• Published 20th May 2019
  • 7,721 Views, 568 Comments

A Pony Named Nope - Nyerguds

In an unremarkable city, in an unremarkable hospital, to two unremarkable ponies, a filly was born. A filly who was all too remarkable. A filly who radiated Destiny, and Adventure. Her parents did not approve.

  • ...

Nope 03: Nope and the Potential High School Drama

"Come on, Nope!" Sunshine said as she galloped ahead. "We need your help! There's no way we'll get all the decorations finished in time without you!"

Nope frowned. On one hoof, her father had warned her about the "wacky hijinks" that resulted from helping in a school festival. Before you knew it, you were pinned under some collapsed piece of theater background together with a schoolmate and you were promptly dumped into romantic drama. But, realistically, she could hardly refuse; everypony else was helping, after all. And her dad had already written too many notes to get her out of stuff like that; the school had stopped accepting them.

She threw a wistful glance at the swirling portal that had spontaneously appeared at the other end of the schoolyard, but forced herself to look away. After all, there was little sense in tumbling headlong into adventure to avoid menial labour. Adventure would probably involve a lot more work and potential injuries than helping with the school festival, anyway. Probably.

"Oh, all right, then," she said, prompting the portal to disappear in a disappointed puff of orange smoke, and followed her friend to the school gym. She knew how these things went; undoubtedly, he'd be there, too. Some colts just didn't get the hint. Her father had considered sending her to an all-fillies school to avoid unnecessary romantic drama, but unfortunately there were none around, and, to be fair, he had doubted it would change much, except that it would force Destiny to ensure she exhibited some measure of attraction to the same gender. He had wisely decided she could really do without that extra bit of complication in her life.

Mind you, she never felt like her father was sabotaging her destiny, per se. "You got cheated, filly," he told her once. "The world thought it could plan out your life for you right away. So, the only proper response is to cheat it right back!"

In other words... she could fall in love and be swept away, sure. She could jump through one of these portals and come back months later as a hardy adventurer. But by the Sun and the Moon, she'd do so on her own terms. And right now she really didn't feel like it.

Right now, she also really didn't feel like working on the preparations of the school festival, but Twilight Sparkle had already proven that sitting quietly with your muzzle in a book was no guarantee Destiny wouldn't come after you. Also, sitting quietly with her muzzle in a book would get those pesky members of the now-closed Library Club whining at her again. You'd think they'd respect quiet reading time, but no; refuse one request to help save their club, and wham, they hold a grudge. It wasn't her fault no one cared about their club. Nope had simply been part of the large group of ponies that didn't care. As far as she was concerned, reading was something you did alone in a quiet corner. Why would you need a club for that? To make absolutely sure nothing like that would ever happen again, she'd joined the Tennis Club. She wasn't all that good at tennis, but it had two dozen members and was certainly not in any state that would need rescuing any time soon.

She followed Sunshine to the stage where they were building the set, once again refused the starring role when the director came to bother her about it, and threw yet another apologetic look at the filly that was playing said role.

"Oh, hi, Pinions!" the Inevitable Colt greeted her. He gave a small uncertain nod to Sunshine, apparently not sure how to greet the second part of the duo.

Nope nodded noncommittally and walked on.

Sunshine snickered. "You should really talk to him, you know," she said.

Nope gave her a dry look. "You know I can't."

"Psssh! Of course you can. You just don't want to. Live a little, filly! High school romance is part of life!"

"Betcha if I give in he'll either get terminally ill, turn out to be some other-dimensional prince, or get replaced by a clone by Humans from Outer Space."

"Oh, come on," Sunshine said, rolling her eyes. "That only happened once. He's just being friendly!"

"And that was already enough to make it happen, last time!" Nope replied. "Starburst still shies away from me. Both of them do, in fact."

Sunshine shrugged. "The princesses got him back. Frankly, I don't see the big deal; he got to make a space trip! And he gained a twin brother!"

Nope snickered. She was glad Sunshine was around. When confronted with weirdness, most ponies understandably freaked out, but not Sunshine; she just took everything in stride. Once, when Nope was sucked into a magical portal and only managed to get back an hour later, Sunshine had just asked if she'd brought a souvenir.

"I'm only fourteen," Nope said. "Dad said I should wait until I'm at least sixteen to get into romance."

"So, you're going to leave the poor guy hanging for two years instead of just going out there and telling him that? Harsh, filly!"

Nope sighed. "I hate it when you make sense."

"I'm your voice of reason in a crazy world!" Sunshine teased.

"Right, right." She looked around the gym hall and spotted the place where a bunch of her fellow students were painting stage pieces. Thankfully, none of them looked large enough to topple and trap anypony underneath. "Let's just get this over with, alright?"

Sunshine gave her a level look. "Yes, let's", she said, blocking her way to the stage pieces.

"Oh, come on!" Nope said. "I'll talk to him later. Maybe."

"Nope, you are going to talk to him right now, and unless you actually mean that 'two years' thing, you're going to do it in a way that won't just make him give you hopeful glances for the next two years."

"Whatever happened to 'no way we'll get the decorations finished'?" Nope protested.

Sunshine didn't budge. "The sooner you get this over with, the sooner we can start on that."

Nope grumbled something under her breath, but nodded in defeat. All right. So she'd confront the colt.

She frowned. "I don't even know his name."

"You don't want to know anypony's name, Nope", Sunshine said. "It took me two months to get you to remember mine."

"It's just easier, that way," Nope groused.

"Well, no longer. You are going to talk to Blue Pine and tell him what you really think of him."

"I don't think anything of him!" Nope said, desperately. "What do I even say?"

"Well, I dunno!" Sunshine said. "I don't exactly get suitors popping up around every corner! Hey, remember that prince that showed up here once? He was sooo dreamy!"

"He was also a dragon," Nope pointed out. "And that was a pretty decent reason to send him off. But this guy?"

"Blue Pine," Sunshine helpfully filled in.

"Right. Blue Pine? He's just a pony!" Nope continued in a whisper. "I don't even know him, and undoubtedly he'd like us to get to know each other, and then, agh! I don't even know!"

"Maybe he's nice?"

"You're not seriously suggesting what I think you are suggesting."

"Well, he seems nice!"

"He calls me Pinions!" Nope whisper-shouted at her friend. "Nopony calls me Pinions! Not even my dad!"

"Your dad started that whole 'Nope' silliness," Sunshine pointed out. She pushed her friend in the direction of the blue colt and grinned. "Now get out there and woo him!"

"That was never the plan and you know it!" Nope whispered back loudly, desperately hoping her friend was joking. With that look on her face, you never could tell.

And so, Noble Pinions, for the first time in her young life, was forced to confront a completely normal well-meaning suitor without any kind of noble background or ulterior motives.

"Um. Hi," she said, awkwardly.

"Oh, hey, Pinions!" Blue Pine replied.

"Please don't call me that," Nope mumbled. "Everypony calls me Nope." She frowned. "In fact, the only time my full name was ever mentioned was at the introductions when I entered the school."

"Yeah, I, um... remembered." Blue said. "I just thought the nickname sounded like a close-friends kind of thing, really."

Nope raised an eyebrow. "What ever gave you that idea?"

"Well, you shied away from practically everypony calling you that, except for Sunshine."

"I shy away from everypony," Nope pointed out. "It's not the name thing."

"Oh. I see," Blue said. "I mostly just wanted to be polite. I mean, you always hang out with Sunshine." He blushed. "It's just... she's so spontaneous and open, you know? I don't know if she'd even take me seriously."

Nope's eyes widened as the gears in her head clicked together. "Wait. You're not here for me?"

The colt shrank. "You had a dragon prince asking your hoof in marriage!" he said. "I can't compete with that! Why do you think I was trying to be polite?"

Nope laughed. "Oh, wow," she said. "I honestly never looked at it like that." She glanced at Sunshine, who had noticed the sudden change in atmosphere, and was sporting the most puzzled look Nope had ever seen on her face.

She grinned at the colt. "Hey, tell you what. I'll go get her, okay? Just, stay calm, and don't run away. And then, the two of you will have a very nice chat, while I go help the other ponies paint wooden bush cutouts."

She walked towards Sunshine, unable to suppress a smirk as she got closer. "Well," she said to her friend, "I guess high school romance is part of life, after all." She patted her on the shoulder, glanced over to the colt behind her, moved her mouth closer to Sunshine's ear, and whispered, "So go live a little, filly."

Author's Note:

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