• Published 20th May 2019
  • 7,721 Views, 568 Comments

A Pony Named Nope - Nyerguds

In an unremarkable city, in an unremarkable hospital, to two unremarkable ponies, a filly was born. A filly who was all too remarkable. A filly who radiated Destiny, and Adventure. Her parents did not approve.

  • ...

Nope's Little Errands: A Hellish Affair

Author's Note:

Originally posted as blog about two years ago, but yea, it should've just been put here right away. Live and learn, I guess :facehoof:

Sorry to all the folks who already saw it as blog.

Just toying with some ideas. For some reason, I love the idea of Nope running errands for Sunset's Isekai when she grows up.

"You clearly don't know who you're dealing with."

The large demon gave her a big grin. "Is that so, princess?"

The young female alicorn rolled her eyes. "You definitely don't know who you're dealing with. I'm not a princess."

The demon blinked. "But—"

"Nope," the alicorn replied. "Not doing this." She looked around. "Yea, this place is a craphole. Congratulations on making it that way. Personally, I'd have gone for a bit more green and a bit less hell-fire; I'm guessing you'll be dealing with famine and collapse of economy in about a year or two." She looked back up to the demon. "But I hear you brew some magnificent helldraught."

"Helldraught?" the demon asked, sounding somewhat offended. "You came here to confront me over helldraught?"

"Well, what did you expect?" she asked with a bored look on her face. "Battle with a glorious hero bent on overthrowing you?"

"Well," the demon said, "yes." He looked around, quite unsure. "That's how it usually goes, you know."

Nope rolled her eyes. "You have no idea how to manage a country, do you?"

The demon slumped down. "It's just so... big! I thought I could just roar around, and they'd do what I'd say, but... well, it's so huge that it was just too much to manage on my own, but then it turned out most of my minions aren't all that great at managing, either, and..." He gave Nope a desperate look. "I thought it was finally over!"

"Sorry, I'm not in the heroing business," Nope said. "In fact, I came pretty close to being stuck where you are." She shook her head. "I'm just running an errand for a friend of mine, and she had good things to say about your brewing skills."

The demon sat down and leaned his head on his knees. "I wish I could just go back to brewing," he said. "I miss those simple days."

"So, just... leave, then?"

The demon shook his head. "You know, I actually tried that. It didn't work. My minions have a nasty habit of tracking me down, and the townsfolk all fear me so much they just assume I'm their ruler anyway! And not a legendary hero anywhere in sight..."

Nope sighed. "Look... I normally don't do this, because, destiny has a nasty habit of suckering me into these kinds of things, but... I can give a bit of a light show, and let you slump off 'defeated' afterwards. You think that would do the trick?"

The demon's eyes widened. "Oh, would you really?"

Nope shrugged with her wings. "Sure. Some thunder and strange colours in the sky to attract the attention, then a fight with lightning-cast silhouettes on the highest tower. You know. Real dramatic stuff where no one can be sure what's really going on. That should sell it. You just have to draw a crowd, you know?"

"Huh," the demon said. "That could work."

"And in return, you give me some of your magnificent brew. How does that sound?"

"Oh, not bad! But, won't you be stuck here, then?"

Nope smiled. "The folks love stories with a mysterious hero who vanishes into the night."

Nope stepped into Sunset's Isekai, a large earthen jug suspended in her magic field floating behind her. She sighed.

"That was a huge bother," she said. "Why is it that every time you ask me to get you something, it devolves into some kind of heroing situation?"

"I'm sorry," Sunset said. "But, an actual hero might have just killed him. How's the old lug doing?"

Nope put the large jug on the ground. "He qualifies for getting a free drink and a photo here, but otherwise, he's fine. Said he'll look into starting a local brewery after things calmed down a bit."

"I'm glad," Sunset said. "He's not a bad sort, just... easily carried away."

"So, this stuff..." Nope nodded at the jug. "Is it something I can drink?"

Sunset's face lit up. "Oh, definitely!" she said. She floated the jug onto the counter and grabbed two glasses. "You'll love this stuff, trust me!"

Comments ( 50 )

Unlike SOME overpowered hellspawn, I'm AWESOME at running a planet!

Just wait until 2032 and you'll see for yourself.... :trixieshiftright:

Ooh! More Nope! This is very cute.

Hooray for more Nope! I kind of love that Sunset is the one person she doesn't going through portals for because it's errands instead of quests.

Say Eeyup to moar Nope.

Everyone wants to rule until they realize how much WORK it is

The demon slumped down. "It's just so... big! I thought I could just roar around, and they'd do what I'd say, but... well, it's so huge that it was just too much to manage on my own, but then it turned out most of my minions aren't all that great at managing, either, and..." He gave Nope a desperate look. "I thought it was finally over!"

I can't help but think I have read a similar isekai manga somewhere...

Yea, I linked this comic before, on the Evil Mirror Self chapter:
Everybody wants to rule the world... until they see the paperwork.

His minions sound like team rocket.

Wait are her parents a unicorn and a Pegasus or something or what?

There is a pony named Nope. There is a kitten named Woof. It remains only to write a story about a dog named Moore, and it will be just fine.

Wanderer D

Good to see that as part of the official story :) Sunset does enjoy Nope's company, so her help in getting errands for her is invaluable.

It's been waaaaay too long since I last read this amazing story. Before I re-read this again, I vaguely remember looking into MC's trying to avoid becoming 'The Protagonist' back then and finding disappointingly little to read on my own. If anyone happens to have a good 'shelf of such stories they can point me at, I would appreciate it.

I wonder how the rest of the town’s days go when Nope’s just out there being Milo Murphy for them…


Pact made, alarm set in my phone, I will return to this comment in a decade's time.
If you lied to me just now, I'll be very disappointed.

Gotta say, I genuinely enjoyed this story. I didn't know it was around, but it's a favourite of mine now, so that's cool, XD

It even inspired me to make a sort of story about this pony who gets their cutie mark in portal making, can do it so effortlessly it takes over his/her (haven't decided yet) life and then they get stuck on this multiverse adventure a la TVs Sliders with no way back home but making some friends along the way. (now if only I had the time to write anything)

You know, I'm trying not to be snarky here, but that's literally mentioned on the second and third line of the very first chapter :facehoof:

Ha. It gets better as she gets older though, especially with Sunshine around. :trixieshiftright:

Ha, fun. Though I think Pony Sliders might end quite abruptly when they accidentally end up in a universe with no magic :trollestia:

Ooh, more Nope. Yay :pinkiehappy:

Sorry haven’t read it yet but just wanted a confirmation is all just in case

Come now, I can't tell you things in advance which are literally used as jokes in the chapter. That ruins the joke! :pinkiegasp:

It's irrelevant to the premise anyway. She's clearly not just some kind of pegasus-unicorn hybrid.

I've been meaning to read this for what feels like forever after I loved The Daily Unlife, and Flitter.

Finally read it and it was such a delight. Cozy and fun to the very end.

As long as you’re not a fat purple cat it never hurts to help. Nope did something nice and now hopefully that guy can retire somewhere nice and quite.

Nice to see some OG fans of TDU here :yay:

Happy to be here! I think Flitter sucked me in first and after that I just kept going hahaha.

You have the knack of writing hopeful FO:E stuff. Which is my jam.

11449147 Alondro never lies... Alondro simply makes reality conform to his will! :trixieshiftright:

Delightful stuff, especially how Nope is more heroic than most capital-H Heroes. At least by some standards.

Yeah. I missed it on your blog. I loved this one and I love nope! Long may she be a “mysterious hero” that schleps away. I too love the fact she’s working for Sunset’s Isekai as a an alcohol procurement czar among other things I’m sure. :pinkiehappy:

Noble Pinions is back, back again. 🎶


3 650 days remain, the clock is ticking, my friend.


Well it wouldn't be true Sliders. This pony, Loophole, would have a past of losing their sense of reality and go crazy for a while (adding allusions to mental illness as I'm wont to do) but that is mostly cleared up by the time of the present and they take another younger face on an adventure with them.

Mostly it'd be an excuse to crossover with other fimfics worlds and characters, but I think it'd be a fun read.

Don't encourage him. I'm serious. I've had to delete his spam before :ajbemused:


Ah, one of them. I was mainly holding somebody accountable to their word only to spitefully actually come back a decade later to call them out (wouldn't be the first time) but I will respect your request and cease interaction.

Comment posted by Alondro deleted Dec 16th, 2022
Comment posted by Charedfirescale deleted Dec 16th, 2022
Comment posted by Alondro deleted Dec 16th, 2022

Feed the trolls on your own turf, people. Don't spam up my story comments with this junk :facehoof:


Heavy is the head that lies the crown, and all that...

Nope smiled. "The folks love stories with a mysterious hero who vanishes into the night."

A hilarious way to duck responsibility.

Here is another comic about this:
It's actually part of a much larger comic, but in this context the page works as a stand-alone.

Ah yes, Vavacung's comic. I remember reading that :rainbowlaugh:

Have you watched “The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.” it has a similar premise to this.

Yes, but only long after I wrote all this :rainbowwild:

Dude! For being so fourth-wall breaky this was very touching.

I loved this last chapter!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

You posted both of these on the same chapter though. If these were about a specific chapters, it's always handier to put them in that chapter; posting on the main page just dumps it in the last chapter's comments.

Oh! I didn't know that, thanks. Great story!

Wanting to rule the world makes you not qualified to do so.

I don't want to, which is why I feel obligated to try.

But the real end goal is to shove it into the hands of some hapless young Twilight so I can retire guilt-free to my favorite island

Anyways I've delayed reading this for years and years but it was delicious

Now if I were a sequel sort, what I would write is the story of Nope's eventual child, who /is/ a perfectly ordinary pony in all ways.

...And who desperately WANTS some sort of amazing destiny beyond having a mom who is basically a miniature goddess

Glad you liked it!

No sequels planned for this, sorry. Haven't had time to write much the past years, either...

This story was adorable! :raritystarry:

Re-reading the story was very entertaining.

Thanks for the laughter it give me repeatedly.
Here is one from me. A parody to enjoy one last time in 2023:

Reminded me slightly of Nope with a attitude to ignore the big, bad evil :rainbowlaugh:

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