• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 6,539 Views, 234 Comments

Pulling Through - Noponythere

The story of how you get through High school with the help of your friends...

  • ...

Chapter 10: Prom Night


Last or second last chapter if you consider the epilogue!



Chapter 7: Making Amends!




"Lightning? Get up!"

*sigh* I don't wanna...

"Not now Skittles..."



You quickly shoot up, throwing your covers off. You spot a bemused Thunder in your room, leaning on your doorway. You nervously rub your neck, trying to direct attention from your red cheeks. You hope he hadn't been watching you sleep the whole morning.

"Skittles eh?"

"Uhhh, how much did you hear?"


"Yeah... well, just forget about it."

"Come on, get [up! We’re going to be late for lessons"

As if we’re going to learn anything. It's the last week of school! Can't we just chill out...

"Gimme a minute."

You lazily crawl out from your bed and drag yourself to your bathroom. Thunder quickly makes his way out of your room to let you get on with your business. You flick the shower on and quickly step into the warm cascade of water. You try and stretch your wings out, cramped and exhausted from the training the previous night. You gently flex them, hoping to wake them up with the flow of warm water.

Damn I could do with a good massage!! Where the hell are you Skittles...

By now the warm water has revitalised your aching body and you feel partly ready to take on the world. Rainbow Dash in the shower with you could have easily made your morning but hey! You wing some, you lose some,

Partly dissatisfied with your morning shower, you apathetically start to dry yourself off. You quickly lament your bad night's sleep but you decide not to get hung up on it and don't let it ruin your day. Eventually, you emerge from your bedroom and spot Thunder expertly whipping up some breakfast. Recently, Thunder had been taking a great interest in cooking for you. In such a short time, you notice his cooking go from 'fire extinguisher aftertaste' to great restaurant comparable dishes.


You both make quick work of his meal and head off towards your last lessons of the year. This term they were covering weather control in class. You did your best to focus on the lesson but you keep spotting Rainbow Dash snoozing off in front of you. How she actually makes it through classes just astound you. You never really got a look at her report card but by the way she works in class you're pretty sure it couldn't be higher than a 'D'.

"Jeez, this is boring..."

Come on Rainbow, It isn't that bad

She turns to face you and you can see the boredom in her eyes. You give her a weak smile and she replies with a shy wave before turning back. You spot her taking down some notes and feel satisfied that she's at least making an effort because of you.

The lesson promptly ends on a high note. You quickly stuff your scribblings into your saddle pouch and follow Rainbow Dash out of the room. You all had finished your exams a month ago and were going to get your results over the holidays. You were confident in your performance and upon asking Rainbow Dash, she probably doesn't care how she did.

You both part ways; you head to your next class, 'Advanced Weather Flying' while she heads for her free period. Before she leaves she quickly pushes you up against the nearby locker. You hear the metallic bang as you back up into the steel storage container. By now you're used to the sudden outburst of affection and quickly look up to Rainbow Dash. Before you could make eye contact you could feel her sealing your lips with hers. This time you feel her savouring the moment. Either time has really slowed down or she was taking her sweet time. You shut your eyes enjoying the passion of the moment. You both engage in your usual swordfight between your tongues. She often has the upper hands, constantly amazing you with what her tongue can do.

Eventually, the sound of the school bell signalling the start of lessons prompts you to part from the kiss. Before she lets you go, she pulls you down to her height and whispers into your ear.

"I'll see you later. You can pick me up at 6:00. My dorm."

You say nothing, still lost in the kiss. Instead you slowly bob your head, just barely constituting as a nod. She lets out a cute giggle and quickly runs of down to the corridor, off to her next lesson. You quickly realise how late you’re going to be and know your teacher's going to have your head for being late.

Still worth it...




You quickly don your white shirt and black tie. You check yourself out in the mirror. After being satisfied with the condition of your clothes, you slick you mane back slightly with your hoof, adding a slight bit of gel for the volumizing effect. You quickly check yourself out in the mirror. Obviously you didn't want to look to formal and from the look you were styling, the shirt gave the casual-formal look.

"SSSSS... Hotstuff!"

You quickly turn and spot Thunder by your door. He makes his way in and you notice his get up for the prom. He's sporting a loose shirt with a dark blue tie. His slightly ruffled and unbuttoned shirt gives him that street appearance you think suits him well. Had you not know he was attending a prom, he could easily pass of as a hitpony. The thought off Thunder out on the streets murdering in cold blood sends a few cold shivers down your shoulder.

You both freshen up before leaving and head off to pick up your dates for tonight. You head off into the evening sky, making quick work of your journey. Your time spent running everywhere had certainly built up your stamina but you knew you were born to be in the sky. You feel the cool evening air rushing past your face and wings. The late afternoon winds were providing more than enough lift for you to glide comfortably.

You quickly brace yourself and make a perfect landing just outside Rainbow's dorm. You take a deep breath before knocking lightly on the door. You hear a short silence, only broken by a voice form inside. Whoever it is, was clearly taken by surprise and you can hear the commotion within as they make it to the door.

"Ummm.. Just coming! Give me a second"

You wait there patiently, anticipating a great night. Your mind is filled with images of Rainbow Dash and the many possibilities you imagine her coming out dressed with.

The door quickly opens and you spot the lovely cyan mare trotting out the room. She isn't wearing anything but a pendant though you think she’s done something with her hair. You spot a bright shine and a distinct glitter in her mane. You look past her flank and notice the same effect in her tail. You stand there, frozen on the spot, adoring the sight in front of you. You don't feel your jaw drop open and don't notice Rainbow Dash trying to grab your attention. Somehow, your attention moves from her head further down her body, past her wings and to her flank...

"Hey Lightning! My eyes are up here!"

You quickly revert your attention to the source of the voice. You spot Rainbow Dash walking closer to you. She quickly places a hoof on your jaw and gently shuts your mouth.

"You're starting to drool on your nice shirt..."


You look down at your shirt and notice a small recognisable wet patch where your saliva had been pooling. You quickly wipe it off, hoping it would dry off by the time you get to the prom.

"Hehe... Sorry"

"Damn, you look like a restless colt Lightning. I guess i won't bother asking how I look then"

"You look... amazing...."

"Thanks. And get your wings down, the last thing i need is you getting all exited in public"

You quickly try and control your wings reflexes and lightly peck Rainbow on the cheek. You get a light giggle from her and you both make your way towards the sports hall- the venue for the event.

"after you, M'Lady"

You hold your hoof out and let Rainbow lead on. Maybe it was because you were a gentlecolt, maybe it was because mares should go first or maybe deep inside... it just gave you another opportunity to stare at her backside. Either way, you decide not to let this opportunity be wasted and politely 'escort' Rainbow to the prom.


You both enter the hall. Immediately you notice the lively music and ponies. Over in the distance you spot a white blue maned pony manning the DJ booth. You question why anypony would be wearing sunglasses at a prom....at night. You could somehow guess she probably had dark red eyes under those glasses. You spent enough time with other ponies to know pony colours. You don't pay much attention her or any of the other staff, you presume they were hired by the school to perform for the event and quickly return your attention back to the students by the buffet table.

You and Rainbow head over to the little food corner and quickly spot a towering Thunder in the crowd. On the way you return a bunch of 'hi's' and 'how you doing?' from a variety of ponies in your year. After making it over to the buffet table you spot Rainbow Dash wasting no time in shovelling the assortment of food and treats into her mouth. Looking past Thunder you spot a quiet Fluttershy at the other end of the table. She’s wearing a light, pastel blue coloured dress for the occasion and you quickly make conversation.

Even after your mishaps with FLuttershy you two still get along quite well and discuss many of your shared interests. You eventually decide to return to your date, who is still filling herself from the assortment of edibles by the buffet table. You lightly tap her on the shoulder to catch her attention.


She turns and faces you. You can see her entire mouth stuffed with food and can't help but laugh at the sight of this. She quickly swallows her mouthful and joins you in your laugh. Before you could react, she quickly and very suddenly shoved a cupcake into your mouth. The whole thing doesn't quite fit, leaving your with a half stuffed cupcake sticking out of your mouth.

You swallow the whole cupcake with a struggle but quickly notice the butter cream left around your mouth from the baked dessert.

"Damnit Rainbow! You knew the cupcake wouldn't fit in my mouth"

"I know..."

She quickly sticks her tongue out and quickly lapped up any remaining cream around your lips before you could wipe them off. You blush lightly, surprised she was so brazen and daring to do something like that in front of your many friends. You give a weak smile to the half dozen ponies staring at you. You notice many of the mares look honestly surprised but you also spot their male counterparts wishing their dates could be like yours. You give them a sly wink before being dragged away by your lover.

You quickly make your way over to the dance floor. The loudspeakers are booming out a hypnotic catchy beat you just can't resist walking along to and bobbing your head. You see Rainbow Dash turn around to face you and quickly notice your movements. A smile starts to creep up on her face and she quickly stops in her track.

"So... you like the music huh?"

"Damn right!" You start to shake your body to the groove of the music, putting more energy into your movements.


You stop dead in your tracks and look back at Rainbow Dash. She's bursting into laughter from what she’s seeing.

"What? you don't like my awesome moves?"

"You call those 'awesome'? Move over and let me show you how it's really done!"

You make space for your Dashie to party to the music. She quickly dons a pair of heavily tinted sunglasses from nowhere. You again wonder why a pony would wear sunglasses inside a building... at night.

She pushes you aside and starts to break some amazing moves. Watching her nimble body turn in the spotlight like that makes you suddenly realise how much of a good dancer she was... or how terrible you were.

Her moves go on for the next minute until the song ends, applause is heard from the rest of the dance floor who had taken notice to her wild moves. There is a lull of silence as the track changes and you take the opportunity to praise Rainbow for her dance.

"You should stop making me look bad you know?"

"I can't help it, you're hopeless at times"

You can see she had worked up a visible sweat from her dance. Somehow, that gives her coat a nice appeal you seem to like. Her strong smell is also filling your nostrils, activating many thoughts within your brain. You wonder if she wanted to take a break from dancing but she doesn't seem to want to. The next track finally starts, you recognise this as a hit title, almost everypony whose anypony would know this song.

"Come on Lightning! Try to keep up!"

You take a deep breath and jump back into the fray of the dance floor with Rainbow Dash taking lead.


After a good long hour of hardcore partying, you spot ponies starting to make their way off the dance floor, too worn out to continue. Suddenly, you hear the music start again, but the tone was unlike all the previous ones. It was a soft low tune and the tempo was mind soothingly slow.

"Care for another dance Skittles?"

"Umm... Uhh, I can't... dance to this..."

"Come on, don't tell me you knew all those moves but can't slow dance!"

You spot some red creeping in on her cheeks and she gives you this weak innocent smile. You grab her by the hoof and wrap yours around her waist. You're now both on two legs, with you leading the dance. She places both her hooves on your shoulders, wrapping them around the back of your neck.

SWEET! those ballroom dance lessons FINALLY paid off!

You both rock gently to the tune, enjoying the lull of action and peacefulness of the moment. A few other couples have also taken back to the dance floor, mimicking your moves. You look up and stare into Rainbow Dash's eyes. In the dim mood lighting of the hall, you can still see a sparkly glow in them. You had learned a while ago that it's those caring eyes that really express a pony's feeling for you. You could stare into her eyes and look at what her heart was saying to her.

Your moves give all the conversation necessary, leading you both in a small trailing pattern. She looks back at you and you both are locked into a staring gaze, a small smile grows on her face and she leans her head in. You do as follows and allow your temples to touch and lean against each other. Immediately you feel the connection between you two. Her warm body giving off that soothing heat.

Eventually she whispers something only you can hear over the music.

"You blinked, I win"

NAWWWW... still trying to compete

You don't say anything, you close your eyes and lean in, Your lips touch almost instantly, giving you both that loving passion you both enjoy. This time, your kiss is more caring and slower in its embrace. Unlike when she would attack you with her barrages of love. You both slowly creep your tongues into each others mouths, you taste that unforgettable mix of wild berries but this time it’s accompanied with a bit minty aftertaste. You both crave for more and indulge yourselves in the heat of the moment.

The song comes to an end, you both part your lips slowly. You look up at Rainbow Dash, still caught up in the kiss. She looks at you, this time with lazier eyes. You grasp her close and whisper into her ear.

"I love you Rainbow Dash..."

"I love you Lighting Strike..."

You both part and leave the dance floor together.

For the next two hours, the party goes on. The whole time, you see Thunder and Fluttershy mostly talking alone in the corner. Neither of them seems to want to dance though it still looks like their having a ball. You leave them alone to do their own thing and crash out in a lounge chair in the dark nether regions of the hall.

Pretty quickly, you find yourself indulging in another smooch fest with Rainbow Dash, ignoring the party and music around you. You try not to let Rainbow Dash dominate you but you also can't help having a sense of competition. You both wrestle and fight for a top position, still showering each other with kisses.


The party starts to die down by now and many of the pony couples start to file out and leave. Only a few stray stragglers are still left in the hall, getting up to their own business...

You feel the energy drained from your body, an entire evening of rocking out like that does that to a pony. It seems the same could be said for Rainbow Dash. She had nearly collapsed by your side and is now heavily leaning on you for support. Her body is stretching over yours, legs dangling of the ground. You look at her face and notice a tone of worry in it.

"Anything wrong Skittles?"

She replies in a tired but playful tone.

"I told you to stop calling me that!"

"You still didn't answer the question."

Her head drops back down and dangles of your back. You start walking back towards her dorm, slowly pacing through the dimly lit paths.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Come on..."

She fiddles about on your back before taking a deep breath. She turns to face you and you look at her with an inquisitive face.

"Lightning... Do you like the way I am?"

"What do you mean Dashie? You know I love you!"

"Yeah but do you like... you know, like.... ummm. Do you like my body?"

"Yeah! What pony in the right mind wouldn't?"

"It's just that... when we were at the prom, i heard lots of ponies talking about me. The way I act, the way i look. My body and-"

"What did they say about you?"

"I don't know... stuff about me being a tomboy, working out to much, not doing 'mare' things..."

You start to slow your pace, looking into Rainbow's eyes, you can clearly see how concerned she is about this.

"Do you think I'm over-muscular?"

That was the last straw. You stopped dead in your tracks and gently lower Rainbow off your back. You meet her face to face and place two hooves on her shoulders.

"Rainbow Dash, you are the most beautiful, wonderful and coolest mare I've ever met and I don't care what anypony thinks about you. You're not over muscular, you have the perfect body anypony could wish for. Their just jealous of the life you lead and probably your amazing coltfriend."

She looks into your eyes and takes a moment to process the information.


She lightly punches you on the shoulder and you continue your speech.

"It doesn't matter what you do Rainbow Dash, as long as you're damn good at it. You always want to be the best and i guess that’s how i fell in love with you..."

You spot a tear forming in her eyes. You gently wipe it away but she quickly stops you and wraps herself in your hooves.

"Thanks Lightning. Nopony's ever said anything like that to me before."

You both continue the hug for a minute, standing silently under the light of the tall footpath lamp. In the distance you hear the faint but low ding of the bell tower. You count the bell strikes and make it to be midnight.

"Happy Birthday Lightning..."

"Thanks Rainbow Dash"

"Hey... Can I go back to your room. I left your birthday present their"

Oblivious to her intention, you quickly agree to walk back with her to your dorm. Some part of you finally figured you were going to have a long 'tiring' night...


You stir lightly in your bed and quickly sit up. You rub your eyes lightly and try to figure out where you are. You quickly look down and spot a mess of rainbow hair and cyan blue fur tangled between your cover. Your mind suddenly remembers last night's... events.

Rainbow Dash!

Your mind drifts off to the most amazing night you've ever had. Nothing you ever experienced had compare to what you both got up to last night. You also remember the immense pleasure you both felt while being together. You quickly urn and look back to Rainbow whose now slowly waking up. She looks at you caringly and pulls you down on top of her.

"Did you enjoy your gift?"

"Yeah... but do I only get that on special occasions?"

"Well... we can do it again if you like it..."

You just stay silent and smile eagerly at her. She giggles and pushes you off of her.

"You dirty colt, you acted like you had done it before..."

"Nah... I could tell you hadn't either."

Suddenly the bedroom door slams open, inside comes Thunder rushing through the door. He quickly freezes on the spot when he spots you both in bed, a quick examination of the room, your bed and your current position he quickly came to a suitable conclusion.


Rainbow quickly snaps back at Thunder sporting slightly annoyed look.

"Jeez Thunder why you don’t shout louder, I bet only half the whole school heard you."

You cover yourself under the cover and quickly point towards your doorway.

"Dude! did the tie hanging on the door not mean anything to you??!?!?!"

"Oh... yeah. I wondered why ponies did that..."

He quickly shoots out the room as fast as he got in leaving you two both alone in the room again.

Well, that spoiled the mood...

"I guess we'd better get out of bed then."

You hear an audible sigh of disappointment from Rainbow but you quickly think of something to cheer her up.

"Don't worry Skittles! There are plenty of things we haven't tried in the shower yet."

She quickly perks up and darts into your bathroom, flicking on the hot water. You follow behind her and promptly lock the door behind you...


After experimenting greatly in your new found world of relationships, you and Rainbow both take a gentle stroll around the campus. Barely any work is being done. Almost all the lessons have stopped and many ponies are of today returning to their families or hometowns.

Thunder had volunteered to do some work experience in the weather factory this summer while you would only return back to your town to visit your parents for a week.

"Soo... any plans for the summer Dashie?"

"Meh... I don't think I want to visit my parents soon and everypony else I know is taking leave somewhere else."

"Well... I guess us two are stuck here for the summer then?"

"OH Lord! A summer stuck alone on campus, in bed with Lightning!" She pretends to act dramatic and collapse in front of you. She does a terrible act and you quickly reply back.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH... who said it had to be in bed?"

You give her a cheeky smile and she only winks back at you. The fact she was looking forward to your suggestion had already aroused you slightly. You both head off for some lunch, enjoying the natural beauty around you."

"Damn I really want to be the fastest flier in Equestria!"

"Don't worry Dashie, you'll get there someday. Either way, you have the whole summer to practice with me!"

"Thanks Lightning..."





Epilogue: How does flight school ends for you?



Finally complete with my story. I hope my writing skill has really developed and improved over the course of the fic. I'm nowW
writing a sequel that takes place WAY after flight school, time set around the show.

The epilogue for this will kind of give some closure to all the other things around Lightning. It's also going to set the story for the sequel.

Thanks for reading!


No spoilers or anything but I would be very gratefull if anypony could give sugestions for OC names.

1) Suitable names for RD's parents?

Please PM any suggestions to me. Huge Thanks!
I will choose a good suggestion and give all credit to the person who suggested the name.

Not that they would be in the sequel.... or anything. *wink wink nudge nudge*