• Member Since 30th Nov, 2015
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Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams


Starlight has a problem. Twilight left on an ambassadorial mission to the zebras less than a week ago. Just this morning, a businesspony showed up on the doorstep of the Castle of Friendship and stole the Alicorn Amulet right out from under her nose.

Rainbow Dash has a solution. Steal the Amulet back. How hard could it possibly be, right? Okay, so the Amulet's being kept in one of the most secure vaults in Equestria. And it's surrounded by guards and bystanders. And there's no one in Ponyville who has much experience in heists or robberies or law-breaking of any kind. Oh, and said businesspony is planning on selling the powerful artifact of dark magic on the black market, putting the whole thing on a time crunch. And they don't even have the blueprints to the place. But other than that, it'll be easy!

Starlight has a problem. This is the closest thing to a solution she has.

This can only end well.

Takes place before the season 6 finale.

Chapters (30)
Comments ( 303 )

I read the description before I looked at the character tags, and was like, "If Bon-Bon isn't in this, it's just a crime." Glad to see I was right.
This certainly sounds like it's gonna be fun. :trixieshiftright:

Oh goodness XD This should be fun.

I would like to see SOMEONE point out that it's really NOT Starlight's fault, though. She told Gourmand no. How was she supposed to know Gourmand would pull an epic whammy that would force her compliance? MOST PEOPLE DON'T PLAN FOR THAT. Seriously. Not her fault, unless there was some rule posted saying that she shouldn't answer the door. Or a rule stating that she should be epicly rude to people on her doorstep just because they're suspicious.

This promises to be thoroughly entertaining. Looking forward to seeing just how poorly thought out Dash's plan is.

Interesting. Love Dash's rubbing of Starlight's muzzle in how creepy mind control spells are.

This is a great start and I hope that when this is over they just try to destroy the amulet.

“Point taken.” Starlight stared at the paper again. “But… but a heist? Tell me, Rainbow, what the heck are you thinking?”

:rainbowhuh: "This is Ponyville. There's a whole section in the classifieds for heists and other adventures."

She stepped inside with bated breath, praying that whoever was there was competent.


And yea, her prayers were answered!

Quite the motley crew. Looking forward to seeing what they get themselves into, especially with a genre-savvy Best Pony.

This was a great chapter I love how Derpy surprises everyone with knowledge of heist stories and Lyra's crazy attitude.

First: This is probably going to be a better Starlight is the leader story than To Where and Back Again.
Second: Agent Sweetie Drops isn't going to be a secret for much longer is she?

Definitely getting Leverage vibes, MLP-FIM/Screwball Comedy style! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Hoping that at one point some of the girls dresses Carmen Sandiego-style to Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops's headache! :pinkiehappy:

Being dead was terrible on Starlight’s attempts to sleep.

First rule of any illegal business is "leave no witnesses", so she probably should be glad that she isn't, well, actually dead (or at least obliviated).

“…We’re doomed,” muttered Bon Bon.

“If we’re, uh, breaking into a casino,” cut in Starlight, “don’t you think we should, I don’t know, go to the casino and see what it’s like?”

With a couple hundred royal guards as a company.

Oh, this is going to be brilliant if you can pull it off well.


is doctor whooves actually in this?

This was a nice chapter and I was surprised by Gilda's presence and her reaction to Thorax though her rudeness is unsurprising. Though given how Griffonstone is Gilda's behavior maybe polite by their standards.

Although if it was a cheesy pulp adventure, at least things were guaranteed to turn out okay.)

Interesting to see that Bonbon considers that a possibility.

Contrary to (what she assumed was) popular opinion, Rainbow Dash really did grasp what was at stake.

I'm honestly impressed that Dash has enough self-awareness to recognize other ponies might think she's clueless.

“Oh, look,” said Bon Bon flatly. “My shoelace is untied two rooms over.” She flicked her tail and stomped out of the hall.

This is all the more amazing when one considers that pony shoes don't work that way.

“Doctor who?” asked Gilda.

Well, someone had to say it.

I do like the feline behavioral elements you're giving Gilda. Nice touches.

The gang's all here, apparently. Now comes the tricky part.

After a moment, Bon Bon cleared her throat. “Alright,” she said. “We’re all here. We’ve got a mission. We need to start making a plan.”

1. Go to Casino
2. Improvise
3. Alot


Will they take the couch home once they're finished here?


Thorax's point of view was fascinating. I loved his mental way of describing others!

Also, Bon-Bon HATES bureaucracy, huh?

Well it may have been inspired by Saphira from the Inheritance Cycle. Where Elves are Pointed-ear-two-legs humans are round-ear-two-legs and there are the cows-that-she-must-not-eat.


Why can’t she eat cows?

Because She is a Dragon bonded with a human. Together they are fighting the bad guys in a rebellion. The cows are the rebel's food supply. Also she's like as big as a elephant so she can hunt on her own.


But she's a member of the rebellion, ergo, they're her food as well.

This was an interesting chapter and they already have some usefull information. Thorax really has no knowledge of pony society wich is interesting to see.

Well considering they have about one heard of cows, in a war, in the middle of nowhere, and have about two thousand soldiers. She can hunt for herself. She does eat like one whole cow. While everyone else makes stew to make it last longer.

THis was agreat chapter I hope that they will be able to get those plans soon. I expect hat an airship will e docked at the casino when they try to steal the amulet.

aww Thorax-Changeling is so cute :heart:

also, if Gilda doesn't lay an egg in the next chapter or two, I'll be ...um... annoyed :rainbowlaugh:

but why do you know mind control spells in the first place?

Most likely conjecture here is probably "from her previous super-villain career"

Although there were a few door-to-door salesmares where she wished it was.

Flim and Flam aren't mares.

I have a feeling we know what's up with that griffon guard now...

I knew Thorax would crush it at poker. Only problem is, this is post season two...

This was a great chapter and I loved the break in by Lyra and BonBon.

I see some interesting methods of filling up the Changedling Hive's treasury in the future :trixieshiftright:

Why is it a problem?

Because there's a chance the casino staff will put two and two together and get suspicious.

He could probably figure out when to lose a round or two for the sake of appearances without too much damage to his earnings (Does it work like that? I don't know the first thing about poker)

We have the highest prosecution rate of any Equestrian law enforcement branch, you know!

I have several questions.

It’s too scary that close to the gorge. You could run into all kinds of unstable ground. Trust me, I know.

Plan Z: Have Derpy back into the canyon walls and send the whole casino tumbling in. They'll bury the Amulet in the rubble.
Yes, there will be catastrophic collateral damage. That's why it's Plan Z.

The door to the poker room was labelled The Artifact Vault. Thorax-Unicorn-Green wondered if that was Goumada-Unicorn-Marble’s idea of a joke.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were a double bluff.

It seems like everything's going well. That concerns me. Looking forward to the inevitable collapse. (And I'll try to actually read each chapter as it comes in this time. :twilightsheepish:)

Also, I do have to wonder what Ponyville's going to think of everyone being gone for two weeks...

One single round in and he’d already made sixty bits. This was going to be good.

Why am I getting the feeling that those sixty bits will be all Thorax-Unicorn-Green will manage to earn?

Why she wanted to look at you, I don’t know.

She probably wanted to see if she knows the new musician from any... previous... encounters, let's call them?

This is a great chapter and I enjoyed the part with Lyra the most.

This story is the dark souls of Heist stories. It really makes you feel like the characters are breaking into a casio.

I like this chapter especially the part where Derpy show she's intelligent and observant. Sunburst reapeats several words at a few ponts is that an error or intentional?

They were so… chaotic and… alive. (Which said super things about his personality.)

When you're Starlight Glimmer's childhood best friend, it's best to keep an eye on you as well. "Necrocratic nation of the predictable dead" isn't too far off from "Soul-mutilating equality cult," after all.

“Sundown Gleam,” Thorax-Unicorn-Green said. After some discussion last night, Bon Bon, Gilda, and Sunburst had deemed it a sufficiently generic pony name that wouldn’t attract much attention.

:rainbowlaugh: I love the idea of Skylight Lghtverb being the unicorn equivalent of John Smith.

Good to see Thorax is at least trying not to get carried away.

“Come to the derp side. We have muffins.”

And they are good muffins. And a wonderfully observant mare.

He keeps going on these hypercomplicated ideas where… sheesh, I can’t remember.

"Something about reversing the polarity of the neutron flow? I swear he's making up half of it."

One of the Doctor’s ears went down. “…Yes. I am quite good at maths.”

"We should only need one."

We have definitive progress! Now to see how much further everyone can go before running facefirst into some unforeseen issue.

This Sunburst is being written with a stutter.

Lyra moved around the maid, who was stuffing the sheets down the laundry chute. She jabbed the Down arrow at the elevator and began waiting.

I'm simultaneously dissapointed by and proud of Lyra for not taking the slide.

I wonder if they can work the Rainboom into the plan. It's a massive magical shockwave, after all. It could certainly be useful.

“Delivering Discord’s mail means you learn to think on your hooves very quickly.” Derpy smiled and shrugged, chewing her muffin with the sort of contentment and self-satisfaction that normally only comes once in a lifetime.

Best. Pony.

And yeah, Starlight's something of a R'lyehan Army Knife. You don't want to fold out most of the tools most of the time, but she's still a darn good corkscrew.

I wouldn't be to surprised if Goumada self assured attitude will hinder her in some way she's far to smug for her own good. I really like Derpy in this story and Bon Bon's thoughts about the situation are interesting. I am also wondering if the Rainboom is going to be part of the plan since it might interfere with the magical security systems.

I was working on them with Twilight a few months ago and we were our own guinea pigs. She said something about wiping a villain’s motivation to be bad would keep them from doing any villainy, but eventually decided that motives were more complicated than that and that brainwashing, even for the greater good, was a bad idea.

That was a completely genius-level subtle threat, but... Twilight did that? Twilight?! :rainbowhuh:

I wodner how they are going to use those arctic arrows for the heist. If they are as dangerous as Gilda says than they must be usefull against Goumada. It was funny how Rainbow Dash managed to spot the guard following her and good of her that she realized Goumada's intentions.

And if the casino has something set up to remove enchantments from things going into the vault, well, then we know that it has something to you know the drill.

Either it doesn't because such a thing would render the alicorn amulet (and similar artifacts) useless, or there are ways to circumvent the effect when necessary, or the amulet is kept somewhere else

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