attendant eventually said.

Sandbar slowly touched his hoof to the egg, unaware that the majority of the room’s occupants watched him now.

“It’s really warm,” the colt commented as he removed his hoof and sat down on the floor.

The egg began to quiver again as a small crack appeared on its surface that gradually spider-webbed out. Mosquito excitedly buzzed her wings and moved closer to witness a tiny black horn break through the shell. Slime covered and hissing, a small changeling larva emerged.

As Pupa watched she couldn’t help but be reminded of her own hatching, so frightened and confused at the time. The nymph thought it strange now and questioned herself to why she had such a reaction, unlike Mosquito’s larva who just peered around while loudly calling out for food.

‘Maybe I’m just weird,’ she thought, observing as Lacewing brought over a bucket of water so the newborn could be cleaned.

A hissing noise coming from beside her brought the nymph out of her contemplation. Looking down she spied a single changeling larva as it began crawling up her leg and the many other grubs that wormed their way up to her.

“What’s happening?” she whispered, freezing up slightly as another hatchling scaled her leg.

“They’re attracted by your pheromones,” her mother’s voice explained.

Chrysalis, having arrived un-noticed by Pupa, fluidly strolled over and lowered herself to the cavern floor beside the nymph. The majority of the gathering larva now began to congregate over to Chrysalis, while only a few remained with Pupa.

“My what?” the nymph asked, absently mimicking her mother by settling down beside the older changeling.

“Your scent,” Chrysalis elaborated. “It’s pleasant and calming for the larva.”

“My scent?” Pupa said to herself while thinking about how comforting her mother smelled to her.

Lifting one leg up, the nymph attempted to detect her own pheromones and gave her carapace a sniff. Chrysalis chucked softly as just under two dozen recently hatched larva swarmed over her.

“Just another part of being a queen,” her mother said.

Little by little the changeling parents left the nursery, returning to continue their various duties around the hive. Katydid and Lacewing took turns feeding the hissing larva and even made the still present Sandbar an offer to sample it. The colt declined.

After all the larva had been fed, her mother began humming a tune, the same one from the day of her own hatching. Pupa joined along and noted how the familiar melody lulled the larva around her to sleep. Her own eyelids began to grow heavy and it wasn’t long after that the little nymph joined the larva in a nap.

“Do you think you’ll ever settle down and have children of your own one day?” the silhouette sitting next to him asked.

A group of the strange creatures that moved on their hind legs chased after each other in front of him. They laughed, running away from one of their own who was attempting to catch any of them that came close.

“Probably not,” he said to her. “I’m not that good with kids anyway.”

“That’s a lie,” the figure said and nudged him. “My kids love when their older cousin stops by.”

He shrugged and glanced down at his claw-less digits.

“It’s not because of what happened with ----- is it?” she asked softly and it made his skin crawl. “That wasn’t your fault.”

“I know,” he said, giving her a false smile.

A terrible feeling overwhelmed him. Helplessness, ashamed, useless, the feelings burned in his chest. That screeching sound… He never wanted to experience the events from that awful day again…

The nymph gasped awake, covered in a cold sweet. She felt like a pit had formed in her stomach and tears were running down the sides of her face.

“Pupa?” her concerned mother asked, still resting on her belly beside her and covered in larva. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know,” the shaking nymph whispered, pressing herself closer to Chrysalis. “I just feel like something really bad happen and it hurts inside.”

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